Yapı üretiminde üretkenlik
Yapı üretiminde üretkenlik
Öztaş, Kerim
Süreli Yayın başlığı
Süreli Yayın ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Ülkemizde yapı açığı özelliklede bir konut açığının olduğu bir gerçektir. Gerek nüfus artışı, göç gibi demografik nedenlerle gerekse binaların fiziksel veya fonksiyonel eskimeye uğraması gibi nedenlerle süratle artan yapı ihtiyacına göre yapı üretimi oldukça yetersiz kalmaktadır. Sektörün yapısı gereği artan talebi karşılamak kullanılan mevcut teknoloji, imalat teknikleri ile kaynakların kıt ve yetersiz olması nedeniyle oldukça yavaş ve, masraflı olmaktadır. Bu nedenle yapı üretiminde üretkenlik konusunun ele alınması ve bir takım tedbirlerin düşünülmesi zorunlu hale gelmiştir. Bu ihtiyaçtan yola çıkarak hazırlanan bu tezde öncelikle üretkenlik kavramı tanımlanmaya çalışılmış, nasıl ortaya çıktığı, hangi amaçla kullanıldığı anlatılmıştır. Endüstri içersinde üretkenlik artışının önemine değindikten sonra daha önce yapılan sınıflandırmalardan da yararlanılarak üretkenliği etkileyen faktörlerin genel bir sınıflandırması yapılmaya çalışılmış ve çeşitli düzeylerde üretkenliği etkileyen kriterler incelenmiştir. üçüncü bölümde artan yapı ihtiyacının nedenleri ve bu ihtiyacın karşılanmasında üretkenliğin rolü belirtilmiştir, üretkenlik artışı sağlayabilmek için önce üretkenliği etkileyen faktörlerin bilinmesi gerektiğinden, öncelikle üretkenlik konusunda Önemli yer tutan işgücü üretkenliğine değinildikten sonrada yapı üretiminde üretkenliği etkileyen faktörler sayılmaya çalışılmıştır. Ayrıca firmanın içinde bulunduğu koşullarla, bu faktörler arasındaki ilişki belirtilmeye çalışılmıştır. Dördüncü bölümde üretkenlik konusunda yapılan çalışmalara değinilmiş ve bunlar temelde iki grupta incelenmiştir. Bunlardan birincisi üretkenlik miktarının tespitine yönelik olan üretkenlik ölçümü, diğeride üretkenlik miktarının arttırılmasına yönelik olan rasyonelleştirme etüdleridir. Son bölümde ise herhangi bir yapı elemanı olarak taşıyıcı olmayan bir dış duvar seçilmiş ve bu elemanın çeşitli alterntifleri ele alınmıştır. üretkenlik açısından bir kıyaslama yapabilmek ve bir veri tabanı oluşturulması amacıyla elemanın toplam m2 maliyet içersinde yer alan malzeme ve işgücü maliyetlerinin yüzdeleri, alternatifler arasında bir kıyaslama yapabilecek şekilde tesbit edilmiştir.
It is fact that there is a building shortage, especially a housing shortage in our country. For a variety of reasons building production lags severely behind the rapidly increasing building requirements. Eiiorts aimed at meeting this increasing demand have been very slow and expensive both as a consequence ot the structure of this sector and for such reasons as the technology in use, the manufacturing techniques, and the shortage and insufficiency of resources. Therefore, it has become essential to take up the issue of productivity in building production and to consider certain measures to be taken. In this thesis, prepared with this necessity in mind, the issue of productivity in building production has been studied, and attention has been drawn to the benefits and savings that we could achieve by increasing productivity. Accordingly, in the first chapter, the importance of construction sector in Turkey has been indicated and it has been stated that the present situation does not suffice to meet the rapidly increasing demand. An introduction was made into the subject by expressing the importance of productivity in building construction. In the second chapter, the concepts of production and productivity have been studied primarily so that the issue of productivity in building production may be explained. The difference between productivity and efficiency has been pointed out. Making use of the definitions made hitherto, productivity has been defined as the ratio of the amount products produced to the factors used in a production process. This ratio has been defined as follows: -vi i- Output Productivity = Input Having stated the importance of the criterion of profitability in measuring the overall productivity of a production system, productivity has been indicated as the yield of a system. Accordingly, productivity comes under the effect of more than one factor, and we can measure either the productivity of a single factor (partial productivity) or the productivity of all the factors (total productivity}. As benefits provided for the society by increasing productivity in industry was mentioned, attention has been drawn to the fact that it contributes to an increase in real incomes, and consequently in savings and consumption levels, to the acceleration of investments and to the reduction of inflation. Subsequently various factors that affect productivity have been touched upon, and these factors in general have been brought together under 6 main groups: 1 - Economic factors 2 - Social factors 3 - Technological factors 4 - Cultural factors 5 - Psychological factors 6 - Managerial factors In the third chapter, pointing out primarily that there is an enormous deficit in building production and that it will not be possible to compensate it with the existing technology and methods, it has been explained that an increase in productivity is essential and important. Subsequently, it has been indicated that the factors that affect productivity need to be known in order to achieve such an increase. Factors that affect productivity in building production have been brought together under two groups. -Viii- External factors: i. Physical factors 2. Factors related with labour 3. Government and economical factors 4. Factors related with costuraers Internal factors: 1. Factors which related with suppling resources 2. Factors related with management 3. Factors related with labour 4. Technological conditions Having explained the labour as being in sizable interaction with productivity in building production as well as the factors affecting the productivity of labour, the other factors have also been described as a whole. In the classification made, the factors affecting productivity have been divided into two groups as those that are under the control of the firms and those that are not under the control of the firms. Again in the same chapter, it has been explained that the importance of these factors may vary depending on the conditions of a given firm. The fourth chapter consists of two different sections on measurement of productivity and on rationalisation studies. In the first section, the importance of measurement of productivity which helps us see an increase or decrease in the amount of productivity within a production process has been explained. At which levels such measurement can be made, indications that show the amount of productivity, and the basic procedures and rules of measurement have also been touched upon. And in the second section, it has been pointed out that for making maximum use of the factors of productivity it is essential to know, organise and measure the relationship among them. The system and research made to this end have been called as rationalisation studies. -ix- Having defined the basic aim in rationalisation studies as increasing productivity at a workplace by determining and implementing the measures to be taken on the input, process and output at that workplace; these studies have been examined in two different groups. The first has been considered as the methodological study which seeks simpler and more productive ways of carrying out the procedures and develops new methods, while the second has been considered as the measurement of work which tries to determine the amount of factors constituting the production. The fifth chapter has been allocated to a research made on the change of cost inputs in realizing a sample building element. In the analysis made, percentages have been determined for material and labour required to make 1 m2 of various alternatives of an exterior wall element which is not carrier type as a building element and which is used frequently. The aim of determining such percentages is, given the fact that labour is the factor which has the greatest effect on productivity and which is easy to intervene, to see more clearly the processes which involve greater labour and to attain rational solutions more easily by spending certain efforts on them. The primary task that we should do is to determine how the most rational solution may be attained with minimum time and minimum expense and by intervening in which processes, and subsequently focus on the other factors that affect labour productivity. Here it has also been mentioned that the most rational solution is provided by elements which can meet various needs where no processes requiring minimum labour and material costs are involved and which have certain performance values. The wall element has been divided into three groups as exterior front covering, interior front covering and main body. Giving a position number for each material, the costs of various formations have been calculated on the basis of the 1991 price lists issued by the Ministry for Development and Housing. -x- In these costs, percentages of material, unskilled labour and skilled labour have been comparatively indicated in tables and diagrams.
It is fact that there is a building shortage, especially a housing shortage in our country. For a variety of reasons building production lags severely behind the rapidly increasing building requirements. Eiiorts aimed at meeting this increasing demand have been very slow and expensive both as a consequence ot the structure of this sector and for such reasons as the technology in use, the manufacturing techniques, and the shortage and insufficiency of resources. Therefore, it has become essential to take up the issue of productivity in building production and to consider certain measures to be taken. In this thesis, prepared with this necessity in mind, the issue of productivity in building production has been studied, and attention has been drawn to the benefits and savings that we could achieve by increasing productivity. Accordingly, in the first chapter, the importance of construction sector in Turkey has been indicated and it has been stated that the present situation does not suffice to meet the rapidly increasing demand. An introduction was made into the subject by expressing the importance of productivity in building construction. In the second chapter, the concepts of production and productivity have been studied primarily so that the issue of productivity in building production may be explained. The difference between productivity and efficiency has been pointed out. Making use of the definitions made hitherto, productivity has been defined as the ratio of the amount products produced to the factors used in a production process. This ratio has been defined as follows: -vi i- Output Productivity = Input Having stated the importance of the criterion of profitability in measuring the overall productivity of a production system, productivity has been indicated as the yield of a system. Accordingly, productivity comes under the effect of more than one factor, and we can measure either the productivity of a single factor (partial productivity) or the productivity of all the factors (total productivity}. As benefits provided for the society by increasing productivity in industry was mentioned, attention has been drawn to the fact that it contributes to an increase in real incomes, and consequently in savings and consumption levels, to the acceleration of investments and to the reduction of inflation. Subsequently various factors that affect productivity have been touched upon, and these factors in general have been brought together under 6 main groups: 1 - Economic factors 2 - Social factors 3 - Technological factors 4 - Cultural factors 5 - Psychological factors 6 - Managerial factors In the third chapter, pointing out primarily that there is an enormous deficit in building production and that it will not be possible to compensate it with the existing technology and methods, it has been explained that an increase in productivity is essential and important. Subsequently, it has been indicated that the factors that affect productivity need to be known in order to achieve such an increase. Factors that affect productivity in building production have been brought together under two groups. -Viii- External factors: i. Physical factors 2. Factors related with labour 3. Government and economical factors 4. Factors related with costuraers Internal factors: 1. Factors which related with suppling resources 2. Factors related with management 3. Factors related with labour 4. Technological conditions Having explained the labour as being in sizable interaction with productivity in building production as well as the factors affecting the productivity of labour, the other factors have also been described as a whole. In the classification made, the factors affecting productivity have been divided into two groups as those that are under the control of the firms and those that are not under the control of the firms. Again in the same chapter, it has been explained that the importance of these factors may vary depending on the conditions of a given firm. The fourth chapter consists of two different sections on measurement of productivity and on rationalisation studies. In the first section, the importance of measurement of productivity which helps us see an increase or decrease in the amount of productivity within a production process has been explained. At which levels such measurement can be made, indications that show the amount of productivity, and the basic procedures and rules of measurement have also been touched upon. And in the second section, it has been pointed out that for making maximum use of the factors of productivity it is essential to know, organise and measure the relationship among them. The system and research made to this end have been called as rationalisation studies. -ix- Having defined the basic aim in rationalisation studies as increasing productivity at a workplace by determining and implementing the measures to be taken on the input, process and output at that workplace; these studies have been examined in two different groups. The first has been considered as the methodological study which seeks simpler and more productive ways of carrying out the procedures and develops new methods, while the second has been considered as the measurement of work which tries to determine the amount of factors constituting the production. The fifth chapter has been allocated to a research made on the change of cost inputs in realizing a sample building element. In the analysis made, percentages have been determined for material and labour required to make 1 m2 of various alternatives of an exterior wall element which is not carrier type as a building element and which is used frequently. The aim of determining such percentages is, given the fact that labour is the factor which has the greatest effect on productivity and which is easy to intervene, to see more clearly the processes which involve greater labour and to attain rational solutions more easily by spending certain efforts on them. The primary task that we should do is to determine how the most rational solution may be attained with minimum time and minimum expense and by intervening in which processes, and subsequently focus on the other factors that affect labour productivity. Here it has also been mentioned that the most rational solution is provided by elements which can meet various needs where no processes requiring minimum labour and material costs are involved and which have certain performance values. The wall element has been divided into three groups as exterior front covering, interior front covering and main body. Giving a position number for each material, the costs of various formations have been calculated on the basis of the 1991 price lists issued by the Ministry for Development and Housing. -x- In these costs, percentages of material, unskilled labour and skilled labour have been comparatively indicated in tables and diagrams.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1992
Anahtar kelimeler
Yapı üretimi,
İnşaat endüstrisi,
Structure production,
Construction industry