Ayna kıçın yuvarlak kardinalı yüksek süratli teknelerin performansına etkisi
Ayna kıçın yuvarlak kardinalı yüksek süratli teknelerin performansına etkisi
Şireli, Eyüp Mete
Süreli Yayın başlığı
Süreli Yayın ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Yan kayıcı teknelerin ana özelliklerinden biri, ayna kıça sahip olmalarıdır. Ayna kıçın etkileri, çeşitli teorik ve sayısal çalışmalara konu olmuştur. Ayna kıç etrafındaki akım, ıslak kıçtan kuru kıça geçerken küçük girdaplar oluşturmaktadır. Buradaki gibi farklı rejimler için farklı teorik modeller geliştirilmiş ancak metodik deneylerin yapılmaması sonucu teorik yaklaşımlar tatmin edici olamamıştır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, bir seri model üzerinde deneyler ve sayısal hesaplamalar yaparak ayna kıç alanının dalga direnci üzerindeki etkisini incelemektir. Çalışmalar sırasında, NPL yuvarlak karinalı tekne serisinden türetilmiş olan ayna kıç alanlan farklı beş adet modelden yararlanılmıştır. Modellerin ayna kıç alanı/maksimum kesit alanı oranı 0 ile 1 arasında değişmektedir. Ayna kıçın etkilerini göstermek amacıyla toplam direnç deneyleri yapılmıştır. 0.3 ile 1.2 Froude Sayılan arasında dalga deformasyonları ölçülmüş ve dalga spektrumu ile dalga dirençleri hesap edilmiştir. Dalga deformasyonlannın analizinde boyuna kesme tekniği kullanılmış, ayna kıçın alanının değişiminin dalga spektrumu üzerindeki etkisi incelenmiştir. Dawson Algoritması'na dayanarak panel metodu ile teknelerin teorik dalga direnci hesaplan yapılmıştır. Ayna kıçtaki normal vektörlerin süreksizlik problemi, ayna kıçın panellenmemesi ve tekne içinde oluşan iç akımın ayna kıçtan dışan çıkarak hipotetik bir tüp içinde sonsuza doğru daraldığı varsayımı ile halledilmiştir. Daha sonra kuru ve ıslak kıç için geçerli olan sınır koşullan uygulanmıştır. Teorik ve deneysel dalga dirençlerinin, Froude Sayısı ve ayna kıç alanına göre değişimleri incelenmiş ve sonuçlar çıkartılmıştır.
One of the main characteristics of semi planing hulls is the utilization of transom stern. The effect of transom stern has been a subject of research on various theoretical-numerical works. The nature of the flow about transom stern changes from a wet transom stern flow with eddies to clear flow about a dry transom stem. Different theoretical models have been adopted for different regimes. Various techniques have been developed to handle such cases. However, due to the absence of methodical experiments, conclusions on the suitable theoretical approaches has not been derived satisfactorily. This work aims to investigate the effect of transom stern area on the wave resistance by model experiments on a series of models and by numerical calculations of the wave resistance. A series of five models with varying transom area were derived from NPL Round Bilge Series. This series has a transom stern area/maximum section area ratio ranging from 0 to 1. Total resistance tests were conducted to demonstrate transom stern effects. Wave patterns were also measured and wave pattern resistance as well as wave spectrum were derived across the Froude number range of 0.3 to 1.2. A longitudinal cut technique was utilized in the wave pattern analysis. The effects of transom stern area change on the wave spectrum were investigated. Theoretical wave resistance calculations were made for the series by a panel method based on the Dawson's algorithm. The discontinuity problem of the normal vector at periphery of the transom is overcome by considering no panels at the transom and letting the internal flow go through the transom and continue its way inside a hypothetical closed tube bounded by the stream surface which is defined as the body surface and which clears the transom extending to infinity. Then appropriate boundary conditions are imposed for wet and dry regimes. Wave pattern resistance and theoretical wave resistance were compared based upon both Froude number and transom area change, and conclusions were derived from these results.
One of the main characteristics of semi planing hulls is the utilization of transom stern. The effect of transom stern has been a subject of research on various theoretical-numerical works. The nature of the flow about transom stern changes from a wet transom stern flow with eddies to clear flow about a dry transom stem. Different theoretical models have been adopted for different regimes. Various techniques have been developed to handle such cases. However, due to the absence of methodical experiments, conclusions on the suitable theoretical approaches has not been derived satisfactorily. This work aims to investigate the effect of transom stern area on the wave resistance by model experiments on a series of models and by numerical calculations of the wave resistance. A series of five models with varying transom area were derived from NPL Round Bilge Series. This series has a transom stern area/maximum section area ratio ranging from 0 to 1. Total resistance tests were conducted to demonstrate transom stern effects. Wave patterns were also measured and wave pattern resistance as well as wave spectrum were derived across the Froude number range of 0.3 to 1.2. A longitudinal cut technique was utilized in the wave pattern analysis. The effects of transom stern area change on the wave spectrum were investigated. Theoretical wave resistance calculations were made for the series by a panel method based on the Dawson's algorithm. The discontinuity problem of the normal vector at periphery of the transom is overcome by considering no panels at the transom and letting the internal flow go through the transom and continue its way inside a hypothetical closed tube bounded by the stream surface which is defined as the body surface and which clears the transom extending to infinity. Then appropriate boundary conditions are imposed for wet and dry regimes. Wave pattern resistance and theoretical wave resistance were compared based upon both Froude number and transom area change, and conclusions were derived from these results.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1999
Anahtar kelimeler
Aynakıç sistemi,
Stern system,