Üretim Firelerinin Endüstriyel Tasarım İle Geri Kazanımı

Artut, Yasemin
Süreli Yayın başlığı
Süreli Yayın ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Dünya kaynaklarının verimli kullanılması adına günümüzde pek çok alanda çeşitli uygulamalar yapılmaktadır. Dünya hammadde ve enerji kaynaklarını kullanan alanlardan birisi de endüstri ürünleridir. Ürünün Dünya’ya gelişinde malzeme seçimi, seçilen malzemenin ürünün kullanımını tamamladığında yeniden ayrışıp kullanılabilir yapıda olup olmadığı, en az fire ile üretimi gibi konular Dünya kaynak tüketiminde verimli olunması için önemli derecede hassasiyet gerektiren konulardır. Bu konularda son yıllarda yapılan çalışmalar gün geçtikçe daha fazla önem kazanarak yaygınlaşmakta ve kapsamı artmaktadır.  Üretim aşamasında ürünlerin üretilmesi için gerekli malzemenin alınması sonrasında ürün haline gelemeden atık adını alan yüksek miktarlarda “fire” malzeme bulunmaktadır. Bu fire malzeme aslında birinci sınıf bir kaynak olmasına rağmen çöpe, geri dönüşüme veya biliniyor ise değerlendirilebilecek endüstrilere gönderilmektedir. Geri dönüşüm ile bu malzemelerin yeniden kullanımına imkan sağlanabilse de mevcut halleri ile kullanımı çok daha avantajlı bir kazanım metodudur.  Bu hipotezi araştırmacı mesleki uygulamalarında gözlemlemiştir. Pek çok endüstri kurumunun kendilerinin dahi atmaya kıyamadıkları fire malzemeleri tespit edilmiş ve bu malzemelerin değerlendirilebilme imkanları, bu malzemenin yaratıcı beyinler ile buluşmasının yolları ve bu konunun sürdürülebilirliği bu araştırmanın hipotezini oluşturmuştur. Fire malzemelerin, farklı bir ürün oluşturmak amacı ile üretimin hammaddesi olarak kullanılabilmesi mümkündür. Fire malzemenin kendisinin de bir ürün olarak kullanılabilmesi kimi zaman mümkün olabilmektedir. Eğer fire malzeme bir üretim hatası ise limitli sayıda ve rastlantısal oluşumundan dolayı beğeni kazanarak mevcut hali ile bir ürün olarak ilgi görebilmektedir. Bu sebeple bu araştırmada endüstriyel fire, üretim hatası, defolu üretim gibi tüketici pazarına girememiş üretim kayıbı olarak adlandırılan malzemelerin değerlendirilmesi üzerine çalışılmıştır. Bu konuya yakın bulunan Türkçe’de karşılığı bulunmayan upcyling kavramı ve upcycling için gerekli malzeme tedariği konusunda hurdacılık ve scrapstore örnekleri incelenmiştir.  Ardından tasarımcıların yaratıcı düşünce katkısı ile malzemelere kullanıldığı alan dışında farklı kullanım alanları yaratabilme, bir alandaki çözümü veya uygulamayı farklı bir alana taşıyabilme yaklaşımları sayesinde fire malzemelerin değerlendirilmesinde katkı sağlayabilecekleri, Dünya’da bu alanda yapılmış benzer örnekler ile açıklanmıştır. Türkiye’de benzer uygulamaların mümkün olup olamayacağını anlamak için malzeme tedariği konusunda endüstriden firmalar ile görüşülmüş ve fire malzemeler incelenerek bir altyapı çalışması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda sınırlı veya sürekli olarak tedarik edilebilen bazı endüstriyel fire malzemeler tanımlanarak, tasarımcıların kullanabileceği şekilde ve ihtiyacı bulunan bilgilere sahip, geliştirilerek ağ oluşabilecek bir sistem önerisi oluşturulmuştur. Bu sistem, hem tasarımcı hem de yeni ürün yaratmak isteyenler için malzeme kaynağı olarak fire malzemelerin tedarik edilmesini kolaylaştırmayı, kullanımını teşvik etmeyi ve yeni bir ürünün ortaya çıkışında başlangıç noktası oluşturarak ilham kaynağı olmayı hedeflemektedir.
Nowadays there are various applications for using world sources in more efficient ways. One of the fields that use raw material and energy sources are industrial products. Here are some of the accurate highlights for using the world sources in an efficient way, choosing the right material for the product, using renewable raw materials, producing the less amount of unused waste through the process. Developments in these fields are gaining more priority in last few years. Solid wastes as specified in an excerpt from Adewumi " resources in the wrong place" is extremely accurate approach for this research. In nature there is no concept of solid waste, the waste of one organism can be a food source for other organisms (Popov and Brebbia Itoh, 2012). Large amount of unused raw material is becoming waste through the production process. These unused wastes, which can be a prime source, have been sending to garbage, re-use or other industrial fields. Re-using can also be a solution for these unused waste however using them in their existing state is more advantageous method. Researcher has been observing this hypothesis in her professional life. Many of the industry companies holds wasted materials from their production that they even don’t want to send to garbage because they find them valuable. Re-using opportunities of these wastes, gathering these materials with creative minds and sustainability of the process are field of this research. High potential of industrial unused waste materials for using as a raw material for new productions was visualized with concrete researches and findings in the context of this research. Continuously supply abilities and infrastructure was studied. Similar projects about the supply issues were investigated and included in the content.    Another potential using of industrial unused waste as a product as itself was also treated. If the wasted products are worked through a fault production, because of its limited and random formation, these wasted materials are also valuable as a product. For this reasons, reusing of industrial unused waste material, production fault, defective goods issues are determined as the context of the survey. Some of the sample limited edition works are included under the generic name off-cuts.  In the context of research, waste assessment methods were studied. Besides in particular downcycling group such as storage, incineration, recycling, upcyling group such as re-use, re-manufacturing, production of new materials and products from wastes were took more places. A new assessment method called by upcycling was become by the designer entered the issue.  The use of waste in the production of new products has advantages in terms of sustainability compared to other waste recovery methods. The waste material in the production of new products has significant advantages compared with other methods. Those advantages were listed and compared.  The concept of upcycling that industrial and other types of use or unused waste materials meet with design has an important place in this thesis. Several upcycled products that produce by hand or mass production are included in the research. Selection was based on different waste types such as unused industrial waste like woods, used waste like tires, metal cutlery, used wood furniture, electronic cards and equipment, display faucet products etc. These examples may be the unique design may also be a global brand bags. This diversity between samples was analyzed by comparing over material. The material resources of upcycling are indicated by the effect on the design. Upcycling has not a correspond in Turkish terminology and also not also in Turkish Language Society database. As provision of upcyling Turkish word 'ileri dönüşüm’ statement has been proposed by the researcher and is used in the content of the research from the point where the Turkish expression is proposed instead of upcycling. One of the important concepts of sustainablity like zero waste, Design for Environment (DfE) and Cradle to Cradle were widely explained in the content. Waste called as food in a Cradle to Cradle by McDonough and Braungart, and waste = food in the form of expression waste is defined at as a source of new material (McDonough and Braungart, 2002). Material supply possibilities of different production methods were investigated. Current supply availabilities are researched in order to use these unused or used waste materials as a prime material source for production of new product. Prevents and problems of access to these resources in a sustainable way and studies to date on this issues were researched and included.     Scrap stores and similar organizations from the out side of Turkey and scrap collecting from Turkey were studied for needed supply for upcycling. Services and operation models examples has been viewed with similarities. Scrap stores and similar formations as supply sources for upcyling are found in many cities in the World. But there were not a similar formation in Turkey. Scrap dealing is researched and presented as similar formation to the scrap stores in Turkey. Other alternative studies such as online platforms, maps and academic studies were added in to the research.    As a result of this survey, industrial unused waste materials found as available supply in a limited or continuous options depends on the industries that produce by. Some of the waste materials have been identified and a systemically plan suggestion is displayed which can be used by the designers. This system that is named, as ‘Unused Waste Material Bank’ will be a source for the designers and professionals that want to produce new products from industrial unused waste material. The Bank contains the following features: physical properties such as thickness, measurements, specifications, technical data, information, material type, frequency of production, the holding frequency of the stock material, location, available days and dates that waste can be taken, price if necessary and etc. All materials are recorded in the bank with descriptive photo. Need for such a service on an online platform and opportunities were analyzed.    Waste products using as a starting point in a design will be also encouraging and inspirational by this way. The unused waste material bank can be a library for searching ideas for this alternative way of design thinking. Awareness of the potential value of industrial unused waste materials that observed during professional experience of the researcher have been tried to be raised in the scope of this research. In the future, use of unused and used waste materials of an industry as raw materials for new product design can be create new industries. And thus significantly reducing the waste generation and can create a new application model to the use of sustainable resources. These new industries would not be wrong to call 'parasitic industries'. Factory fed from another factory’s waste. Such a model is only possible to work with the driving force of design. Designers can be in collaborating with material scientists to increase the possibility of developing new materials from waste. The proposed implementation model for parasitic industry is a proposal for next research. Interviews were conducted with a total of twenty companies from various fields. These companies on eight were manufacturers, one was a scrap collector and one was a waste collection and sorting center. By visiting ten of the interviews, three e-mails were made through ten phones. Interviews were taking pictures of all firms and waste materials or upon request to interview the person to whom the photo was obtained. All companies are based in Istanbul.  Small and medium-sized companies where the majority of the interviews that were made in the scope of this research, reported that the scrap collectors are receiving waste or unused waste from them generally or if they don’t see a value that they send their waste to trash. Big part of the Turkish industry is mainly become of small and medium-sized companies. It shows that Turkey’s high potential for industrial unused waste material diversity and accessibility to the supply. In this case Turkey could be a correct place that have high potential for both ‘Industrial Unused Waste Bank’ and ‘Parasitic Industry’ model.   The unused waste and yield rates statiscical report that recived via Istanbul Chamber of Commerce web platform was one of the important report for this research. The report shows of companies operating in Turkey. The report includes which industry sector that is based on how much material as wasted as production waste. Istanbul Chamber of Commerce officials was created this report because of requests from the firms that their members. London, Milan and Frankfurt chambers websites scanned for a similar report but couldn’t found by researcher.  There are several production achieved by the waste materials and products in Turkey during the survey. A small part of them are known, but most of them unknown. Applicaitons with waste in Turkey can be considered as a subject of future researches.  The current state of our culture resource use issues explored in the future expansion of the place gained in this subject. Industrial design course or workshop for students could be orginized to experience by new designers.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2015
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Instıtute of Science and Technology, 2015
Anahtar kelimeler
İleri Dönüşüm, Geri Dönüşüm, Geri Kazanım, Sürdürülebilirlik,  çevre İçin Tasarım, Sıfır Atık, Atık Tasarım, Upcycling, Recycling, Sustainability, Design For Environment, Zero Waste, Waste Design