Gebze-Çerkeşli bölgesinin mühendislik jeolojisi ve çimento hammaddesi araştırması
Gebze-Çerkeşli bölgesinin mühendislik jeolojisi ve çimento hammaddesi araştırması
Korkmaz, Serap
Süreli Yayın başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Bu çalışmanın amacı, ASLAN ÇİMENTO A.Ş. fabrikasına gele cekte ihtiyaç duyacağı hammadde gereksinimini temin edebilecek bir alternatif sahanın seçimine yardımcı almaktır. Çalışmalar sonunda Demirciler ile Çerkeşli köyleri arasın da kalan bölge malzeme yapısı açısından olumlu bulunmuş ve çalışmalar bu bölgede yoğunlaştırılmıştır. Bu çalışmalar, literatür araştırması, arazi ve laboratuvar çalışma larından oluşmaktadır. Bölgede yayılım gösteren ve çimento hammaddesi olarak kullanılan Üst Kretase yaşlı marnlı, killi kalkerin yayılımı ve diğer birimlerle olan ilişkisini araştırmak amacı ile stratigrafik, litalojik ve yapısal saptanmış ve çalışma bölgesinin 1/25000 ölçekli jeoloji haritası ile 1/5000 ölçekli 'malzeme jeolojisi haritası hazırlanmıştır. Laboratuvar çalışmalarında, yapılan yedi adet sondajdan elde edilen 256 adet numunenin kimyasal analizleri ve ocak alanı olarak seçilen bölgeden yüzeysel olarak alman 8^ adet numunenin analizleri yapılmıştır. 5ondajlar/ kimyasal analiz sonuçları ve çimento modüllerine gara seviyelere ayrılmıştır. Her seviyenin CaC03 miktarı hesaplanmış ve buna göre sınıflandırılmıştır. Malzemenin çimento hammaddesi olabilirliğinin kanıtlanması amacıyla belirlenen çeşitli seviyeler arasında on adet teorik klinker hesabı yapılmıştır. Sondaj derinlikleri ve kot yükseklikleri dikkate alınarak üç adet basamak belirlenmiştir. Bu basamaklara ait orta lama değerler hesaplanmış ve CaO ve silikat modülü değerleri dağılımının gösterildiği kontur haritaları hazırlanmıştır. Muhtemel bir ocak alanı seçilmiş ve bu bölgede 30 m aralık la bir karelaj çalışması yapılmıştır. 8A- adet numune alınan her noktanın koordinat değerleri belirlenmiştir. Elde edilen bu veriler kullanılarak bölgede CaO ve silikat modülü dağılımını gösteren üç boyutlu blok diyagramı ve kontur haritaları hazırlanmıştır.
Tha main target, of investigation is to find an alternative area which might provide a raw material need af ASLAN ÇİMENTO A.Ş. in future investigation area is about 25 km2 between Çerkeşli and Demirciler villages. The necessary materials for the cement industry are limes tone, clay, marl and corrector materials (bauxite, diatomite, iron ore) and additives (gypsum and puzzolan). **°a CaO "A***o* Figure: 1. Ternary System CaO-SiG2- ( A1203+Fe203) 1=Clinker 2=Limestone 3=Clay 4=Sand 5=Bauxite, Laterite 6=Ash Dust. In order to research raw material, calcareous marl dissoci ation and its borders with other rocks in the area, the stratigraphical, lithological and structural propeties of this material were examined, geological map (1/25000 scale) engineering geology map (1500D scale) have been prepared. In the fourth section geological information about the area were given. XI The oldest litologies in the area start from clayey marl (lower tiassic) to dolomite limestone and nodular limestone then to finely Ammonites limestone. The younger litologies consist of conglomerate limestone, limestone with ruddiest, marl, limestone with marl, calca reous marl, marl, with clay. The age of these series are Upper Cretaceous. Lower Triassic limestone seen at the north af Demirciler Village are yellowish-red in color. The avarage thickness of these series are 250 m. Middle Triassic dolomite limestone are light-gray-black in color and about 200-800m thick. Upper Triassic limestones seen at the north of the Çerkeş- li village lies on the dolomite limestone with uncomfor- mity, gray and yellowish in colour. Upper Triassic nodular limestone has much ammonite, pink- dark red in color. Upper Triassic shales are yollowish- gray-green in color, thin layered and fine grained. The calcareous marl (Upper Cretaceous) has a large exten sion in the investigation region and about 500 m thick. These series contain from base to top; Marl, limestone with marl, with limestone and clayey marl and white cream in color and Upper Cretaceous age. The series lie with uncomformity on the dolomitic limestone. In the fifth section, cement materials and technology were explained. This section consists of the meaning and history of cement, information concerning cementable raw materials, production process and the type of cement produced in Turkey. In the sixth section, production, sale and consumption of clinker and cement were given as tables and graphics. In addition to this results were compared with the other countries. The Turkish cement market reflects a typical non-stable market, that is to say, an emerging market with fierce competition by a large number of producers. In the past ten years an important consolidation has ggcured in the cement industry in Turkey, There were ^1 plants acting in M diffrent ways. Today the number of plants has not changed very much, but through mergers and acquisi tions there are now seven major groups including multina- tionalowners, all from Europe. Turkey J s main cement manufacturing groups and domestic sales were given below; Xll CEMENT GROUPS DOMESTIC SALES (MT) C8R-SA RUMELİ OYAK LAFARGE SET B. ANADOLU VICAT OTHER 5.9 k.Q 3.6 3.1 2.6 1.8 1.3 7.3 These seven major groups have control over 75 per cent of sales in Turkey. The remarkable performance of the cement market can be seen in the dramatic increase in per capita cement consumption. In the last ten years, per capita cement consumption in Turkey has increased by 53 per cent, reaching 477 kg (up from 312 kg). The population of Turkey increases by about two per cent per annum. This suggests that half of the cement consumption increase has been caused by papulation growth. Total cement consumption during the last ten years has nearly doubled, from 15.7 Mt to 30 Mt. In the seventh section all studies complated in the area were telled. These studies are forcused on the series of Upper Crataceous. These materials can be used as cemen- table raw materials by mixing the different levels which have different chemical compositions. If the good homo- ı-ıaı-ıi-7^+-înı-ı i a a r-i <= I I T* o r( ho + l.ioon thn Hi f f DTpnt 1 P»Pİ S. In order to reash above mentioned aim, first of all seven finished drilling in 1993 have been evaluated. The steps have been carried out as follows; - The log sections of per drillings have been prepared -The analyses of the samples have been completed -The analyses of the samples have been completed -The levels have been seperated according to the chemical analyses results -Material has been qualified by using the calculated CaC03 values. For this qualification the limits below has been taken as a reference. CaCo3 Limits (%) Pure limestone Marly limestone Limestone marl Marl 96.100 90-96 75-90 40-75 Xlll Claye marl 10-40 Marly clay 4-10 Clay Q-k - Theoretical clinker calculation between the different levels have been done - Three benches were determined and then according to the calculated results there dimensional quality diagram have been done. In addition of these studies, the quarry area was choosen taking into consideration of some criteria. These criterias are ; - Quality of material - Reserve - Housing around the quarry area - Environment - The line of the natural gas After making a decision about the quarry site, mors detailed studies have started in order to determine materials characteristics. These studies are; - a^surface samples were taken from the passible quarry area. Distance of the sample points are 30 m. - The coordinates (X-Y)of these points were determined - The chemical analyses of the samples have been completed - Contour map and there dimensional black diagrams were prepared by the help of the computer program, these diagrams show the value of the CaO, MgO, LS (Lime Standard) and SM (Silicate Module). The last section of the thesis all results and suggestions are summarised.
Tha main target, of investigation is to find an alternative area which might provide a raw material need af ASLAN ÇİMENTO A.Ş. in future investigation area is about 25 km2 between Çerkeşli and Demirciler villages. The necessary materials for the cement industry are limes tone, clay, marl and corrector materials (bauxite, diatomite, iron ore) and additives (gypsum and puzzolan). **°a CaO "A***o* Figure: 1. Ternary System CaO-SiG2- ( A1203+Fe203) 1=Clinker 2=Limestone 3=Clay 4=Sand 5=Bauxite, Laterite 6=Ash Dust. In order to research raw material, calcareous marl dissoci ation and its borders with other rocks in the area, the stratigraphical, lithological and structural propeties of this material were examined, geological map (1/25000 scale) engineering geology map (1500D scale) have been prepared. In the fourth section geological information about the area were given. XI The oldest litologies in the area start from clayey marl (lower tiassic) to dolomite limestone and nodular limestone then to finely Ammonites limestone. The younger litologies consist of conglomerate limestone, limestone with ruddiest, marl, limestone with marl, calca reous marl, marl, with clay. The age of these series are Upper Cretaceous. Lower Triassic limestone seen at the north af Demirciler Village are yellowish-red in color. The avarage thickness of these series are 250 m. Middle Triassic dolomite limestone are light-gray-black in color and about 200-800m thick. Upper Triassic limestones seen at the north of the Çerkeş- li village lies on the dolomite limestone with uncomfor- mity, gray and yellowish in colour. Upper Triassic nodular limestone has much ammonite, pink- dark red in color. Upper Triassic shales are yollowish- gray-green in color, thin layered and fine grained. The calcareous marl (Upper Cretaceous) has a large exten sion in the investigation region and about 500 m thick. These series contain from base to top; Marl, limestone with marl, with limestone and clayey marl and white cream in color and Upper Cretaceous age. The series lie with uncomformity on the dolomitic limestone. In the fifth section, cement materials and technology were explained. This section consists of the meaning and history of cement, information concerning cementable raw materials, production process and the type of cement produced in Turkey. In the sixth section, production, sale and consumption of clinker and cement were given as tables and graphics. In addition to this results were compared with the other countries. The Turkish cement market reflects a typical non-stable market, that is to say, an emerging market with fierce competition by a large number of producers. In the past ten years an important consolidation has ggcured in the cement industry in Turkey, There were ^1 plants acting in M diffrent ways. Today the number of plants has not changed very much, but through mergers and acquisi tions there are now seven major groups including multina- tionalowners, all from Europe. Turkey J s main cement manufacturing groups and domestic sales were given below; Xll CEMENT GROUPS DOMESTIC SALES (MT) C8R-SA RUMELİ OYAK LAFARGE SET B. ANADOLU VICAT OTHER 5.9 k.Q 3.6 3.1 2.6 1.8 1.3 7.3 These seven major groups have control over 75 per cent of sales in Turkey. The remarkable performance of the cement market can be seen in the dramatic increase in per capita cement consumption. In the last ten years, per capita cement consumption in Turkey has increased by 53 per cent, reaching 477 kg (up from 312 kg). The population of Turkey increases by about two per cent per annum. This suggests that half of the cement consumption increase has been caused by papulation growth. Total cement consumption during the last ten years has nearly doubled, from 15.7 Mt to 30 Mt. In the seventh section all studies complated in the area were telled. These studies are forcused on the series of Upper Crataceous. These materials can be used as cemen- table raw materials by mixing the different levels which have different chemical compositions. If the good homo- ı-ıaı-ıi-7^+-înı-ı i a a r-i <= I I T* o r( ho + l.ioon thn Hi f f DTpnt 1 P»Pİ S. In order to reash above mentioned aim, first of all seven finished drilling in 1993 have been evaluated. The steps have been carried out as follows; - The log sections of per drillings have been prepared -The analyses of the samples have been completed -The analyses of the samples have been completed -The levels have been seperated according to the chemical analyses results -Material has been qualified by using the calculated CaC03 values. For this qualification the limits below has been taken as a reference. CaCo3 Limits (%) Pure limestone Marly limestone Limestone marl Marl 96.100 90-96 75-90 40-75 Xlll Claye marl 10-40 Marly clay 4-10 Clay Q-k - Theoretical clinker calculation between the different levels have been done - Three benches were determined and then according to the calculated results there dimensional quality diagram have been done. In addition of these studies, the quarry area was choosen taking into consideration of some criteria. These criterias are ; - Quality of material - Reserve - Housing around the quarry area - Environment - The line of the natural gas After making a decision about the quarry site, mors detailed studies have started in order to determine materials characteristics. These studies are; - a^surface samples were taken from the passible quarry area. Distance of the sample points are 30 m. - The coordinates (X-Y)of these points were determined - The chemical analyses of the samples have been completed - Contour map and there dimensional black diagrams were prepared by the help of the computer program, these diagrams show the value of the CaO, MgO, LS (Lime Standard) and SM (Silicate Module). The last section of the thesis all results and suggestions are summarised.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 1997
Anahtar kelimeler
Çimento fabrikaları,
Cement factories