Yüksek Performanslı Betonlarda Kür Koşullarının Yüksek Fırın Cürufu Etkinliği Üzerine Etkisi
Yüksek Performanslı Betonlarda Kür Koşullarının Yüksek Fırın Cürufu Etkinliği Üzerine Etkisi
Emekli, Abdurrahman Selim
Süreli Yayın başlığı
Süreli Yayın ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Kendiliğinden yerleşen betonlar (KYB), özellikle son on yılda, yapıların onarım ve güçlendirilmesinde, prefabrik elemanların üretiminde, yoğun donatı ve karmaşık kalıp sistemi içeren yapılarda çok fazla yer almıştır. KYB’lerin içeriğinde yüksek miktarda bulunması gereken ince malzemenin önemli bir kısmı, hem ekonomik nedenlerle hem de projeye uygunluğu bakımından, yüksek fırın cürufu ile ikame edilmektedir. Ancak bu betonlarda oluşan puzolanik reaksiyonun yeterli seviyede gerçekleşebilmesi için sadece Portland çimentosu ile üretilen betonlara göre daha uzun süre kür uygulanması gerekmektedir. Günümüzde gelişen teknoloji sayesinde yapı imalat süreleri de oldukça kısalmıştır. Özellikle prefabrik sektöründe, yapı elemanlarına buhar kürü uygulayarak betonun dayanım kazanması hızlandırılmaktadır. Beton özelliklerine zarar vermeden yüksek erken dayanıma ulaşmak amacıyla alternatif yöntemler geliştirmek üzere birçok çalışma gerçekleştirilmektedir. Son yıllarda yapılan çalışmalarda, bir hidratasyon ürünü olan C-S-H bileşeninin sentetik halde taze betona katılması sonucunda erken dayanım değerlerinin oldukça yükseldiği görülmüştür. Kendiliğinden yerleşen betonlarda puzolan kullanımı üzerine de oldukça fazla çalışma mevcuttur. Ancak kimyasal kür uygulamalarının puzolan katkılı betonlar üzerindeki etkisi ile ilgili yayınlar oldukça sınırlı sayıdadır. Sentetik C-S-H kullanılan betonlara farklı kür koşullarının uygulandığı araştırmalara ise rastlanmamıştır. Sentetik C-S-H üzerine yapılan çalışmalarda daha çok C-S-H formülasyonunun etkisi üzerinde durulduğu ve çimento hidratasyon sürecinin incelenmiş olduğu görülmüştür. Kimyasal kür malzemeleri ile ilgili çalışmalarda ise su kaybına bağlı olarak gelişen rötre ile mekanik ve fiziksel özelliklerinin incelendiği ancak içyapısal özelliklerinin üzerinde durulmadığı tespit edilmiştir. Bu çalışmada KYB’nin maliyetini düşürmek ve bazı özelliklerini iyileştirmek için YFC ile çimento ikame edilip betonun taze ve sertleşmiş halindeki mekanik ve fiziksel özellikleri incelenmiştir. Bu amaçla 8 farklı karışım üretilmiştir. Referans betonun çimento miktarı %40 azaltılıp yerine sırasıyla ağırlıkça 1:1, 1:1,25, 1:1,5 ve 1:2 oranlarında YFC ile ikame edilmiştir. Daha sonra bu karışımlara bağlayıcı miktarın %2 si kadar sentetik C-S-H konulmuştur. Üretilen karışımlar, kalıplara dökülmeden önce taze hal deneyi olarak yayılma çapı ve süresi, V-hunisi, hava içeriği, birim ağırlık, reometre ve ayrışma testleri yapılmıştır. Üretilen beton, Basınç ve yarma deneyi için 10x10x10 cm lik küp kalıba, iletkenlik ve kılcallık için 7x7x28 cm lik kalıba, ESEM, rötre, ağırlık kaybı ve üç noktalı eğilme deneyi için 4 mm lik elekten geçirilip harç fazı elde edilip 4x4x16 cm lik kalıba dökülmüştür. Kalıptan sökülen numunelere sürekli laboratuvar koşullarında hava kürü, 7 gün ıslak çuvalaltı sonra laboratuvarda hava kürü, sürekli 21±2oC kireçli suda, kimyasal kür olarak akrilik, parafin ve reçine malzemelerinin numune yüzeyine uygulanıp laboratuvar koşullarında bekleme gibi 6 çeşit kür metodu uygulanmıştır. Taze haldeki betonun deney sonuçlarında istenilen özellikler 1:2’lik ikame dışında sağlanmıştır. Karışıma yüksek fırın cürufu ilave edilince hedef yayılma çapına daha az süper akışkanlaştırıcı katkı ile ulaşılmıştır. Benzer sonuç V-hunisi deneyinde de görülmüştür. Burada cürufun işlenebilirliğe olumlu etkisi görülmüştür. Sentetik C-S-H ilavesinin taze beton özelliklerine olumsuz etkisi nedeniyle karışıma süper akışkanlaştırıcı ilave edilmesi gerekmiştir. Bu da sentetik C-S-H’ın işlenebilirliğe olumsuz etkisini göstermiştir. Reometre deneyinde ölçülen moment ile dönme hızı arasındaki bağıntı ile viskozite katsayıları hesaplanmıştır. Viskozite değeri su/bağlayıcı oranının azalmasıyla artmıştır. Sertleşmiş betonun mekanik özellikleri erken yaşlarda sentetik C-S-H katkısıyla olumlu yönde gelişirken ileriki yaşlarda olumsuz yönde geliştiği görülmüştür. İleri yaşlarda yüksek fırın cürufunun puzolanik reaksiyonu ile mekanik özellikleri YFC/bağlayıcı oranı %50-53 aralığına (optimum miktar) kadar referansa göre daha fazla gelişmiştir. Daha fazla YFC miktarı kullanılması tüm cüruf taneciklerinin hidrate olamamasına ve bunların daha çok filler etkisi göstermesine neden olmuş, mekanik özellikleri negatif yönde etkilemiştir. Kür metotlarında ise en yüksek performans su ile sağlanmıştır. Kimyasal kürler arasında erken yaşlarda reçine esaslı kür malzemesi daha olumlu sonuçlar verirken ilerleyen yaşlarda akrilik esaslı kür malzemesinin performansı daha yüksek çıkmıştır. Etkinlik katsayıları Bolomey ve Feret denklemleri kullanılarak elde edilmiştir. YFC miktarlarının artmasıyla etkinlik katsayıları azalma göstermiştir. Bunun nedeni, birim hacme gelen çimento miktarı değişmediğinden puzolanik reaksiyon için gerekli serbest kirecin, artan cüruf miktarının hidratasyonunu için yeterli olmamasından kaynaklanmaktadır. Diğer taraftan YFC katkılı betonlarda 28 günden sonra gerçekleşen dayanım artışının havada tutulmuş numunelerde bile sadece çimento ile üretilenlere göre daha fazla olduğu hesaplanan etkinlik değerlerinden anlaşılmıştır. Sentetik C-S-H’ın ise etkinlik değerine olumsuz etki yaptığı görülmüştür. Kimyasal kür uygulamaları su kaybını azaltması nedeniyle kılcallık, iletkenlik gibi durabilite deneylerinde kür uygulanmayan numunelere oranla daha olumlu etkileri görülmüştür. Betonda YFC kullanılması sadece çimentolu numunelere oranla özdirenç değerlerini ilerleyen yaşlarda 5-7 kat daha fazla geliştirmiştir. YFC miktarının artmasıyla numunelerin kılcallık katsayıları olumlu yönde azalmıştır. Rötre değerlerinde kimyasal kür uygulanan numuneler hava kürü uygulanan numunelere göre daha iyi sonuçlar vermiştir. Büzülmeyi kısıtlaması sayesinde reçine esaslı kür en iyi sonuçları verirken ağırlık kaybı deneylerinde akrilik esaslı kür malzemesi daha iyi performans göstermiştir. ESEM görüntülerinde ise erken ve ileriki yaşlarda numunenin içyapısı incelenmiştir. C-S-H, CH ve etrenjit oluşumları analiz edilmiştir.
In order to obtain an impermeable and durable concrete, having a sufficient strength, curing applications are of great importance. The poor curing after casting on site may cause insufficient characteristics of concrete, in an irreversible way. In the last decade, self compacting concrete which is also widely used in repair and strengthening of structures, in the production of prefabricated elements and for the structures which include heavy reinforcement and complicated molding systems. SCCs have significant amount of fine material such as ground granulated blastfurnace slag (GGBS), fly ash and silica fume are commonly used in concrete because they improve durability and reduce porosity; improve the interface with the aggregate. Economics (lower cement requirement), energy, and environmental considerations have had a role in the mineral admixture usage as well as better engineering and performance properties. The lower cement requirement also leads to a reduction for CO2 generated by the production of cement. The engineering benefits from the use of mineral admixtures in concrete result partly from their particle size distribution characteristics, and partly from the pozzolanic and cementitious reactivity. However, in order to provide sufficient level of pozzolanic reaction, water curing should be extended in longer periods than ordinary portland cement concretes. For this reason, the importance of the application of curing becomes more important. Recently, construction processes are shortened due to the improved technology. Concrete is expected to accomplish sufficient strength as soon as possible in order to pass to the next step of the construction. Particularly in precast industry, strength gaining of concrete is accelerated by applying steam curing to structural elements. So as to achieve high early strength without any negative effect on concrete properties, numerous studies have been carried out to develop alternative methods. Recently in studies, it is observed that early strength values were substantially increased due to addition of synthetic C-S-H, hydration product of cement, to the fresh concrete. Sensitivity of pozzolan blended concrete to curing conditions is well-established. Utilization of pozzolan in self compacting concrete has been excessively studied. However, publications upon the impact of curing compounds on the properties of pozzolan added concretes are very limited. Besides, no researches on the properties of synthetic C-S-H added concretes cured in different conditions were found. In the studies on synthetic C-S-H, it can be seen that more emphasis is put on the effect of C-S-H formulation and on the cement hydration process. And in the studies on curing materials, mechanical and physical properties of concretes together with shrinkage due to water loss are examined but are not focused on the micro structural properties of concrete. In the scope of this experimental study, fresh and hardened properties of self compacting concrete prepared with or without blast furnace slag which not only reduces cost but also improve some mechanical and physical properties of concrete, were investigated. For this purpose, 10 different mixes were produced. The first mixture contained only Portland cement as cementitious material, and in the remaining four concrete mixtures, 40% of the cement was replaced with blast furnace slag by 1:1 or 1.1,25 or 1:1,5 or 1:2. A commercial synthetic C-S-H admixture was also added (2% of binder content) in the same concrete mixture as a second series. Water/cement ratios and water reducing admixture dosages adjusted so as to obtain 70±3 cm spread. Additionally, spread time, V-funnel, air content, unit weight, rheometry and segregation tests were performed on fresh concrete. Concretes were casted in 10 x 10 x 10 cm cubes, 7 x 7 x 28 cm prismatic molds. Furthermore, mortar phase of concrete obtained from fresh concrete passing 4 mm sieve, and were casted in 4 x 4 x 16 cm prismatic molds. The specimens were divided into 6 groups of curing conditions after demoulding. The first group of concretes were continuously kept in 21±2oC water, continuously stored in air and stored under wet burlap for 7 days then continuously stored in air. Acrylic, paraffin and resin based curing compounds applied on the surface of concrete specimens of the remaining three groups and kept in laboratory conditions. Compression, splitting, conductivity and capillary tests performed on the concrete samples and shrinkage, weight loss, bending tests and SEM measurements were carried out on mortar specimens. According to the experimental results of fresh concretes, required properties was maintained except 1:2 substitution. The target spread diameter was achieved with less super plasticizer when incorporated blast furnace slag. Similar results were also seen in the V-funnel test. Positive impact of slag on the workability of concrete was seen. Due to addition of synthetic C-S-H, more super plasticizer admixture is required to obtain certain workability. This shows the negative impact of synthetic C-S-H on the workability of concrete. Viscosity was measured by the relation between the measured torque and shear rate of the rheometer test. The viscosity value decreased with blast furnace slag addition but increased with decreasing the water / binder ratio. The hardened properties of concrete were examined at 9 hours, 1, 3, 7, 28, 90 days. The synthetic C-S-H contributed to hardened concrete mechanical properties developed in a positive direction at early age but no developments were seen in further ages. The highest performance was provided for the water curing method. The resin based curing material showed the best performance at an early age, acrylic based curing compound yielded the best concrete properties in further ages among the chemical cures. Mechanical strength of blast furnace slag added concretes increased as the amount of blast furnace slag increase. After an optimum point, at around %50 of the total binder content, the additional blast furnace slag did not improve the compressive strength. This can be attributed to the presence of unreacted blast furnace slag, acting as a filler material in the paste. Efficiency coefficient was reduced with increase of blast furnace slag amount. The reason of reduction is the remnants of unhydrate blast furnace slag particles in cement paste. Efficiency of blast furnace slag was also calculated for each curing methods. It is clearly shown that all the curing methods led to higher values than air curing. Furthermore, according to the efficiency values, after 28 days strength gain of concretes, which contain blast furnace slag, had more than concretes which produced only Portland cement was understood. Positive effects of curing applications were observed on the durability test such as capillarity and conductivity because of reduction the loss of water. Performance ranking was water, wet burlap, acrylic, paraffin, resin and air curing methods. In addition, blast furnace slag added concrete’s resistivity had higher values, 5 to 7 times, against only Portland cement specimens. Capillarity coefficients were decreased by increasing of blast furnace slag amount. Concrete specimens cured by applying curing compounds exhibited higher efficiency in decreasing drying shrinkage deformation than specimens kept in air. Among the three curing compounds investigated, resin based curing compound had the best performance at shrinkage, acrylic-based curing compound had the best performance at weight loss test. In the ESEM images, microstructures of the samples were studied at 1, 3 and 28 days of ages. C-S-H, CH and ettringite formations were monitored. According to performance-cost values, acrylic based cure material is better option than other chemical curing compounds. Under wet burlap have close performance to water curing methods. Therefore, in the future studies, using under wet burlap then curing compound can be investigated.
In order to obtain an impermeable and durable concrete, having a sufficient strength, curing applications are of great importance. The poor curing after casting on site may cause insufficient characteristics of concrete, in an irreversible way. In the last decade, self compacting concrete which is also widely used in repair and strengthening of structures, in the production of prefabricated elements and for the structures which include heavy reinforcement and complicated molding systems. SCCs have significant amount of fine material such as ground granulated blastfurnace slag (GGBS), fly ash and silica fume are commonly used in concrete because they improve durability and reduce porosity; improve the interface with the aggregate. Economics (lower cement requirement), energy, and environmental considerations have had a role in the mineral admixture usage as well as better engineering and performance properties. The lower cement requirement also leads to a reduction for CO2 generated by the production of cement. The engineering benefits from the use of mineral admixtures in concrete result partly from their particle size distribution characteristics, and partly from the pozzolanic and cementitious reactivity. However, in order to provide sufficient level of pozzolanic reaction, water curing should be extended in longer periods than ordinary portland cement concretes. For this reason, the importance of the application of curing becomes more important. Recently, construction processes are shortened due to the improved technology. Concrete is expected to accomplish sufficient strength as soon as possible in order to pass to the next step of the construction. Particularly in precast industry, strength gaining of concrete is accelerated by applying steam curing to structural elements. So as to achieve high early strength without any negative effect on concrete properties, numerous studies have been carried out to develop alternative methods. Recently in studies, it is observed that early strength values were substantially increased due to addition of synthetic C-S-H, hydration product of cement, to the fresh concrete. Sensitivity of pozzolan blended concrete to curing conditions is well-established. Utilization of pozzolan in self compacting concrete has been excessively studied. However, publications upon the impact of curing compounds on the properties of pozzolan added concretes are very limited. Besides, no researches on the properties of synthetic C-S-H added concretes cured in different conditions were found. In the studies on synthetic C-S-H, it can be seen that more emphasis is put on the effect of C-S-H formulation and on the cement hydration process. And in the studies on curing materials, mechanical and physical properties of concretes together with shrinkage due to water loss are examined but are not focused on the micro structural properties of concrete. In the scope of this experimental study, fresh and hardened properties of self compacting concrete prepared with or without blast furnace slag which not only reduces cost but also improve some mechanical and physical properties of concrete, were investigated. For this purpose, 10 different mixes were produced. The first mixture contained only Portland cement as cementitious material, and in the remaining four concrete mixtures, 40% of the cement was replaced with blast furnace slag by 1:1 or 1.1,25 or 1:1,5 or 1:2. A commercial synthetic C-S-H admixture was also added (2% of binder content) in the same concrete mixture as a second series. Water/cement ratios and water reducing admixture dosages adjusted so as to obtain 70±3 cm spread. Additionally, spread time, V-funnel, air content, unit weight, rheometry and segregation tests were performed on fresh concrete. Concretes were casted in 10 x 10 x 10 cm cubes, 7 x 7 x 28 cm prismatic molds. Furthermore, mortar phase of concrete obtained from fresh concrete passing 4 mm sieve, and were casted in 4 x 4 x 16 cm prismatic molds. The specimens were divided into 6 groups of curing conditions after demoulding. The first group of concretes were continuously kept in 21±2oC water, continuously stored in air and stored under wet burlap for 7 days then continuously stored in air. Acrylic, paraffin and resin based curing compounds applied on the surface of concrete specimens of the remaining three groups and kept in laboratory conditions. Compression, splitting, conductivity and capillary tests performed on the concrete samples and shrinkage, weight loss, bending tests and SEM measurements were carried out on mortar specimens. According to the experimental results of fresh concretes, required properties was maintained except 1:2 substitution. The target spread diameter was achieved with less super plasticizer when incorporated blast furnace slag. Similar results were also seen in the V-funnel test. Positive impact of slag on the workability of concrete was seen. Due to addition of synthetic C-S-H, more super plasticizer admixture is required to obtain certain workability. This shows the negative impact of synthetic C-S-H on the workability of concrete. Viscosity was measured by the relation between the measured torque and shear rate of the rheometer test. The viscosity value decreased with blast furnace slag addition but increased with decreasing the water / binder ratio. The hardened properties of concrete were examined at 9 hours, 1, 3, 7, 28, 90 days. The synthetic C-S-H contributed to hardened concrete mechanical properties developed in a positive direction at early age but no developments were seen in further ages. The highest performance was provided for the water curing method. The resin based curing material showed the best performance at an early age, acrylic based curing compound yielded the best concrete properties in further ages among the chemical cures. Mechanical strength of blast furnace slag added concretes increased as the amount of blast furnace slag increase. After an optimum point, at around %50 of the total binder content, the additional blast furnace slag did not improve the compressive strength. This can be attributed to the presence of unreacted blast furnace slag, acting as a filler material in the paste. Efficiency coefficient was reduced with increase of blast furnace slag amount. The reason of reduction is the remnants of unhydrate blast furnace slag particles in cement paste. Efficiency of blast furnace slag was also calculated for each curing methods. It is clearly shown that all the curing methods led to higher values than air curing. Furthermore, according to the efficiency values, after 28 days strength gain of concretes, which contain blast furnace slag, had more than concretes which produced only Portland cement was understood. Positive effects of curing applications were observed on the durability test such as capillarity and conductivity because of reduction the loss of water. Performance ranking was water, wet burlap, acrylic, paraffin, resin and air curing methods. In addition, blast furnace slag added concrete’s resistivity had higher values, 5 to 7 times, against only Portland cement specimens. Capillarity coefficients were decreased by increasing of blast furnace slag amount. Concrete specimens cured by applying curing compounds exhibited higher efficiency in decreasing drying shrinkage deformation than specimens kept in air. Among the three curing compounds investigated, resin based curing compound had the best performance at shrinkage, acrylic-based curing compound had the best performance at weight loss test. In the ESEM images, microstructures of the samples were studied at 1, 3 and 28 days of ages. C-S-H, CH and ettringite formations were monitored. According to performance-cost values, acrylic based cure material is better option than other chemical curing compounds. Under wet burlap have close performance to water curing methods. Therefore, in the future studies, using under wet burlap then curing compound can be investigated.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2015
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Instıtute of Science and Technology, 2015
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Instıtute of Science and Technology, 2015
Anahtar kelimeler
Kendiliğinden Yerleşen Beton,
Sentetik C-s-h,
Yüksek Fırın Cürufu,
Kimyasal Kür Malzemeleri,
Kılcallık Katsayısı,
Betonun İçyapısı,
Self Compacting Concrete,
Synthetic C-s-h,
Chemical Curing Compound,
Capillary Coefficient,
Microstructure Of Concrete