Türkiye’ De Satışa Sunulan Bazı Gıda Ürünlerinde Genetik Modifiye Mısır Bileşenlerinin Aranması
Türkiye’ De Satışa Sunulan Bazı Gıda Ürünlerinde Genetik Modifiye Mısır Bileşenlerinin Aranması
Çakmak, Ayşe Işıl
Süreli Yayın başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Son zamanlarda durmadan yeni genetik modifiye bitki ve mahsullerin geliştiriliyor olması ve dünya üstünde genetik modifiye bitkilerin ekili olduğu alanların giderek artması, son on yılda genetik modifiye gıda ürünleri tüketiminin yükselen bir profil çizmesine neden olmaktadır. Diğer taraftan, bu ürünlerin artan tüketim miktarı ile birlikte hem bilim hem de tüketici çevresinde bu tip ürünlerin insan sağlığı üstünde muhtemel yan etkileri olabileceği endişesi ortaya çıkmakta; bu nedenle de bu konuyla ilgili araştırmalar bilimsel arenada büyük önem taşımaktadır. Ülkemizde de bu tip ürünlerin yıllardır tüketildiği bilinci yeni oluşmakta ve diğer ülkelerde süregelmiş tartışmalar Türkiye’de de ortaya atılmaktadır. Diğer taraftan bu konu ülkemizde mevzuat bakımından da ele alınmış ve gerekli düzenlemelerin yapılması ile ilgili çalışmalar devam etmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, piyasadan toplanan gıda ürünlerinde genetik modifiye mısır içeriğinin kalitatif olarak belirlenmesidir. Bu amaçla, analizlenmek üzere, çeşitli büyük, orta ve küçük ölçekteki marketlerden özellikle içerisinde mısır türevleri olduğu etiketlerinde beyan edilmiş olan gıda ürünleri satın alınmıştır. Analiz edilen ürünler arasında bebek gıdaları (devam mamaları, ek besinler, vs.), konserve mısır, mısır nişastası ve mısır unu, mısır cipsleri, mısır gevrekleri, çeşitli toz tatlılar ve mısır çerezleri yer almaktadır. Primerlerin seçimi Avrupa Birliği’nin onayladığı mısıra ilişkin GMO listesi ile yurdumuzda girişine izin verilen GMO’ lar dikkate alınarak yapılmıştır. Ayrıca seçilmiş olan bu genler dünyada en yaygın olarak kullanıldığı literatür çalışmalarından tespit edilen genlerdir. Analizlerde ekstraksiyon metodu olarak, CTAB metodu ve ticari test kiti kullanılmış ve bu metotların verimleri karşılaştırılmıştır. DNA ekstraktları Real-time PCR da amplifikasyon işlemine tabi tutularak, mısıra özgü zein geni ile bitkisel gıdalarda GMO’ ların varlığını gösteren NOS terminatörü ve 35S promotörün varlığı taranmıştır. Ürünlerdeki genetik modifiye mısır bileşeninin varlığı kalitatif olarak ifade edilmiştir. Buna göre 51 üründen 8’ inin genetik modifiye mısır bileşeni içerdiği tespit edilmiştir. Son olarak ise genetik modifiye olduğu belirlenen örneklerde Bt11, Bt176, MON810 ve T25 mısır genlerinin varlığı aranmış ve örneklerde bu genler tespit edilmemiştir. Bu çalışma Türkiye piyasasında sıkça tüketilen mevcut ürünler üzerinde yapılan bir tarama çalışması niteliğindedir.
Development of newly genetically modified plants and crops and an ever-increasing amount of cultivated fields of genetically modified plants on the world are causing a rising profile of genetically modified food consumption within the last decade. On the other hand, with the increasing consumption amount of these products, concerns of possible side effects of these products on human health is emerging in the environment of scientists and consumers; for this reason isssue-relevant researches have big importance in the scientific arena. The consciousness of that we have been consuming these products for years is newly emerging in our country and discussions in this topic have been held in other countries and have recently come up in Turkey too. On the other hand, this issue was addressed with regard to regulations in our country and studies for preparing the necessary legislations are still proceeding. The aim of this study is performing the qualitative detection of genetically modified maize content of food products which were gathered from the market. For this purpose, in order to analyze food products, especially stating that they contain maize derivatives on their labels, were bought from various big, medium and small scaled markets. Baby foods (follow-on formulas, supplementary foods, etc.), canned corn, corn starch and flour, corn crisps, corn flakes, miscellaneous powder desserts and snacks are taking place in the products which were analyzed. Selection of the primers was done according to GM maize list approved by the European Union and GMOs which are allowed to enter in our country. Furthermore, these selected genes are the genes which were determined as the most common genes, has been used in the literature studies. In the analyses, CTAB and commercial test kit were used as the extraction method and efficiencies of these methods were compared. By amplifying DNA extracts in Real-time PCR, the presence of maize-specific zein gene and the presence of NOS terminator and 35S promoter which are the indicators of GMOs in plant foods were scanned. The presence of genetically modified maize component in the products was expressed qualitatively. According to this, it is detected that, 8 of 51 products are including genetically modified maize components. Ultimately, presence of Bt11, Bt176, MON810 and T25 maize genes in the samples, which were detected as genetically modified, was scanned and those genes were not found in the samples. This study has the feature of being a detection study over the present products which are consumed often in Turkey market.
Development of newly genetically modified plants and crops and an ever-increasing amount of cultivated fields of genetically modified plants on the world are causing a rising profile of genetically modified food consumption within the last decade. On the other hand, with the increasing consumption amount of these products, concerns of possible side effects of these products on human health is emerging in the environment of scientists and consumers; for this reason isssue-relevant researches have big importance in the scientific arena. The consciousness of that we have been consuming these products for years is newly emerging in our country and discussions in this topic have been held in other countries and have recently come up in Turkey too. On the other hand, this issue was addressed with regard to regulations in our country and studies for preparing the necessary legislations are still proceeding. The aim of this study is performing the qualitative detection of genetically modified maize content of food products which were gathered from the market. For this purpose, in order to analyze food products, especially stating that they contain maize derivatives on their labels, were bought from various big, medium and small scaled markets. Baby foods (follow-on formulas, supplementary foods, etc.), canned corn, corn starch and flour, corn crisps, corn flakes, miscellaneous powder desserts and snacks are taking place in the products which were analyzed. Selection of the primers was done according to GM maize list approved by the European Union and GMOs which are allowed to enter in our country. Furthermore, these selected genes are the genes which were determined as the most common genes, has been used in the literature studies. In the analyses, CTAB and commercial test kit were used as the extraction method and efficiencies of these methods were compared. By amplifying DNA extracts in Real-time PCR, the presence of maize-specific zein gene and the presence of NOS terminator and 35S promoter which are the indicators of GMOs in plant foods were scanned. The presence of genetically modified maize component in the products was expressed qualitatively. According to this, it is detected that, 8 of 51 products are including genetically modified maize components. Ultimately, presence of Bt11, Bt176, MON810 and T25 maize genes in the samples, which were detected as genetically modified, was scanned and those genes were not found in the samples. This study has the feature of being a detection study over the present products which are consumed often in Turkey market.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2010
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2010
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2010
Anahtar kelimeler
Genetik modifiye gıdalar,
test kiti,
Real-time PCR,
Genetically modified foods,
test kit,
Real-time PCR