XVIII. yüzyıl ve XIX. yüzyıl İstanbul camilerinde antik öğeler

Işık, Ece Çaldıran
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Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Antik Devir M. D. 7. yüzyıl ile M. S. k. yüzyıl arasın da tarihlenmektedir. Bu devir mimarisi kendine özgü kurallara ve üç temel düzene sahiptir. Ege Havzasında yeşeren Yunan Kültürünün devamı sayılan Roma Sanatında da bu kurallar ve düzenler bazı değişiklikler göstererek geçerliliğini korumuştur. Antik Devir mimarisi, Rönesansla birlikte Avrupa mimarisinde XV. yüzyıldan itibaren canbulur. Rönesans- lı mimarlar Antik Mimari kuralları ve düzenleri kendi yorumlarını katarak benimsemişlerdir. Rönesansı, Barok ve Neo-Klasisizm izlemiştir. XIX. yüzyılda Sanayi Devri mi o donem-Avrupalının çağının sanatına güvenmeyip geçmiş sanatlara ve tatbii ki Antik Sanata da öykünmesini getir miştir. Antik mimari öğeler yapıların iç süslemesinde ve dış cephelerinde vazgeçilmeyen öğeler haline gelmiştir, XIX. Yüzyılda, Osmanlı İmparatorluğunu yıkılmaktan kurtarmanın çaresi Avrupa'ya öykünerek onlar gibi olmak fikriydi. Ancak Gsmanlı, batılılaşırken kültürel ve sa natsal değişime de uğradı. Bu değişim özellikle XIX. yüz yılda sivil, resmi ve dini mimaride kendini göstermekte dir. XVIII. ve XIX. yüzyılda Osmanlıların yapılarında Neo- klasik ve Neo-barok mimari öğelerini binalarında kullanmalarının nedeni salt batılılaşmaktı. Bu öğeleri kulla nırken Avrupalının uyguladığı (kullandığı) şekilde taklit etmişlerdir. Erken ve Klasik Osmanlı Mimarisinin tanıma dığı antik öğeler XVIII. yüzyılın ikinci yarısından XIX. yüzyılın sonuna kadar camilerin iç ve dış süslemelerinde kullanılmıştır. XX. yüzyıl başından itibaren terk edil meye başlanmıştır.
The Antique period was dated from the 7 century BC and 4 century AD. This period having its own rules and orders has been called with differant terms. These rules and orders are doric, Ionian and corinthian. These orders can be seen best in temples. Temples were built at the top of the ancient cities so as to be seen from the valley. Antique temples were built to be seen only from theexterior and they were very poorly illuminated. Only priests were allowed to enter. Because people living there worsphipped in front of temenos the facades, they had to be very splendid and their decorations had to be very rich to influence them. They were also very important for the prestige of the state. The earliest temples were made of wood. Thev started using stone in constructions from the 7 century onwards. The decorations in the stone temples had a lDt of similarities with the wooden ones such as guttea. At the temples columns supported frizes and entablatures. Roman architects imitated greek antique architecture. Butthe roman architects added two orders called Doric Tuscan and Composite. The same antique forms were used in Roman period with some variation in detail. The basic architectural elements were identical in each order, differences were in decoratives features. VI However, not all of the mosques which were built and restored in those centuries are covered in my thesis, I have based my Study on architectural elements which are much more perpetual rather than wall decorations since they have undergone a lot of changes. After the medivial age, antique architecture re-appeared in the European architecture due to the Renaissance. Italian architects and artists did not merely copy from the antique age but they added a lot of original ideas. The next period followed the Renaissance was Baroque. The>antique elements were used on the facades of constructions. The architecture of Baroque period, presaged by the work of Michelangelo, was stylistically for removed from that previous eras. The Industrial Revolution had dramatic effects. As a result of it the population and trade capacity increased greatly and the production relations changed a lot. The fast urbanization in the Industrial Revolution prevented architects from creating their own original styles so the.same architectural styles that existed until the 19 century were used in the buildings. The Industrial Revolution was the one single most important reason for the architectural tendency toward historicism, whereas the Ottoman adaptation of this tendency was based on little more that the inclination of the ottomans towards occidentlism. European architecture had bean much influenced by antique architecture since the rehaissance, and classical elements are to be found on the architectural facades of each successive period up to the 19 century. th Consequently Dttoman 19 century architecture reflects the historicist inclinations of contemporary Europe, and one mayclearly identify a number of classical features on the ottoman works of that period. The Dttoman Empire that began tolose its political strength and land in 17 century was interested in European power emerged by Industrial Revolution. Vll After the medivial age, antique architecture re-appeared in the European architecture due to the Renaissance. Italian architects and artists did not merely copy from the antique age but they added a lot of original ideas. The next period followed the Renaissance was Baroque. The>antique elements were used on the facades of constructions. The architecture of Baroque period, presaged by the work of Michelangelo, was stylistically for removed from that previous eras. The Industrial Revolution had dramatic effects. As a result of it the population and trade capacity increased greatly and the production relations changed a lot. The fast urbanization in the Industrial Revolution prevented architects from creating their own original styles so the.same architectural styles that existed until the 19 century were used in the buildings. The Industrial Revolution was the one single most important reason for the architectural tendency toward historicism, whereas the Ottoman adaptation of this tendency was based on little more that the inclination of the ottomans towards occidentlism. European architecture had bean much influenced by antique architecture since the rehaissance, and classical elements are to be found on the architectural facades of each successive period up to the 19 century. th Consequently Dttoman 19 century architecture reflects the historicist inclinations of contemporary Europe, and one mayclearly identify a number of classical features on the ottoman works of that period. The Dttoman Empire that began tolose its political strength and land in 17 century was interested in European power emerged by Industrial Revolution. Vll However, not all of the mosques which were built and restored in those centuries are covered in my thesis, I have based my Study on architectural elements which are much more perpetual rather than wall decorations since they have undergone a lot of changes.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1991
Anahtar kelimeler
Antik figürler, Camiler, Sanat tarihi, İstanbul, Antique figures, Mosques, Art history, Istanbul