Tavuk Tüyü Keratininin Graft Kopolimerizasyonu
Tavuk Tüyü Keratininin Graft Kopolimerizasyonu
Canpolat, İlhan
Süreli Yayın başlığı
Süreli Yayın ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Tavuk tüyleri, tavuk üretim tesislerinde atık madde olarak sorun teşkil ederler. Hâlihazırda hayvan yemi olarak kullanılmakta ya da gömülerek imha edilmektedirler. Her yıl tüm dünyada yaklaşık olarak 1,8 milyon ton tavuk tüyü ortaya çıkmaktadır. Türkiyede ise yaklaşık olarak 30000 ton tavuk tüyü üretilmektedir. Her yıl ortaya çıkan bu miktardaki tavuk tüyünden yanlızca %8’i kullanılabilmektedir. Geri kalan ürünler ise atık olarak yok edilmektedir. Bu yüzden diğer liflere göre (yün, ipek..) daha düşük maliyetli bir üründür. Bu çalışmada, tavuk tüylerinden yağ bileşenlerinin ayrılması ve çözünürleştirilmeleri, redoks polimerizasyonu ile keratin-graft-poliakrilonitril-ko-polivinilpirolidon kopolimerinin sentezlenmesi, keratin ve keratin-graft-poliakrilonitril-ko-polivinilpirolidon reolojik, termal ve morfolojik analizlerinin yapılması, keratin-graft-poliakrilonitril-ko-polivinilpirolidion polimerinden yola çıkılarak elektrospin yöntemiyle lif elde edilmesi amaçlanmıştır.
. Chicken feathers are approximately 91% protein (keratin), 1% lipids, and 8% water. Because of a very low density, excellent compressibility and resiliency, heat retention and typical morphology, poultry feather barbs and barbules are preferable in comparison to other natural and synthetic fibers. In addition to the typical structure and properties, poultry feather fibers are cheap, abundantly available and constitute a renewable source for animal fibers. Applications of keratin preparations in the cosmetic industry are the best known. There are researches to use keratin in various kinds of composites, biodegradeable nonwovens such as sanitary and medical applications and in biotechnology. In this study, extraction and solubilisation conditions of keratin from chicken feather, synthesis of keratin-graft-polyacrylonitrile-co-polyvinylpyrrolidione by redox polymerization, characterization of keratin and keratin-graft-polyacrylonitrile-co-polyvinylpyrrolidione in terms of thermal, rheological, mechanical and morphological analyses and electrospinning of keratin-graft-polyacrylonitrile-co-polyvinylpyrrolidione to produce fibers were investigated.
. Chicken feathers are approximately 91% protein (keratin), 1% lipids, and 8% water. Because of a very low density, excellent compressibility and resiliency, heat retention and typical morphology, poultry feather barbs and barbules are preferable in comparison to other natural and synthetic fibers. In addition to the typical structure and properties, poultry feather fibers are cheap, abundantly available and constitute a renewable source for animal fibers. Applications of keratin preparations in the cosmetic industry are the best known. There are researches to use keratin in various kinds of composites, biodegradeable nonwovens such as sanitary and medical applications and in biotechnology. In this study, extraction and solubilisation conditions of keratin from chicken feather, synthesis of keratin-graft-polyacrylonitrile-co-polyvinylpyrrolidione by redox polymerization, characterization of keratin and keratin-graft-polyacrylonitrile-co-polyvinylpyrrolidione in terms of thermal, rheological, mechanical and morphological analyses and electrospinning of keratin-graft-polyacrylonitrile-co-polyvinylpyrrolidione to produce fibers were investigated.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2013
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2013
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2013
Anahtar kelimeler
tavuk tüyü,
graft kopolimerizasyon,
tekstil elyafı,
chicken feather,
graft copolymerization,
textile fibre