Mimaride Hareketliliğin Farklı Süreçlerdeki Mekansal Etkileri Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme
Mimaride Hareketliliğin Farklı Süreçlerdeki Mekansal Etkileri Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme
Berdan, Cem
Süreli Yayın başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Bu çalışmada Mimari Tasarımdaki Hareketlilik öğesinin insan hayatından etkileniş biçimi ve kullanıcısına sundukları incelenmektedir. Günlük yaşamın bireyi etkilediği ve bireyin mimariyi etkilediği göz önünde bulundurularak, 20.yüzyılda batı toplumlarındaki günlük hayatın gelişimi hareketlilik kavramı bağlamında incelenmiş, süreç dönemsel ve genel olarak analiz edilmiş ve grafikselleştirilmiştir. İçinde bulunduğu dönemin ve toplumun ürünü olan ve hareketlilik içeren mimari yapılar örnek olarak seçilmiş, paralel olarak hareketlilik kavramı bağlamında analiz edilmiş, kullanıcısına sunduğu çözümler yönünden sınıflandırılmıştır. Örnek mimari ürünlerin analizinde hareketlilik kavramının görsel olarak okunabilmesi için mekan dizini yönteminden yararlanılmıştır. Son olarak sürecin kavramsal analizleri ile mimari yapıların kavramsal analizleri bir araya getirilmiş ve aralarındaki etkileşim yorumlanmıştır. Ortaya çıkan bilgilere dayalı bu yorumlardan yola çıkılarak, hareketlilik içeren ve bu yönleriyle esnekliğe sahip olan mimari yapıların beklenti ve gereksinimleri karşılamaktaki verimini arttırmaya yönelik öngörüler oluşturulmuştur.
In this study, the way that mobility in architecture is effected by the daily life of its users, and the possibilities offered to the users with mobile architectural solutions are examined. It is thought that an individual is affected by the daily life and the environment where the individual belongs. In addition, architecture is thought to be affected by the individual. With the aforementioned base points, the daily life of twentieth century is examined under the concept of increasing mobility. The period is analysed and visualised in decades and in general for the improvements that increase the possibility of being mobile. Buildings that take place in the chosen period and environment, and which offer mobile solutions are chosen as examples and are analysed by the concept of being mobile as well. Analysed buildings are then categorised by the possibilities offered to the user. In project analyses, the visualisation of the concept of moveability in architectural projects is made by the method of space syntax. Eventually, the data extracted from the analyses of time period and the data extracted from the analyses of architectural projects are brought together for the examination of the relationship with each other. The interaction between two are searched and examined. With the extracted data, prospective comments are made which will increase the effectiveness of architectural projects that offer mobile solutions to the users.
In this study, the way that mobility in architecture is effected by the daily life of its users, and the possibilities offered to the users with mobile architectural solutions are examined. It is thought that an individual is affected by the daily life and the environment where the individual belongs. In addition, architecture is thought to be affected by the individual. With the aforementioned base points, the daily life of twentieth century is examined under the concept of increasing mobility. The period is analysed and visualised in decades and in general for the improvements that increase the possibility of being mobile. Buildings that take place in the chosen period and environment, and which offer mobile solutions are chosen as examples and are analysed by the concept of being mobile as well. Analysed buildings are then categorised by the possibilities offered to the user. In project analyses, the visualisation of the concept of moveability in architectural projects is made by the method of space syntax. Eventually, the data extracted from the analyses of time period and the data extracted from the analyses of architectural projects are brought together for the examination of the relationship with each other. The interaction between two are searched and examined. With the extracted data, prospective comments are made which will increase the effectiveness of architectural projects that offer mobile solutions to the users.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2010
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2010
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2010
Anahtar kelimeler
Hareketli Yapılar,
Esnek Yapılar,
Yirminci Yüzyıl,
Mekan Dizini,
Moveable Architecture,
Flexible Architecture,
Twentieth Century,
Space Syntax