Rumeli Olay Türküleri
Rumeli Olay Türküleri
Soysal, Fikri
Süreli Yayın başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Institute of Social Sciences
Institute of Social Sciences
Rumeli, Türk Müziği açısından beş asırlık bir geçmişe sahip bir bölge durumunda olup, burada yapılacak araştırmalarda ve elde edilen verilerin değerlendirilmesinde en başta gelecek millet Türklerdir. Rumeli'de Türk müziğini ilk araştıranlar Avrupalılar olmuş, Gazimihal'de bunun önemini Balkanlarda Musiki İlerleyişi(1937) isimli bir kitabında ortaya koymaktadır. Öncelikle çalışmanın ?Rumeli Bölgesiyle ilgili olması nedeniyle, bölgeyi Türk tarihi ve kültürü açısından değerinin ortaya koyulması gerekiyordu. Türkler bu bölgeye, ilk olarak Karadeniz'in kuzeyinden daha sonra Gelibolu üzerinden kesin olarak geçtikleri, fethettikleri yerlerde yaşayan insanlara adaletli ve şefkatli davrandıkları, din, dil ve vicdani duygularına saygı duydukları ve şehir ve kasabalarda ilmi ve sosyal müesseselerin kurulmasının belirtilmesi, sebep olduğu kültürel etkileşimi açıklamak için gerekliydi. İkinci olarak türkülerde ?Olay? kavramının açıklanabilmesi için, bu alanda çalışmış çeşitli müzik teorisyenlerinin görüşleriyle, türkülerin tasnif teorilerinin açıklanması gerekliydi. Türküleri konularına göre tasnif etme fikri ülkemizde ilk olarak P.N.Boratav ile başlamış, daha sonra Öztelli ve Özbek'in yaptığı tasnifler bunu izlemiş ise de olay türküleri açısından Boratav'ın tasnifinden bir farkının olmadığı anlaşılmıştır. Olay türküleri kavramı, tarihi konulu(fetih, savunma, yenilgiler, bozgun, kahramanlık), eşkiyalık ve aile facialarını anlatan olayları kapsamaktadır. Üçüncü olarak bu konuları içeren notalı notasız ulaşabildiğimiz kaynaklardan elde ettiğimiz verileri bir düzen içinde sıralanarak, üzerlerinde çalışılmıştır. Kalelerin ve şehirlerin savunulması, fetihleri ve bu savaşlarda gösterilen kahramanlıkları anlatan türküleri şehir türküleri olarak bir araya getirilmiş, şahıslara yakılmış türküler ise kahramanlık, eşkiyalık ve aile faciları konularıyla şahıs türkülerine koyulmuş son olarak her iki sınıfa girmeyenler ise diğerleri başlığında toplanmıştır. Son olarak şu söylenebilir, olay türküleri içindeki konusuyla bilinmeyen tarihe kimi zaman ışık tuttuğu gibi, saz şairleri aracılığı ile de bir iletişim aracı vazifesi görmesi açısından sosyolojik öneme haizdir. Aynı türkülere memleketin her yanında rastlanıyorsa bu milletin vatan düşüncesine ne kadar önem verdiklerini gösterir.
Rumelia that part of the Ottoman State which is in Europe is an area. The Rumelia (Balkans) is a region with a history of five centuries in terms of Turkish music; and the Turks, are the most important source of information as for the research and the assessment of the data about the Rumelia folk music. According to Gazimihal, the Europeans were the first to study Turkish music in the Rumelia, and its importance has been stated in his book named ?The progress of music in the Rumelia?. Firstly, since the study was about the Rumelia region, it was necessary to evaluate the region in terms of Turkish culture and history. Turks firstly moved to this region from Northern Black Sea and then through Gelibolu. They governed the people in justice and respected their religions, language, and nationality. Moreover, they founded educational and social institutes in the cities and towns. And, it was necessary to state all these facts in order to explain the cultural influences between the societies. Secondly, it was essential to explain the options of several music theorists and the theories for classifying the folk songs. The idea of classifying the folk songs according to their subjects firstly started with P. N. Boratav in Turkey. Then, classifications of Öztelli and Özbek followed but it was soon clear that they were no different from Boratav?s classification in terms of factual folk songs. The concept of factual folk songs ?involves events that are mainly about historical subjects such as conquests, sieges, victories, defeats, heroes, and family disasters. Thirdly, the information data both scores with lyric and only lyric without scores obtained from various resources is given in and order and studied on the defense of towns and castles, sieges and heroic events in there battles are narrated in factual songs. These songs gathered and named as city songs. Those written for persons for reasons of heroism, rebellism, and family disaster are classified as ?personal folk songs? and those which don?t belong to either categories are classified as ?campaign?. To sum up, factual folk songs are sociologically important since they not only give information about history but also serve as a way of communication. Also, I found the oldest factual songs which have been collected. I suppose that the oldest factual song related to Fatih Sultan Mehmet time. When Fatih Sultan Mehmet captured Bosnia-Herzegovina his Janissary band performed this song. And the others belong to XVIII century. Rumelia should be researched seriously because existence of Turks culture is very important.
Rumelia that part of the Ottoman State which is in Europe is an area. The Rumelia (Balkans) is a region with a history of five centuries in terms of Turkish music; and the Turks, are the most important source of information as for the research and the assessment of the data about the Rumelia folk music. According to Gazimihal, the Europeans were the first to study Turkish music in the Rumelia, and its importance has been stated in his book named ?The progress of music in the Rumelia?. Firstly, since the study was about the Rumelia region, it was necessary to evaluate the region in terms of Turkish culture and history. Turks firstly moved to this region from Northern Black Sea and then through Gelibolu. They governed the people in justice and respected their religions, language, and nationality. Moreover, they founded educational and social institutes in the cities and towns. And, it was necessary to state all these facts in order to explain the cultural influences between the societies. Secondly, it was essential to explain the options of several music theorists and the theories for classifying the folk songs. The idea of classifying the folk songs according to their subjects firstly started with P. N. Boratav in Turkey. Then, classifications of Öztelli and Özbek followed but it was soon clear that they were no different from Boratav?s classification in terms of factual folk songs. The concept of factual folk songs ?involves events that are mainly about historical subjects such as conquests, sieges, victories, defeats, heroes, and family disasters. Thirdly, the information data both scores with lyric and only lyric without scores obtained from various resources is given in and order and studied on the defense of towns and castles, sieges and heroic events in there battles are narrated in factual songs. These songs gathered and named as city songs. Those written for persons for reasons of heroism, rebellism, and family disaster are classified as ?personal folk songs? and those which don?t belong to either categories are classified as ?campaign?. To sum up, factual folk songs are sociologically important since they not only give information about history but also serve as a way of communication. Also, I found the oldest factual songs which have been collected. I suppose that the oldest factual song related to Fatih Sultan Mehmet time. When Fatih Sultan Mehmet captured Bosnia-Herzegovina his Janissary band performed this song. And the others belong to XVIII century. Rumelia should be researched seriously because existence of Turks culture is very important.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2007
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2007
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2007
Anahtar kelimeler
Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı,
Turkish Language and Literature Dizin:Müzik = Music