Hadımköy Askeri Hastanesi Koruma Projesi

Sabuncuoğlu, Melis
Süreli Yayın başlığı
Süreli Yayın ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science And Technology
Bu tez kapsamında İstanbul İli, Arnavutköy İlçesi, Hadımköy Mahallesi, 1058 parselde yer alan Hadımköy Askeri Hastanesi konu alınmıştır. Çalışma kapsamında yapının tarihi ve mimari özellikleri araştırılarak, günümüzdeki durumu ayrıntılı olarak belgelenmiş, çeşitli kaynak araştırmaları yapılarak restitüsyon çizimleri hazırlanmış ve yapının korunup, günümüz koşullarına uyum sağlayarak varlığını sürdürebilmesi için gerekli müdahale ve öneriler geliştirilmiştir. 19. Yüzyıl askeri mimari örneklerinden olan Hadımköy Askeri Hastanesi’nin yapımına 1887 yılında başlanmış, 1891 yılında kullanıma açılmıştır. Yapının içinde yer aldığı Hadımköy, Osmanlı döneminde İstanbul dışı yerleşim bölgesidir. Tescilli ağaçların bulunduğu parsellerle bir bütün olan hastane, farklı dönemlerde tahliye hastanesi, kışla ve revir gibi olarak kullanılmıştır. Cepheleri özgün niteliğini genel anlamda korumasına rağmen plan şeması oldukça müdahale görmüş, ek mekânlar yapılmıştır. Kat döşemeleri betonarmeye çevirilmiş, ihtiyaçlar doğrultusunda ısıtma ve tesisat sistemi döşenmiştir. Kullanıldığı dönemde düzenli olarak bakım ve tadilat görmüş olan yapının özgün plan şemasına ait izleri okumak oldukça zordur. Günümüzde kullanılmamakta olan yapı ve bahçesi Hadımköy Kışla Komutanlığı tarafından korunmaktadır. İstanbul’da az sayıda örneği kalan askeri hastane mimarisinin araştırılması ve gelecek nesillere aktarılması açısından da önem taşıması sebebiyle, söz konusu yapı tez konusu olarak seçilmiştir. Tez çalışması yedi ana bölümden oluşmaktadır. Giriş bölümünde tezin amacı, kapsamı ve kullanılan çalışma yöntemleri anlatılmıştır. İkinci bölümde yapının bulunduğu Hadımköy’ün konumu, tarihsel, sosyal ve ekonomik gelişimi ile mimari özellikleri incelenmiştir. Üçüncü bölümde Osmanlılarda sağlık kurumlarının gelişimi, askeri tıp tarihi ve askeri hastanelere değinilmiş, günümüzde İstanbul’da mevcut olan askeri hastane örnekleri ile askeri hastanelerin genel mimari özellikleri incelenmiştir. Dördüncü bölümde Hadımköy Askeri Hastanesi’nin konumu ve tarihçesi incelenmiş, mevcut durumu detaylıca anlatılarak, strüktür, malzeme ve bozulma tespitleri yapılmıştır. Beşinci bölümde, çeşitli bilgiler ışığında restitüsyon çizimleri geliştirilmiş, altıncı bölümde de yapının restorasyon projesine yer verilmiştir. Restorasyon projesi ile birlikte yapının onarımına ilişkin müdahaleler tanımlanmıştır. Restorasyon kararları doğrultusunda yapının sağlık hizmeti işlevinin korunması önerilmiştir.
In this research, Hadımköy Military Hospital situated in Hadımköy district of Arnavutköy, 1058 parcel is studied. The fundamental goals of this work includes to document the present condition of the building, to identify the materials used and deteriorations in the building, to research on historical process of the building, to determine its original status, and to determine required interventions to protect the building. The current state of the hospital is documented in detail by searching historical and architectural features of the building. Restitution projects are prepared based on various documented. With the development of Ottoman military organization, the military hospitals appeared as new structures. Hadımköy Military Hospital is one of the most important samples of military hospital of the Ottoman Empire. This study has seven chapters. An introduction is given and the purpose of the work and methods used are explained in the first section. There are no detailed documentation about the Hadımköy Military Hospital which has so much importance with its characteristics of the architecture of military construction in the 19th century. In order to be transferred to the next generations, it was chosen as a thesis subject. In the second section of the study, the location and the historical development, socio-cultural and economic structure, monumental and civil architectural samples of Hadımköy district are analyzed. Hadımköy which located in the western part of Istanbul has been under military control until the 1980s. After the Cold War, Hadımköy was opened up for development. Today, this district has a new view with its expanding industrial firms which were attracted to this area due to its location. Residential and commercial development was also attracted to this area. There are some architectural constructions registered as part of cultural heritage. Hadımköy Railway Station located near Hadımköy Military Hospital is part of the Rumeli Railroad. Today restoration of the station areas and 9 station buildings was completed. In the third section of the thesis, hospitals in Ottoman, history of the military medicine, military hospitals and the architectural features of military hospitals are explained. Health organization in Ottoman until 19th century are the continuation of the Seljuk period. This health organizations were generally set up through the foundations of rich individuals. Even though a physician had always attended the Sultan at his Palace and during the wars, until the end of 16th century, it has not been possible to achieve so much information about the military medicine. In the 19th century, modernization process has led to significant changes in the military institution. As a result of the increasing need to this hospitals, several military hospitals which are reflect modernization of the century were built in Ottoman territories. In this period, European doctors were invited for looking at overall scheme of hospitals and doing reforms. With their regulations improved health conditions in military hospitals. The modernizations in health area began with sensible politics due to destruction caused by diseases such as cholera and plague. During the Crimean War, the Ottoman-Russian War, the Turkish-Greek War, the Balkan War and the World War I, soldiers were treated in this military hospitals. Today there are seven military hospitals registered as a part of cultural heritage in İstanbul, which are analyzed in this section. The facade elements, materials, construction technique and structural features of this military hospitals are indicated in this section. Although their original plans, facade layouts and construction techniques have been changed, it is possible to make an comparison based on various documented. In the fourt section of the study, the current condition of Hadımköy Military Hospital is studied in detail. The location and features of the neighborhood, the history of the building, the characteristics of the plan, structural and facade features, architectural components, materials and deteriorations are explained in detail following the general description of the building. The hospital is located within a courtyard surrounded by walls. The courtyard has two entrances one from Haraçcı-Hadımköy Yolu Street in the south and the other one from Hastane Street in the north. The northern entrance is not used today. Hadımköy Military Hospital opened in Hadımköy in 1891 during the reign of Sultan Abdülhamid II. The hospital also known as the "Çatalca Military Hospital" was planned to hold some 150 beds. Hadımköy Military Hospital served for the army for long years. It had to accept too many patients in the Balkan War, and this overcrowding continued in the following years. Hospital that in some measure served for treating infections diseases during the Balkan War and the World War I used as barracks from time to time after the war. The plan of the hospital is a quadrangle with four wings: the north, east, south and west wings. The large rectangular structure surrounds an inner courtyard; the wards on two storeys open to a corridor facing the courtyard. This hospital concept also can be seen in the planning of the Maltepe Military Hospital and Haydarpaşa Military Hospital. The structure of this hospital was built with the basic elements of the classical Ottoman tradition and the military hospital architecture of the century. Hadımköy Military Hospital which built in neoclassical style was designed to be symmetrical with respect to the central axis in the original plan. The entrance is on the eastern side of the building. Monumental features were emphasized in the entrance section with four columns. Decorations were reduced to a minimum on outside. Clean, elegant lines, simplicity and massive size of the building represent the architectural style of the 19th century. Through time, the building has faced several problems of preservation caused by issues related to function, user failures and natural disasters. While the eastern and southern facades were substantially preserved, northern and western facades were subjected to intervention. A new building was constructed parallel to the western side and north wing was extended. In the eastern wings there are additional rooms linked to the corridor facing the courtyard. There are also additional connection corridor between eastern and western wings which divides the courtyard. Notably, there has been significant modifications in the overall scheme of the first floor, and its unique plan fiction can not been described. Various architectural elements as windows and unique doors are not conserved today. In year 2002 Hadımköy Military Hospital and trees in 1054, 1055, 1056, 1057 parcels which are located in the courtyard the hospital have been registered as part of cultural heritage by the Council of Monuments. Hadımköy Military Hospital is not actively used today. The fifth section focuses on the studies about the restitution process. Since Hadımköy Military Hospital has been used, its unique space fiction was mostly changed due to the needs of the military organization. At this stage, the data of the original design are interpreted, similar buildings of the period are compared to obtain necessary information for the restitution process. The information and documentation that shep light on the restitution decisions are investigated. The fundamental basis of the restitution study is the traces that were observed on the structure and analysis of similar examples. The restitution problems are described as the spatial problems, construction problems and material problems. Proposal for the restoration is discussed in the sixth section of the study. It is decided to preserve the health function of the building as a medical center where the local populations can benefit and appropriate interventions and methods are determined to achieve that. In the restoration project, for developing proposals for the improvement of the buildings the main strategy has been to preserve the original character of the building and in the meantime to provide the users better and suitable conditions for todays life style. Interventions for the repair of the building and protection criteria for later additions are discussed. The conclusion section of this study includes the ideas reached at the end of this work and overall evaluation of the research.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2015
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2015
Anahtar kelimeler
askeri mimari, askeri hastaneler, military architecture