Yeni kurulan bir işletmede metot geliştirme ve ergonomik tasarım
Yeni kurulan bir işletmede metot geliştirme ve ergonomik tasarım
Bedestenci, Cemal
Süreli Yayın başlığı
Süreli Yayın ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Çalışma endüstri mühendisliğinin temel konularından biri olan îs Etüdü hakkındadır. Çalışmada îş Etüdünü uygulamada nasıl bir yol izleneceği, nelere dikkat edil mesi gerektiği ve karşılaşılabilecek sorunların nasıl çözülebileceği" hakkında bilgiler verilmiştir. Bu bilgilerin ardından bir isletmede yapılan uygulama anlatılmıştır. Çalışmanın başında Endüstri mühendisliği hakkında genel bir bilgi verildikten sonra endüstri mühendisliği nin ana konuları hakkında kısa açıklamalar yapılmıştır. îkinci bölümde çalışmanın esas konusu olan metot geliştirme ve ergonomik tasarım hakkında teorik bilgiler verilmiştir. îlk olarak ergonomi anlatılmış ve uygulama da ergonomiden nasıl faydalanılabil ineceği açıklanmıştır. Ergonomik tasarımdan sonra ikinci adım olan metot etüdü hakkında bilgiler verilmiştir. Metot etüdünde hangi yön temlerin kullanıldığı, bu yöntemlerin nasıl uygulanması gerektiği açıklanmıştır. Metot etünün ardından zaman etüdü hakkında bilgiler verilmiş ve standard zaman hesaplama yöntemleri ve bunların nasıl uygulanacağı açıklanmıştır. Zaman etüdü yaparken nelere dikkat edilmesi gerektiği anlatılmıştır. Çalışmanın son bölümünde yaylı yatak ve yaylı kanepe imalatı yapılan Marmara Sünger A.Ş. da yapılan ergonomik tasarım ve metot geliştirme uygulaması açıklanmıştır. Uygulamada bina ve tezgahların ergonomik tasarımı yapıl dıktan sonra metot geliştirilmiş, geliştirilen metoda göre yerleşim düzeni bulunmuştur, Uygulamanın son bölümünde işlerin standard zamanları hesaplanmış ve buna göre işgücü planlaması yapılmıştır.
In this term the main subject is work methods development and ergonomic design in a newly constructed manufacturing building. The subject is examined in three chapters. In chapter 1 general information about industrial engineering is given. In this chapter the description and the history of industrial engineering is explained and some general information about the main subjects of industrial engineering is given. The objective of industrial engineering is increasing the productivity of a firm by minimizing the costs and maximizing the profits while supporting a comfortable working environment to the workers. In order to reach this objective the most effective combination of the man, the machine and the working environment must be determined. The first studies of Industrial Engineering were made about division of labour and work study. First records about~work study was found at the time of Babillon king Hammurabi ( B.C. 1728-1686). The further studies were made by English Robert Owen, Adam Smith and French Perronet. The scientists were interested in Work Study and Plant Layout. American researcher Frederic W.TAylor made important studies in application of Industrial "Engineering. Frank and Li lion Gilbreth and Henry Gannt had also important studies about Industrial Engineering. The descriptions of some basic subjects of Industrial Engineering is given below. Production planning contains examining the sale estimates and customer orders, decision of manufacturing IX methods, programming the work flew and ordering when and where the work will be done. In order to success these works-, precautions are taken by production control. Operations Research is the art of solving decision making problems. Operations Research uses mathematical models and techniques in solving these problems. System simulation is building up a model of a system that's too expensive in real life to examine. By this simulation model of the system we can see the behaviour of the system in real life. Qality Control is improving, protecting and controlling the qality of a product in order to reply the customer requirements while keeping the costs of the minimum level. In chapter 2 Work Study and Ergonomics is' explained. Work study is one of the most applied subjects of Industrial Engineering. If the work study is not done in a factory, the other applications of Industrial Engineering can't be done correctly. We can say that work study is the main subject of industrial engineering. Work study is making use of the man, the machine and the working environment at the highest productivity level. Work study application has three sections. - Ergonomics (Human Engineering) - Motion Study - Time Study Human Engineering is reported to have as its goal "the adaptation o_f human tasks and working environment to the sensory, perceptual, mental, physical and other attributes of people. This adaptation for human use applies to such functions as the design of equipment, instruments, man-machine systems, and customer products, and to the development of optimum work methods and work environment." - The designer of machines, equipment, the work method, and the work environment must have an understanding of the way the human being functions his body dimensions, his physical limitations, and the conditions under which he performs most effectively. Antropological design is one of the most important application of ergonomics. Antropology means human sizes. While making an antropological design the designer must know the human body sizes and make his design according to average value and the standart deviation of human body sizes. These values are different in each country so the designer must know the values of the country that the design is made. In 1981 study was made in Istanbul Technical University to know the 50 different sizes of Turkish people. These values can be used now to make an antropological design. The working environment conditions are also very important to have a good performance from yhe workers. The working environment conditions are given below. - Weather conditions - Noise - Lightening - Mechanical vibrations - Harmful matters. Weather conditions, air temperature, wind speed and moisture proportion, affect the performance of the workers. Very noisy working places give harm to the workers' ears and decrease the performance. If the lightening is not enough the quality of the work won't be good and the workers performance will be low. Also the brightness and shining will give diffuculty to the worker. Mechanical vibrations may cause health problems on the workers. Preventing these negative working environment conditions will surely increase the workers performance and the productivity of the manufacturing department. Motion study can be explained as simplifying the work method. The work method should be designed so as to enable the operator to perform the task in the shortest possible time and with the- greatest ease and XI These new buildings need a productive plant layout inorder to have an effective production line. Firstly ergonomical deign of the buildings are made so the workers can have a more comfortable working condition and increase their performance. After the ergonomical design of the buildings, ergonomical design of the working area is made according to the antropological sizes of the human body. The next step of the application was the work study. In this step old methods were examined and new methods were improved according to the new building. After improving the work methods the plant layout of the new sofa production building is made according to new methods. At the last step of the application time study is made. At this step standard times of the jobs are calculated. According to these standard times the labour planning of the sofa production line is made.
In this term the main subject is work methods development and ergonomic design in a newly constructed manufacturing building. The subject is examined in three chapters. In chapter 1 general information about industrial engineering is given. In this chapter the description and the history of industrial engineering is explained and some general information about the main subjects of industrial engineering is given. The objective of industrial engineering is increasing the productivity of a firm by minimizing the costs and maximizing the profits while supporting a comfortable working environment to the workers. In order to reach this objective the most effective combination of the man, the machine and the working environment must be determined. The first studies of Industrial Engineering were made about division of labour and work study. First records about~work study was found at the time of Babillon king Hammurabi ( B.C. 1728-1686). The further studies were made by English Robert Owen, Adam Smith and French Perronet. The scientists were interested in Work Study and Plant Layout. American researcher Frederic W.TAylor made important studies in application of Industrial "Engineering. Frank and Li lion Gilbreth and Henry Gannt had also important studies about Industrial Engineering. The descriptions of some basic subjects of Industrial Engineering is given below. Production planning contains examining the sale estimates and customer orders, decision of manufacturing IX methods, programming the work flew and ordering when and where the work will be done. In order to success these works-, precautions are taken by production control. Operations Research is the art of solving decision making problems. Operations Research uses mathematical models and techniques in solving these problems. System simulation is building up a model of a system that's too expensive in real life to examine. By this simulation model of the system we can see the behaviour of the system in real life. Qality Control is improving, protecting and controlling the qality of a product in order to reply the customer requirements while keeping the costs of the minimum level. In chapter 2 Work Study and Ergonomics is' explained. Work study is one of the most applied subjects of Industrial Engineering. If the work study is not done in a factory, the other applications of Industrial Engineering can't be done correctly. We can say that work study is the main subject of industrial engineering. Work study is making use of the man, the machine and the working environment at the highest productivity level. Work study application has three sections. - Ergonomics (Human Engineering) - Motion Study - Time Study Human Engineering is reported to have as its goal "the adaptation o_f human tasks and working environment to the sensory, perceptual, mental, physical and other attributes of people. This adaptation for human use applies to such functions as the design of equipment, instruments, man-machine systems, and customer products, and to the development of optimum work methods and work environment." - The designer of machines, equipment, the work method, and the work environment must have an understanding of the way the human being functions his body dimensions, his physical limitations, and the conditions under which he performs most effectively. Antropological design is one of the most important application of ergonomics. Antropology means human sizes. While making an antropological design the designer must know the human body sizes and make his design according to average value and the standart deviation of human body sizes. These values are different in each country so the designer must know the values of the country that the design is made. In 1981 study was made in Istanbul Technical University to know the 50 different sizes of Turkish people. These values can be used now to make an antropological design. The working environment conditions are also very important to have a good performance from yhe workers. The working environment conditions are given below. - Weather conditions - Noise - Lightening - Mechanical vibrations - Harmful matters. Weather conditions, air temperature, wind speed and moisture proportion, affect the performance of the workers. Very noisy working places give harm to the workers' ears and decrease the performance. If the lightening is not enough the quality of the work won't be good and the workers performance will be low. Also the brightness and shining will give diffuculty to the worker. Mechanical vibrations may cause health problems on the workers. Preventing these negative working environment conditions will surely increase the workers performance and the productivity of the manufacturing department. Motion study can be explained as simplifying the work method. The work method should be designed so as to enable the operator to perform the task in the shortest possible time and with the- greatest ease and XI These new buildings need a productive plant layout inorder to have an effective production line. Firstly ergonomical deign of the buildings are made so the workers can have a more comfortable working condition and increase their performance. After the ergonomical design of the buildings, ergonomical design of the working area is made according to the antropological sizes of the human body. The next step of the application was the work study. In this step old methods were examined and new methods were improved according to the new building. After improving the work methods the plant layout of the new sofa production building is made according to new methods. At the last step of the application time study is made. At this step standard times of the jobs are calculated. According to these standard times the labour planning of the sofa production line is made.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1993
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