Kireç Ve Alçı İçeren Toprak Yapı Elemanlarının Fiziksel Ve Mekanik Özellikleri
Kireç Ve Alçı İçeren Toprak Yapı Elemanlarının Fiziksel Ve Mekanik Özellikleri
Aghazadeh, Ebrahim
Süreli Yayın başlığı
Süreli Yayın ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Toprak yapılar Mezopotamya bölgesi başta olmak üzere, tarihten bu yana dünyanın bir çok bölgesinde öncelikle barınma ihtiyacını gidermek için uygulanmıştır. Toprağın yapı malzemesi olarak kullanılması diye adlandırılan kerpicin yüksek termal performansı, düşük maliyetli üretimi ve sağlıklı olması yararlı yönleri olarak nitelendirilebilinir. Fiziksel olarak suya ve rutubete karşı çok duyarlı olan geleneksel kerpiç yapılar, mekanik olarak da zayıf, ağır ve kırılgan olmasından dolayı, düşey ve yatay yüke karşı koyma dayanımı düşüktür. Bu tez kapsamında, 1980 yılında İ.T.Ü.’de Ruhi Kafesçioğlu ve ekibinin araştırdığı ve MAG505 projesi kapsamında Tübitak’ın kabul ettiği Kerpicin alçı ile stabilizasyonu olan ALKER’in mekanik ve fiziksel özelliklerinin araştırılması ile ilgili araştırma ve deneysel çalışmalar yapılmıştır. Bu tez 1980’den bu yana süren Alker ile ilgili araştırmaların devamı olarak görülebilir. Bu araştırma kapsamında granülometrisi düzeltilen toprak ile %10 alçı - % 2.5 kireç katkılı, %10 alçı - % 5 kireç katkılı, %10 alçı katkılı ve katkısız olarak 4 farklı numune üretilmiştir. Üretilen bu numuneler üzerinde kuruma sürecinde rötre deneyi, kuruduktan sonra basınç dayanımı deneyi, su emme deneyi, ısı iletkenlik deneyi, kayma dayanımı deneyi ve eğilme deneyi ve kırılma enerjisi hesabı yapılmıştır. Bu deneyler için farklı boyutlarda toplam 51 numune üretilmiştir. Kırılma enerjisinin ve eğilme dayanımının belirlenmesi için RILEM TC 50-FMC Teknik Komitesinin önerisine göre numuneler üzerinde üç noktalı eğilme deneyleri yapılmıştır. Basınç dayanımı belirlemek için silindir ve pirizma numuneler üretilmiş, 100 ton kapasiteli pres makine kullanarak basınç deneyleri yapılmıştır. Katkılı ve katkısız kerpicin su emme kapasitesinin belirlenmesi için ve Kayma dayanımının belirlenmesi için farklı boyutlarda numuneler yapılmıştır. Bu şekilde katkılı ve katkısız kerpicin, su emme kapasitesi,rötre, kırılma enerjisi, net eğilme dayanımı, basınç dayanımı, rijitlik modülü ve kayma dayanımı gibi, kırılma parametreleri incelenmiştir. Geleneksel kerpiçle kıyaslandığında, alçı ve alçı- kireç katkılı numunelerin su karşısındaki dirençleri iyileşmiştir. Kireç katkılı numunelerde kireç artış oranına göre suyun artış hızı da doğru orantılı olarak yükselmiş ve bu numunelerde çökme görülmemiştir. Katkısız ve % 10 Alçı katkılı numunelerde suyun artışı yavaş olmaktadır. % 10 alçı katkılı numunelerin basınç dayanımlarında diğer karışımlara oranla önemli bir artış görülmüştür. Alçı katkılı numunelerde, katkısız numunelere oranla daha az rötre görülmektedir. Isı iletkenlik deneyi sonucuna göre kireç katkılı numunelerde kireç oranına göre ısı iletkenliğin azaldığı ölçülmüştür. Karışımların kırılma enerjileri kıyaslandığında kireç miktarına göre en fazla artış %10 oranında alçı içeren numunede görülmüştür. Sonuçlara göre artan kireç oranının %10 oranında alçı kullanımının sağladığı kırılma enerjisi artışını düşürdüğünü göstermektedir. Eğilme dayanımları hesaplanan karışımlarda, %10 alçı katkılı karışımlarda en yüksek eğilme dayanımı elde edilmiş , %10 alçı - %2.5 kireç katkılı karışımlarda ve %10 alçı - % 5 kireç katkılı karışımlarda, katkısız numuneye göre yüksek değerler elde edilmiştir. Sonuçta karışıma eklenen kireç oranının artması numunelerin eğilme dayanımını düşürmüştür. Kayma deneyi sonuçlarına göre %10 alçı - %2.5 kireç katkılı numuneler kaymaya en iyi dayanım göstermektedir. Kayma gerilmesi ve kayma şekil değiştirmesinden elde edilen sonuçlara göre rijitlik modülü elde edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, katkısız numunenin rijitlik modülü yüksek çıktığından dolayı katkısız numunenin sert ve kırılgan bir yapıda olduğu, %10 alçı - %2.5 kireç, %10 alçı katkılı numunelerde ise değerler daha düşük çıktığından dolayı ideal elastikliğe yakın olduğu söylenebilir. %10 alçı - %5 kireç katkılı numunelerden elde edilen değerler, bu numunede elastikliğin ideal değerlerden düşük olduğu ve diğer numunelere oranla fazla kırılgan bir yapıda olduğu sonucunu gösterir.
The soil has being applied in construction in many parts of the world, mainly in Mesopotamia region, to satisfy the requirement of sheltering firstly. High thermal performance, low cost of manufacturing, and healthy properties can be considered as advantageous aspects of the adobe soil which are referred as soil for construction. The structures made of adobe soil despite of all these fine properties shelter also problems related to physical and mechanical resistance occurs in the buildings. The resistance of the buildings made of adobe soil against vertical and horizontal loading is too low, since they are mechanically weak, heavy and fragile due to their high sensitivity against water and humidity. Therefore, the adobe soil has to be stabilized. Under the scope of this thesis, studies and experimental works related to investigating the physical and chemical properties of ALKER which is the stabilization of adobe soil with plaster, researched by Ruhi Kafescioglu and his team in I.T.U in 198, and accepted by Tubitak, have been conducted. This thesis might be considered a continuation of the researches related to ALKER which have been sustained since 1980. Four different samples, which contain additives of 10 & plaster -2.5 % lime, 10 % plaster – 5 % lime, 10 % plaster only, and one without any addition, with the soil of which grading has been corrected, have been produced under the scope of this research. Breaking parameters have also been researched by applying schrinkage, water absorption, pressure resistance, thermal conductivity, inclination, gliding tests and calculating the breaking energy. 51 different samples have been produced for these tests. In order to define the breaking energy and bending resistance, beam samples have been produced, and bending test with three points as per the recommendations of RILEM TC 5* -FMC Technical Committee has been conducted. In order to define the pressure resistance, cylinderical samples have been produced, and pressure test has been conducted by using a press machine with a capacity of 100 tons. Several samples have also been used in order to determine the water absorption of the adobe soil with or without additives for schrinkage and gliding tests. This way, the parameters, such as water absorption capacity, schrinkage, breaking energy, net bending resistance, pressure resistance, rigidity module, and gliding resistance, of the adobe soil with or without additives have been inspected. It has been seen that the resistance of the samples with additives of plaster and lime were enhanced against water when it is compared with traditional adobe soil. In the samples with lime as additive, it has been monitored that rate of increase of the water has also increased proportionally as per the rate of increase of the lime, and no gravitation has been noticed. Increase of the water is very low in the samples with and without the plaster additive of 10 % . It has been observed an important increase of pressure resistance in the samples with 10 % plaster additive. Less schrinkage has been monitored in the samples with plaster additive compared with the samples without containing additives. It has been measured that thermal conductivity is reduced as per the lime amount used in the samples with lime additives in the thermal conductivity tests. When the breaking energies of the mixtures compared, it has been seen that the samples with 10 % plaster additives have required more maximum breaking energy comparing to the ones with lime. As a result, it is considered that the increasing amount of lime reduces the breaking energy provided by 10 % plaster additive. In the mixture of the samples on which the bending resistance is calculated, it has been seen that the samples which have 10% plaster additive has more bending resistance than the ones with lime additives. Higher values have been obtained in the mixtures with 10 % plaster – 2.5 % lime, and 10 % plaster with 5 % lime as per the ones without additives. As a result, it can be said that the increase of the lime in the mixtures reduces the bending resistance. According to the gliding test results, samples with additives of 10 % plaster and 2.5 % lime displays the best resistance. Rigidity module is obtained from the result of shear strain and shear stress. As a result, the samples without additives are more fragile and harder than the ones with the additives of 10 % plaster or 10 % plaster – 2.5 % lime. Therefore, it can be interpreted that the samples with additives of 10 % plaster, and 10 % plaster – 2.5 % lime have ideal flexibility since the values are very low.
The soil has being applied in construction in many parts of the world, mainly in Mesopotamia region, to satisfy the requirement of sheltering firstly. High thermal performance, low cost of manufacturing, and healthy properties can be considered as advantageous aspects of the adobe soil which are referred as soil for construction. The structures made of adobe soil despite of all these fine properties shelter also problems related to physical and mechanical resistance occurs in the buildings. The resistance of the buildings made of adobe soil against vertical and horizontal loading is too low, since they are mechanically weak, heavy and fragile due to their high sensitivity against water and humidity. Therefore, the adobe soil has to be stabilized. Under the scope of this thesis, studies and experimental works related to investigating the physical and chemical properties of ALKER which is the stabilization of adobe soil with plaster, researched by Ruhi Kafescioglu and his team in I.T.U in 198, and accepted by Tubitak, have been conducted. This thesis might be considered a continuation of the researches related to ALKER which have been sustained since 1980. Four different samples, which contain additives of 10 & plaster -2.5 % lime, 10 % plaster – 5 % lime, 10 % plaster only, and one without any addition, with the soil of which grading has been corrected, have been produced under the scope of this research. Breaking parameters have also been researched by applying schrinkage, water absorption, pressure resistance, thermal conductivity, inclination, gliding tests and calculating the breaking energy. 51 different samples have been produced for these tests. In order to define the breaking energy and bending resistance, beam samples have been produced, and bending test with three points as per the recommendations of RILEM TC 5* -FMC Technical Committee has been conducted. In order to define the pressure resistance, cylinderical samples have been produced, and pressure test has been conducted by using a press machine with a capacity of 100 tons. Several samples have also been used in order to determine the water absorption of the adobe soil with or without additives for schrinkage and gliding tests. This way, the parameters, such as water absorption capacity, schrinkage, breaking energy, net bending resistance, pressure resistance, rigidity module, and gliding resistance, of the adobe soil with or without additives have been inspected. It has been seen that the resistance of the samples with additives of plaster and lime were enhanced against water when it is compared with traditional adobe soil. In the samples with lime as additive, it has been monitored that rate of increase of the water has also increased proportionally as per the rate of increase of the lime, and no gravitation has been noticed. Increase of the water is very low in the samples with and without the plaster additive of 10 % . It has been observed an important increase of pressure resistance in the samples with 10 % plaster additive. Less schrinkage has been monitored in the samples with plaster additive compared with the samples without containing additives. It has been measured that thermal conductivity is reduced as per the lime amount used in the samples with lime additives in the thermal conductivity tests. When the breaking energies of the mixtures compared, it has been seen that the samples with 10 % plaster additives have required more maximum breaking energy comparing to the ones with lime. As a result, it is considered that the increasing amount of lime reduces the breaking energy provided by 10 % plaster additive. In the mixture of the samples on which the bending resistance is calculated, it has been seen that the samples which have 10% plaster additive has more bending resistance than the ones with lime additives. Higher values have been obtained in the mixtures with 10 % plaster – 2.5 % lime, and 10 % plaster with 5 % lime as per the ones without additives. As a result, it can be said that the increase of the lime in the mixtures reduces the bending resistance. According to the gliding test results, samples with additives of 10 % plaster and 2.5 % lime displays the best resistance. Rigidity module is obtained from the result of shear strain and shear stress. As a result, the samples without additives are more fragile and harder than the ones with the additives of 10 % plaster or 10 % plaster – 2.5 % lime. Therefore, it can be interpreted that the samples with additives of 10 % plaster, and 10 % plaster – 2.5 % lime have ideal flexibility since the values are very low.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2011
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2011
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2011
Anahtar kelimeler
inşaat mühendisliği,
kireç stabilizasyonu,
civil engineering,
lime satabilization,