Iustinianus Ayasofyası üzerine bir anlam araştırması
Iustinianus Ayasofyası üzerine bir anlam araştırması
Polatkan, Aydın H.
Süreli Yayın başlığı
Süreli Yayın ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Iustinianus Ayasofyası Üzerine Bir Anlam Araştırması” adını taşıyan bu çalışma altı ana bölüm içerisinde ele alınmıştır.Tezin giriş bölümünü oluşturan birinci bölümde Panofsky’nin anlam araştırması yöntemi hakkında bilgi verilmiş ve tezin yazılmasında uygulanan yöntem açıklanmıştır. Bu bölümde söz konusu çalışmanın gerekliliği ve sınırlan belirtilmiş ve yararlanılan kaynaklar hakkında da bilgi verilmiştir.İkinci bölümde, Ayasofya çevresine ait veriler ele alınmıştır. Ayasofya bölgesinin de bir parçası olduğu birinci tepe ve çevresinin, antik Bizantion kentinin kuruluşundan bu yana sahip olduğu niteliklerin saptanmasına çalışılmıştır. Aynca, Constantinus döneminde inşa edilen Constantinopolis kenti, kent planı özellikleri, öenmli yapılan ve anıtlan ile ele alınmaktadır. Söz konusu yerleşimlere ait arkeolojik verilerin çok az olması nedeni ile yazılı kaynaklan yorumlayan araştırmacıların saptamalan bu konuda esas olarak kabul edilmiştir. Üçüncü bölümde, Iustinianus Ayasofyası’nın arazisi üzerinde Constantinus döneminde inşa edilen ilk Ayasofya öncelikle ele alınmıştır. Bu yapıya ait sınırlı sayıda yazdı kaynak ve arkeolojik verileri yorumlayan araştırmacılann eserleri ve Ayasofya arazisi üzerinde Constantinus’dan önce var olan mimari yapılar üzerine araştırmacıların ortaya koyduklan esaslar incelenmiştir. Iustinianus Ayasofyası’na ait yazdı kaynaklann verileri, bugünü yapının mimari nitelikleri üçüncü bölümün devamında beş alt başlıkta incelenmiştir. Bugünkü yapının, inşa edildiği tarihten bu yana geçirdiği değişikliklerin izlerini üzerinde taşıması yüzünden, yapının Iustinianus döneminde sahip olmuş olması gereken nitelikler üzerine saptamalar yapan araştırmacılann yorumlan esas kabul edilmiştir.Dördüncü bölüm, Ayasofya çevresi, Ayasofya bölgesndeki mimari faaliyetlerin yorumlanacağı esas olarak Doğu Roma geleneğindeki İmparatorluk İdeolojisi’nin yapının mimari özellikleri üzerinde nasıl şekillendiğini konu edinmektedir. Öncelikle söz konusu ideolojinin Doğu Roma’mn politik, toplumsal tarihinde nasıl ortaya çıktığı incelenmiş sonrasında ise Ayasofya ve çevresindeki mimari şekilleniş buna göre ele alınmıştır. Beşinci bölümde, Ayasofya’nın mimari şekillenişinde, Kutsal Kitap’ta anlatılan Süleyman Tapınağı’na ait göndermeler konu edilmektedir. Bu durum, aynı biçimde başka yapılarda ortaya çıkan Tapmak atıflarının izinde değerlendirilmektedir. Altıncı bölüm sonuç bölümü olup, dördüncü ve beşinci bölümlerde yapılan yorumların paralelliği konu edilmektedir.
Saint Sophie has longtime been a focus point on the cultural patterns, that large amounts people are integrated with. Not only artistic and architectural, but also political and sociological aspects find a concrete icon to appear, on the Justinian’s Great Church. The thesis so called “A Study on The Meaning of Justinian’s Saint Sophie” is composed of six parts. The aim is to try a brief analyse on the dynamics, which has been worked on the Saint Sophie’s iconography, and to see how they have reacted on the architecture. The first part of the thesis is the introduction. The necessity of the study ise explained first, since the importance of the Justinian’s Chuch, not only for the Byzantine era proceeding Justinian’s reign, but also for the Ottoman period. Saint- Sophie is still sharing a very attractive topography, with historical quarters, historical buildings and other civic or official structures, forming the urban scale for the inhabitants of Istanbul City. Erwin Panofsky’s method, regarding the study on the meaning in the fine arts has been taken as an example for the structural pattern on the thesis. E.Panofsky’s method is concerning, the fine arts, like painting, sculpture or figural plastic arts. Here, as we have deeling on the architecture, a different vision must be considered. E.Panofsky, has intersected his method on the arhitectural field, with a analytical study on Gothic architecture. In this study, he defines first the three dimensional aspects and some of the design principles on the Gothic church architecture. Then, he resumes, ideological lay-out, in which scholastic philosophy has been shaped in the Middle Ages. He also structuralizes, how this philosphy has been working on the academical societies, that the architect, as he was in the Middle Ages, was one of the members. E.Panofsky, finds deep relationships, with design principles on the Gothic chuches and Scholastic philosophy on the systematics forming the two concepts which are very different on the nature. Since, architecture is some kind of science and art, in the same time, his method on the fine arts finds a working ground on the architectural field. E.Panofsky, composes the method, on three phases. The first one is to define the optical, or the visionary aspects of the piece or the product to analyse. The second is to define its effects on the human perception, shaped through the captured data by the five senses. The last phase, is the analyse in general, the one which is the subject, but the complemantary information on its historical, identical, sociological back-ground must be considered. The iconographical analyse composes the two phases, the name “iconology” is given to the last one. The defined method is a starting point for the study on Saint-Sophie, so, the building is to take with its site, architectural charactersitics and historical background. The iconographical background data is to be limited with Imperial Ideology on Justinian’s empire and time period consists only Justinian’s reign. The sources which are used are also determined on the first part. The second part of the thesis, consists some information on the urban shaping surrounding Saint Sophie’s site and it is composed of two sub-division. The first division consists of the period before Constantine’s reign. The urban history of the territories, that we call Historical Peninsula today, begins not by the historical era, but the archeological data obtained on different parts of the Bosphorus’ shores informs us on the settlers older then Antiques. The historical settlement, that we are dealed for the Saint-Sophie’s site is the Greek colony, which have preceeded by the Thracians. The old settlement’s urban plan, which is called Byzantion, can’t be drawn as we have a serious lack of the archeological data, but according to the historians which have written in late periods, we are informed on the limits, the city walls, and the principle monuments of the antique Byzantion. Bizantion has been enlarged in imperial period by the Roman emperor Septimus Severus and the new monuments are erected. The site, on which Saint-Sophie has been located is an important transitional zone, regarding the development axis of the city. But by the time of Severus it has begun to become the essential part. In Severus’ building activity, Hippodrom and Baths of Zeuxippos are important monuments, despite the fact that we have not archeological data on theses buildings. There are also some historians, who are suspicios about Severus’ enlarging the city. The second sub-division is the Constantine’s city with its planning principles, and the important monuments. The information is obtained mainly from the late period sources, but, as the planning conception is not changed until the Turkish invasion. The focus on the data field is fixed on Saint Sophie’s surroundings, as well as the old territories of Bizantion. The building acitivity continued after Constantine, until the reign of Justinian, surrounding Saint-Sophie’s site and the major parts of the city, are considered on this sub-division. The third chapter of the thesis is named “Saint Sophie”, in general, concerning the Constantinopolitan history, we can talk about two churches, which are called Saint Sophie. The first is the one, which is erected at the fourth century. The second is Justinian’s Saint Sophie, which has replaced the older church in sixth century. The third part of the thesis tries to give a definite framework, in order to understand architectural aspects on Roman territories in which first Saint Sophie had been shaped. Also, the cultural and historical transormation on The Roman Empire, by the Christianity, necessitates to fix the new architectural policy. The first sub-division is devided into three parts. The first one is the major monumental religious buildings in the time Constantine. The buildings are considered, according to their primary space design and their locations. Their function and dedicatory identities are focused in order to fallow iconographica1 shaping. The archeological data and supplemanted litterary sources which are interpreted by the investigators on the Constantinopolitan basilicas are also examined on the the first part of the the first sub-division. The second part of the first sub-division consists the collected litterary sources on the first Saint-Sophie. The sources are interpretated on different times by the scholars. What we know about the first church is that it is a basilican shaping, with narthex and the galleries. But what is important in the historical data, is the political and sociological events that affected the church. They are given by the historians’ writings. Regarding first Saint-Sophie we see also a constructive touch by n.Theodosius. The Theodosian construction was realized after a fire which have destructed Saint-Sophie. The first church’s construction has probably began in the time of Constantine, finished in Constant’s time and restored in the time Theodosius The second part of the first sub-division is the archeological data, obtained on Saint- Sophie’s site. The data is not enough to determine the real shape and the architecture of the church. But, we are informed that it is part of the major bulding activity concerning the surrounding city, in the Constantine’s time. The question, whether it fallows the lines of the present church is not clearly responded. We have some information about its construction material and technique. It has a monumental propylaeum on the western entrances. The second sub-division of the third part of the thesis is the informative data on Justinian’s Saint Sophie. It is devided into 5 parts. The first part of the second sub-division is the historical data on Justinian’s church. The collection of the historical data is considered by C.Mango, and major building, restoration activities are given by him, from the construction date until the Turkish conquest and transformation to a mosque.The second part of the second sub-division deals with, what we know about the space design in Saint-Sophie in the time of Justinian. The present condition and the space awareness in the Chiurch is handled, in order to define changes on the architecture. Through the restorations realized both in Byzantine and Ottoman period, we see several constructions on the church, but the main principles on the design do not change. The only differentiation is the dome, which had been planned as a pendentive-dome in the first phase of the construction. It is reshaped as a dome with pendantives. In order to understand and to analyse the space design, the standard building design in the time of Justinian is given by some examples. Firstly, it is recognized that Saint-Sophie is different then this standardization, by its spatial shaping. The spatial design in Saint-Sophie is named “double shell design” by R.Krautheimer. The scholar’s interpretation is basically accepted and fallowed in the thesis. It is consisting a central design and space, as an inner one, within a different and centrally planned again on the outer shell. The subject is handled on the centrally planning as a main definiton. The double shell designs which are erected on the Eastern territories, from the Constantine’s time to the Justinian’s are given with some examples. Golden Octagon, which is erected on Antioch by Constantine, is considered as it is an example for all of them and studied majorly on the scholars’ interpretations. The archeological data on the centrally planned churches at Constantinopolis are given briefly. The church of St. Sergius and Baccus is focused with the church of San Vitale in Ravenna, as they are the two double shell designs, constructed by Justinian. The third part of the second sub-division is the structural data, that we can fallow on Saint-Sophie. What we can define from the structural analyse made by the scholars, is, that Saint Sophie is not part of the structural conservatism of the Roman architecture. It is planned in order to supplement the inner shell. The fourth part of the second sub-division consists of the decorative aspects in Saint- Sophie. It is devided into two divisions. The first deals with the wall surfaces, but the second deals with the column capitals. The problem is focused on what has become from the Justinian design on the church. Accepted data, from the scholars’ interpretation is the golden mosaics on the dome surface, with a cross at the middle, through the last years of Justinian’s reign. The four angles on pendentives are suspectable. The last part of the second sub-division is the liturgical use of the church, as well as the liturgy in the time Justinian. The sources are not sufficient, but the ceremonial principles, esapecially on which the emperor takes part are focused generally. The fourth part of the thesis deals with the political ideology, named “imperial” and its reflection on Saint-Sophie's iconography. It is devided into three sub-division. The first sub-division is the definition of the Imperial Ideology, and its shaping throughout the history of the Roman Empire. The major aspects of this ideology as examined according to the politics of the Roman emperors, from Constantine to the Justinian, with the theological conflicts, as the state is defined primarely Christian. The second sub-division consists of the re-interpretation of the iconographical aspects cited on the thesis’ second part. The sholars’ interpretations are handled again and firstly, it is seen that the site of the church is deeply related with cult of “Sun”. It is important consdering iconographical aspects related to Constantine. Second, the site of the church is some kind border that old Byzantion’s Helenistic identity and the new Romanized images are confronted. Until Justinian’s time, the major constructions and the monuments which had place on the territories surrounding Saint-Sophie, are realized by the emperors, who has worked hard to establish imperial ideology. The information the early Constantinopolitan basilicas and first Saint-Sophie is considered on that way. The third sub-division consists of the imperial images on Justinian’s Saint-Sophie. The iconograhical reflections of the Imperial Ideology on the Constantine’s time and later, are focused as an essential for the interpretation. Saint-Sophie’s space composition is an integration of an octagonal inner shell with a baldaquin, completed to a square shape, by the outer shell. The octagonal shell’s has longtime been preceeded by the tetraconch double shell designs, beginning by the Golden Octagon, imperial baldaquin has always been, an imperial symbol, used by tha eastern world. All the composition is interpreted according to the ideological reflections of the imperial ideology, cited above. The fourth part of the thesis is an interpretation of the architectiral aspects on Saint Sophie as Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem. This part is devided into 3 sub-division. The first sub-division is the definitive information on King Solomon, as a biblical archetype, integrating two major identities. The first one is the prophetie and hollyness coming from the biblical tradition and fallowed by both Chritianity and Islam. The second is the king or leadership of his religious Jewish state. Solomon is not only political leader, but also as a chief of the cult. The Bible do not give a strict definiton of his Temple, so called erected in Jerusalem, but just a brief information on the mesurements. The proportions can be easily identified, fallowing the data. The decorative motives applicated on the Temple’s wall surfaces are also one of the major points given in the Bible. The building activity which took place on the Temple Area, in Jerusalem is resumed according to the scholars’ sources, that The Dome of The Rock is a final point. Some of the building that the scholars find concrete images of Solomon’s Temple is considered and tried to see how the Temple image is shaped. The political aim of each patron of theses buildings is conform to the religious use of the biblical tradition. The second sub-division is the interpretation of Saint-Sophie’s architectural features as a replicated Solomon’s Temple near the Roman aspects on its architecture. The procedure is the same with the other buildings handled to the precedant sub-division. The last part of the thesis is the conclusion. According to the iconological definitions given at the precedant last two parts, as well as their ideological paralellism is focused.
Saint Sophie has longtime been a focus point on the cultural patterns, that large amounts people are integrated with. Not only artistic and architectural, but also political and sociological aspects find a concrete icon to appear, on the Justinian’s Great Church. The thesis so called “A Study on The Meaning of Justinian’s Saint Sophie” is composed of six parts. The aim is to try a brief analyse on the dynamics, which has been worked on the Saint Sophie’s iconography, and to see how they have reacted on the architecture. The first part of the thesis is the introduction. The necessity of the study ise explained first, since the importance of the Justinian’s Chuch, not only for the Byzantine era proceeding Justinian’s reign, but also for the Ottoman period. Saint- Sophie is still sharing a very attractive topography, with historical quarters, historical buildings and other civic or official structures, forming the urban scale for the inhabitants of Istanbul City. Erwin Panofsky’s method, regarding the study on the meaning in the fine arts has been taken as an example for the structural pattern on the thesis. E.Panofsky’s method is concerning, the fine arts, like painting, sculpture or figural plastic arts. Here, as we have deeling on the architecture, a different vision must be considered. E.Panofsky, has intersected his method on the arhitectural field, with a analytical study on Gothic architecture. In this study, he defines first the three dimensional aspects and some of the design principles on the Gothic church architecture. Then, he resumes, ideological lay-out, in which scholastic philosophy has been shaped in the Middle Ages. He also structuralizes, how this philosphy has been working on the academical societies, that the architect, as he was in the Middle Ages, was one of the members. E.Panofsky, finds deep relationships, with design principles on the Gothic chuches and Scholastic philosophy on the systematics forming the two concepts which are very different on the nature. Since, architecture is some kind of science and art, in the same time, his method on the fine arts finds a working ground on the architectural field. E.Panofsky, composes the method, on three phases. The first one is to define the optical, or the visionary aspects of the piece or the product to analyse. The second is to define its effects on the human perception, shaped through the captured data by the five senses. The last phase, is the analyse in general, the one which is the subject, but the complemantary information on its historical, identical, sociological back-ground must be considered. The iconographical analyse composes the two phases, the name “iconology” is given to the last one. The defined method is a starting point for the study on Saint-Sophie, so, the building is to take with its site, architectural charactersitics and historical background. The iconographical background data is to be limited with Imperial Ideology on Justinian’s empire and time period consists only Justinian’s reign. The sources which are used are also determined on the first part. The second part of the thesis, consists some information on the urban shaping surrounding Saint Sophie’s site and it is composed of two sub-division. The first division consists of the period before Constantine’s reign. The urban history of the territories, that we call Historical Peninsula today, begins not by the historical era, but the archeological data obtained on different parts of the Bosphorus’ shores informs us on the settlers older then Antiques. The historical settlement, that we are dealed for the Saint-Sophie’s site is the Greek colony, which have preceeded by the Thracians. The old settlement’s urban plan, which is called Byzantion, can’t be drawn as we have a serious lack of the archeological data, but according to the historians which have written in late periods, we are informed on the limits, the city walls, and the principle monuments of the antique Byzantion. Bizantion has been enlarged in imperial period by the Roman emperor Septimus Severus and the new monuments are erected. The site, on which Saint-Sophie has been located is an important transitional zone, regarding the development axis of the city. But by the time of Severus it has begun to become the essential part. In Severus’ building activity, Hippodrom and Baths of Zeuxippos are important monuments, despite the fact that we have not archeological data on theses buildings. There are also some historians, who are suspicios about Severus’ enlarging the city. The second sub-division is the Constantine’s city with its planning principles, and the important monuments. The information is obtained mainly from the late period sources, but, as the planning conception is not changed until the Turkish invasion. The focus on the data field is fixed on Saint Sophie’s surroundings, as well as the old territories of Bizantion. The building acitivity continued after Constantine, until the reign of Justinian, surrounding Saint-Sophie’s site and the major parts of the city, are considered on this sub-division. The third chapter of the thesis is named “Saint Sophie”, in general, concerning the Constantinopolitan history, we can talk about two churches, which are called Saint Sophie. The first is the one, which is erected at the fourth century. The second is Justinian’s Saint Sophie, which has replaced the older church in sixth century. The third part of the thesis tries to give a definite framework, in order to understand architectural aspects on Roman territories in which first Saint Sophie had been shaped. Also, the cultural and historical transormation on The Roman Empire, by the Christianity, necessitates to fix the new architectural policy. The first sub-division is devided into three parts. The first one is the major monumental religious buildings in the time Constantine. The buildings are considered, according to their primary space design and their locations. Their function and dedicatory identities are focused in order to fallow iconographica1 shaping. The archeological data and supplemanted litterary sources which are interpreted by the investigators on the Constantinopolitan basilicas are also examined on the the first part of the the first sub-division. The second part of the first sub-division consists the collected litterary sources on the first Saint-Sophie. The sources are interpretated on different times by the scholars. What we know about the first church is that it is a basilican shaping, with narthex and the galleries. But what is important in the historical data, is the political and sociological events that affected the church. They are given by the historians’ writings. Regarding first Saint-Sophie we see also a constructive touch by n.Theodosius. The Theodosian construction was realized after a fire which have destructed Saint-Sophie. The first church’s construction has probably began in the time of Constantine, finished in Constant’s time and restored in the time Theodosius The second part of the first sub-division is the archeological data, obtained on Saint- Sophie’s site. The data is not enough to determine the real shape and the architecture of the church. But, we are informed that it is part of the major bulding activity concerning the surrounding city, in the Constantine’s time. The question, whether it fallows the lines of the present church is not clearly responded. We have some information about its construction material and technique. It has a monumental propylaeum on the western entrances. The second sub-division of the third part of the thesis is the informative data on Justinian’s Saint Sophie. It is devided into 5 parts. The first part of the second sub-division is the historical data on Justinian’s church. The collection of the historical data is considered by C.Mango, and major building, restoration activities are given by him, from the construction date until the Turkish conquest and transformation to a mosque.The second part of the second sub-division deals with, what we know about the space design in Saint-Sophie in the time of Justinian. The present condition and the space awareness in the Chiurch is handled, in order to define changes on the architecture. Through the restorations realized both in Byzantine and Ottoman period, we see several constructions on the church, but the main principles on the design do not change. The only differentiation is the dome, which had been planned as a pendentive-dome in the first phase of the construction. It is reshaped as a dome with pendantives. In order to understand and to analyse the space design, the standard building design in the time of Justinian is given by some examples. Firstly, it is recognized that Saint-Sophie is different then this standardization, by its spatial shaping. The spatial design in Saint-Sophie is named “double shell design” by R.Krautheimer. The scholar’s interpretation is basically accepted and fallowed in the thesis. It is consisting a central design and space, as an inner one, within a different and centrally planned again on the outer shell. The subject is handled on the centrally planning as a main definiton. The double shell designs which are erected on the Eastern territories, from the Constantine’s time to the Justinian’s are given with some examples. Golden Octagon, which is erected on Antioch by Constantine, is considered as it is an example for all of them and studied majorly on the scholars’ interpretations. The archeological data on the centrally planned churches at Constantinopolis are given briefly. The church of St. Sergius and Baccus is focused with the church of San Vitale in Ravenna, as they are the two double shell designs, constructed by Justinian. The third part of the second sub-division is the structural data, that we can fallow on Saint-Sophie. What we can define from the structural analyse made by the scholars, is, that Saint Sophie is not part of the structural conservatism of the Roman architecture. It is planned in order to supplement the inner shell. The fourth part of the second sub-division consists of the decorative aspects in Saint- Sophie. It is devided into two divisions. The first deals with the wall surfaces, but the second deals with the column capitals. The problem is focused on what has become from the Justinian design on the church. Accepted data, from the scholars’ interpretation is the golden mosaics on the dome surface, with a cross at the middle, through the last years of Justinian’s reign. The four angles on pendentives are suspectable. The last part of the second sub-division is the liturgical use of the church, as well as the liturgy in the time Justinian. The sources are not sufficient, but the ceremonial principles, esapecially on which the emperor takes part are focused generally. The fourth part of the thesis deals with the political ideology, named “imperial” and its reflection on Saint-Sophie's iconography. It is devided into three sub-division. The first sub-division is the definition of the Imperial Ideology, and its shaping throughout the history of the Roman Empire. The major aspects of this ideology as examined according to the politics of the Roman emperors, from Constantine to the Justinian, with the theological conflicts, as the state is defined primarely Christian. The second sub-division consists of the re-interpretation of the iconographical aspects cited on the thesis’ second part. The sholars’ interpretations are handled again and firstly, it is seen that the site of the church is deeply related with cult of “Sun”. It is important consdering iconographical aspects related to Constantine. Second, the site of the church is some kind border that old Byzantion’s Helenistic identity and the new Romanized images are confronted. Until Justinian’s time, the major constructions and the monuments which had place on the territories surrounding Saint-Sophie, are realized by the emperors, who has worked hard to establish imperial ideology. The information the early Constantinopolitan basilicas and first Saint-Sophie is considered on that way. The third sub-division consists of the imperial images on Justinian’s Saint-Sophie. The iconograhical reflections of the Imperial Ideology on the Constantine’s time and later, are focused as an essential for the interpretation. Saint-Sophie’s space composition is an integration of an octagonal inner shell with a baldaquin, completed to a square shape, by the outer shell. The octagonal shell’s has longtime been preceeded by the tetraconch double shell designs, beginning by the Golden Octagon, imperial baldaquin has always been, an imperial symbol, used by tha eastern world. All the composition is interpreted according to the ideological reflections of the imperial ideology, cited above. The fourth part of the thesis is an interpretation of the architectiral aspects on Saint Sophie as Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem. This part is devided into 3 sub-division. The first sub-division is the definitive information on King Solomon, as a biblical archetype, integrating two major identities. The first one is the prophetie and hollyness coming from the biblical tradition and fallowed by both Chritianity and Islam. The second is the king or leadership of his religious Jewish state. Solomon is not only political leader, but also as a chief of the cult. The Bible do not give a strict definiton of his Temple, so called erected in Jerusalem, but just a brief information on the mesurements. The proportions can be easily identified, fallowing the data. The decorative motives applicated on the Temple’s wall surfaces are also one of the major points given in the Bible. The building activity which took place on the Temple Area, in Jerusalem is resumed according to the scholars’ sources, that The Dome of The Rock is a final point. Some of the building that the scholars find concrete images of Solomon’s Temple is considered and tried to see how the Temple image is shaped. The political aim of each patron of theses buildings is conform to the religious use of the biblical tradition. The second sub-division is the interpretation of Saint-Sophie’s architectural features as a replicated Solomon’s Temple near the Roman aspects on its architecture. The procedure is the same with the other buildings handled to the precedant sub-division. The last part of the thesis is the conclusion. According to the iconological definitions given at the precedant last two parts, as well as their ideological paralellism is focused.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1997
Anahtar kelimeler
Mimarlık tarihi,
Architectural history