Otomatik Havalandırma Programı Parametrelerinin Tekstillerden Koku Uzaklaştırma Ve Hav Çıkarma Etkilerinin İncelenmesi
Otomatik Havalandırma Programı Parametrelerinin Tekstillerden Koku Uzaklaştırma Ve Hav Çıkarma Etkilerinin İncelenmesi
Kalaycı, Bükra
Süreli Yayın başlığı
Süreli Yayın ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science And Technology
Institute of Science And Technology
Tekstil ürünlerinin kullanım ömürleri süresince giyilebilmeleri veya kullanılabilmeleri için tekrar tekrar yıkanmaktadırlar. İçinde bulunduğumuz modern çağın getirdiği hızlı yaşam tarzı ve tüketim alışkanlığı sonucu sık sık yıkayarak daha kısa süre içerisinde eskittiğimiz tekstillerin ve yıkama işlemlerinin çevreye olan etkisi büyüktür. Çamaşır makinasında yapılan yıkama işleminde tüketilen kaynak suyu, suyun ısıtılması için harcanan enerji ve yıkama sonu oluşan atık su, çevre üzerinde olumsuz etkiler yaratmaktadır. Islak işlemler tekstiller üzerinde yıpratıcı etkiye neden olmaktadır. Tekstil bakım işlemlerinin bilinçsiz ve gereksiz yere yapılması tekstilin faydalı ömrünü kısaltmakta ve bunun bir sonucu olarak kısa sürede atık hale gelen tekstillerin arazi dolum alanlarına gönderilmesine sebep olmaktadır. Bununla birlikte, son zamanlarda tekstil moda sektörünün yöneldiği “hızlı moda” trendi ile düşük kalitede üretilen tekstillerin yaşam döngüsü çok daha hızlı bir şekilde sonlanmaktadır. Çevresel farkındalığın artmasıyla hızlanan “yeşil teknoloji” farkındalığı ile sürdürülebilir bir yaşamın izini süren çalışmalar yaşamın her alanında olduğu gibi çevreye yükü çok büyük olan tekstil sektörünü ve tekstil bakım endüstrisini (yıkama, kurutma, kuru temizleme ve ütü uygulamaları) de bu alanda yeni girişimlerde bulunmaya itmiştir. Bu şekilde sürdürülebilir tekstil bakım işlemlerinin oluşturulması yönünde yürütülen pek çok çalışma vardır. Bu çalışmalar şu şekilde sıralanabilir: ozon kullanımıyla deterjana gereksinim olmadan hijyen sağlama, plazma teknolojisi ile yüzey temizliği, UV C ışığı ile bakterilerin giderilmesi, buhar teknolojisi ile hem koku kaynaklarının hem de mikroorganizmaların yok edilmesi. Bunların dışında tekstillerin üretim aşamalarında tekstil yüzeylerine uygulanan kir itici apreler, koku kontrollü giysi uygulamaları, kendi kendini temizleyen tekstiller vb. Gelişmeler de piyasada yerini almıştır. Bu tip çalışmalardan biri de ev tipi çamaşır yıkama veya kurutma makinelerinde tasarlanan havalandırma programıdır. Tekstillerin temizliği, hijyeni sağlıklı bir hayat için olmazsa olmazdır fakat üzerinde kir veya leke bulunmayan tekstillerin yıkama işlemine tabii tutulması bu alanada yapılan en büyük israfların başında gelmektedir. Bu fikirle yola çıkarak gerçekleştirilen bu çalışmada, üzerinde leke veya kir bulunmayan, fakat istenmeyen kokuların sindiği giysilerin, havalandırılarak tazelenmesi ve giyilmişlik hissinin giderilmesi için otomatik havalandırma programı tasarlanması hedeflenmiştir. Bu şekilde gereksiz yıkama işlemi ile oluşan su tüketimi elimine edilerek, doğal kaynak tasarrufu sağlanacak ve tekstilin gereksiz yere hasar görmesi önlenmiş olacaktır. Alternatif bir temizleme yöntemi olan otomatik havalandırma programının tasarlanmasında yürütülen deneysel çalışmalarda, kullanılan tekstil materyalleri tüketici tercihleri göz önünde bulundurulmuştur. Bu amaçla piyasada yaygın bir şekilde kullanılan %100 pamuklu, 30/1, süprem kumaş testlerde kullanılmıştır. Kontrol kısmında ise farklı kumaş tipleri de denenerek tasarlanan programın etkinliği gözlenmiştir. Ev tipi tamburlu kurutucularda ısıtıcı kapalı iken gerçekleştirilen havalandırma programı tasarımında incelenen makine parametreleri şunlar olmuştur: tambur makina devri (devir/dakika), fan motor devri (devir/saniye) ve süre (dakika). Deneysel çalışmada, 3 parametreli, tam faktörlü ve iki tekrarlı olacak şekilde çalışılmış ve parametreler Minitab 16 programında değerlendirilmiştir. Deneysel çalışmanın ilk kısmında koku uzaklaştırma testleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. %100 pamuklu süprem kumaş üzerinde gerçekleştirilen koku uzaklaştırma testleri için laboratuarda bütirik asit kullanılarak koku çözeltisi hazırlanmıştır. Üzerine koku çözeltisinin aplike edildiği tekstil numuneleri kurutucu tamburuna yerleştirilerek havalandırma testlerine tabii tutulmuştur. Test sonuçları, duyusal analiz yöntemiyle tespit edilmiştir. Koku yoğunluğuna göre numaralandırılarak yapılan duyusal test sonunda uzaklaşan koku oranı “yüzde uzaklaşan koku” şeklinde hesaplanarak sayısal verilere dökülmüştür. Bu şekilde sayısal verilerin kullanılmasıyla analizler yapılarak, süprem kumaştan koku uzaklaştırmada etkili parametreler tespit edilmiştir. Deneysel çalışmanın ikinci kısmında havalandırma programında tekstillerden hav çıkartma testleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. %100 pamuklı süprem kumaş üzerinde gerçekleştirilen hav çıkartma testleri, beş ardışık test olacak şekilde havalandırma çevrimine alınmış ve çevrimler sonunda kumaştan çıkarak makina içindeki filtrelere tutunan havlar hassas terazide tartılmıştır. Test sonuçlarının analiz edilmesiyle süprem kumaştan hav çıkartmada etkilli olan parametreler tespit edilmiştir. Ayrı ayrı yapılan analizler sonunda tüm verilerin kullanılmasıyla süprem kumaştan maksimum koku uzaklaştıran ve minimum hav çıkartan havalandırma programı optimizasyonu gerçekleştirilmiştir. Tasarlanan havalandırma programının farklı tipteki tekstiller üzerindeki etkinlikleri kontrol testleri kısmında araştırılmıştır. Tasarlanan havalandırma programı dış ortamda havalandırma, iç ortamda havalandırma ve yıkama işlemleri ile, koku uzaklaştırmadaki etkinlikleri ve çevre yükü açısından karşılaştırılmıştır. Tüm testler sonunda tasarlanan otomatik havalandırma programının diğer havalandırma yöntemlerine kıyasla koku uzaklaştırmada çok daha etkili olduğu ve yıkama işlemi ile karşılaştırıldığında ise çevre yükü açısından çok daha düşük olduğu görülmektedir.
Textile products are need to be get cleaned, deodorized and/or disinfected in order to get worn or used again during its lifetime. As a matter of fact, contemporary world’s fast life and consumerism fashion, we need to wash our clothings often and also purchase a lot more. As a result, our clothings are getting wore off in a shorter duration of time and laundry processes causing an enormous impact on environment. Every laundry requires water, energy and time and these are the components that we are wasting when we wash textiles. The amount of water we consume is about 14 lt for a fast wash cycle, and we need energy to heat the water up and eventually we discharge the contaminated water to the sewerage system. Beside that the destroying effect of wet processes on textiles shorten the life span of textiles and eventually clothes are ending up in landfilling areas. On the top of that, the latest trend of fashion sector which is so called “fast fashion” is making the case even worse. With the increase of environmental awareness “green technology” (green business, green manufacturing) initiatives and researches are occurring in every field of life incluiding cleaning technologies. White appliances companies, laundry service sector, dry cleaning sector are carrying out a plethora of work to become more environmentally conscious. As it is indicated in the literature, the environmental impact caused by textile care processes, which consist of washing, drying, ironing and dry cleaning, is huge. The water used during manufacturing a piece of textile product, as an example, is much less than the water used during its care processes. All these facts have encouraged scientists and businessman to pay series attention on green technologies. There are currently available sustainable textile care treatments in the field. ozone laundery, for example, the System actually produce wastewater with almost no chemical residues. Researches on the cleaning effect of UV light, plasma technology, steam technology are ongoing. The UV C light has an effect of killing germs and so does the steam technology. Steam technology and ozonation also have effect on removing odour on textiles. On the other side, there are finishing treatments which provide textiles with less need of cleaning. Anti-odour finishes, stain repellent finishes prevents textiles to get stained and become odorous stain. Beside that self-cleaning and odour controlling textiles are smart application which help less need of cleaning. The green laundering treatment designed by the white appliances sector is refreshing programs. The refreshing program helps to deodorize clothes without need of water and chemicals. Sanitation of textiles is a preqrequisite for a healthy life but washing out clothes which actually have no stain or dirt on is just waste of water and energy. Both water and energy are limited resources that must be protected for the future of humanity and the planet we are living on. We must address waste and misuse at every opportunity and begin to change some of our habits, like cleaning textiles. The cleaning habits of individuals play an important role on the technological improvements which is actually a win-win situation. Users are expected to be aware of sustainable cleaning solutions such as refreshing odorous clothes which have no stain or dirt on instead of washing. The aim of this work is to provide with a practical and efficient automatic airing program that can remove odour ed by textiles and will deliver real savings and environmental responsibility. Airing clothes refreshes worn clothes and removes the odor ed by fibers. Airing programs prevents using excessive use of water, energy so that reducing the total environmental impact of traditional laundry operations. And also it is preventing abrasion of fibers which supplying them a longer span of life. Under the experimental works of this thesis, tests are carried out to find out the effective parameters on removing odours from textiles, as well as lifting. Tests are conducted in a domestic tumble dryer and commonly used 100% cotton, Ne30, single jersey fabrics were used as test materials. At the control stage, other four types of textiles were introduce to the tests in order to measure the effectiveness of designed airing program. Investigated parameters of tumble dryer are as follow: tumble motor round (round/mimute), fan motor round (round/second) and time (minute). The design of experiment (DOE) are carried on these three parameters using full factorial, one center point and twice repeat. Statistical analysis are using Minitab16 program. In the first part of experimental works the odour removing tests are carried. 100% single jersey test materials and butyric acid solution as a odour source were used. The reason to chose butyric acid as odour was that it is the common odour molecules within human sweat, food smell, cigarette and many other odours. Three fabric swatches were prepared for each test and they are wetted by odour solution under sterilized environment in the microbiology laboratory. Later they were attached onto a %100 cotton plain weaved shirt and put into the tumble dyer for airing cycle. After the cycle, sensory odour analyzing method were used to determine the odour retained onto textiles. Rating was given depending on the intensity of odour remained onto the textiles and the result was obtained by calculating as removed odour percent. Afterwards the analysis were done to figure out which parameters were effective on removing odours from the fabric. In the second part of experimental works, linting tests were carried on the same fabric, 100% single jersey. Lint produced in the tumbe dryers seemed to be a series problem since it may cause a fire in the case of lints flying onto heater. Moreover lints stored in the the tumble dryers filters reducing customer satisfaction with the perception of tumble dryers are destroying clothes. The aim of linting test in this work is that finding out which parameters are effective on producing lint on textiles. Each test condition were carried out five times in a row. After five cycles lints deposited into filters were weighed on 0,001g sensitive scale. Afterwards the analysis were done to figure out which parameters were effective on removing odours from the fabric. After odour removing and linting tests carried on single jersey fabrics, obtained results were statistically analyzed and affective parameters were found. Subsequently, optimization on maximum odor removing and minimum linting airing program were done. Other four types of textiles were tested on this optimized iring program in order to see the odour removing and lifting behavior of other textiles. After control tests designed airing program achieved removing odor on textiles about 70%. Designed airing program was compared to the other traditional ways of airing like outdoor airing and indoor airing and also compared with washing. Comparison showed the effect of removing odor from textiles by using different metods and also gave us an insight on the environmental impact cause by the mentioned methods.
Textile products are need to be get cleaned, deodorized and/or disinfected in order to get worn or used again during its lifetime. As a matter of fact, contemporary world’s fast life and consumerism fashion, we need to wash our clothings often and also purchase a lot more. As a result, our clothings are getting wore off in a shorter duration of time and laundry processes causing an enormous impact on environment. Every laundry requires water, energy and time and these are the components that we are wasting when we wash textiles. The amount of water we consume is about 14 lt for a fast wash cycle, and we need energy to heat the water up and eventually we discharge the contaminated water to the sewerage system. Beside that the destroying effect of wet processes on textiles shorten the life span of textiles and eventually clothes are ending up in landfilling areas. On the top of that, the latest trend of fashion sector which is so called “fast fashion” is making the case even worse. With the increase of environmental awareness “green technology” (green business, green manufacturing) initiatives and researches are occurring in every field of life incluiding cleaning technologies. White appliances companies, laundry service sector, dry cleaning sector are carrying out a plethora of work to become more environmentally conscious. As it is indicated in the literature, the environmental impact caused by textile care processes, which consist of washing, drying, ironing and dry cleaning, is huge. The water used during manufacturing a piece of textile product, as an example, is much less than the water used during its care processes. All these facts have encouraged scientists and businessman to pay series attention on green technologies. There are currently available sustainable textile care treatments in the field. ozone laundery, for example, the System actually produce wastewater with almost no chemical residues. Researches on the cleaning effect of UV light, plasma technology, steam technology are ongoing. The UV C light has an effect of killing germs and so does the steam technology. Steam technology and ozonation also have effect on removing odour on textiles. On the other side, there are finishing treatments which provide textiles with less need of cleaning. Anti-odour finishes, stain repellent finishes prevents textiles to get stained and become odorous stain. Beside that self-cleaning and odour controlling textiles are smart application which help less need of cleaning. The green laundering treatment designed by the white appliances sector is refreshing programs. The refreshing program helps to deodorize clothes without need of water and chemicals. Sanitation of textiles is a preqrequisite for a healthy life but washing out clothes which actually have no stain or dirt on is just waste of water and energy. Both water and energy are limited resources that must be protected for the future of humanity and the planet we are living on. We must address waste and misuse at every opportunity and begin to change some of our habits, like cleaning textiles. The cleaning habits of individuals play an important role on the technological improvements which is actually a win-win situation. Users are expected to be aware of sustainable cleaning solutions such as refreshing odorous clothes which have no stain or dirt on instead of washing. The aim of this work is to provide with a practical and efficient automatic airing program that can remove odour ed by textiles and will deliver real savings and environmental responsibility. Airing clothes refreshes worn clothes and removes the odor ed by fibers. Airing programs prevents using excessive use of water, energy so that reducing the total environmental impact of traditional laundry operations. And also it is preventing abrasion of fibers which supplying them a longer span of life. Under the experimental works of this thesis, tests are carried out to find out the effective parameters on removing odours from textiles, as well as lifting. Tests are conducted in a domestic tumble dryer and commonly used 100% cotton, Ne30, single jersey fabrics were used as test materials. At the control stage, other four types of textiles were introduce to the tests in order to measure the effectiveness of designed airing program. Investigated parameters of tumble dryer are as follow: tumble motor round (round/mimute), fan motor round (round/second) and time (minute). The design of experiment (DOE) are carried on these three parameters using full factorial, one center point and twice repeat. Statistical analysis are using Minitab16 program. In the first part of experimental works the odour removing tests are carried. 100% single jersey test materials and butyric acid solution as a odour source were used. The reason to chose butyric acid as odour was that it is the common odour molecules within human sweat, food smell, cigarette and many other odours. Three fabric swatches were prepared for each test and they are wetted by odour solution under sterilized environment in the microbiology laboratory. Later they were attached onto a %100 cotton plain weaved shirt and put into the tumble dyer for airing cycle. After the cycle, sensory odour analyzing method were used to determine the odour retained onto textiles. Rating was given depending on the intensity of odour remained onto the textiles and the result was obtained by calculating as removed odour percent. Afterwards the analysis were done to figure out which parameters were effective on removing odours from the fabric. In the second part of experimental works, linting tests were carried on the same fabric, 100% single jersey. Lint produced in the tumbe dryers seemed to be a series problem since it may cause a fire in the case of lints flying onto heater. Moreover lints stored in the the tumble dryers filters reducing customer satisfaction with the perception of tumble dryers are destroying clothes. The aim of linting test in this work is that finding out which parameters are effective on producing lint on textiles. Each test condition were carried out five times in a row. After five cycles lints deposited into filters were weighed on 0,001g sensitive scale. Afterwards the analysis were done to figure out which parameters were effective on removing odours from the fabric. After odour removing and linting tests carried on single jersey fabrics, obtained results were statistically analyzed and affective parameters were found. Subsequently, optimization on maximum odor removing and minimum linting airing program were done. Other four types of textiles were tested on this optimized iring program in order to see the odour removing and lifting behavior of other textiles. After control tests designed airing program achieved removing odor on textiles about 70%. Designed airing program was compared to the other traditional ways of airing like outdoor airing and indoor airing and also compared with washing. Comparison showed the effect of removing odor from textiles by using different metods and also gave us an insight on the environmental impact cause by the mentioned methods.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2014
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2014
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2014
Anahtar kelimeler
Hav oluşumu,
koku uzaklaşması,
tamburlu kurutucular,
tekstilde sürdürülebilirlik,
odour removing,
tumble dryer,
sustainability in textiles