Otellerin genel iç mekanlarının tasarlama ilkeleri

dc.contributor.advisor İnceoğlu, Mine
dc.contributor.author İldeniz, F. Müge
dc.contributor.authorID 19405
dc.contributor.department Mimarlık
dc.date.accessioned 2023-03-02T13:23:53Z
dc.date.available 2023-03-02T13:23:53Z
dc.date.issued 1991
dc.description Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1991 tr_TR
dc.description.abstract Bu tezde, otellerin genel İç mekanlarının tasarımı ve bu tasarımı etkileyen faktörler incelenmekte ve her bir genel mekan için tasarlama ilkeleri belirlenmektedir. Bu çalışmada mekan ve mekan tasarımı konularında bazı bilgiler verilerek bu konuların önemi vurgulanmaktadır. Bu amaca dayalı olarak yürütülen tez çalışması beş bölümden oluşmaktadır. Giriş bölümünde konunun önemi, çalışmanın kapsamı ve konuya yaklaşım biçimi ortaya konmaktadır. İkinci bölümde problem alanı tanıtılmaktadır. Türkiye'de son yıllarda turizm sektöründeki gelişme ve mevcut durum incelenmiş, problem alanı sınırlandırılmıştır. Üçüncü bölümde çaışmanın teorik temelini oluşturmak amacıyla mekan kavramının tanımlanması yapılıp, mekanı oluşturan kriterler belirtilmiştir. Bu bölümde ayrıca tasarım sürecinde mekan organizasyonu anlatılmıştır. Dördüncü bölümde otellerin genel mekanlarında ortaya çıkan tasarlama problemleri araştırılarak tasarlama ilkeleri belirlenmiş, örneklerle değerlendirilmiştir. Beşinci bölüm uygulama çalışmasının adımlarını ve sonuçlarını kapsamaktadır. Tezin sonuç ve değerlendirmeleri altıncı ve son bölümde ele alınmıştır. tr_TR
dc.description.abstract In this thesis, the desxgn of the indoor public spaces of the hotels and the factors which effect the design of these public spaces are examined and the design principles for each public space are determined. In this study, it's emphasized the importance of these subjects by giving information about space concepts and space design. The first chapter is the introduction chapter which mentions the subject of the study and the reason of choosing this subject. In the second chapter the problem area is introduced. The recent development of the tourism sector, the capacity of the touristic bed of international standard are searched. Tourism is an important and developed socio- economical sector which plays an important mle in daily life. it has also economic, social, cultural and politic functions. In Turkey the tourism sector has began to develop since 1960 and has planned seriously with the period of the five years development plans. Hotels give the first impression to the foreigners who come froma different culture and have different values. Recently, because of the increacmg population, the augmentation of metropoles, the international relations between countries and the improved transportation facilities, hotels has become not only over-night habitation but places where important meetings, conferences and seminaries take place. -vi- In Turkey these luxury hotels have some advantages.; these are : - to gain and to protect the necessary standard - with this standard to give confidence to a tourist who hesitate to visit the country because of unsuffxcient and wrong information - to gain foreign financial supplies - not being dependent only to the bed incomes - to have the capacity of setting away from the existing settlements - to prevent the relationship of the tourists and the lo- ?* ' cal people if it is especially wanted. Also they have some desavantages. These are; - not being economic under a certain capacity - to create a scale problem in an environment - to be the reason of the increasing density in a certain environment - to have a high first investment cost - to have a high running and maintanence cost beca use of the need of professional labour - being an establishment for the high income scaled people having a small ratio in the whole society - to prevent the cultural and the social relationship beetween the tourist and the local community. - to easily be effected by the decrease of the demand in international tourism market - because of the high prices, can not be demanded by the national tourism market In the third chapter, for the theoretical base of the study, the space concept is defined and the criteria of the space concept is.classified. Also the space orga nization at the design period is explained. Concepts of space could be divided into five categorx. es as: -Vll- - existential spaee - perceptual space - pragmatic space - cognitive space - logical space On under standing of the importance of the perceptual space is essential in the evaluation of spatial effects. The existential space are much more related with the architecture. The Architectural space is concerned not only with man's existence but also with comfort, surviving and dwelling. It has a certain character and is designed according to a certain aim. People are the most impotant factor of design. So that, spaces should be consiously designed in human scale to produce specific feeling within the user. e The architectural space is for the well-being and comfort of the man to give him a longer life. The architectural space concepts that have been developing in history are classified into three groups; - The space concepts that have a symbolic values from outside rather than living in; The space concepts that is caused the architectural success with the indoor qualities, - The space concepts which takes into account both the volume, mass and the indoor spaces. There are two types of space; - indoor space - outdoor space Also spaces are classified as private and public. -viii- For functional purposes there are two types of space; waiting and translating space. According to formation, spaces could be classified as; natural and artificial space. The dimension of space, the enclosure m space and the qualities of the elements are determined the character of spaces. Spaces are enclosed by vertical and horizontal elements. Main elements which enclose space are walls. Continuity is important in the design of spaces. One space should lead to the next. If spaces are unrelated or seperated, there is no positive contrast or continuity. Colour, form and texture are the design elements of space. The system of. space organization determines the relation between spaces, also with the environment. The circulation among spaces, the harmony of spaces that come together, the structure effect the success of the space organization. In the fourth chapter, the design problems of the hotels' public spaces are classified and at each public space, the design principles are determined and estimated by giving examples. Both the functional and the architectural changes have had an impact on the formation of the hotels' public spaces. Each hotel type has a different goal as to the kinds of guest. According to the goal of the users, the hotel's public spaces are determined. The design problems in hotels are examined in two groups ; - physical enviromental problems - psycho-social environmental problems -IX- An overall objective of the planning and design requirements for hotel public spaces is that they be clustered around the lobby. This arrangement assures that the hotel guests can find the various facilities with a minimum of difficulty and provides the opportunity for overlap of function. Among the many public spaces of the hotel, the lobby makes the single greatest impact on the guest. More than any other element the lobby sets the hotels tone and ambience. In addition to establishing the image of the hotel, the lobby serves as the main circulation space, directing guest to the front desk, elevators, meeting and banquet facilities and other public spaces. Over the past turn decades, the open atrium design has been one of the most visible new building forms. Atrium lobbies or galleries have become increasingly popular because of such factors as an exciting public image, increased daylight and visibility. Open to the lobby space, separeted only by planters, water features, or a level change, it functions as addıtıonel lobby seating as mell as bar. Internal landscaping of the public spaces could create a refreshing, relaxing garden atmosphere and introduce changes in texture, colour and shape. Lobbies and Lounges could include large gardens, water falls, nature trees, planted containers. The function space includes the meeting, banquet, reception and exhibit spaces. The success of meeting and banquet spaces depends on a number of planning considerations, interior decor proper lighting, acoustical and mechanical engineering and other technical requirements. The fifth chapter consists of the steps in realizing the research study and its results. The influence of the hotel customers' preference on the space design of the touristic city hotels of Istanbul is observed. All conclusions are being examined in the sixth and the last chapter. en_US
dc.description.degree Yüksek Lisans
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/11527/22219
dc.language.iso tr
dc.publisher Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
dc.rights Kurumsal arşive yüklenen tüm eserler telif hakkı ile korunmaktadır. Bunlar, bu kaynak üzerinden herhangi bir amaçla görüntülenebilir, ancak yazılı izin alınmadan herhangi bir biçimde yeniden oluşturulması veya dağıtılması yasaklanmıştır. tr_TR
dc.rights All works uploaded to the institutional repository are protected by copyright. They may be viewed from this source for any purpose, but reproduction or distribution in any format is prohibited without written permission. en_US
dc.subject Oteller tr_TR
dc.subject İç mekan tasarımı tr_TR
dc.subject Hotels en_US
dc.subject Interior design en_US
dc.title Otellerin genel iç mekanlarının tasarlama ilkeleri
dc.title.alternative The design principles of the hotels public spaces
dc.type Master Thesis
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