Hüstaş Çamlıca kömür işletmesi kuzey ve güney panoları yeraltı üretim projesi
Hüstaş Çamlıca kömür işletmesi kuzey ve güney panoları yeraltı üretim projesi
Kaya, İbrahim
Süreli Yayın başlığı
Süreli Yayın ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Bu çalışmada, Çamlıca Yeraltı Kömür İşletmesi, kuzey ve güney panoları üretim projesi yapılmıştır. ünce üretim panoları oluşturulmuş, sonrada bu panolarda üre timin, nakliyatın ve havalandırmanın nasıl yapılacağı saptanmıştır. Bundan sonra, üretimin gerçekleştirilme sinde kullanılacak bütün faaliyetler tespit edilmiş ve bu faaliyetlerin zamanlamaları Kritik Yol Meoadu(CPM) ile yapılmıştır. Daha sonrada kurulmuş bu sistemin maliyetleri çıkarılmıştır. Proje'ye göre, toplam 1100 işçi ve personelle günde 1300 ton kömür üretimi yapılacaktır. Bu üretimi.sağlamak için, kuzey panolarında 3 ayak (B0 m), güney panolarında 2 ayak (60 m) devamlı üretim halinde olacaktır. Kuzey panolarının ömrü 735 gün, güney panolarının ömrü ise 1355 gün olacaktır. Maliyet hesapları yapılırken, önce her faaliyetin metre-tul maliyetleri belirlenmiş, sonra faaliyetlerin günlük ilerleme miktarlarından faydalanılarak, her faaliyetin günlük maliyeti hesaplanmıştır. Daha sonra, her faaliyeti kendi günlük maliyeti, ile, süresi çarpılarak, maliyeti hesaplanmıştır. Ayrıca yeraltı genel hizmetler de kullanılacak donanımlar ve yeraltı genel hizmet işçilikleri, yerüstü tesisleri, sosyal ihtiyaçları, yeryüzü işçilikleri, sigorta, amortisman, enerji, orman irtifak ve devlet hakkı giderlerde ayrıca hesaplanmıştır. Bu sonuçlara göre proje toplam maliyeti 161.253.601.500 TL kadardır. Proje süresi boyunca, toplam üretim olan 1100.000 ton kömürden elde edilecek gelir ise 205.B9g.500.000TL'dir. 0 halde işletme bu proje ile top lam 44. 6B4. 3BB. 000TL kâr elde edecektir. Proje giderlerinin, yatırım türlerine göre oranları ise, işçilikler % 55.14, patlayıcı madde % 2.9. direk % 7.64, teçhizat % 5.41, sosyal ihtiyaç % 4.51, amortisman % 3.3B, enerji % 6.66, orman irtifak ve devlet hakkı % 0.17, sigorta %1 beklenmeyen giderler ise % 13.19 olarak saptanmıştır.
In this study, the project of underground produc tion of HLÎSTAŞ A.Ş. Çamlıca Coal Mine Working, has been done. First, it has been fixed how production panels which are suitable to coal bed and coal mine conditions will be formed and how production, transportation, ventilation will be done. After this, all the activities that make up the project have been determined and timings of each one of them have been done with floats (delay s ) using Critical Rath Method (CPM) which is a project planning method. Finally, costs of all the activities that are known when they will be done, have been estimated one by one, and in this manner, cost of the project has been determined. 1- Coal Production Method Slope of coal bed is approximately 7, thickness of seam is approximately 25 meters. So that, longwall production method, that is the suitablest method for these conditions, has been elemined. Falling production method has been accepted because the ceiling formation is suitable to fall down and two-layered production method has been suggested because -thickness of seam is enough. In this project, production of a part of seam, called 'ceiling coal', that has 5300 kcal/kg, has been done depending upon orders of the managers. Advance in the galleries and the walls will be done by opening holes and blowing them up by dynamite. To get an advance of 1 meters in a part of 1 meters of a wall, that has a height of 2.2 meter, 0.7333 kg ! dynamite, 1.38B8 numbers of capsule, 0.08583 m3 wood, for a coal gallery of 1 meter 1.787 kg dynamide, 4.166 Vll numbers af capsule, D. 31 6 m3 wood; far a part of a stone gallery of 1 meter 11.14 kg dynamide, 16.66 numbers of capsule, 0.344 m3 wood will be used. According to desing of supported diameters of wood will be 20 cm for coal galleries and walls, 1 9 cm for stone galleries. In this project, daily production has been deter mined as about 1 3G0 tons. This production will be certified by approximately 1100 persons. Because of that, to realize this amount of production 3 walls that has a lenght of 80 m in North panels, 2 walls that has a lenght of 60 m in South panels will do (on) production without a break during project duration. Height of walls will be 2.2 meters, height of layer between ceiling and base wall will be approximately 4. 6 meters. Rate of produced amount of this layer has been accepted as 60 %. Numbers of persons that will work in a day 1 31 in north panels, 108 in south panels for each wall, 12 for each coal gallery, and for each stone gallery and 131 for general functions that will attend to all underground. In addition, 1 29 for ore processing, 92 for electo- mechanic service, 29 for social functions and 42 for technical-administrative functions. 2- Transportation As main preparation galleries for transportation +200/+152 winch, + 152/+114 East winch, + 152 North Ceiling, + 163/+152 Band, and +152/+114 East Band galleries will be got ready. Winch galleries for transportation of materials, band galleries for tronsportation of coal will be used. Coalto stone galleries from walls by chained conveyors in coal galleries, will be transported by Band conveyors to coal silos at bottom of shafts. 3- Ventilation Air will go in from the second shaft and go out from the first shaft as become dirty. Amount of necessary air vm has been defined according to maximum numbers of workers who will work at the same time and daily amount of production. *According to number of workers: Q = 6.n m3/min Q : amount of necessary air, m3 /min n : maximum number of workers who will work at the same time, * According to amount of production: Q = qxT q: amount of necessary air far 1 ton of coal, 1.6 m3/min. (the coal mine is in 3 th cathegory accarding to going out gas ). T: Daily production, ton Amount of necessary air has been calculated as kO m3/sec. using above formulas. To disperse to galleries as wanted this amount of air, resistance of each gallery must be known. To find total pressure fall, resistances of galleries must be also known. Because of this formula, as following, must be used for resistance of each gallery. R = K.P.I R : resistance of gallery, kjm R.. : friction coefficient P : circumference of gallery, m 1 : lenght of gallery, m S : section of gallery, m2 IX The faloluıing formula is used to find pressure fall of each gallery* P = R.Q: P R Q "Pressure fall, mmss Total resistance of gallery, k Amount of necessary air, m?/sec, After the calculated pressure fall for each gallery, according to prepared ventilation network, total pressure fall has been fixed using critical path method. This total pressure fall has been calculated as B4.95 mmss. Vantilatör must overcome this pressure fall. To pass wanted amount of air from each gallery, it must be known, where ventilation doors will be placed at, and how much of resistance will create. To determine these, the following formula are used: X..: Pressure fall that will be created by door. X.. = E.-E. -P..,E. : Pressure fall at the end of gallery J J "^ J mmss. E. : Pressure fall at the begining of gallery, mmss. P..: Pressure failin gallery. This formula has been applied for each gallery and it has been determined, ventilation doors will be placed in 4,6,8,12,14 numbered galleries. Resistances will be created by ventilation doors for each gallery have been additioned that resistance of gallery and total pressure fall has been calculated again. After that, power of ventilator that will overcome total pressure fall, has been calculated as about 36 kw by the next formula. n P Q E = p.q (kw) 102. n power of ventilator kw, profit offventilatör, 70 % Pressure fall, mmss Amount of necessary air, m3/sec. 4- Activites and timings conf is s prep shar an o sepa as a laqi gall af m ect. tion First irmed hown r areted pened ther a rated n acti cal, eries arketi crite, act in de elati Pr by du ctivi two a vity, In of tr ng 15 rs li ivitie tail., ons am eceden mmies ty has nd eac while additi anspor QD ton ke the s ma Aft ong ces if a bee h on net anal tati s/da se h ke up sr th the a among nacti n beg e of work, ma ons, y, nu as be the at a ctiv the vity, th part has x ca 1600 mber en t pro ctiv itie act has is a s ha been pasi ton of aken ject h itiy n s in, h ivitie been ctivit ve bee prepa ty of s/day, worker into ave b etwor as be s hav finis y has n ace reted shaft max s, 13 consi een k that en e been hed been epted s and rate 00 dera- After the network has been prepareted, times of activites have been determined. The times have been determined by engineers who have worked in the mine in a few years. According to; In a ceiling wall, that has a height of 2.2m, daily advanced 0.9 m/û., in a base wall will be 0.7 m/d. in a roal gallery, 5 m2, daily advanced 2.5 m/d, in a stone gallery, 7 m2, will be 1.35 m/g. Earliest and latest start ve finish times of activities in the network have been calculated with formüle as following. (TV) = earliest finish time of n th hitch point. (Tc)' = (TV).+ t.(max) En E n-j nj (Tp).= earliest finish time of (n-j) th. hitch point. t. : time of n i activity nj Earlish finish of the last hitch point is project duration. This duration is equal to latest finish time In this connection, latest finish times of other activities have been calculated formüle as fallowing: ( Tr),= (Tr)n- t.(min) G n-j b n nj XI After earliest and latest, start and finish times have been calculated for each activity, critical activities have heen determined. If an activity is critical ^there must be a relation among the time earlist and latest finish times of this activity. ( TG)a= (Vi + *ij In addition, this activity must begin at the time of (T").j.= (TV), and finish at the time of (TF) -,= (Tp ) +. Activities that have these conditions are critical. The total and free floats of activities have been determined with next formüle: TF = (TG).- |(TE). + t..) FF = (TV).- i (Tc).+ t..) Ei 'Ei ij Earlist and latest start and finish times, total and free floats have been calculated and shown as tables. Acording to these, North panels will be finished in 1335 days, south panels will be finished in 735 days. During the project, at some times dense of labour- power is less, meanwhile at some times, it is more. Because of that, during the project, because labour- power dense is same at all times, labour-power balance balance has done. using total and free floats. Activities that places at durations that labour-power is- more dense if they have floats, have delayed to duration that labour- power is less. In this way, labour-power has been balanced during the project. So, number of workers has been determined as 11iOQ. 5- Cost Calculations In calculations of riggings values, workmanships and selling income, prices at the begining of 1992 has got principles. xii To determine unit consumption expenditures, necessary explosive matter wood amount : and ^number of workers for each activity has been determined. To make advance of Xm in a part of 1m in a wall 2.06 workers, 0.7333 kg dynamid, 1.3888 number capsule, 0.08583 m3 wood, in a part of Coal gallery of 1 meter 4.8 workers, 1.787 kg. dynamide, 4.166 number capsule, 0.316 m3 wood; In a part of stone gallery of 1 meters 11.11 workers, 11.14 kg dynamid, 16.66 number capsule, 0.344 m3 wood will used. Equipment expenditures have calculated by*leasing- method. Daily lease v lues of all equipments used in each activity have calculated using formula as following; M = A A.P A,I N 2x100 t00 M : Annual lease value, TL A : Purchasing price, TL N : Utility life, year. P : Interest + risk rate, % I : Spare part + repair rate, % Daily advanced cost of each activity has estimated multipling its daily advanced quantity and meter-tul cost, and daily equipment lease value of each activity has been added to itself value. Estimated daily advanced cost as following: Northern walls : 12.584.950 TL/day.: Southern walls : 15.539.960 TL/day. Coal Galleries : 1.71 3. 240 TL/day. Stone Galleries: 1.993.100 TL/day. xixi 6- Total project casts Daily advanced cost of each activity has estimated multipling its daily advanced quantity and meter-tul cost. At the end of calculations, total costs of for north activities as 37.556.669.790 TL, for total cost of south activities. as 32.609.197.080 TL have calculated, The expenditures of social-administrative offices, main water pumps, and transformers, ventilator, fuel-oil, large saw, otomobiles, social functions and like these have stimated seperetly. These expenditures have calculated by leasing method, too. General function expenditers are 1 1.1 1 6. 430. 000TL. The workmanships price of all personnels work in mine during to project is 38.031.827.000 TL. For the expenditures of old main transportation galleries:, shafts and ore processing thesis, their amortization value that correspond to project duration.have axccepted. Amortization value of these is 5.396.325.000 TL..Electric energy expenditures are determined as 10.620.000.000 TL during the project. Insurance expenditures of the veichles such as tracks, buses, otomobiles, buildings and their fire insurance, inside riggings have estimated as 1.593.000.000 during the project. Forest easement-state share is 270.000.000 TL. Finally, Total Project cost is 1 61. 253. 601. 000TL. including unknown expenditures (0.1 5xPro ject cost). Total production quantity will be approximately 1.100.000 tons. However, Selling incomes of coal will be 205.898.550.000TL. In that case, profit of project: will be 44.684. 388. 000TL. According to kinds of investment, Total Project costs will be as fallowing: workmanships % 55.14, dynamide and capsule % 2.90, supported wood % 7.64, equipment expenditures % 5.41, social necessi ties % 3.38, electric energy % 6.66, forest easement- - state shere % 0.17, insurance % 10 unknown expenditures % 13.19.
In this study, the project of underground produc tion of HLÎSTAŞ A.Ş. Çamlıca Coal Mine Working, has been done. First, it has been fixed how production panels which are suitable to coal bed and coal mine conditions will be formed and how production, transportation, ventilation will be done. After this, all the activities that make up the project have been determined and timings of each one of them have been done with floats (delay s ) using Critical Rath Method (CPM) which is a project planning method. Finally, costs of all the activities that are known when they will be done, have been estimated one by one, and in this manner, cost of the project has been determined. 1- Coal Production Method Slope of coal bed is approximately 7, thickness of seam is approximately 25 meters. So that, longwall production method, that is the suitablest method for these conditions, has been elemined. Falling production method has been accepted because the ceiling formation is suitable to fall down and two-layered production method has been suggested because -thickness of seam is enough. In this project, production of a part of seam, called 'ceiling coal', that has 5300 kcal/kg, has been done depending upon orders of the managers. Advance in the galleries and the walls will be done by opening holes and blowing them up by dynamite. To get an advance of 1 meters in a part of 1 meters of a wall, that has a height of 2.2 meter, 0.7333 kg ! dynamite, 1.38B8 numbers of capsule, 0.08583 m3 wood, for a coal gallery of 1 meter 1.787 kg dynamide, 4.166 Vll numbers af capsule, D. 31 6 m3 wood; far a part of a stone gallery of 1 meter 11.14 kg dynamide, 16.66 numbers of capsule, 0.344 m3 wood will be used. According to desing of supported diameters of wood will be 20 cm for coal galleries and walls, 1 9 cm for stone galleries. In this project, daily production has been deter mined as about 1 3G0 tons. This production will be certified by approximately 1100 persons. Because of that, to realize this amount of production 3 walls that has a lenght of 80 m in North panels, 2 walls that has a lenght of 60 m in South panels will do (on) production without a break during project duration. Height of walls will be 2.2 meters, height of layer between ceiling and base wall will be approximately 4. 6 meters. Rate of produced amount of this layer has been accepted as 60 %. Numbers of persons that will work in a day 1 31 in north panels, 108 in south panels for each wall, 12 for each coal gallery, and for each stone gallery and 131 for general functions that will attend to all underground. In addition, 1 29 for ore processing, 92 for electo- mechanic service, 29 for social functions and 42 for technical-administrative functions. 2- Transportation As main preparation galleries for transportation +200/+152 winch, + 152/+114 East winch, + 152 North Ceiling, + 163/+152 Band, and +152/+114 East Band galleries will be got ready. Winch galleries for transportation of materials, band galleries for tronsportation of coal will be used. Coalto stone galleries from walls by chained conveyors in coal galleries, will be transported by Band conveyors to coal silos at bottom of shafts. 3- Ventilation Air will go in from the second shaft and go out from the first shaft as become dirty. Amount of necessary air vm has been defined according to maximum numbers of workers who will work at the same time and daily amount of production. *According to number of workers: Q = 6.n m3/min Q : amount of necessary air, m3 /min n : maximum number of workers who will work at the same time, * According to amount of production: Q = qxT q: amount of necessary air far 1 ton of coal, 1.6 m3/min. (the coal mine is in 3 th cathegory accarding to going out gas ). T: Daily production, ton Amount of necessary air has been calculated as kO m3/sec. using above formulas. To disperse to galleries as wanted this amount of air, resistance of each gallery must be known. To find total pressure fall, resistances of galleries must be also known. Because of this formula, as following, must be used for resistance of each gallery. R = K.P.I R : resistance of gallery, kjm R.. : friction coefficient P : circumference of gallery, m 1 : lenght of gallery, m S : section of gallery, m2 IX The faloluıing formula is used to find pressure fall of each gallery* P = R.Q: P R Q "Pressure fall, mmss Total resistance of gallery, k Amount of necessary air, m?/sec, After the calculated pressure fall for each gallery, according to prepared ventilation network, total pressure fall has been fixed using critical path method. This total pressure fall has been calculated as B4.95 mmss. Vantilatör must overcome this pressure fall. To pass wanted amount of air from each gallery, it must be known, where ventilation doors will be placed at, and how much of resistance will create. To determine these, the following formula are used: X..: Pressure fall that will be created by door. X.. = E.-E. -P..,E. : Pressure fall at the end of gallery J J "^ J mmss. E. : Pressure fall at the begining of gallery, mmss. P..: Pressure failin gallery. This formula has been applied for each gallery and it has been determined, ventilation doors will be placed in 4,6,8,12,14 numbered galleries. Resistances will be created by ventilation doors for each gallery have been additioned that resistance of gallery and total pressure fall has been calculated again. After that, power of ventilator that will overcome total pressure fall, has been calculated as about 36 kw by the next formula. n P Q E = p.q (kw) 102. n power of ventilator kw, profit offventilatör, 70 % Pressure fall, mmss Amount of necessary air, m3/sec. 4- Activites and timings conf is s prep shar an o sepa as a laqi gall af m ect. tion First irmed hown r areted pened ther a rated n acti cal, eries arketi crite, act in de elati Pr by du ctivi two a vity, In of tr ng 15 rs li ivitie tail., ons am eceden mmies ty has nd eac while additi anspor QD ton ke the s ma Aft ong ces if a bee h on net anal tati s/da se h ke up sr th the a among nacti n beg e of work, ma ons, y, nu as be the at a ctiv the vity, th part has x ca 1600 mber en t pro ctiv itie act has is a s ha been pasi ton of aken ject h itiy n s in, h ivitie been ctivit ve bee prepa ty of s/day, worker into ave b etwor as be s hav finis y has n ace reted shaft max s, 13 consi een k that en e been hed been epted s and rate 00 dera- After the network has been prepareted, times of activites have been determined. The times have been determined by engineers who have worked in the mine in a few years. According to; In a ceiling wall, that has a height of 2.2m, daily advanced 0.9 m/û., in a base wall will be 0.7 m/d. in a roal gallery, 5 m2, daily advanced 2.5 m/d, in a stone gallery, 7 m2, will be 1.35 m/g. Earliest and latest start ve finish times of activities in the network have been calculated with formüle as following. (TV) = earliest finish time of n th hitch point. (Tc)' = (TV).+ t.(max) En E n-j nj (Tp).= earliest finish time of (n-j) th. hitch point. t. : time of n i activity nj Earlish finish of the last hitch point is project duration. This duration is equal to latest finish time In this connection, latest finish times of other activities have been calculated formüle as fallowing: ( Tr),= (Tr)n- t.(min) G n-j b n nj XI After earliest and latest, start and finish times have been calculated for each activity, critical activities have heen determined. If an activity is critical ^there must be a relation among the time earlist and latest finish times of this activity. ( TG)a= (Vi + *ij In addition, this activity must begin at the time of (T").j.= (TV), and finish at the time of (TF) -,= (Tp ) +. Activities that have these conditions are critical. The total and free floats of activities have been determined with next formüle: TF = (TG).- |(TE). + t..) FF = (TV).- i (Tc).+ t..) Ei 'Ei ij Earlist and latest start and finish times, total and free floats have been calculated and shown as tables. Acording to these, North panels will be finished in 1335 days, south panels will be finished in 735 days. During the project, at some times dense of labour- power is less, meanwhile at some times, it is more. Because of that, during the project, because labour- power dense is same at all times, labour-power balance balance has done. using total and free floats. Activities that places at durations that labour-power is- more dense if they have floats, have delayed to duration that labour- power is less. In this way, labour-power has been balanced during the project. So, number of workers has been determined as 11iOQ. 5- Cost Calculations In calculations of riggings values, workmanships and selling income, prices at the begining of 1992 has got principles. xii To determine unit consumption expenditures, necessary explosive matter wood amount : and ^number of workers for each activity has been determined. To make advance of Xm in a part of 1m in a wall 2.06 workers, 0.7333 kg dynamid, 1.3888 number capsule, 0.08583 m3 wood, in a part of Coal gallery of 1 meter 4.8 workers, 1.787 kg. dynamide, 4.166 number capsule, 0.316 m3 wood; In a part of stone gallery of 1 meters 11.11 workers, 11.14 kg dynamid, 16.66 number capsule, 0.344 m3 wood will used. Equipment expenditures have calculated by*leasing- method. Daily lease v lues of all equipments used in each activity have calculated using formula as following; M = A A.P A,I N 2x100 t00 M : Annual lease value, TL A : Purchasing price, TL N : Utility life, year. P : Interest + risk rate, % I : Spare part + repair rate, % Daily advanced cost of each activity has estimated multipling its daily advanced quantity and meter-tul cost, and daily equipment lease value of each activity has been added to itself value. Estimated daily advanced cost as following: Northern walls : 12.584.950 TL/day.: Southern walls : 15.539.960 TL/day. Coal Galleries : 1.71 3. 240 TL/day. Stone Galleries: 1.993.100 TL/day. xixi 6- Total project casts Daily advanced cost of each activity has estimated multipling its daily advanced quantity and meter-tul cost. At the end of calculations, total costs of for north activities as 37.556.669.790 TL, for total cost of south activities. as 32.609.197.080 TL have calculated, The expenditures of social-administrative offices, main water pumps, and transformers, ventilator, fuel-oil, large saw, otomobiles, social functions and like these have stimated seperetly. These expenditures have calculated by leasing method, too. General function expenditers are 1 1.1 1 6. 430. 000TL. The workmanships price of all personnels work in mine during to project is 38.031.827.000 TL. For the expenditures of old main transportation galleries:, shafts and ore processing thesis, their amortization value that correspond to project duration.have axccepted. Amortization value of these is 5.396.325.000 TL..Electric energy expenditures are determined as 10.620.000.000 TL during the project. Insurance expenditures of the veichles such as tracks, buses, otomobiles, buildings and their fire insurance, inside riggings have estimated as 1.593.000.000 during the project. Forest easement-state share is 270.000.000 TL. Finally, Total Project cost is 1 61. 253. 601. 000TL. including unknown expenditures (0.1 5xPro ject cost). Total production quantity will be approximately 1.100.000 tons. However, Selling incomes of coal will be 205.898.550.000TL. In that case, profit of project: will be 44.684. 388. 000TL. According to kinds of investment, Total Project costs will be as fallowing: workmanships % 55.14, dynamide and capsule % 2.90, supported wood % 7.64, equipment expenditures % 5.41, social necessi ties % 3.38, electric energy % 6.66, forest easement- - state shere % 0.17, insurance % 10 unknown expenditures % 13.19.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1992
Anahtar kelimeler
Maden Mühendisliği,
Kritik yol yöntemi,
Kömür işletmeleri,
Mining Engineering,
Critical path method,
Coal enterprises,