Esnek üretim sistemleri

Arsebük, Emir
Süreli Yayın başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Günümüzde üretimde esnekliği sağlayan modern üretim sistemleri olarak; esnek transfer hatlarını robotları esnek imalat hücrelerini ve tüm bunların bir, araya gelmesinden oluşan."Esnek üretim 'sistemleri 'ni sayabiliriz Esnek üretim. Sistemlerinin amacı, otomasyon kavramını, ve teknolojisini tek bir üretim sisteminde birleştirmektir, Bu sistemler otomatik taşıma ve depolama sistemlerini otomatik malzeme taşıma sistemlerini,robotları, nümerik, kontrollü tezgah ve, tertibatları grup teknolojisini ve hiyerarşik bir düzende işleyen bilgisayar kontrol sistemlerini içerir. E.Ü.S. esnek otomasyonu, mümkün kılan, imalat sistemi olarak tanımlanabilir. Esnek;üretim hücreleri ve bunların bir araya,getirilmesi ile elde edilen/esnek üretim sistemlerinde küçük ve orta büyüklükteki parçaların otomatik olarak imalatları için standart kesici takımlar kullanılmakta ve optimum esneklik ve ekonomi sağlanmaktadır. Verimliliğin arttırılması amacı ile imalattaki yan zamanları düşürmek için, E.G. S' ler yan zamanları düşürücü sistemler ile donatılmışlardır. üretim endüstrisinin günümüzde ulaştığı son nokta olan E.Ü.s, en kısa zamanda,.en ekonomik biçimde ve çok hassas toleranslarda imalat yapabilen, gelişen teknolojiye paralel hareket edebilen protüktif ve esnek sistemlerdir. Esnek üretim sistemlerinde, parçalar ; - Nümerik Kontrollü tezgah veya tezgah hücreleri, tarafından üretilmekte. - İş Parçası transferi, otomatik olarak, transfer araçları, robotlar veya insansız taşıyıcı arabalar ile yapılmakta - sonuçta tüm sistemler bazlı bağlı bulundukları merkezi bir bilgisayarın kontrolünde idare edilmekte ve yönlendirilmektedir.
As domestic and international competition becomes more intense, management must search for advantages that can improve a company's competitive position. Many existing manufacturing facilities and; ideas have be come obsolete. The concept of a flexible manufacturing system is not new. Such, systems have been use for the past 20 years. What is new is the, rapid /development of microprocessor control technology over the last half decade and its potential for FMS use. Flexible, manufacturing; systems, are engineered computer controlled, manufacturing processes that adapt automatically to random changes.İn product design models, or styles. The system-strives to increase production. and reduce work-in-process- inventory. This definition is deliberately a broad one. More specifically, an FMS is a grouping of FMS cells tied together with an automated material handling system under computer control. An fms uses information technology to integrate material handling, robotics and computer-aided process planing (CAPP) with cellular manufacturing. FMS can react quickly to changes in product and process design- An FMS includes central, computer..-control, which provides real-time, routing, load,.balancing and production... scheduling logic... An. FMS.; can. incorporate' automated guided vehicle systems' (AGVS), automated storage and robotics to decrease the time it takes to. change tolls and fixtures, lead. and unload. ma chines, and move, materials to and from manufacturing cells. OAPP generates routings and machining instructions, in a complex multiple products facility, process planning requires a tremendous amount of detailed information. including cell layouts, the machining requirements for each part and the capability of each machine. A quality cafp database captures the special expertise developed by employees who have worked with these parts and machines for many years. AGVS are more flexible than conveyors and considerably more efficient than driver-operated trans port systems. Under computer control, AGV5 çan interface with AS/RS to coordinate the flow of tools and fixtures or parts from storage to. the manufacturing cell. Within the cell, robots can play an important role in handling materials, tools and fixtures. in a flexible manufacturing system, each part is first designed, then an NG-machins program is generated, a robot is programmed and finally the part is manufactured. All these processes are coordinated and.supervised by a management system. In a F.MS these processes require a. high integration. The higher the degree of automation of an FMS, the. greater the integration needed among the part-design,. ma chine -programming, robot-programming and part -machining.processed. '.'."'.....:.'.. There are mainly two groups of problems of particular importance :', 1- design ?.??'..?'.-?'??.'?. 2- operational - -.- ;.?.-.. ??.??' ? The first group is concerned, with the optimal selection of all the FMS. components, and the second with their: optimal utilization,... Major design problems are. : f~ organizational- problem. : the selection,of the part be manufactured..because: current. F.M5 technology restricts the shape of. parts- possible -for.,, flexible- manufacturing.. '..?..'?.2- selection of an FMS production: system..?.?;? ? 3- selection of a material-handling system-. 4- selection of. an appropriate, computer -system. 5- Selection of fixtures and pallets. intelligence will probably solve the problems and the system can operate in a steady state after the interruption of the human. One more possible problem might be the scheduling of the system in the dynamic mode. Again here in case of an urgent order or malfunction human have the most important role to use intelligence and also the computers for their higher speed to solve problems. therefore all those auxilary system are in assistance to human being as consultants, while human factor plays the role of a controller. Under all those circumstances, while changing from conventionel manufacturing systems to "Future's Factory " concept, since there are lots of problems awaiting to be solved such as probable improvements in the machine tools and material handling systems, major changes in the production philosophy, computer and numerical control technology, the reaction of people's attitudes towards a factory that might need less employees, researcers and engineers have the greatest responsibility to access solutions to many of the above mentioned problems. Since Flexible Manufacturing systems are essential for the near future and in time the necessity for those kinds of systems arises engineers and competitors involved in todays rapidly changing demand market have to get into corporation to achieve a position in the ever-improving technology and have the chance to get benefit of those technologies. XII Since most of the Flexible Manufacturing System are mostly being examined in the near past, many industrial companies have little knowladge about them. But some companies have the oppurtinity to use and get the benefits of cellular manufacturing. Since cellular manufacturing system are implemented *. then most of. the organizational problems can be defined and organizations can head for the concept of achieving automation. After getting through automation and after predicting the potential problems, these problems can be minimized by using some common methods like Artificial Inteligence, Decision Support System and Operations Research etc. However there are lots of problems occured while one decides to use and install a Flexible Manufacturing System. The most important problem to be solved seems to be the cost of a Flexible Manufacturing System. During the first installation, the installment cost is quite high. This is due to the essential need of numerical control equipment, machines, robots and automatic material handling equipments, and high technology/speed/capacity computers. An other important factor during the installment of e Flexible Manufacturing System is the human factor, while in a Flexible Manufacturing System the need for human as machine operator is considerably less or even unnecessary, the peeople working in the rest of the system have to be very qualified and skillful. This may lead to the higher cost of employees. During the system operating and being controlled, there is more need for, the ones who will catch up the troubles and misoperating system and handle the system and return the Flexible Manufacturing System to its original position, since the need for human in such system is not quantitative but qualitative, in a case of emergency or malfunction the computer system may not be sufficientand human creation and XI intelligence will probably solve the problems and the system can operate in a steady state after the interruption of the human. One more possible problem might be the scheduling of the system in the dynamic mode. Again here in case of an urgent order or malfunction human have the most important role to use intelligence and also the computers for their higher speed to solve problems. therefore all those auxilary system are in assistance to human being as consultants, while human factor plays the role of a controller. Under all those circumstances, while changing from conventionel manufacturing systems to "Future's Factory " concept, since there are lots of problems awaiting to be solved such as probable improvements in the machine tools and material handling systems, major changes in the production philosophy, computer and numerical control technology, the reaction of people's attitudes towards a factory that might need less employees, researcers and engineers have the greatest responsibility to access solutions to many of the above mentioned problems. Since Flexible Manufacturing systems are essential for the near future and in time the necessity for those kinds of systems arises engineers and competitors involved in todays rapidly changing demand market have to get into corporation to achieve a position in the ever-improving technology and have the chance to get benefit of those technologies.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1990
Anahtar kelimeler
Esnek üretim sistemleri, Flexible manufacturing systems