Ev pansiyonlarda standart oda üretimi araştırması ve Mustafapaşa (Sinasos) örneği

dc.contributor.advisor Yürekli, Ferhan
dc.contributor.author Berk, Özlem
dc.contributor.authorID 14244
dc.contributor.department Mimarlık
dc.date.accessioned 2023-03-02T13:23:27Z
dc.date.available 2023-03-02T13:23:27Z
dc.date.issued 1990
dc.description Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1990 tr_TR
dc.description.abstract Bu çalışmada, Türkiye'de, turizm sektöründe gelişme ve 'dünya standardında turistik yatak' sayısının hızlı artışı sonucu ortaya çıkan çevresel sorunlar incelenmiş, ve 'yatak sayısı artışı 'na alternatif bir çözüm aranmıştır. 1. Bölüm, giriş bölümü olup, tez konusunu ve seçim gerekçesini açıklamaktadır. 2. Bölümde Türkiye'de son yıllarda turizm sektöründeki gelişme, 'dünya standardında turistik yatak' sayısını arttırma çalışmaları verilen teşvik kredileri incelenmiş, döviz gereksinimini kısa bir sürede karşılayabilmesi ve işalanı açması nedeniyle yönelinilen 'bütünleşik tesisler 'in avantajları yanında dezavantajlarıda belirlenmiştir 'Dünya standardında turistik yatak' sayısını kısa bir sürede arttıra- bilmek amacı ile, dış turizimine yönelebilecek ev pansiyonlarda, günümüz konfor ve hijyen şartlarına uygun 'standart pansiyon odası' modeli önerilmiştir. 3. Bölümde ev pansiyonlarda 'standart pansiyon odası' üretimi sağlamak amacı ile 'hazır banyo-WC ünitesi' kullanımı önerilmiş, ünitenin teknik performans ile dizayn ilkeleri günümüze kadar tasarlanan ve uygulanan örnekleri ve ünite kullanımının getireceği avantajlar iincelenmiştir. 4. Bölümde yerleşme patterni (üç boyutlu örüntüsü)ve gelenek sel konutlarının mimari özellikleri, turistik ev pansiyonları olarak kullanımına olanak sağlayan Mustafapaşa (Sinasos) 'nın tarihi gelişimi çevre özellikleri, geleneksel konutlarının formunu etkileyen fiziksel (doğal), ve sosyo-kültürel faktörler, konutlarda plân biçimleri, plân elemanları ve cephe elemanları incelenmiş, rölövesi çıkartılan 19 geleneksel konutun tipolojik analizi yapılmıştır. 5. Bölümde Mustafapaşa (Sinasos) 'da ev pansiyon olarak kulla nılabilecek geleneksel konutlar için 'hazır banyo-WC ünitesi' tasarlamak amacı ile Mustafapaşa konutları ve üretim verileri değerlendirilmiş, ünitelerin teknik performans ve dizayn ilkeleri belirlenmiş, sonuçta birim tasarımı yapılmıştır. tr_TR
dc.description.abstract Turkey is a developing country, having large quantity of touristic supply potentials among the countries which have developed or developing tourism facilities. Turkey has began to evaluate this potential seriously, for five years. Tourism has appeared as an important economic and cultural sector through the world as; - a supply of foreign exchange, - a labour supply, - an effective factor for passing over the lack of foreign exchange, - an unvisible international trade type, - an effect which creates an economical progress, - a factor of developing cultural relationships between the nations. In the thesis the aim of the work is to investigate the development of tourism sector in Turkey, the environmental problems which appear with the fast increase of the quantity of 'the touristic bed of international standards' and for the increase of the quantity of the touristic bed, alternative solutions have been searched. The first chapter is the introduction chapter which mentions the subject of the work and the reason of choosing this subject. In the second chapter, the recent development of the tourism sector, the capacity of the touristic bed of international standard, and the given credits to increase this capacity, are searched. Tourism is an important and developed socio-economical sector which plays an important role in daily life, which also has economic, socio-cultural and politic functions. It is explained as the voyage. The aim of the voyage can be mentioned as social, cultural, economic, politic, health, resting and sport affairs. The factors that effect the tourism are the income, the sex, the age, family type, education, social position and social environment of residence of the person. In Turkey, the tourism sector has began to develop since 1960 and has planned, seriously, with the period of the five years development plans. The huge increase of touristic movements have forced the need of the physical planning for the tourism investment areas. But the physical plan types which are universalism, regionalism and sincretism were unsuf f icient. VI The high increase of the number of the touristic establish ments are dependent on the given advantaged credits by the Ministery of Tourism. The basic problems, which appear at this stage, are the difficulty of inspectation of the given credits and the high increase of the amount the touristic investment in a certain region where the natural and cultural values can be damaged. The tourism investors prefer the integrated facilities which are the facilities that can supply every need of the guests, in order to get large amount of profit in a short time. In Turkey, the integrated establishments are considered as the four and five star hotels and holiday villages. In Turkey the integrated establishments have some advantages. These are: - to gain and to protect the necessary standard, - with this standard to give confidence to a tourist who hesitate to visit the country because of unsufficient and wrong informations, - to gain foreign financial suplies, - not being dependent only to the bed incomes, - to have the capability of settling away from the existing settlements, - to prevent the relationship of the tourists and the local people, if it is especially wanted. The integrated establishments, also, have some desavantages. These are: - not being economic under a certain capacity, - to create a scale problem in an environment, - to be the reason of the increasing density in a certain environment, - the need of having a good design, - to have a high 'first investment cost', - to have a high running and maintenance cost because of the need of professional labour, - being an establishment for the high income scaled people, having a small ratio in the whole society, - to prevent the cultural and the social relationship between the tourist and the local community, - to easily be effected by the decrease of the demand in international tourism market, - because of the high prices, can not be demanded by the national tourism market. These desadvantages may cause serious problems. In order to prevent these problems boading houses are offered. When it is compared" with the integrated establishments it is vii seen that boarding houses have many advantages. These are: - to cause the relationship between the tourist and the local people which is considered as the main aim of the tourism, for these recent years, - having a lower price because of having a international standarded bed with in a lower investment and maintenance cost, - to develop the education, cleanliness and service tradition of the society, - preventing the increase of the density in a certain environment, - preventing the damages of tourism on natural and cultural environment, - to protect the vernacular residences by giving them a func tion, - to develop the understanding of the protection of the environmental and natural values. In order to use boarding houses as facilities for inter national tourism, the internationally standarded comforts must be given in every room. One of the most important factor is to give an individual bathroom-WC unit to each room. In the third chapter in order to produce 'a standarded boarding house room', the use of 'prefabricated bathroom-WC unit' is offered. The technical performance principles, the design principles and the examples, that have been designed or constructed before, are searched. The advantages of the ' prefabricated- bathroom- WC unit' are defined. These advantages are: - by giving this produced unit as a credit to the investor, the use of credit will be inspectated and the standard will be guaranteed, - the vernacular houses will be used without damaging their originality, - to guarantee the needed standard, - to increase the number of 'touristic bed of international standard' in a short time period, - to guarantee the quality of labourty and materials, - to have a decreasing 'first investment cost' for per bed. The technical necessities of the unit are searched and decided as at the following: - tap water supply, - hot water supply, - water discharging system, viii - air conditioning, - cleaning, hygenity, - illumination, - electric energy, - equipments, (as sink, WC, shower unit, taps, shelves etc.) In the fourth chapter, a village in Cappadocia, Mustaf apaşa (Synasos) is analyzed. This settlement which was a Greek town till 1920s has vernacular buildings which can be used as boarding houses. The settlement pattern, the character, the scale, the texture and the architectural details of the town are capable to absorve new elements. In order to example the design of the bathroom unit, the historical development, environmental specialities, the physical and socio-cultural factors which effect the form of the vernacular buildings, are searched. For this purpose nineteen vernacular buildings are typologically analyzed. In the fifth chapter in order to offer a 'prefabricated bath room unit' for Mustaf apaşa vernacular houses, the information of the houses and the production are given. This information involves: - the plan types of the houses which are the troglodyte dwellings, 'one unit' dwellings, dwellings which have developed around a courtyard, dwellings with 'eyvan' and dwellings with large scale, - the typology of the elevations which differ with the number of rooms, - the relation between the entrances and the projects, - the types and the dimension of the entrance and the internal doors, - the types and the dimension of the rooms, - the dimension and the form of the windows, - the height of the ceilings, - the structure system and the materials used in the houses. The information and the data, obtained from the vernacular houses of Mustaf apaşa, effected the technical performance principles and the design principles of the 'prefabricated bathroom unit'. These principles consist of tap water and hot water supplies, water discharging system, air conditioning, cleaning and hygenity, illumination, electric energy, equipments and the needed dimension for the functions that will take place in the unit. As a result two alternative units are designed. The researchments showed that the materials, technology and financial supplies required for the 'prefabricated bathroom unit' can be obtained in Turkey. Although the unit needs high technology and a high 'first investment cost', it is profitable with some specialities such as: - ix - - the guarantee of the needed standard, - the guarantee of the quality of labourity and materials, - the increasing number of 'touristic bed of international standard' in a short time period. To have a decreasing 'first investment cost' per bed the amount of the production must be increased. So the researchment and the analysis which is exampled in Mustaf apaşa, must be verified throughout the country and two or three types must be developed to be used in large amount. This will cause many profits in production, transportation, fitting, main tenance, financing and controlling. en_US
dc.description.degree Yüksek Lisans
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/11527/22177
dc.language.iso tr
dc.publisher Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
dc.rights Kurumsal arşive yüklenen tüm eserler telif hakkı ile korunmaktadır. Bunlar, bu kaynak üzerinden herhangi bir amaçla görüntülenebilir, ancak yazılı izin alınmadan herhangi bir biçimde yeniden oluşturulması veya dağıtılması yasaklanmıştır. tr_TR
dc.rights All works uploaded to the institutional repository are protected by copyright. They may be viewed from this source for any purpose, but reproduction or distribution in any format is prohibited without written permission. en_US
dc.subject Geleneksel konut tr_TR
dc.subject Nevşehir-Kapadokya tr_TR
dc.subject Pansiyon tr_TR
dc.subject Turizm sektörü tr_TR
dc.subject Traditional dwelling en_US
dc.subject Nevşehir-Cappadocia en_US
dc.subject Boardinghouse en_US
dc.subject Tourism sector en_US
dc.title Ev pansiyonlarda standart oda üretimi araştırması ve Mustafapaşa (Sinasos) örneği
dc.title.alternative The Research of standardization of boarding house rooms and a case study in Mustafapaşa (Sinasos)
dc.type Tez
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