Pem Yakıt Hücrelerinde Platinsiz Metal Nanokompozit Katalizörler
Pem Yakıt Hücrelerinde Platinsiz Metal Nanokompozit Katalizörler
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Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Yakıt pili genel olarak kimyasal enerjiyi elektrik enerjisine dönüştüren güç sistemleridir. Yakıt pillerinde yakıt olarak çeşitli maddeler kullanılmaktadır. Alkoller yüksek reaktiflik oranları, sıvı çözeltilerdeki çözünürlükleri ve kolay yük depolama kabiliyetleri nedeniyle özellikle tercih edilir. Yakıt seçiminin önemli olmasının yanında katalizör seçimide çok önemlidir. Katalizör sisteminin yakıt maddesi ile reaksiyon vermemeli, yüksek aktiviteye sahip olmalı ve önemli bir parametre ucuz olmalı. Platin ve platin gibi değerli metaller pahalı olmasından dolayı yakıt pili için bir dezavantaj olmaktadır. Bunlara alternatif iletken maddeler geliştirilmiştir. İletken polimerler konjuge çift bağ içermelerinden dolayı yarı iletken sınıfında yer alırlar. Bu nedenle elektrokimyasal prosesler için de kullanılmaktadır. İletken polimerlerden biri olan Polipirol iletkenliğinin iyi olması, hava ortamında stabil kalması ve dayanıklılığından dolayı seçilmiştir. Bu çalışmada yakıt pilleri ünitesinin katot bölümü için geliştirilen katalizör sistemi incelenmiştir. Camsı karbon elektrodu üzeri için sentezlenen ve destek maddesi olarak kullanılan PPy incelenmiştir. Bu PPy destek maddesi üzerine katalizör olarak kobalt metali uygulanarak oksijenin indirgenmesi reaksiyonu için incelenmiştir. Oksijenin indirgenmesindeki katalitik özellikleri döngülü voltametri ile ölçülerek ve elektrolit olarak perklorik asit varlığında ölçümler alınmıştır. Yapılan çalışmada katalizör sistemlerini oksijen indirgenmesinde sıcaklığın etkisi belirtilmiştir. Sentezlenerek hazırlanan destek maddesi polipirol sisteminin TGA ve FT-IR analizleri de yapılmıştır.
In a general view, fuel cell is the power system that turns the chemical energy into electric energy. In fuel cell different kinds of substances are used as fuel. The alcohol is especially prefered because of its high reactive rate, resolution in its and the ability to carry weight. Apart from the fuel selection the catalyst selection is also important. The catalyst system must not give reaction against the fuel, must have a high activity and the most important parameter is that it must be cheap. Platin and such precious metals are not preffered because of their price. And this is a disadvantage. Alternatively, conductor substances are improved. The conductor polymers are classified as semiconductors because of the fact that they include conjugate double band. That is why the are used for the electrochemical processes. Polipirol, one of the conductor polymers, is preferred because it has a high conductance, its ability to stay stable in open-air and its endurance. In this work, the catalyst system which is improved for the cathode part of the fuel cell unit is analysed. PPY, that is synthesed for the vitreous carbon electrode and used as the supported material, has been analysed. Onto this PPY support substance cobalt metal is applied and this oxygen reaction is analysed. Catalytic of specific in oxygen reduction reaction was measured with cyclic voltametry and in the media of perchloric acid. In this work, in the reduction of oxygen on catalyst system the effect of temperature is specified. Additionally, the supporting material that is prepared at the end of synthese of polipirol system’s TGA and FT-IR are analysed.
In a general view, fuel cell is the power system that turns the chemical energy into electric energy. In fuel cell different kinds of substances are used as fuel. The alcohol is especially prefered because of its high reactive rate, resolution in its and the ability to carry weight. Apart from the fuel selection the catalyst selection is also important. The catalyst system must not give reaction against the fuel, must have a high activity and the most important parameter is that it must be cheap. Platin and such precious metals are not preffered because of their price. And this is a disadvantage. Alternatively, conductor substances are improved. The conductor polymers are classified as semiconductors because of the fact that they include conjugate double band. That is why the are used for the electrochemical processes. Polipirol, one of the conductor polymers, is preferred because it has a high conductance, its ability to stay stable in open-air and its endurance. In this work, the catalyst system which is improved for the cathode part of the fuel cell unit is analysed. PPY, that is synthesed for the vitreous carbon electrode and used as the supported material, has been analysed. Onto this PPY support substance cobalt metal is applied and this oxygen reaction is analysed. Catalytic of specific in oxygen reduction reaction was measured with cyclic voltametry and in the media of perchloric acid. In this work, in the reduction of oxygen on catalyst system the effect of temperature is specified. Additionally, the supporting material that is prepared at the end of synthese of polipirol system’s TGA and FT-IR are analysed.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2008
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2008
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2008
Anahtar kelimeler
PEM yakıt pili,
PEM fuel cells