Giresun Karşılaması İle Trakya Karşılamasının Karşılaştırılması
Giresun Karşılaması İle Trakya Karşılamasının Karşılaştırılması
Akpınar, Hüseyin
Süreli Yayın başlığı
Süreli Yayın ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Institute of Social Sciences
Institute of Social Sciences
Karşılamalar incelendiğinde, Türk Halk Müziği ve Türk Halk Oyunlarında görülmektedir. İsminden de anlaşılacağı gibi uzun zamandan beri görüşmeyen kişilerin birbirlerini örf ve adetlerine bağlı kalarak sevinçli bir duyguda karşılamalarıdır. Bu karşılamalar bazen müzik bazen de müziğe bağlı olarak oynanan oyun eşliğinde yapılır. Karşılama, bir genel isim olduğu gibi aynı zamanda bir oyun adıdır. Bunun diğer adı "Düz Havandır. Anadolu'nun bazı bölgelerinde bu oyuna "karşı- berF% "var-gel* ya da "vanna-geline" denilmektedir. Karşılamaların yöreleri çoğunlukla Giresun, Kırklareli, Edirne, Tekirdağ, Balıkesir, Bursa ise de buralarda oynanan her oyun karşılama değildir. Çünkü karşılamanın kendine has bir tavrı ve oyunu vardır. Karşılamalarda oyuncular hiçbir surette birbirlerine tutunmazlar. Bazı karşılamalarda, bütün oyuncular ellerinde birer mendil bulundururlar. Karşılama esnasmda oynanan oyunlar mendflli karşılama oyunları ve mendilsiz karşılama oyunları diye iki grupta toplanırlar. Bu tür gruplar, Trakya yöresine ait karşılama oyunlarında görülmektedir. Karşılama çoğunlukla 9 zamanlı işlenmiştir 9/8'lik mertebede görüldüğü gibi 9/16'hk seklinde olan da vardır. Genel olarak Karciğar, Hicaz, Uşşak, Nikriz, Segah, Rast, Çargâh, Hüseyni makamlarım ihtiva etmektedir. Karşılamaları incelediğimizde, karar perdesi ne olursa olsun seyir esnasmda dizinin 4. ve 5. derecelerinin güçlü durumunda olduğu yapılan araştırmalar sonunda tespit edilmiştir. Bilindiği gibi güçlü, Türk Müziği makamlarını ihtiva eden eserlerde, en çok işlenen ve yarım karar hissi veren perdedir. Kullanılan enstrümanlar ise yöreye göre değişmektedir. Giresun yöresinde, zil zurna, kaval, bağlama ve kemence ile icra edilir. Geçmişte Trakya yöresinde davul, zurna, darbuka ve kaval icra edilirken gönümüzde klarnet, akordeon, keman ile de icra edilmektedir.
Having studied the "karşılamalar-Turkish folk music played or sung when meeting a bridal procession, etc", we are able to determine that they were found in the Turkish Folk Music, and Turkish Folk Dances. As the denomination "karsdama-meeting" imples, the event is actually the meeting of those who have not seen each other for a long time, in a cheerful mood and conforming to the rules of usage and custom. These activites are sometimes performed with the accompaniment of music, on some other occasions they are performed alongside the folk dances in harmony with the music Apart from being a general term, karşılama is also the name of a folk dance. It is also known as "düz hava-plain tune". In some regions of Anatolia it is called "karşı-beri-opposite-near", "var-gel-going backward and forward or alternatively", or "varma-gelme-do not go backward and forward or alternatively''. Despite the fact that the "karşdamalar" are mostly encountered in and around Giresun, Kırklareli, Edirne, and Tekirdağ we are not able to consider each and every folk dance performed in the area as "karşılama", "simply because" karşılama" has a distincive characteristic of its own. During the performance of "karşılama" the partners never hold or touch each other. In a variety of "karşılama" all of the dancers have handkerchieves in their hands. We are able to categorize the folk dances performed alongside the "karşılama" into two subdivisions, karşılama performed with the hadkerchief, karşılama performed without the handkerchief, respectively, this kind of groups are seen in the folk dances peculiar to the region Thrace. The timing of "karşılama" is mostly composed of 9 beats per measure. Nevertheless, as seen in the 9/8 degree, there are also varieties such as 9/16. they generally comprise the modes "makam" such as Karcığar, Hicaz, Uşşak, Nikriz, vıı Segah, Rast, Çargah, Hüseyni. On studying the "karşılamalar", we are able to determine that the 4th and fifth degrees of the progression are "güçlü-hold which usually occurs just before the last note of a melodic line in a makam or scale"- no matter what the "karar-pause", tone is. As we all know, in the works which comprise the Turkish makams (modes), "karar" is the "perde-degree, fret" utilized profusely, evoking a feeling of "yarım karar-half pause, half resolution." The musical instruments played depends on the geographical region. In and around Giresun area, "karşılama" is performed with the accompaniment of zil zurna (primitive double-reed instrument played with a drum in folk music), kaval (shepherd's pipe), bağlama (folk instrument with thee double strings, played with a plectrum), and kemence (small violin with three strings, played like a cello). While it was performed with the accompaniment of davul (drums), zurna, darbuka (a percussive instrument made in the shape of the earthenware pitcher with a skin covering the bottom. It is used in popular music; more recently this instrument is also made of metal) in the region Thrace Formerly; it is also performed with the accompaniment of klarnet (clarinet), accordeon, violin today.
Having studied the "karşılamalar-Turkish folk music played or sung when meeting a bridal procession, etc", we are able to determine that they were found in the Turkish Folk Music, and Turkish Folk Dances. As the denomination "karsdama-meeting" imples, the event is actually the meeting of those who have not seen each other for a long time, in a cheerful mood and conforming to the rules of usage and custom. These activites are sometimes performed with the accompaniment of music, on some other occasions they are performed alongside the folk dances in harmony with the music Apart from being a general term, karşılama is also the name of a folk dance. It is also known as "düz hava-plain tune". In some regions of Anatolia it is called "karşı-beri-opposite-near", "var-gel-going backward and forward or alternatively", or "varma-gelme-do not go backward and forward or alternatively''. Despite the fact that the "karşdamalar" are mostly encountered in and around Giresun, Kırklareli, Edirne, and Tekirdağ we are not able to consider each and every folk dance performed in the area as "karşılama", "simply because" karşılama" has a distincive characteristic of its own. During the performance of "karşılama" the partners never hold or touch each other. In a variety of "karşılama" all of the dancers have handkerchieves in their hands. We are able to categorize the folk dances performed alongside the "karşılama" into two subdivisions, karşılama performed with the hadkerchief, karşılama performed without the handkerchief, respectively, this kind of groups are seen in the folk dances peculiar to the region Thrace. The timing of "karşılama" is mostly composed of 9 beats per measure. Nevertheless, as seen in the 9/8 degree, there are also varieties such as 9/16. they generally comprise the modes "makam" such as Karcığar, Hicaz, Uşşak, Nikriz, vıı Segah, Rast, Çargah, Hüseyni. On studying the "karşılamalar", we are able to determine that the 4th and fifth degrees of the progression are "güçlü-hold which usually occurs just before the last note of a melodic line in a makam or scale"- no matter what the "karar-pause", tone is. As we all know, in the works which comprise the Turkish makams (modes), "karar" is the "perde-degree, fret" utilized profusely, evoking a feeling of "yarım karar-half pause, half resolution." The musical instruments played depends on the geographical region. In and around Giresun area, "karşılama" is performed with the accompaniment of zil zurna (primitive double-reed instrument played with a drum in folk music), kaval (shepherd's pipe), bağlama (folk instrument with thee double strings, played with a plectrum), and kemence (small violin with three strings, played like a cello). While it was performed with the accompaniment of davul (drums), zurna, darbuka (a percussive instrument made in the shape of the earthenware pitcher with a skin covering the bottom. It is used in popular music; more recently this instrument is also made of metal) in the region Thrace Formerly; it is also performed with the accompaniment of klarnet (clarinet), accordeon, violin today.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2001
Thesis (M.A.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2001
Thesis (M.A.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2001
Anahtar kelimeler
Halk oyunları,
Trakya bölgesi,
Türk halk müziği,
Folk dances,
Thrace region,
Turkish folk music,
Folk songs