Çok katlı yüksek yapı hesabı

Cinan, Artam
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Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Yüksek lisans tezi olarak. Prof. Dr. Nahit KUMBASAR'm yönetiminde çok katlı betonarme bir H^pı projelendirilmiştir. Söz konusu yapı 15 katlı olup, malzeme olarak BS20 ve BÇIII kullanılmıştır. Yapının taşıyıcı sistemi lineer elastik malzemeden yapılmış perde-çerçeve sistemidir. Kat yükseklikleri 2 3.00 m, binanın temel alanı 20.50x25. 30 = 518.55 m dir. Yapının duvar cinsi ytong olarak, çatısı marsilya tipi kiremitle kaplı çatı katı olarak tasarlanmıştır. o Zemin emniyet gerilmesi 25 t/m dir. Temel sistemi kirişsiz radye olarak hesaplanmıştır.
For «aster thesis, under the administration of Prof. Dr. Nahit KUMBASAR, the professor of Department of Reinforced Cocrete, a high-rise building is desinged. The building under consideration is fifteen stories heigh with floor area of 19.75 meters by 24.55 meters. The last story of the building is designed like a roof story. Desing loods are taken from Turkxsh standard 498 for live loads and dead loads. Building is supposed to be conructed in the second degree seismic zone according to the map appended to the " Specifications for the buildings to be natural disaster' The design is based these specification, as well as TS500,code for reinforced concrete The loads on structures consist of dead load, lived load and the dynamic effects of the live load. Live load is the loading to be carried by the structure, impact is the dynamic effect of the application of the live load. Furniture, the snow load and the wind load are considered as live load. Dead loads contain the weight of the structure itself. vxi Loads on beams: 1-) Weight of the beam 2-> load of the wall 3-> weight of the slab- 4-> live load on slab. load on beams are transferred from slabs. q«Lk short span qk = - - - q*Lk 2 1 long-span qu= - *C - - - 2 > S 3 Zın A frame-shear wall system is chosen as structural system and BS20, STIII are as materials. The bahaviour. of the system is supposed elastic. Desing compulations start from the floors and go toward the foundation according to the flow of the loads. In the structural computations the Matrix Displace ment Me tod is used. Ends of the beams connected to the shear walls are considered clamped-in. în the computation for horizontal forces due earth quake infulances wehave been guided by the above specifica tions about disaster zones. The calculations of the building according to horizontal forces is made in accordance with the procedure specified in the Ref. 191 viii The building is 15 store height an algebraic equations of 15 unit now is bg Gauss elimination procedure. so it has 15 obtained and unknowns solved it is necessary to consider either earthquke loading andwind effects. ît was considered unnecessary to make colculations for wind loading which is similar to that for earthquake forces. Allowable sail pressure is 25 ton per m thickness of the foundation is 0.90 meter. The ît is abserued that for such a 15 story height build ing frame-shear wall system appropriate. îf it is insist ed on a trayframe system it would be to force too much with too large column sections at bottom floors. These section would cause to loose too much space and would give much trouble with functionary of the building.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1992
Anahtar kelimeler
Perde çerçeve sistemleri, Projelendirme, Çok katlı binalar, Shear wall frame systems, Projecting, Multistorey buildings