Lengerhane restorasyon projesi

İbişoğlu, Vartuhi Salphi
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Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Lengerhane adıyla tanınan yapı, Halic'in kuzey yakasında, Hasköy semtinde bulunan bir Osmanlı Dökümhane binasıdır. Halic'in bir iç liman olarak kullanılmasıyla burada gelişen sanayi yapılarından biri olan Lengerhane' de Osmanlı Donanmasına ait gemi çapaları ve zincirleri imal edilmiştir. Bugün Halic'in bu yakasında ayakta kalan sayılı tarihi yapılardan biri olan bu binanın yapım tarihini açıklayan bir yazıtı bulunmamaktadır. Tarihi belgelerden, III. Ahmet zamanında 1708 yıllında, daha önce İngiltere'den getirtilen gemi lengerlerini imâl etmek üzere inşa edildiği, III. Selim döneminde de onarım görerek değişikliğe uğradığı anlaşılmaktadır. 1984 yılında geçirdiği yangın sonucu yapının özellikle çatı örtüsü oldukça büyük bir hasar görmüştür. Bu tarihten günümüze kadar dış etkilere tamamen açık olarak bırakılan binanın 1991 yılı Mayıs tarihinde başlatılan restorasyon çalışmaları ile "Deniz Müzesi" olarak kullanılması amaçlanmaktadır. Lengerhane için restorasyon projesi ve yeni kullanım önerileri geliştirmeyi amaçlayan tezimiz altı bölümden oluşmaktadır. Birinci bölümde konu tanıtılmıştır. İkinci bölümde yapının ve içinde bulunduğu bölgenin tarihçesi hakkında bilgi verilmiştir. Üçüncü bölüm, yapının tanımlanmasına ayrılmıştır, yapıyı oluşturan elemanların yapım tekniği ve malzemesi incelenmiştir. Dördüncü bölümde, aynı işleve sahip çağdaşı, bir binayla karşılatırılması yapılmıştır. Beşinci bölümde yapının restitüsyonuna, altmcıdaysa restorayonuna yer verilerek yeniden kullanımı için öneriler geliştirilmiştir.
The subject of this thesis is the restoration of an 18th century Ottoman building, the Lengerhane at Hasköy a small village, on the Golden Horn. The word Lengerhane means the workshop for "lenger", the chain and the anchor. The building was used to produce anchors for the Ottoman Army. This thesis aims to present suggestions for the re-use of the Lengerhane in accordance with its historical meaning and f unc t i on. This study consists of six sections covering research, comments and suggestions. In the first section, the subject of the study is explained the Lengerhane has been chosen as the subject of this study mainly due to the fact that no - serious restoration work has been conducted on the building which was thoroughly damaged during a devastating fire Another reason for this choice is that the Lengerhane is one of the few constructions that has survived in a highly historical surrounding which is gradually losing its historical value. The history of the building is discussed in the second section. Haliç has been an important port since the ancient times. In the Middle Ages, Haliç became the most important and the busiest trade center of the near East and the Medit terenean. It was at the intersection point of the trade way from the north to the south and from the west to the east. Under xn Byzantine rule the development of Haliç as a port progressed but its real development look place in the Turkish period. It became the major trade port of the Empire XII in a short time, consequently its eastern shores were greatly modified. The state dockyards, formrly in Gelibolu, were transferred to Haliç when Istanbul was conquered. During the reign of Selim III. The marine establishments expanded on to the hills of Haliç; thereby the coast from Galata to Hasköy served as the maintenance and construction center for the Ottoman fleet. The Lengerhane was one of these establishments. It was built in 1708 under Ahmet III. It is known that it was repaired during the reign of Selim III. Formerly belonging to the state treasury the building, was given to Tekel (tobacco Monopoly) in 1951 Lengerhane was used as a stock-house- for the Cibali Tobacco Factory until a fire damaged it in 1984. In May 1991 a private company started to restore it as a Marine Museum. In section three the present situation of the building is described. The North-east and South-west gardens walls of the building face the street, whereas there are in the north-west and the south-east directions. The yord at the north-west is surrounded by a stone wall at the north-east and the north-west. At the north corner of the yard there is a fountain. The Lengerhane has a square plan with (19,5x19,5 m) dimensions. There are four piers made of stone in the middle of the building with (2,00x2,00 m) dimentions. The floor level between two piers at the south-west and the south-west is 3.59 m lower than the normal ground floor of the building. There is a passage with an arch on the south-west wall which joins this section with the exterior. However this passage is out of use since the road level has risen, it is blocked. In this part there is tunnel which runs in the south-west, north-east direction of the XIII building. It has been impossible to enter this tunnel since it has been filled with rubble. The structural system consists of continious (walls) and single load bearing elements ( piers ), vaults and traistion zone domes. The domes are supported by arches. The wall construction has an alternatign pattern with two courses of brick and one of stone. The coloumns are built with stone. At present condition the construction suffers from the damaging effects of naturel. Cracks in the walls, fallen stones are detected. Stone material has been worn out, pastly with humidity. Beside these, plants have grown both in and outside the walls and the damage these have caused can be observed. In addition some windows have beenblocked, while the building was usde for different functions. The covering elements of the building have suffered the most. The dome at the western corner of the building and the vaults at the north east, south-west and north west directions have disappeared. The lead sheets over the covering elements have melted during the fire. The comparison of the Lengerhane with other and the 18th century constructions is presented in section IV. In this context the Tophane, which is known to belong to the same period and has a similar function, has been studied. In the construction of both buildings similar structural features ( dome and vaults ) were used as covering systems. XIV In both buildings the wall construction has an alternating pattern with two courses of brick and one of stone, whereas the piers are made of at stone. Section V deals with the restitution problems of the building. The covering elements and the lantern which are not present today, have been discussed. The suggestions for restitution are based on contemporary constructions, graphic sources and In section VI types of interventions necessary to repair the Lengerhane have been stated. New functions are given to the building without changing its originality. The fact that marine establishments have been characteristic of this region for ages was seriously consided on the attempt to assign a new function to this building. To convert the Lengerhane to a Marine Museum, associating its former function is found to be appropriate. The exhibition of photographs, maps and engranings of history of Turkish Marine life is proposed. The restoration techniques to be applied for the repair of the building are 1. Liberation 2. Consolidation 3. Re- Integration 4. Building new additions XV The operations to be performed are 1. The architecturally unqualified building adjoining the Lengerhane should be pulled down. The plants and the piles of garbage should be cleared away. 2. The structural and material damages (such as cracks on the wall, deterioration caused by water and plants) should be repaired. 3. The missing parts (such as the domes, vaults, roof lantern, etc. ) should be reconstructed. 4. Additions which are necessary for the implementation of the new function.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1991
Anahtar kelimeler
Lengerhane, Restitüsyon, Restorasyon, Lengerhane Restitution, Restoration