Çeşitli fonksiyon alanlarında kullanılması amaçlanan dönel tuvalet masası üzerine bir uygulama çalışması

Süzer, Didem
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Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Bu tez kapsamında amaç; "Tuvalet masası" ekipmanının tarih içinde gelişimi, kullanım amaçlarının yanısıra günümüz koşulları içerisinde mevcut teknolojileri kullanmaya çalışarak farklı fonksiyonların kullanıcı yaklaşımları açısından araştırılarak dönel tuvalet masası tasarımının ortaya konmasıdır. I. bölümde ilk olarak; yatak odalarının önemli bir ekipmanı olan tuvalet masasının tanımı yapılarak tarihsel süreç içindeki gelişimi, kullanımı incelenmiştir. Daha sonra tuvalet masası kullanıcısı belirlenip tanımlanarak kullanıcı özellikleri incelenerek tuvalet masasında yapılan eylemlerle günümüz tuvalet masası kullanım yerleri ve şekilleri örneklenmiştir. Bölüm sonunda ise kullanıcı açısından tuvalet masası mobilyasının etkileyen faktörler araştırılmıştır. II. bölümde I. bölüm sonuçlarına dayandırılarak Dönel Tuvalet Masası tasarımı ilk eskiz ve çizimleri ile birlikte anlatılmış ve bu tasarımı etkileyen faktörler belirlenmiştir. Proje aşamasından sonra 1/1 ölçekte, ilk prototip İ.T.Ü. Mimarlık Fakültesi maket atölyesinde imal edilmiştir. III. bölümde Dönel Tuvalet Masası tasarımına kullanıcı yaklaşımını belirleyebilmek amacıyla deney ve anket çalışmaları yapılmıştır. Deneysel çalışmalar gözlemlerle birlikte sürdürülmüştür, anket çalışmaları ile desteklenmiştir. Yaklaşık 100 kullanıcı ile görüşülmüş çalışmaları değerlendirilmesi yapılarak sonuçlar ortaya konmuştur. Sonuçta ise bu çalışma ile tez amaçlarına ne derece ulaşıldığı tartışılmıştır.
The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate the historical developments of dressing tables, and design a revolving dressing table to take advantage of modern technology materials. In addition to this, gathering date from the users by means of questonnaires in order to find out the marketing oppurtunities of the design also takes another important part of the thesis. The thesis, fistly, gives an account of the definition and historical progress of the dressing tables by means of searching the literature. A revolving dressing table is, then, designed considering the users needs and advice, and using means of the latest technology. The thesis consists of three main chapters. In the first chapter, studies on literature and researches which have been done are outlined and presented. In the second chapter, the prototype of the designed revolving dressing table is discussed in great detail with its drawing and photographs. The factors which have influenced the design are taken into account in this chapter as well. The result of the questionnaires, in order to discover the users views about the idea of such a system, are given and what an extent this thesis reach its targets is discussed in the final chapter. The Contests and sub-sections of the chapters are briefly as follows. CHAPTER I It consists of five sections. For a start, the definition of dressing table has been made in the first section, then, its origin and historical progress have been explained according to various usage and functions. Different types of dressing tables which were used in the past have been presented in a chronogical order. In the third section, the concept of real users of the dressing tables have been tried to define, and their needs and demands have been pointed not. Functions and properties of a dressing table have been described and some activities which need to be a part of such a system have been decided in the fourth section. Eventually, some factors and important points which effect the system considering the users point of view have been emphasized at the final section of the chapter. CHAPTER II This chapter consists of two sections. The first section includes the designation of a revolving dressing table with some drawing according to the results from the chapter I. In the second section, the factors affectign the design, pointed below, have ?been especially defined and accounted with reasons. Factors affecting the design; - Tehcnological Requirements - Environmental Requirements - Human Needs. - Requirements that would influence the appearance of the dressing table. After the project stoge, a prototype of the dressing table has been contruced in a full scale at the workshop of the Faculty Xi of Architecture of I.T.U. CHAPTER III This chapter has been constucted as five sections, the first of which focuses on the purposes of the laboratory works. The main purpose was to make sure whether this design would be practical enough. This aim has been achieved by inviting people from outside and having their positive impressinos. In the second of the chapter, the procedure and methods which were followed have been explained. This section also comprises of two subsections, one of which includes the practical study by allowing the people, who were invited to use the prototype by themselves. Some important points were, then, noted according to their opinions about usage. Second subsection mainly includes the answers to the question of "how is the outer view?" Approximately 100 people who used such a system have been questioned by means of questionnaire tecnique and the results have been given as graphs and tables in this section. The assessment of the methods and impressions of the users have been discussed in the section three. The last part of that section includes the result and comparison of the methods. Finally, it has been discussed whether the project has reached is targets which were defined at the beginning. CHAPTER IV During the hystorical process, affected from the different styles and fashion, the design of furniture has dispeayed a continous change. As a part of this, the design of dressing table was also affected. The nowadays tecnologies has brought much more possibilitie s XII to the production. The percoys developing in the economical and culturel spheres pay much more attention to their outside appiarance. The manowing ofthe living places demands such a furniture which will be able to be used for more than one neausaries. The main purpoce of this project is to design a rotating dressing table which will satisly the needs and will get into applicaton. The results of the experiments and the inquiry show that young ladies look much worm to this event. It is seen that in our society the interest to the men investigations is big. In comparison with the nowadays tables, the roteting dressing table has much more gumetious and supplies a complete care and cleaning. It is not expected that the resuet will be hundred percents, bu basing on the given results it is seen that the approach is positive, including the inquiries of the users it is suspected that the furniture is desired to be possessed. Since the users are not accustomed to use water in their bedrooms, meansurements are taken to provide the umpceasant events. Especially the young ladies have got taired to bring all the time the make-ups to the bahtromm and are pleased to use them together with water in the bedroom. Also bathroom is used from all the family and this causes them to be late to work. It is men that the middle age eadies have got addapted to this going to the bathroom on bedroom. Also it is worth to say that in the near past in our cuntry has nat been payed so much attention to that care. But nowadays the importance to look good, young and vigorous has increased. Also the strees and air polutions forus the ladies to pay more attentous. More of the users from the tested group thought that such xiii a furniture will cost much but if the price is advantegous, they wold like to buy such a table. The second aim of the project is to form the datum lavel in the users in order to go to a serial production. On the base of the inqliries it is sean that such a serial production will cause interest and will get a share in the market. The product is widely open to new alternatious.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1992
Anahtar kelimeler
endüstriyel ürün, mobilya, nesne tasarımı, tasarım, tuvalet masası, industrial product, furniture, object design, design, dressing table