Yapay Açıklıklı Radar Görüntülerindeki Atmosferik Bozuklukların Küresel Konum Belirleme Sistemi İle Düzeltilmesi
Yapay Açıklıklı Radar Görüntülerindeki Atmosferik Bozuklukların Küresel Konum Belirleme Sistemi İle Düzeltilmesi
Altın, Mehmet Uğur
Süreli Yayın başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Uzay Jeodezisi ve Uzaktan Algılama yöntem ve teknolojilerinin son yıllarda hızla gelişmesinin de etkisiyle Yer Bilimlerinde de paralel bir gelişim ortaya çıkmıştır. Küresel Konumlama Sistemleri (GNSS) ve uzaktan algılama sistemleri de bu gelişimden etkilenmektedir. Uzay Jeodezisi, elektromanyetik dalgalar ve onların yeryüzünden yansımalarına dayanır. Atmosferin kırılma indisindeki değişimler elektromanyetik dalga hareketini etkilemektedir. Atmosferik koşullardan etkilenen GPS verisinin analizinde, faz farklılıkların arttığı belirlenmiştir. Bu atmosferik koşullar istasyonların konumları gibi jeodezik parametreleri de etkilemektedir. Bu nedenle atmosferik etkiler giderilmeli, ölçmelere ilgili düzeltmeler getirilerek değerlendirilmelidir. Atmosferik etkiler iyonosferik ve troposferik hatalar olmak üzere ikiye ayrılırlar. İyonosferik etkiler veri işleme sırasında giderilebiliyorken, doğrudan troposferik etkilerden oluşan troposfer hataları giderilememektedir. Bununla beraber artık troposferik etkiler modellenebilmektedir. Çalışmada SAR görüntülerindeki troposferik geçikme etkilerinin giderilmesi amaçlanmış ve bu doğrultuda 1999 İzmit depremi ve sonrasını içeren ERS1/2 görüntüleri ile görüntüleme anına ilişkin GPS verileri temin edilmiştir. GPS verisinin işlenmesi için GAMIT yazılımı kullanılmış ve uygun zaman aralıkları belirlenerek farklı gecikme modelleri üretilmiştir. ERS1/2 görüntülerinden ROI_PAC yazılımı kullanılarak interferogramlar elde edilmiştir. En uygun gecikme modeli kullanılarak elde edilen bu interferogramlara düzeltme getirilmiştir.
Earth sciences are improved in a rapid movement last decade next to the development of space technologies especially in space geodesy and remote sensing. Global Navigation Satellite Systems and remote sensing sensors are highly affected from these fast developments. As known space geodesy is based on electromagnetic waves and their reflection from earth surface. Variation in the refractive index of the atmosphere causes changes in the electromagnetic waves propagating through it. In the analysis of GPS data disturbed by atmospheric conditions, like a typhoon or a storm, causes the carrier phase residuals to increase. These atmospheric conditions affect the estimated parameters such as station positions and other geodetic parameters. Therefore corrections of these atmospheric effects should be determined and applied with the assessed measurements. Atmospheric effects grouped in two types; ionospheric and tropospheric effects. Ionospheric effects can be removed by signal combinations during data processing. Tropospheric effects are directly related to troposphere and cannot be removed. However it is possible to model them for further analysis. The aim this of study is the correction of troposphere effects over Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images and interferograms by using obtained GPS measurements in İzmit, Turkey. The water vapor contribution to atmospheric delay should be modeled to estimate the correction to zenith delay. GPS data processed by GAMIT software with different models of delay in adequate sampling interval for imaging time. ERS1/2 images were processed by ROI_PAC software for interferogram creation. Final interferogram was corrected by tropospheric delay values, which was obtained from most convenient delay model.
Earth sciences are improved in a rapid movement last decade next to the development of space technologies especially in space geodesy and remote sensing. Global Navigation Satellite Systems and remote sensing sensors are highly affected from these fast developments. As known space geodesy is based on electromagnetic waves and their reflection from earth surface. Variation in the refractive index of the atmosphere causes changes in the electromagnetic waves propagating through it. In the analysis of GPS data disturbed by atmospheric conditions, like a typhoon or a storm, causes the carrier phase residuals to increase. These atmospheric conditions affect the estimated parameters such as station positions and other geodetic parameters. Therefore corrections of these atmospheric effects should be determined and applied with the assessed measurements. Atmospheric effects grouped in two types; ionospheric and tropospheric effects. Ionospheric effects can be removed by signal combinations during data processing. Tropospheric effects are directly related to troposphere and cannot be removed. However it is possible to model them for further analysis. The aim this of study is the correction of troposphere effects over Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images and interferograms by using obtained GPS measurements in İzmit, Turkey. The water vapor contribution to atmospheric delay should be modeled to estimate the correction to zenith delay. GPS data processed by GAMIT software with different models of delay in adequate sampling interval for imaging time. ERS1/2 images were processed by ROI_PAC software for interferogram creation. Final interferogram was corrected by tropospheric delay values, which was obtained from most convenient delay model.
Tez (Doktora) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2013
Thesis (PhD) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2013
Thesis (PhD) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2013
Anahtar kelimeler
Troposferik etki,
Tropospheric effect