Mimari Tasarlama Eğitiminde Yazlık Konut Tasarımı Amacıyla Kullanılabilecek Bir Uzman Sistem Zeus

Alev, Gün
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Zeus Paket Programı, mimarlık öğrencilerine yönelik olarak hazırlanan bir Uzman Sistem'dir. Program, kullanıcılarına tasarım aşamasında destek vermek ve uyulması gereken kurallara, yönetmelik ve kanunlara dayanarak yön göstermek amacıyla tasarlanmış bir yardımcı araçtır. Tezin amacı yerine getirilirken, mevcut kurallardan, yönetmeliklerden ve kanunlardan başka yazlık konut tasarımı ve yapımı konusunda deneyimli bir mimarın bilgilerinden ve deneyimlerinden yararlanılmaktadır. Bu program mimarlık öğrencisinin tasarım sürecinin süresini kısaltacak ve onu destekleyecektir. Tezde ilk olarak uzman sistemlerden tasarlamada nasıl yararlanılacağı konusu üzerinde durulduktan sonra bilgisayar destekli tasarım veri_tabanlannın (databases) kullanımı olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Uzman sistemler geleneksel programlardan farklıdır ve çeşitli tipleri vardır. Bunlar çevirme, tahmin, tanı, tasarlama, planlama ve izleme sistemleridir. Biz bu tez kapsamında tasarlama sistemlerini incelenmiiştir. Uzman Sistem'in incelenmesinden sonra tezin planı ve yapılan çalışmaların modeli kurulmuştur. Daha sonra bu plan ve program dahilinde yapılan incelemeler ve bulgular göz önüne alınmıştır. ZEUS kapsamında, uzman mimar olarak. Mimar Metin flepgüler'den yardım istenmiştir. Uzman mimarla yapılan 30 dakikalık oturum süresince, mimarın yaptıkları videoya kaydedilmiş ve mimarın yaptığı eskizler alınmıştır. Yapılan bu çalışmaların ardından, ZEUS uzman sisteminin bilgisayar ortamına aktarılmasına başlanmıştır. Oluşturulan ZEUS US, hedeflenen amaca ulaşmıştır. Fakat bu örnek çalışma başta yapılan sınırlamalar ve kabuller doğrultusunda çok çeşitli konut tiplerine hizmet verememektedir. Bundan sonraki amaç, bu tezde yapılan sınırların kaldırılarak veya en azından hafifletilerek seçilecek konut tiplerinin daha detaylı olarak UM'dan alınması ve bunun konut tiplerinde kullanılması olabilir. Bunun gerçekleştirilmesiyle US daha geniş bir konut tipi ve arsa şartların da kendisinden beklenenleri yerine getirebilecektir. Eğer bu tür bir çalışma gerçekleştirilirse, hedef kullanıcılar sadece mimarlık öğrencileriyle sınırlı kalmayacaktır. Böylece ülkemiz mimarlığına destek verici uzman sistemlerde destek verir duruma gelecektir.
ZEUS is an expert system packet program which has been developed to be used by the architecture students while designing, not only helping them with it's design rules and regulations but introducing them a certain design environment and to make use of the knowledge of an experienced architect on a summer house design. This program will shorten the designing period of a student and will support him or her. In the first section, after we consider how one can use the expert systems while designing later computer aided design, databases use is defined. Declarative knowledge and processing information are used to transform under certain conditions. Through database experience, declarative and processing knowledge are transformed to computer. Transformed regulations are the samples of the complied knowledge and experiences to computer. Regulations which are based on knowledge based systems occur as 'IE condition THEM action'. This kind of regulations are used in expert systems. Transition from artificial intelligence to expert systems is the result of the studies of intelligency put into computer programs. The computer programs take form with high level expert knowledge in one area. In order to be successful in such programs, different type disciplines are required. With the help of such ix disciplines one should gather high quality knowledge from an expert and can analyze it. Expert systems differ from traditional programs and have different types. These are inter-pretation, prediction, diagnosis, designing, planning and monitoring systems. In this research we will examine the designing expert systems carefully. The second section contains the method. At first expert systems take form and later each method is explained in detail. The knowledge taken from literature has been placed under three sup-titles. The first type of acknowledgment which is used for expert system design, creation information. The second type gives information on ZEUS. In this section samples which can be found in literature are examined. As a result of these studies, specific restrictions are determined and related to summer house design. Conserving the design information of the two types of design strategies, space orientation regulations and space area and dimensions have taken place. In the light of the information gathered, a sample field has been brought up _keeping the needs of the client in mind_ in order to get dependable information from an expert architect. The program on expert system and program language information have been gathered under this third topic from an expert architect, the duration of the project location and the dimensions of the building are gathered. After doing the research in literature, information on design process, space orientation and space dimensions are gathered from an expert architect. In order to gather the above mentioned information an expert architect has been carefully examined while designing; 'think aloud' technique has been used for the preparation of the plan. The aim of this technique is to clarify what the expert architect thinks and what sort of regulation he uses while designing. In order to achieve the ZEUS program. Architect Metin Hepgüler has been asked to help as an expert. In a 30 minutes session architect' sketches were taken to video. This study was later examined further in detail and the verbal information was put into written text. The third part of the research is used for the explanation of the experiment. During the 'think-aloud' technique session, it has been recognized that restrictions and regulations are means of limitations for the architect. During the 'think-aloud' technique session the restrictions and regulations were handy_cape for the expert so he was asked to develop his designs without some of the regulations given. In conclusion, the expert solved six different design strategies. After the 'Think-aloud' session, the interview was put into text and his sketches were gathered and analyzed. In the first step of the analysis the rules (regulations) used by the expert were put down. The interview text was classified as procedures, regulations and preference sentence groups. Later it was again classified by design regulations. The list of regulations has been organized such away that it could be used later in the program. The series of regulations have been classified according to the concerned group of sketches. In this way each sketch design strategy is obtained. Further more, these sketches have been calculated according to their dimensions and have been put into a form which could be used in the program. After this study, ZEUS expert system was transferred to computer to computer system circumstances. XI ZEUS program starts with an inquiry dialogue box for architecture student as the user. The inquiry main dialogue box askes the user about the field, the house, directions, house settlement, which he would use. ZEUS controls the knowledge which is gathered from the user. If there is undesired design regulations, it would state them, would ask for new values and would also state reasoning. After entering the values, it askes the user to enter the design strategies. At this stage the user must choose at least one of the design strategies which has been coded before. ZEUS materializes the chosen design strategy either from the literature or from the expert point of view of the values and regulations. After the program materializes the desired design, it will form sample sketch projects. This program and the sketches are in the format of AutoCAD Rl 2 for DOS and/or AutoCAD R12 for Windows packet program. Hence, the user will be able to study the designed samples and will be able to change it according to the user's wishes. After designing the sketch strategy the program closes itself. Thus the user gets the values according to the given sample designs. ZEUS Expert System has reached to the goal which is desired. But this sample study can not meet the desired assents of different types of housing projects. In addition to this, it shows that it will help the efficiency of different types of housing projects in the future. Here, the next goal should be either to remove the limits or at least to relieve the strict rules of housing types. Details can be taken from expert architect and can be used at different type of housing. xii Through the realization of expert systems, larger type of housing projects and field can meet the expectations. If such study can be realized, it will not be limited by only the expected architecture students. Thus, the architecture in our country will also receive to get help from Expert Systems.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1994
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 1994
Anahtar kelimeler
Mimari tasarım, Uzman sistemler, Yazlık konutlar, Zeus, Architectural design, Expert systems Summer houses, Zeus