İran ve Türkiye blok taş endüstrisinin karşılaştırılması

Shafaei, Fariba
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Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Alp sıradağları kuşağında yeralan îran, bu kuşağın genel nitelikleri yanında kendine has bir takım jeolojik özellikleri de içermektedir. İran mermer provenslerinin büyük bölümü kuzeybatı güneydoğu'da Zagros tektonik kuşağında yer almaktadır. Bilimsel anlamdaki gerçek mermerlerin bir bölümü Paleozoyik yaşında olup9 kuzeybatı'dan güneydoğuya uzanan bir zon boyunca dağılım göstermektedir. Tersiyer-Kretase ofiyolitik topluluğundaki mermerler İran'ın kuzeydoğu ve güneydoğusunda yoğunlaşmaktadır. İşletilmekte olan renkli taşların yaşı Kretase-Jura-Tersiyer olup, kuzey, kuzeybatı, orta ve güneydoğuda yayılıra göstermektedir. Bu kayaçların rengi siyah-gri-sarı olup yer yer fosil içermektedirler. Önemli tektonik hatlar boyunca gelişmiş pliyo-kuvaterner Traverten-Oniks mermer yataklarının büyük bir bölümü işletilmektedir. İran mermer rezervleri¬ nin büyük bir bölümü İran'ın kuzeybatı, orta ve kuzeyinde bulunan Lorestan, Esfehan, Çaharmahal-Bahtiyari ve Horasanda yer almaktadır. 1992 yılında işletilmekte olan mermer ocaklarının büyük bölümünü renklitaş ocakları oluşturmaktadır. İran mermer ocaklarında yapılan üretim yöntemleri Üçlü kama, Kompresörle taş çıkarma ve Elmas tel kesme yön¬ temidir. Ülke çapında üretim kapasitesi yüksek modern tek¬ nolojiyle donanmış taş işleme tesislerinin sayısının az olmasına karşın, bir çok küçük ve orta düzeyde atelye faali¬ yet göstermektedir. 1992 yılı itibariyle İran'da mevcut 241 mermer ocağında gerçekleşen üretim miktarı 1.700.000 m3 civarında olup, bu miktarın % 52'sini mermer, % 39 renkli taş, % 8 Traverten ve % l'ini oniks mermerleri oluşturmaktadır. Mermer üretiminin % 53'ü kuzeybatı, orta ve güneydoğudaki bulunan ocaklardan gerçekleşmektedir. İran'ın mermer ihracatında seksenli yıllardan itibaren fazla bir değişiklik olmaksızın 1992 yılında ihraç ettiği ürünler başında blok ve plaka şeklinde mermer ve traverten gelmektedir. Türkiye'nin toplam bloktaş üretimi İran'a karşın düşük olmasına rağmen, ihracat miktar ve değerleri bakımından daha üst seviyededir.
İran located on the Alpine mountain belt has the general features of the Alpine orojenesis as well as some spesific and local geological properties under the effect of the Alpine orojenesis important folds were formed. In the north of Iran Alborz mountains in the east- west direction and in west-southwest Zagros mountains in the northwest-southeast are located. Amphibolite, Gneis, Schist, Marble outcroping in the northwest and west and rock metamorphosed in green schist facies and granitic intrusion in the central part form the base rocks of Iran. In Mesozoik, coal, zinc, lead and cromite deposits of Iran were formed. In Senozoik, petroleum and gas depo sits and minerals such as cooper, Bentonite, Diatomite, Perlit, Gypsium and Anhydrite developed as related to igneous activities are important from the economical geo logy point of view. In oligosen, granit and granodioritic inclusions in the middle and the north of Iran appeared as a result of intrusive igneous activities. Stocklin who studied the geology of Iran in 1968 classified 9 tectonic belts as the kopeh Dagh-Alborz-cent- ral Iran-lut blok-Sanandac Sircan-Zagros overthrust Zone- Higher Zagros-Khusitan Plain-Eastern Iran and Makran moun tain chains. The sedimentation basin of the Kopeh Dagh in the northeast of Iran is in a similarity to the Zagros basin but thickness of sediments is larger. -xii- The Alborz mountain chains is located in the north of Iran and south of Caspian sea. Alborz mountains form a part of the northern section of the Alpine-Himalian oro- genic belt in the western Asia. These mountain chains are not independent and they are bordered by Arabic Platform in the south and Russian Platform in the north and form the center of a large orogenic belt covering Iran and all of the Cafkas. The Central Part of Iran is limited by the lut blok in the east, Alborz mountains in the north and Sanandec Sir- can Zone in the south. In Mesozoik and Senozoik, tectonic activity was very high and volcanic rocks and granitic inc lusion were formed as a result of igneous activity in the central part of Iran. The Lut blok was generally formed by Tersiary volca nic rocks such as andesite and dasite and Neogene and Qua ternary sediments. In this area Zinc, lead, cooper depo sits were formed as a result of volcanic activity and gra nitic intrusion in Tersiary. The highest tectonic activity in Iran is in the Sa- nandac-Sircan Zone clocated in the north west of higher Zagros and the northeast of the Zagros overthrust zone. Important marble deposites of Iran cancentrate in this Zone, In Sanandac-Sircan Zone Tersiary rocks are not wide- spreed, on the contrary of central Iran the Eosen volcanic rocks are small. Volcanic activities higher than other areas of Iran by Senozoik may indicate that this zone was a volcanic belt in Paleozoik and Mesozoik. Some of metamorphic rocks are some schist, gneis, amphibolite and marble metamorphosed in the Acyintic tec tonic Phase of the Amphibolite facies. The boundary bet ween uplifted Zagros area and this zone is the large Zag ros fault. The Zagros Overthrust Zone Strickes in the northwest. Southeast direction and charecterize the border of Iran and Arabic Platforms though the old and deep chrack. Alt hough it has a very simple geological structure, there is a series of anticlines striking in the northwest-southeast. -Xlll- The Khuzistan plain through as an extension of the Arabic Plate is covered by alluvium. The tectonic belt of the eastern Iran and Makran mountain chains forms a large part of Sistan and Beluch- estan. Makran mountains formed a clear boundary with Zag- ros in the direction of high Umman. In this area the ol dest deposites are generally cretase deep marine sediments. Due to its geologic structure, Iran has rich marble deposites. Known reserves of marble deposites is around 800 million m-*. Large amount of scientifically real marb les concentrates in the zone located at northwest of Iran and extending from Mahabad City to Sircan City in the east. This zone with 1000 km of length and 150 km of width, developed in the direction of Zagros mountain chains. The older rocks are appeared as a result of the rising and alteration of the area. Rocks includes anphibolite, dolo- mitic limestone, marble, Serpantine gneis and different kinds of schist. In this area, marbles are lenses in sha pe and consist of calsium and magnesium carbonate. Another part of marble deposites concentrates in the zone located at northeast of Iran and extending from Sabzevar City to Torbet-Heydariy City. Also there are some marble deposites at southeast of Iran and northwest of Neyriz City. Calcer deposites concentrates at the north and cent ral part of Iran. Large amount of calcers formed in the Gam and Zagros sedimantation basin in Tersiary is white, gray and brown in colar. The dark and blak colars calcers in the age of cratase are spreated in the north-southeast and central part of Iran. Iran has the large onix and Travertene beds which formed along the tectonic chracks. This deposites extend from northwest to southeast. This zone is called "The warm zone of Pligokuvaterner-onix and travertene". There are many volcanoes in the pliokuvaterner zone. Although the large of warm springs around the mountains are activi ties. -xiv- Granitic rocks in the age of Jura-Cretase appear small and large units in the northern (Zancan, Chalus, Mas- had) and central (Kerman, Aligudarz, Gholpayghan, Yazd) of Iran. The real marbles which quarried in ıran are Marble and Dolamite and are gnerally white in color. The traver- tenes are white, cream, red, brown, yellow. The onix of Iran are white, cream, yellow, green in colar and fine grain. The colors of calcers are black, yellow, pink, gray, claret and contains fossil deposites. There are important marble deposites in lorestan. Esfhan. Charmahal-Bahtiyary and Khorasan. Esfhan with lar ge marble deposites and quarries are used modern technology is quarried the 39 % of marble. Diamond wire method in quarrying of marble is mainly used in Iran. Also making hole with Compressor and three wedge method are common. Most of factories in Iran are small or middle size workshops and the number of factories using high technology is very small. There are 241 quarries in 1992 in Iran. Amount of marble quarried is about 1.700.000 m3 t 52 % of This is marble and 39 % of this is calcer, 8 % of This is traver- ten and 1 % of this is onix. 53 % of quarries for marble are in Esfhan, Kerraan, Central, Chaharmahal-Bahtiyary and Kordestan's areas. 83 % of marble is quarried in Esf han-Fars-Kordestan-Lorestan and central areas, large amount of quarried marble is can- sumed in Iran. In 1980's amount and value of the marble export didn't change. In 1992 value of the exported marble is about 12.203.470 dollars. In last years developments in the construstion business increased the marble consumption White marble is generally preferred. -xv- Although the number of quarries in Iran is two times higher than the number of quarries in Turkey, amount of marb le quarried in Turkey is 28 % of marble quarried in Iran. Quarried marble cames first in total production for both contries. As Iran can export 0.8 % of quarried marble in 1992, amount of marble exported by Iran is 28 % of Turkey's marble export. Turkey has rich raetamorphic marbles as Iran has the high-quality onix and travertenes. The quality and tecnology of quarry is developped in Iran's quarries. Turkey is manu factured investments on new factories.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1994
Anahtar kelimeler
Jeoloji Mühendisliği, Karşılaştırmalı analiz, Taş endüstrisi, İran, Geological Engineering, Comparative analysis, Stone industry, Iran