Çok katlı bir yapının statik ve betonarme hesapları
Çok katlı bir yapının statik ve betonarme hesapları
Sabri, Saeid
Süreli Yayın başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Yüksek lisans tezi olarak sunulan bu çalışmada perde, çerçeve ve boşluklu perdelerden müteşekkil çok katlı betonarme yüksek yapı projelendirilmiştir. Mimarisi verilen bina 16 katlı olup, taşıyıcı sistemi betonarme karkas bir yapıdır. Binanın yapıldığı yer 2. derece deprem bölgesi olduğundan bütün bölümlerdeki proje hesaspları kaynak. [l] 'e uygun olarak yapilaiştir. Proje kesit hesapları TSSOO'e uygun olarak taşıma gücüne göre yapılmıştır. Birinci bölümde verilen yükler TS498'den alınmıştır. Döşeme sistemi kirişli plak olarak seçilmiştir. Döşeme hesapları TSSOO'de verilen yaklaşık yöntem ile yapılmıştır. Merdiven civarındaki T biçimli döşeme ise sonlu elemanlar yöntemi ile çözülmüştür. İkinci bölümde kirişlere aktarılan yükleri TS500'e uygun olarak hesaplanmıştır. Üçüncü bölümde perde ve kolonları yaklaşık olarak boyutlandırılmıştır. Depremden meydana gelen maksimum tesirleri veren fiktif statik kuvvetler tayin edilerek, yapının yatay yüklere göre hesabı kaynak 12] 'de öngörüldüğü şekilde 4. bölümde verilmiştir, bu hesaplarda depremden doğan yer ve şekil değiştirmeler ve iç kuvvetler yarı dinamik yöntemine göre hesaplanmıştır. Kirişlerin düşey yüklere göre hesabı Cross yöntemiyle farklı yükleme durumları için yapılmış ve en elverişsiz kesit tesirleri bulunup, yatay yükleriyle süperpoze edilerek kiriş betonarme hesapları bölüm 5 'de verilmiştir. Kolon ve perdelerde düşey-yatay yüklerin etkilerini süperpoze ederek yapılan betonarme hesapları bölüm 6'da verilmiştir. Temel sistemi kirişli radiye olarak seçilmiş, statik ve betonarme hesapları bölüm 7*de verilmiştir. Merdiven sistemi plak sistemi merdiven olarak seçilmiş, statik ve betonarme hesapları bölüm 8'de verilmiştir.
In this study as a master thesis a Reinforced concrete shear wall-frame system construction was designed. The construction is located in the second degree Earthquake area, so the carrier system was chosen considering the effect of lateral loads. All reinforced concrete calculations are according to code of TS 500 based on ultimate load design, the static calculations of the construction was made by accepting the material as a linear elastic material. All the conditions in Reference ['J] were considered in all steps of the calculations. At the first chapter the floor system as a slab with beams on the edges was designed. At the first step load analysis was made respect to Reference [3]. The static calculations of the floors was made respect to approximate method specifying in reference [41- In this method moments of rectangular plates (supported at four edges with beams) is determined by the help of alpha coefficients given in the table depend on the condition of the edges. This method is based on the theory of elasticity and experiments. At the second chapter the beams loads were calculated with respect to Reference [43. Tho floor loads were calculated by seperating the floors into triangles and trapezoids by means of the bisectors at the corners. 2T At the third chapter the columns shear walls were dimensioned approximately. The columns were dimensioned according to floor» beam» waij, and self-weight components; the transferi ng loads on columns and shear walls were calculated and given in the tables. At the forth chapter the lateral effects were considered. The analysis of the lateral effects were done respect to approximate method specified in reference [21. This methods is an approximate methods for analysis of structure composed of walls with oppenings and frames. In this method the portions beetween the oppenings are replaced by fictious frames so the structure is converted into a system composed of frames and rigid walls which can be analyzed by the force method. In this force method the unknowns are obtained through the solution of a tri -diagonal system of simultaneous equations, and the number of unknowns are equal to the number of storeys. The deformations. displacements and internal forces under effect of lateral loads were obtained by half- dynamic method specified in Referance [jj ]. In this method it was accepted that the system is made of linear elastic material and the masses were concentrated at certain points called nodes at the middle of every storey. At first step the lateral loads effecting on each storey at the level of the floors were determined by accepting the C = 1, then the fluxural rigidities of columns and beams were calculated and given in tables. After determination of fluxural rigidities the carrier system were seperated into axes at X and Y directions. The tie beams' s coefficient of distribution were determined seperately depending on rigidity of the tie beams according to the type of the tie beam» either connecting two shear walls or connecting a shear wall with a column. In tie beams connecting a shear wall and a column» If value also called as the fictive tie beam was used instead of tie beam moment of inertia. After determination tie beams' s coefiçient of distribution in every storey, the shear rigidities of fictive frames were calculated for last storey first storey and intermediate stories depending on the tie beam coeficient of distribution, then total of fictive rigidities in every storey were given in table as Zl5«, values. In I » 1 here the effect of beams perpencular to the shear walls were neglected. The columns' s rigidities were determined by MUT O method, by formül aes (depending on the position of the frames) for intermediate and first stories The columns 's rigidities in every storey were given in the tables as EC, values. The continuity equations coefficients were abtained by F. and f., where F. is equal to the divide of the one by i i i n a the sum of columns and fictive frames's rigidities at "i " th storey. After writing the continuity equations in every storey the X. unknowns were found out by solving the tri -diagonal system of simultaneous equations. By help of X, values total sheer forces effect on every storey were determined » shown in the tables as STvalues. The relative and total displacements of every storey were obtained by dividing total shear forces by total rigidities of every storey. The special angular frequancy of the building for the 2 2 first ordinary mode was found by a = Zq. d. /Zm. d, formulae and the special cycle for the first ordinary mode was sn found by T =,. the new "C" Coefficent was found by 1 Li i C= C * K * S *. Î, all the previous values were multiplied by the new "c" factor. 3ZHt The beams 's moments found by help of M., M. moments. ° r io iu The columns' s shear forces and the shear wall's moments were found by distributing the total values of each storey respect to their rigidity. The columns' s down, up end moments were found by MUTO method's formulaes depend on y, values. In the column-beam connections these moments were distributed respect to beams' s rigidities. At the fifth chapter the beams were di signed. At the first step the static calculations of the beams under vertical loads were made by cross method for various inconvenient loading positions and the most inconvenient effects were found: at the second step the vertical effects were superimposed with lateral ones. At the third step the reinforced concrete calculations were made by help of [£] and For some of tie beams the redistribution of the beams were made according to Reference D^]. At the sixth chapter the columns and shear walls were designed. At the first step the lateral and vertical effects were superimposed, then reinforced concrete calculations of columns and shear walls were done according to reference [£]. At the seventh step the foundation were designed. The system of foundation was chosen as general mat footing with beams. After calculating the effects acting on the base of construction the ground tension was controlled. For dimensioning the foundation's beams, the beam which was encountering the maximum effect was taken into cons i de rat i on. The static calculations of the foundation was performed by considering it as a floor plate. The foundation beams were solved with cross method in continuous beams. JZ At the ninth chapter the ladder were designed as a plate system ladder. The load analysis were made in two part of the ladder. The static and reinforced concrete calculations of these parts were given.
In this study as a master thesis a Reinforced concrete shear wall-frame system construction was designed. The construction is located in the second degree Earthquake area, so the carrier system was chosen considering the effect of lateral loads. All reinforced concrete calculations are according to code of TS 500 based on ultimate load design, the static calculations of the construction was made by accepting the material as a linear elastic material. All the conditions in Reference ['J] were considered in all steps of the calculations. At the first chapter the floor system as a slab with beams on the edges was designed. At the first step load analysis was made respect to Reference [3]. The static calculations of the floors was made respect to approximate method specifying in reference [41- In this method moments of rectangular plates (supported at four edges with beams) is determined by the help of alpha coefficients given in the table depend on the condition of the edges. This method is based on the theory of elasticity and experiments. At the second chapter the beams loads were calculated with respect to Reference [43. Tho floor loads were calculated by seperating the floors into triangles and trapezoids by means of the bisectors at the corners. 2T At the third chapter the columns shear walls were dimensioned approximately. The columns were dimensioned according to floor» beam» waij, and self-weight components; the transferi ng loads on columns and shear walls were calculated and given in the tables. At the forth chapter the lateral effects were considered. The analysis of the lateral effects were done respect to approximate method specified in reference [21. This methods is an approximate methods for analysis of structure composed of walls with oppenings and frames. In this method the portions beetween the oppenings are replaced by fictious frames so the structure is converted into a system composed of frames and rigid walls which can be analyzed by the force method. In this force method the unknowns are obtained through the solution of a tri -diagonal system of simultaneous equations, and the number of unknowns are equal to the number of storeys. The deformations. displacements and internal forces under effect of lateral loads were obtained by half- dynamic method specified in Referance [jj ]. In this method it was accepted that the system is made of linear elastic material and the masses were concentrated at certain points called nodes at the middle of every storey. At first step the lateral loads effecting on each storey at the level of the floors were determined by accepting the C = 1, then the fluxural rigidities of columns and beams were calculated and given in tables. After determination of fluxural rigidities the carrier system were seperated into axes at X and Y directions. The tie beams' s coefficient of distribution were determined seperately depending on rigidity of the tie beams according to the type of the tie beam» either connecting two shear walls or connecting a shear wall with a column. In tie beams connecting a shear wall and a column» If value also called as the fictive tie beam was used instead of tie beam moment of inertia. After determination tie beams' s coefiçient of distribution in every storey, the shear rigidities of fictive frames were calculated for last storey first storey and intermediate stories depending on the tie beam coeficient of distribution, then total of fictive rigidities in every storey were given in table as Zl5«, values. In I » 1 here the effect of beams perpencular to the shear walls were neglected. The columns' s rigidities were determined by MUT O method, by formül aes (depending on the position of the frames) for intermediate and first stories The columns 's rigidities in every storey were given in the tables as EC, values. The continuity equations coefficients were abtained by F. and f., where F. is equal to the divide of the one by i i i n a the sum of columns and fictive frames's rigidities at "i " th storey. After writing the continuity equations in every storey the X. unknowns were found out by solving the tri -diagonal system of simultaneous equations. By help of X, values total sheer forces effect on every storey were determined » shown in the tables as STvalues. The relative and total displacements of every storey were obtained by dividing total shear forces by total rigidities of every storey. The special angular frequancy of the building for the 2 2 first ordinary mode was found by a = Zq. d. /Zm. d, formulae and the special cycle for the first ordinary mode was sn found by T =,. the new "C" Coefficent was found by 1 Li i C= C * K * S *. Î, all the previous values were multiplied by the new "c" factor. 3ZHt The beams 's moments found by help of M., M. moments. ° r io iu The columns' s shear forces and the shear wall's moments were found by distributing the total values of each storey respect to their rigidity. The columns' s down, up end moments were found by MUTO method's formulaes depend on y, values. In the column-beam connections these moments were distributed respect to beams' s rigidities. At the fifth chapter the beams were di signed. At the first step the static calculations of the beams under vertical loads were made by cross method for various inconvenient loading positions and the most inconvenient effects were found: at the second step the vertical effects were superimposed with lateral ones. At the third step the reinforced concrete calculations were made by help of [£] and For some of tie beams the redistribution of the beams were made according to Reference D^]. At the sixth chapter the columns and shear walls were designed. At the first step the lateral and vertical effects were superimposed, then reinforced concrete calculations of columns and shear walls were done according to reference [£]. At the seventh step the foundation were designed. The system of foundation was chosen as general mat footing with beams. After calculating the effects acting on the base of construction the ground tension was controlled. For dimensioning the foundation's beams, the beam which was encountering the maximum effect was taken into cons i de rat i on. The static calculations of the foundation was performed by considering it as a floor plate. The foundation beams were solved with cross method in continuous beams. JZ At the ninth chapter the ladder were designed as a plate system ladder. The load analysis were made in two part of the ladder. The static and reinforced concrete calculations of these parts were given.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 1991
Anahtar kelimeler
Betonarme hesapları,
Statik hesap yöntemleri,
Yük analizi,
Yüksek yapılar,
Reinforced concrete calculation,
Static calculation methods,
Load analysis,
High structures