Yurtdışında faaliyet gösteren yüklenici işletmelerde strateji ve yetki devri

Serdar, Seda
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Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Yurtdışında faaliyet gösteren yüklenici firmalarda stratejik gelişim ve yetki devri düzeylerini inceleyen bu yüksek lisans tezi; özel sektörde yer alan 23 yüklenici firmayı kapsayan bir anket çalışmasının sonuçlarına dayanmaktadır. Araştırmanın sunulmasından önce; ikinci bölümde temel kavramlar ele alınmıştır. Bu bölümde;.Strateji.Stratejik alternatif ve seçimler.Yetki devri ve sorunlarının tanımlanması ile ilerideki bölümlerde ele alınan bulguların yorumlanmasına zemin hazırlanmıştır. Teorik genel açıklamalardan sonra, üçüncü bölümde; yurtdışı pazarlar, stratejiler ve yetki devrine ilişkin özellikler, yurtdışında faaliyet gösteren yüklenici firmalar göz önüne alınarak incelenmiştir. Dördüncü bölümde; araştırmanın kavramsal çerçevesi oluşturularak, hipotezlere yer verilmiştir. Ayrıca bu bölümde araştırma yöntemi tanıtılarak, elde edilen veriler ve istatistiksel göstergeler ele alınacaktır. Bulguların yorumlanması hipotezlerin geçerliliklerinin göstergeler dahilinde sorgulanması ve tartışılması ile sonuçların sunulması beşinci ve son bölümde yapılacaktır.
Since 70 's Turkish construction sector is expanding its activities abroad. And the firms are increasing their knowledge and experiences in markets of North Africa, Middle East, Russia, Germany... To achieve their goals the construction firms have to make a strategic choice. The present study aims to explore the relations and effects of strategic choice and the delegation of authority within datas gained from 23 contractor organisations of building sector operating in foreign countries, by the help of the questionnaire. In section two, the basic concepts;. Strategy,. Delegation of authority, are reviewed. Corporate strategy, concerns decisions about organisations as a whole and includes means to the ends; it is concerned with achieving objectives. Strategy has three main components:. Strategic analysis; seeks to understand the strategic position of the organization. . Strategic choice; formulation of the possible choices and evaluating them.. Strategic implementation; is planning how strategy can be put into effect. The typologies which are used in describing the strategic behavior of organizations are given under the headings: 1. The typology defined by Miles &Snow reflects the relationship between managers perceptions of the environment, the internal power and political structure of the firm. To analize firms this typology will be used in the thesis. Miles & Snow have defined four types of strategy :. Defenders. Prospectors. Analyzers. Reactors 2. Ansoff s identifies three strategic models:. Proactive systematic mode. Proactive adhoc mode. Reactive mode 3. The final typology to be discussed is Boston Consulting Group BCG Matrix which focus on product's cost-to- price relationship. Strategic choices are analyzed within the perspective of product profitably and the link between market share. XI Two concepts ; market share and product life cycle is combined on a matrix which is used as a device for assisting strategic choice;. Embryonic. Growth. Maturity. Decline The strategic prescription to have high profitability is to get rid of divest-decline, use cash flow of maturity, do development of embryonic into position of growth. In effect some authors, suggest all strategic position will be profitable if they are efficient and have high quality products (Hambrick) and BCG fails to reflect the full impact of expectations and risks(Wensley.) Authority is defined as the right to give orders and exact obedience. In this unit it is stated that decision making is the major part of a managers' functions. Because of the pressure and the volume of work the manager have to delegate some of his works to his subordinates who have qualities of experience, knowledge, and intelligence. And another fact is authority should be commensurated with responsibility. When we looked at the problem of delegation in words of organization, we could identify two main organization types:. Decentralization ; has the tendency to delegate formal authority to lower organizational units. If the company is more decentralized the more that decisions are made at lower organizational levels, by decentralization the performance of the managers are improved. xu . Centralization; is the tendency to withhold authority. Managers do all decision making. Section three is an analysis of contractor organizations operating in international building sector within basic concepts discussed. In this part of the study a general view to the international market is given and international market is analyzed from the view of strategic choices and delegation of authority In section four the conceptual framework of the study is put forward. Hypothesis are formulated as:. Organizations have tendency to change their strategic choice from defender type to prospector. Construction firms prefer to be centralized abroad, to face problems and to higher their performance. And the centralization rate abroad is higher than the centralization rate in Türkiye The analysis of datas gained from questionnaires are reported in section five. This section includes the basic approach, data collecting method and the statistical techniques used in analysis. Datas are reported under two main headings.. Descriptive analyses. Relational analyses XUl Section six is a discussion of the hypothesis within the datas from the questionnaire and the conclusion. The conclusion of the study can be summarized as:. The complexity of the environment, market problems and other factors cause the firms to be centralized, so that the firms have higher centralization rate abroad. Strategic choices of the constructor firms are changing from defender type to prospector Finally, the study serves as a pilot study providing empirical data for further researches on the relationships between strategy and delegation of work in outsider contractor firms.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1997
Anahtar kelimeler
Alt işveren, Strateji, Yetki devri, İnşaat sektörü, Subcontractor, Strategy, Subsidiarity, Construction sector