Şantiyelerde yönetim aracı olarak raporlama sistemi

dc.contributor.advisor Çıracı, Murat tr_TR
dc.contributor.author Altunel, Murat tr_TR
dc.contributor.authorID 39217 tr_TR
dc.contributor.department Çevre Kontrolü ve Yapı Teknolojisi tr_TR
dc.contributor.department Environmental Control and Construction Technologies en_US
dc.date 1993 tr_TR
dc.date.accessioned 2020-09-24T13:23:03Z
dc.date.available 2020-09-24T13:23:03Z
dc.date.issued 1993 tr_TR
dc.description Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1993 tr_TR
dc.description Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 1993 en_US
dc.description.abstract Bu çalışmada, çeşitli kaynaklarda parça parça bulunabilen ve şantiyelerde pratikte yönetim aracı olarak kullanılan belgelerin ve raporların derlenmesine, bir sistem içinde incelenip, değerlendirilmesine çalışılacaktır. Bu anlamda, birinci bölümde inşaat sektörü ve sektörü oluşturan inşaat firmalarından, bu firmaların içinde yer alan şantiye işletmesi ve şantiye yönetiminden, görev ve sorumluluklarını, temel işlevlerini başarıyla yerine getirebilmesi için bir takım araçları kullanması gerekliliğinden çok genel bahsedilmektedir. ikinci bölümde ı yönetim kavramı ve bu kavramın açıklanmasında ortaya konulan yaklaşımlar, yönetimin temel işlevleri, şantiye örgütünün inşaat işletmesi örgütü içindeki yeri, inşaat projelerinin genel özellikleri, diğer projelerden farklılıkları, şantiye yönetimi ve şantiye yönetiminin görev ve sorumlulukları incelenmektedir. Üçüncü bölümde ı inşaat faaliyetlerinin özellikleri doğrultusunda şantiye yönetiminin temel işlevleri olan planlama ve kontrol işlevleri anlatılmaktadır. Dördüncü bölümde j şantiye yönetiminin planlama ve kontrol işlevleri kapsamında pratikte kullanılan raporlama sistemi tanıtılmakta ve değerlendirilmektedir. Sonuç ve öneriler bölümünde isej şantiye yönetiminde planlama ve kontrol işlevleri kapsamında kullanılan raporlar ve belgeler, şantiye yönetiminin başarısı açısından değerlendirilmektedir. tr_TR
dc.description.abstract In this thesis, compilation of reports and documents which are used for management tool purposes practically in sites, in addition with being in different sources partially will be studied. In chapter I, construction firms who build school, house, hospital, high-way, bridge, harbour, mall and apartments are mentioned. In addition to the above idea, construction field existence of many industry and service companies which provide by-product directly or indirectly to the field, and also affection an economy fascinatingly is subjected. Besides, it is told that the sub-companies which realise the construction, are temporary organizations and known as sub-management in all over the company which exists in construction field. Nowadays, as a result of increase in the area of buildings, it is observed that time for completing the construction, financial resources used for it, labour, machine and equipment are increased and their qualifications are also changed. Because of the results above, site management who gets the responsibility for contractor is more important. Knowledge and conceptual skills are necessary to join time, finance, labour, machine and equipment and other resources and also to direct for purpose. As a final part, it is told about the necessity of some tools for site management to do its job, responsibilities and main functions successfully. In chapter II, management concept is explained as below. "It is the total of effort and enterprising besides, cooperation, and execution for a purpose. To reach an aim with the help of different people or work with them is the total of management cycle. This cycle is specialized with purposes, humanity, psychology and sociology. " (Tosun, 1978, s. 157) There are some ideas to explain the above statement. For example, F. Taylor developed the idea of "Scientific Management" as a result of his studies for operational management. H. Fayol is interested with upper management with the opposite of F. Taylor and sorted "Fourteen General Management Principles" which give support to the management concept. Different studies are done for grouping these management theories. Among them, H. Koontz's study is the most appropriate and is accepted to handle all management theories in "Six Main Concept and Approach". xv . Management Cycle Approach,. Empirical Approach,. Human Behaviour Approach,. Social System Approach,. Theory of Decision Approach,. Mathematical Approach. Basic management functions which cover management cycle are also determined in this chapter. These functions are ordered differently by different people. In addition to that over, they also determinated the steps of they functions differently. For example, these functions are ordered as below by H. Fayol.. Planning. Organization. Directing. Coordination. Control But, according to Koontz and O'Donnel these functions are ordered differently.. Planning. Organization. Staffing. Directing. Control The other classification of the management functions are ordered as below by I. S. Barutçugil.. Planning. Organization. Directing. Ordering. Control Although these different approaches, it is told that management functions are based from three basic functions.. Planning. Execution. Control Reporting and documentation system for site management is mentioned in this study. However, because of}. easiness of presentation,. being liguidity,. being understandable,. classification of reports and documents more systematic,. being more than one construction work of reports and documents and so dangerous of confusion,. being a cycle of construction management, xvi . not shown of start and end parts of basic functions, clearly because of many construction works, basic functions of site management will be examined under the two main subject.. Planning. Control In this chapter also, it is told about the place of site organization in all of contractor firm's organization. On the other hand,. general specifications of site management is presented,. why building projects depend on the requirements of production is explained,. dependency of the increasing size of sites with the size of the projects is told,. the subject is explained with organizational charts which shows site organizations inside of firm's organizations. Then, general specifications of building projects differ from the other projects are discussed. General specifications of building projects are ordered as below.. Building projects are mixed efforts.. They are a cycle as known the creation of result.. Each project has a lifetime as known.. Specifications of building projects are changed in every steps of life.. When the projects is advanced, about the uncertainly of the cost and finishing time is decrease.. Cost of an acceleration building project is increased to come near to the finishing.. It has required private organisations and different methods of planning and controlling.. Productions of the building projects which are built during site studies, are shorter studies according to the lifetime of the building projects.. Site organisations have to be flexible.. Building projects depend on nature and climate conditions.. In building projects, do not make anything except the contract.. Building projects are controlled in all building project's period by employer.. Building project works are a prestige for all construction firms. Otherwise, job specifications and responsibilities of site management in construction firms are mentioned. Site management's task is explained as below. Site management must be done the work which is transferred from main construction firm as an enterprise unit or a cost centre, responsible, economical and suitable to the contract. xvu Site management is responsible to the these persons or associations.. Employer. Construction firm (main contractor). Site (site enterprise). State organizations In chapter three, planning and control functions of site management which are discussed earlier in chapter two, general specifications of construction work, is explained. One of the basic functions of site management, planning, is composed of two parts,. preperation phase of planning,. planning During the preperation phase of planning?. examination of contract,. proving and making confirmation about the place of site area,. making connection with state organizations,. research of environmental resources,. examinations of the current position and resources of the firm,. looking over the current position with client will be explained. During the planning phase, the following subjects are told s. Choosing the method of production,. Planning of equipment, material, labour, sub-contractors,. Time planning (programming techniques),. Financial planning,. Site planning. In chapter IV, documents and reports which are defined as management tools, used in the concept of site management's planning and control functions, are shown and discussed. For that purpose documents are divided into two groups.. Internal documents,. External documents Acknowledgement of documents will be done as explained under the main titles of chapter III. For example, in subject "Internal Documents", documents related with "Examination of Contract" is explained. During the acknowledgement and discussion of documents the following phases will be approached:. Acknowledgement of document, xviii . Original or copy of document,. Discussion of document. Acknowledgement phase consists of the following steps s. Purpose of document,. Consist of document,. Which level the document is used,. People who prepare the document,. People who confirm the document.. Whom the documents will be sent,. How often the document will be prepared. In discussion of documents, basic requirements of a document will be considered. "Discussion Form" is prepared for that purpose. Basic requirements in this form are ordered as follows,. regularity of the favourableness of the preparation,. short-term preparation,. understandability and correct presentation,. correctness for true purposes,. standardization,. cost of reporting,. integration. Documents will be discussed as (+) positive, (-) negative and (*) partially appropriate. In second page of the form, missing information will be shown and some advices will be given. In conclusion, reports and documents which are used for planning and control purposes in site management, are discussed for the success of the site management. en_US
dc.description.degree Yüksek Lisans tr_TR
dc.description.degree M.Sc. en_US
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/11527/18714
dc.language tur tr_TR
dc.publisher Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü tr_TR
dc.publisher Institute of Science and Technology en_US
dc.rights Kurumsal arşive yüklenen tüm eserler telif hakkı ile korunmaktadır. Bunlar, bu kaynak üzerinden herhangi bir amaçla görüntülenebilir, ancak yazılı izin alınmadan herhangi bir biçimde yeniden oluşturulması veya dağıtılması yasaklanmıştır. tr_TR
dc.rights All works uploaded to the institutional repository are protected by copyright. They may be viewed from this source for any purpose, but reproduction or distribution in any format is prohibited without written permission. en_US
dc.subject Raporlama sistemi tr_TR
dc.subject Şantiyeler tr_TR
dc.subject Reporting system en_US
dc.subject Worksite en_US
dc.title Şantiyelerde yönetim aracı olarak raporlama sistemi tr_TR
dc.title.alternative Information reporting system for management tool in sites en_US
dc.type Master Thesis en_US
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