Az Katlı Ofis Binaları İçin Modüler Çift Kabuk Cephe Sistemi Geliştirilmesi

Sahraeı, Saeid
Süreli Yayın başlığı
Süreli Yayın ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Dünya üzerindeki tüketilebilir enerji kaynaklarının azalması ve maliyetlerinin de her geçen gün artmasından dolayı yapılarda enerji korunumunu sağlayan sistemler ortaya çıkmıstır. Çift kabuk cephe sistemleri de yapılarda kullanılan enerjiden maksimum düzeyde faydalanma ve enerji kayıplarını minimuma indirme ihtiyacından doğmuştur. Ancak mevcut çift kabuk cephe sistemleri zamanla artan kullanıcı beklentilerine ve giderek sıklaşan standartlara ve yönetmeliklere göre güncellenme özelliğine sahip değildir.Bu yüzden sözü geçen değişimler yüksek miktarda maliyet ve çaba gerektirir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, teknik olarak güncellenme özelliğine sahip olan modüler çift kabuk cephe sistemi geliştirilmesidir. Başarılı bir ürünün elde edilmesi için, cephe sistemi kullanım süreci içinde çevresel değişimlere ve kullanıcı isteklerine göre fonksiyonel olarak esnek olmalıdır. Ayrıca cephe sistemi mimarlara tasarımda form ve geometri özgürlüğü sunmalıdır. Birinci bölümde çalışmanın ortaya çıkış nedenleri, elde edilmek istenen sonuçlar, çalışmanın kapsamı ve çalışmada izlenen yöntem bulunmaktadır. İkinci bölümde, çift kabuk cephelerin ortaya çıkış süreci, cephe sisteminden beklenen işlevler ve özellikleri hakkında ve çeşitli fonksiyonların cephe sistemine entegrasyonu konusunda bilgi verilecektir. Üçüncü bölümde, modülaritenin kural ve koşulları, modüler bir ürünün tasarımında dikkat edilmesi gereken hususlar, diğer sanayi sektörlerinde ve cephe sektöründe kullanılan modüler sistemler incelenecektir. Dördüncü bölümde ise modüler cephe sistemi geliştirilmesinde izlenilecek yöntem tespit edilir. Bölümün devamında da sistem analizi yapılacaktır. Sistem analizinde ürünün; üretim, uygulama ve kullanım süreçleri boyunca farklı kullanıcıları ve bu kullanıcıların cephe sisteminden bekledikleri fonksiyonlar araştırılacaktır. Elde edilen fonksiyonların sağlanmasında cephe sisteminin karşılaşacağı muhtemel kısıtlamalar belirlenecektir. Beraberinde bulunan fonksiyonlar ve muhtemel kısıtlamalar göz önünde bulundurularak, cephe sistemi tasarımı için başlangıç alternatifleri önerilecektir. Başlangıç alternatifleri, cephe sisteminin tasarımı için yol gösterici olacaktır. Çalışmanın son aşamasında, sistem analizi bölümünde tasarım için bulunan başlangıç alternatifleri çizim haline getirilecektir. Bu bölümün devamında üretilen cephe konseptleri, önceki bölümlerde belirtilmiş olan kullanıcı beklentileri ve gereksinimlere dayanarak değerlendirilecektir ve konseptlerin arasından nihai ürün, seçilerek ele alınacaktır.
Nowadays continously increasing energy need causes decrease of nonrenewable energy sources in addition to environmental pollution and global warming. Construction has a major share in energy consumption. Definitely, building envelope has an important role in decreasing the energy consumed. That is the reason why engineers and architects colloborate in designing energy effective and environmentaly friendly facade system. Double skin facade system emerges for the need of efficient use of the energy consumed in buildings and to minimize the energy loss. Double layer facade systems are more effective than conventional facade systems, as they have energy savings and natural ventilation and decreasing noise pollution inside the building even in multi-storey buildings. The standards and regulations in energy performance have been increased in the last years. Existing facade systems are not upgradeable and adoptable to the norms specified in the standarts and regulations considering technological improvements and customer needs. More precisely future functional and structural changes are not estimated in conventional facade systems and these possible changes are costly and effortful. There is improvement in facade systems with new materials, increasing in energy performance and addition of new functions. Still this sector depends on different suggestions and solutions from different disciplines. As a result, there appears facades with different layers, each layer represents different function. More layer means more function. Facades with different layers are used for many years in this sector due to the cost saving and practical use. The more development in the current facade systems, cuases very complex systems. Tolerances become smaller and smaller, while this is not the case for the primary structure. The systems sometimes get even too complex for the construction workers.On the other hand, the other sectors like automotive industry is working on decreasing the segments to have entegrated designs that increase the quality of the product. Facades generates comfortable environments interacting indoor and outdoor space. Facade systems have effects on sunlight transmission, glare, heat gain, heat loss and voice transmission as well as heating, cooling, ventilation and decentralization of installment to the facade system. By decentralization of installment to the facade system, there remains no need for central system, so that in the Office buildings each office has its own air-conditioning system and it allows modification of the system against user needs. Integrated facade system decreases the size of indoor installments and installation shafts so that net area and architectual flexibility increases. Besides the system will be done modular easily and lead time and construction time decreases. Existing facade systems partly offers solutions. Although this system integrates installations, it restricts the freedom in designing.In the meantime, the demands of façades in terms of energy, user comfort and geometrical possibilities are getting higher and higher. The regulations on energy performance and sustainability are growing; this must be solved by. Therefore the development of a new façade system may be a better solution than going on trying to continue developing existing systems. A new system will not function as well as existing systems right from the start, but after development a new system can performbetter. This study’s aim is to develop technically updateable modular double skin facade system. There is modularity in the exsistent double layer facade system but cannot use the advantage of modularity in this system. Facade system should be flexible against environmental changes and customer needs in order to succeed. Besides facade systems should provide design and geometric freedom for the architect. The modular facade is a concept for a façade which is (partially) built up out of modules. The usedmodules have different functions, and possibly come from different suppliers. The modular façade shouldbring outcome to the previously mentioned aspects which will be part of the program of demands; and inorder to be a successful product the façade must besides that not loose geometrical potential. In the first part, the reason for the study, results that ara achieved, scope of the study and methods followed are mentioned. In the second part, the reason for double layer facade system, development during time, working principle and the fundamental functions of the facade system, integration of the various functions and the basic differences of the double layer facade systems are examined. In the next step, rules and conditions of modularity, points that take into consideration while designing modular product and the modular systems that are used in other sectors and facade systems are reviewed. In the fourth part of the study, design period is going to be determined. Besides the needs and goals during this period are going to be identified. In the fifth part, system analysis is going to be done. In the system analysis, different users are identified during production, paractice and exposure time. When the users are identified, the functions of the facade system and the possible limitations are going to examined. After that, considereing the functions and limitations, starting points for designing are proposed. Starting points are guide to facade system design. In the last part of the study, the criterias of the design of the double layer facades system are going to be reviewed. After that design ideas are to be drawin based on starting points. The concepts generated during this process are going to be evaluated considering the expectations and needs specified in previous parts and the final product is selected amoung the concepts generated.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2013
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2013
Anahtar kelimeler
Modüler çift kabuk, Ofis Binaları, Güncellenebilirlik, Elastic Moduler Facade, Office Buildings, Upgradability