Türkiye'de prefabrike açık sistemlerle yapım olanakları

Ayrancıoğlu, Ömer Alper
Süreli Yayın başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Bugün, Türkiye'de yaşanan ve ana hatları nüfus artış hızının yüksekliği, tarımın ekonomide küçülen payına ve imalat ve hizmet sektörü yatırımlarının belli bölgelerde yığılmasına paralel olarak büyük boyutlara ulaşan nüfus hareketleri, işsizlik ve istihdam problemi ve bütün bunların sonucunda oluşan düzensiz kentleşmenin ağır sosyal ve ekonomik maliyetler yaratması olarak karakterize edilebilecek olan büyük boyutlara ulaşan konut, üretim ve hizmet binaları açığı bütün dünyada olduğu gibi daha rasyonel çözüm olanaklarının araştırılmasını ve uygun teknolojilerin seçimini gündeme getirmiş bulunmaktadır. Türkiye'nin yapı üretimi probleminin çözümünde -hele önümüzdeki yüz yılın ilk on yılına girildiğinde karşılaşılacak yıllık ortalama 600.000 birim konut gereksinimi düşünüldüğünde -konvansiyonel sistemlerin ihtiyaca istenen nitelik ve nicelikte cevap teşkil etmesi mümkün gözükmemektedir. Bu durum, diğer dünya ülkelerine paralel bir şekilde Türkiye'de de konstrüksiyon adımlarının sistemleştirilmesini ifade eden endüstrileşmiş yapımla "hızlı ve ucuz" yapı temininin teorik ve pratik olarak ele alınmasını gerektirmektedir. Endüstrileşmiş yapım sistemleri, sağladıkları hızın yanında, eldeki sınırlı kaynakların rasyonel kullanımına ve bunun sonucunda maliyetlerde düşüşe olanak tanımaktadırlar. Bu ise yapı üretiminde aranan etkinlik ve verimliliğe imkan vermektedir. Bu doğrultuda, yapılan çalışmada ana tema olarak endüstrileşmiş bina üretimindeki iki temel görüşten biri olan açık sistemler ele alınmıştır. Bu amaçla, binanın endüstrileşmesi genel karakteristikleri ve gelişimi ile incelenmiş ve endüstri leşmiş bina üretiminde açık sistemlerin yeri ortaya konulmuştur. Çalışmada daha sonra, yapı üretimi ve uygun teknolojik alternatiflerin belirlenmesinde ülke ihtiyaçlarının saptanması da büyük önem taşıdığından Türkiye'nin genel verileri, ülkemizde bugün mevcut bulunan sistemlerin durumu, yapı üretimi sektöründe karşılaşılan zorluklar üzerinde durulmuş, sonuçta ise açık sistemlerin ülke ihtiyaç ve şartlarına uygunluğu ortaya konulmuştur.
Introduction Today, usage of renewable and non-renewable resources and production concepts take up a different position, as man's interests and needs change. The problems such as population growth and serious shortage of housing, share of limited resources, inadequate food and health provision, pollution and appalling waste etc. show that should search we rational solutions and appropriate technologies because of the big imbalancy between world's supply and demand. In this subject, the building industries also have important responsibilities for shelter and consequently health and share in many of the resources. These responsibilities can be caracterised the role of housing in human life and human society. Housing has tremendous social and economic impact on the total living environment of the world. It has direct and immediate influance on health, education, economy, environment, political and social life of any society. But, sensible policies for improving shelter have evolved more slowly than policies for other economic sectors. Apart from developing countries where all over the world 100 million homeless people live in, and explosion of population, migration, natural disasters and economical severe problems occur, housing problem has been poorly understood and poorly guided even in developed countries. Today, in every country, studies concentrate what appropriate technologies are. Obviously, in these researches, speed and the lower costs needs are two important criteria. With their slowness and inefficiency problems, conventional or traditional building systems do not seem to be able to cope with colossal shortage of housing. Therefore, generally the main solution area is searching industrialized building methods which mean systematizing pace of construction and which can be used for producing the buildings required relatively in a short time and economically. Similarly, as in many developing countries, building-especially housing- in Turkey is a major economic and social problem. And it is necessary to search advanced technological methods -naturally, it means industrialised building technologies- both theoretically and practically. So, in this study, the situation and importance of the determination of building possibilities of open systems in Turkey among dwelling production systems vii form the subject. Industrialised Building: Open and Closed Systems Industrialisation in building requires applications of mechanization, rationalisation, standardisation and prefabrication rules to whole building and its parts. When, the rules of industrialization applicate to building production and process, it can be mentioned that there are two main categories:. Closed systems. Open systems Closed Systems are those where sets of components for particular buildings are manufactured for sale into a particular market of an extent known before the production comences. In that approach, standardised buildings are produced from standardised components, i.e. compenents are used as unique sets and interchangebility between them is only at a local level within the system. All decisions in this system are given in a hierarchical order, where consumers have decision making role limited to a possible choice between a limited number of alternatives. Thus, the user has generally no significant control over the nature of the process or the form of its products. In the matter of production, the elements are fabricated in exact number of need and only assembling is required. So one disadvantage of the system is that it is rigid and the number of elements produces in series is small. Open Systems are that where components adaptable for any building are manufactured for the market where builders, designers or users may choose what they need among a wide range of possibilities. In other words, in this systems, components are producted freely, i.e. as not a part of an unique set. Here, local executive decisions and supralocal normative decisions are fully differentiated. For the local decision maker (builder, buyer or house holder), the open service system has a high capability for providing many different way of achieving the same end. Obviously, the flexibility of market depends on the openness of the system at all level of production. Therefore, to achieve the compatibility of the various components found in the market the designer, the realiser and the productor should be close cooperation. These features of open systems can provide some advantages. Especially, if demand is changeable and if there are relatively small projects, the systems can be much more preferable. In open systems, as in closed systems, there are three opinions. They are as follows: Technical open systems : They consist of a component team which can be used in every type of open system. Economical open systems: Initiator-Constructor, designer, system builder can supply the system components which will be used from different productor or seller, viii the other industrialisation processes. Because open systems applications makes the development of traditional/conventional systems possible and thus, it prevents a sudden setting out from present technics. Especially, in developing countries it is possible to produce the new construction components economically in small industrial establishments or workshops without getting into mechanization densely. The aim in the production mentioned here should be to mass produce prefabricated construction compenents in high quality and low cost. But, it is necessary not to forget that the dwelling should be separated into sections or elements which suit to prefabricate in reasonable dimensions. One of the most important ways for decreasing the construction cost is the mechanisation of the pace of the construction by using prefabricated standard construction elements.For defining the context, it is enough to indicates that there is a decrase of 8-10 % in cosntruction costs and a decrease of 35-40 % in labour costs compared with traditional construction. On the other hand, the prefabrication of the construction compenents divides the construction works into two periods in time compared with traditional construction. Therefore, some of works can be prepared in the factories or workshops at the same time with other pace and as a results the construction period would be shortened relatively great. It can be said that future belongs to prefabricated precast construction elements which have the most rational usage. But, these elements should have specifications which makes variousness which should be determined well, be brought to a most perfect situation which is not less effective in usage functions and which should have limit appropriateness on both sides seen form an objective point of view. In that way, completely closed prefabrication will turn into semi-closed or open prefabrication; that is to say the prefabrication will develope in the direction of a more flexible, free market system oriented production of industrial big-size elements which will have won commercial identity. In today's conditions, whether open or closed, prefabrication or other construction with precast elements needs more than ever customers which are on the side of industrialisation like financed establishments, private enterprise owners, designers and appliers... etc. Conclusions In this study the results obtained about the position and importance of open systems in the dwelling problem in Turkey are as follows:.When we consider short and long term national housing needs, it seems impossible to provide requirements of Turkey with conventional or traditional systems. So, we should incline industrialised building.. There is not only lack of supply but also a quality problems. It also points out industrialised building with their quality control possibilities.. So, here main solution area is open systems because of the its advantages: Xlll Open systems have no threshold number in production, that is to say the amount of total m2 makes no limits, it can be used in the construction of every kind of building (single or social dwellings) The prefabricated components which are mass produced with a certain quality and low-cost, can be basis of the contractor applications which form a great percentage of the dwelling construction with the traditional/conventional systems in Turkey and that is because the components are suitable for transport, concerning their sizes and weights because they only make the usage of simple machines necessary on site, because the joining of the elements requires a short time and few labour. Open systems applications makes the development of traditional systems possible and thus it prevents a sudden setting out from present technics. Using by degrees is already started in Turkey as you see such is ADK, wall and floor panels etc. Moreover, especially in developing countries such as Turkey, it is possible to produce the new construction components economically in small industrial establishments or workshops without getting into mechanization densely. And, with their features open systems components can be produced and marketed to directly user of squatter or all individual enterprisers. In general the appropriate solution should be decided considering short and long term policy. Here, it seems that open systems suit to Turkey's conditions. But, we should develop scientific and economical infrastructure for industrialised systems. Directions of that kind of study should cover open systems as in many countries and also it will be necessary to determine a reconciliation base. XIV the other industrialisation processes. Because open systems applications makes the development of traditional/conventional systems possible and thus, it prevents a sudden setting out from present technics. Especially, in developing countries it is possible to produce the new construction components economically in small industrial establishments or workshops without getting into mechanization densely. The aim in the production mentioned here should be to mass produce prefabricated construction compenents in high quality and low cost. But, it is necessary not to forget that the dwelling should be separated into sections or elements which suit to prefabricate in reasonable dimensions. One of the most important ways for decreasing the construction cost is the mechanisation of the pace of the construction by using prefabricated standard construction elements.For defining the context, it is enough to indicates that there is a decrase of 8-10 % in cosntruction costs and a decrease of 35-40 % in labour costs compared with traditional construction. On the other hand, the prefabrication of the construction compenents divides the construction works into two periods in time compared with traditional construction. Therefore, some of works can be prepared in the factories or workshops at the same time with other pace and as a results the construction period would be shortened relatively great. It can be said that future belongs to prefabricated precast construction elements which have the most rational usage. But, these elements should have specifications which makes variousness which should be determined well, be brought to a most perfect situation which is not less effective in usage functions and which should have limit appropriateness on both sides seen form an objective point of view. In that way, completely closed prefabrication will turn into semi-closed or open prefabrication; that is to say the prefabrication will develope in the direction of a more flexible, free market system oriented production of industrial big-size elements which will have won commercial identity. In today's conditions, whether open or closed, prefabrication or other construction with precast elements needs more than ever customers which are on the side of industrialisation like financed establishments, private enterprise owners, designers and appliers... etc. Conclusions In this study the results obtained about the position and importance of open systems in the dwelling problem in Turkey are as follows:.When we consider short and long term national housing needs, it seems impossible to provide requirements of Turkey with conventional or traditional systems. So, we should incline industrialised building.. There is not only lack of supply but also a quality problems. It also points out industrialised building with their quality control possibilities.. So, here main solution area is open systems because of the its advantages: Xlll Open systems have no threshold number in production, that is to say the amount of total m2 makes no limits, it can be used in the construction of every kind of building (single or social dwellings) The prefabricated components which are mass produced with a certain quality and low-cost, can be basis of the contractor applications which form a great percentage of the dwelling construction with the traditional/conventional systems in Turkey and that is because the components are suitable for transport, concerning their sizes and weights because they only make the usage of simple machines necessary on site, because the joining of the elements requires a short time and few labour. Open systems applications makes the development of traditional systems possible and thus it prevents a sudden setting out from present technics. Using by degrees is already started in Turkey as you see such is ADK, wall and floor panels etc. Moreover, especially in developing countries such as Turkey, it is possible to produce the new construction components economically in small industrial establishments or workshops without getting into mechanization densely. And, with their features open systems components can be produced and marketed to directly user of squatter or all individual enterprisers. In general the appropriate solution should be decided considering short and long term policy. Here, it seems that open systems suit to Turkey's conditions. But, we should develop scientific and economical infrastructure for industrialised systems. Directions of that kind of study should cover open systems as in many countries and also it will be necessary to determine a reconciliation base. XIV the other industrialisation processes. Because open systems applications makes the development of traditional/conventional systems possible and thus, it prevents a sudden setting out from present technics. Especially, in developing countries it is possible to produce the new construction components economically in small industrial establishments or workshops without getting into mechanization densely. The aim in the production mentioned here should be to mass produce prefabricated construction compenents in high quality and low cost. But, it is necessary not to forget that the dwelling should be separated into sections or elements which suit to prefabricate in reasonable dimensions. One of the most important ways for decreasing the construction cost is the mechanisation of the pace of the construction by using prefabricated standard construction elements.For defining the context, it is enough to indicates that there is a decrase of 8-10 % in cosntruction costs and a decrease of 35-40 % in labour costs compared with traditional construction. On the other hand, the prefabrication of the construction compenents divides the construction works into two periods in time compared with traditional construction. Therefore, some of works can be prepared in the factories or workshops at the same time with other pace and as a results the construction period would be shortened relatively great. It can be said that future belongs to prefabricated precast construction elements which have the most rational usage. But, these elements should have specifications which makes variousness which should be determined well, be brought to a most perfect situation which is not less effective in usage functions and which should have limit appropriateness on both sides seen form an objective point of view. In that way, completely closed prefabrication will turn into semi-closed or open prefabrication; that is to say the prefabrication will develope in the direction of a more flexible, free market system oriented production of industrial big-size elements which will have won commercial identity. In today's conditions, whether open or closed, prefabrication or other construction with precast elements needs more than ever customers which are on the side of industrialisation like financed establishments, private enterprise owners, designers and appliers... etc. Conclusions In this study the results obtained about the position and importance of open systems in the dwelling problem in Turkey are as follows:.When we consider short and long term national housing needs, it seems impossible to provide requirements of Turkey with conventional or traditional systems. So, we should incline industrialised building.. There is not only lack of supply but also a quality problems. It also points out industrialised building with their quality control possibilities.. So, here main solution area is open systems because of the its advantages: Xlll Open systems have no threshold number in production, that is to say the amount of total m2 makes no limits, it can be used in the construction of every kind of building (single or social dwellings) The prefabricated components which are mass produced with a certain quality and low-cost, can be basis of the contractor applications which form a great percentage of the dwelling construction with the traditional/conventional systems in Turkey and that is because the components are suitable for transport, concerning their sizes and weights because they only make the usage of simple machines necessary on site, because the joining of the elements requires a short time and few labour. Open systems applications makes the development of traditional systems possible and thus it prevents a sudden setting out from present technics. Using by degrees is already started in Turkey as you see such is ADK, wall and floor panels etc. Moreover, especially in developing countries such as Turkey, it is possible to produce the new construction components economically in small industrial establishments or workshops without getting into mechanization densely. And, with their features open systems components can be produced and marketed to directly user of squatter or all individual enterprisers. In general the appropriate solution should be decided considering short and long term policy. Here, it seems that open systems suit to Turkey's conditions. But, we should develop scientific and economical infrastructure for industrialised systems. Directions of that kind of study should cover open systems as in many countries and also it will be necessary to determine a reconciliation base.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1993
Anahtar kelimeler
Prefabrikasyon, Yapı üretimi, Prefabrication, Structure production