Endüstrileşmiş binada hazır tesisat bileşenlerinin kullanımı ve tasarıma etkileri

Arıöz, Erhan
Süreli Yayın başlığı
Süreli Yayın ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Endüstrileşmiş binada kullanılan hazır tesisat bileşen lerinin ele alındığı bu tezde, tesisat bileşenlerinin kullanım alanlarının belirlenmesini ve tasarımını hangi bakımlardan etkilediği incelenmiştir. Tezin giriş bölümünde; problem alanı kapsamı araştırı larak, ıslak mekanların bina içerisindeki önemi belir lenmiştir. 1. Bölümde, endüstrileşmiş binada hazır tesisat bileşe ni kavramını destekleyen ileride konuya katkısı olacak kavramlar tanımlanmıştır. 2. Bölümde, geleneksel ve endüstrileşmiş binadaki hazır tesisat bileşenlerinin kullanım alanları belirlenmiş tir. Ayrıca tesisat bileşenlerinin endüstrileşme aşa maları incelenerek bunların ıslak hacimlerde kullanımı ele alınmıştır. 3. Bölümde, endüstrileşmiş binada tasarlama yaklaşımla rı ele alınmış ve hazır tesisat bileşenlerinin kullanı mı durumunda tasarlamadaki kısıtlamalar belirlenmiştir. Tesisat bileşenlerinin tasarım aşamasında, yerleşimiyle ilgili alanlar (zonlar) tanımlanmıştır. 4. Bölümde ise hazır tesisat bileşenlerinin binalarda kullanılmasının getirdiği kolaylıklar ve avantajlar be lirlenerek ıslak hacimlerin, tesisat bileşenler iyle bü tünleştirilmesi sağlanmıştır. Sonuç bölümünde tezde varılan sonuçlar ele alınmıştır.
Ready-made installation components used in industrialised buildings are taken up in this thesis. Fields of use of installation components have been found out and their relationships with design have been studied. Installation components cover an important plays in houses. Service systems necessary for a building are provided by use of installation components. Installation systems are handled during building designing phase. After designing stage its application is provided. Thus, installation systems are distributed to rooms and continuity of these rooms is maintained. Typification of installation systems in both traditional and industrialised buildings is as follows: - Traditionaly, wet, in-side installation application - Ready-made installation components produced and applied in a certain type - Installation components which are. applied in front of shaft or wall - Installation wall which is as part of the wall - Prefabricated pipe - A packet prefabrication which is placed in front of a wall - As a side separating element; installation wall which covers the whole installation - A cell which is divided into its components - Total cell As defined above, installation systems are applied in buildings in different ways. The importance of use of installation components in industrialised buildings is mentioned in the entry section of this thesis. This section deals with those problems which wet rooms (kitchen, bath, wc) cause in a building. vii In section one, concepts related to Ready-made installation components used in an industrialized building are taken up. Those concepts that will appear in further sections are also introduced in this, section. In section two; traditional and industrialized building concepts are defined and Ready-made installation components used in traditional and industrialized buildings are handled. In traditional building, Ready-made installation components are studied in two ways : In renovation, employment of Ready-made installation components is studied. Renowal process involves the consideration of several points before use of Ready-made installation components. These are factors related to the structure of the building and are intended to foresee they eventual effects of those modifications the building will undergo. In restoration, employment of Ready-made installation components is studied. Before placement of Ready-made installation components into old buildings. That will be restored the buildings are dimensioned and the place where installation components will be fitted is determined. The material whice used in the production of the installation component should be of proper quality so as not to give an excess burden to the building. In industrialized building, use of Ready-made installation components begins at the stage of building design. And industrialization of installation components is carried out by industrialization of : - Component designing - Component production - Component transport - Component assembly In industrialized building the stage of component production is defined material of component. Material of component is examined into three items : viii - Concrete cells - Plastic cells - Mixed cells This section focusses also on use of Ready-made installation components in wet rooms as independent installation ducts and as connected installation ducts. Section three covers design specifications of industrialized building and use of prefabricated installation components. Building Design definition of system definition of component designing of designing of elements ix Design properties in industrialised buildings are studied in three aspects. Designing by use of ordered components. installation components are dimensioned and produced in accordance with these dimensions. Model systems take their source form models approach. These systems get together and can be chosen from one manifacturer's catalogue only. Use of catalogue components; principles of this system entail production of components according to certain rules. Introduction of catalogue components offers a wide range of choice of installation components. There are certain factors which influence use of prefabricated installation components. Among these factors are carrier system, vertical ducts which affect flexibility, coordination gap during assemblage, those combination points which have an impact on compatibility of components and provision of dimensional compatibility. During building designing stage, installation components are settled into various places in the building. - Installation components take place in zones predetermined by dimensional coordination principles. - Installation components settle in and serve from joint points of wet rooms. - Installation components render service to the building being kept outside place of use themselves. Installation components may take place in the core part of the building. The core part comprises common building service systems. Installation components can be passed through columns. They can also be passed through horizontal support system and the floor. The last section is on the results of the thesis. The aim of the thesis is to make those installation components used in houses into standardized elements. It enables the installation components to come together with compatibility at designing and application stages. Use of prefabricated installation components in industrialized building offers the following outcome - Production of elements with stafidard qualities, - Multiple benefit from installation as its components serve to different rooms, - Achieval of flexibility through usage of installation components in certain sones, - Spatio financial cost-effectiveness, as the installation components hold the all services systems regarding building in their structures. Preproduction of installation components has offered standardised, high quality and easy- to-assembly building elements without loss of material.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1992
Anahtar kelimeler
Banyo, Endüstriyel yapılar, Islak mekan, Tasarım, Tesisat bileşenleri, Bathroom, Industrial structures, Wet space, Design, Installation components