Kimyasal esasları farklı üç tüp akışkanlaştırıcı katkının betonun rötresi üzerine etkisi
Kimyasal esasları farklı üç tüp akışkanlaştırıcı katkının betonun rötresi üzerine etkisi
Ersöz, Sinan
Süreli Yayın başlığı
Süreli Yayın ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Betonun akışkanlığını arttırıcı katkıların kullanımı çok yaygın olmasına karşın, bu konuda yapılan çalışmalar yetersiz kalmaktadır. Bu katkıların kimyasal madde olmaları nedeniyle, herbirinin beton özellikleri üzerinde farklı etkileri olmaktadır. Bununla beraber, betonun rötresinin çok uzun süreli bir mekanizma olduğu düşünülürse, laboratuvar şartlarında yapılan kısa ve orta vadeli deneylerin, rötre karakteristiklerini ortaya koymasının güç olduğu görülür. Bu nedenle, bir takım matematiksel modelleme çalışmaları yapılmıştır. Sunulan bu çalışmada, kimyasal esasları farklı, birisi normal, diğerleri süper akışkanlaştıncı olmak üzere üç tip katkı maddesinin betonun rötresine etkileri üzerine 90 gün süreyle 20°C sıcaklık ve %65~70 bağıl nem kontrollü ortamda uygulanan deney programı, sonuçlan, matematiksel değerlendirmesi ve eldeki veriler yardımıyla hidratasyon dereceleri ile terleme oranlan konusunda yapılan yaklaşım ve bu katkıların betonların basınç ve eğilme dayammlan ile elastiklik modülleri üzerine etkisi incelendi. Bu araştırmada, linyosülfonat esaslı normal, melamin ve karboksilik eter polimeri esaslı süper akışkanlaştıncı katkı maddeleri kullanıldı. İşlenebilirliği sabit kalmak üzere, 300 kg/m3 ile 450 kg/m3 arasında dört farklı dozajda, katkılı betonlar üretilerek, 90 gün boyunca rötre ve ağırlık kaybı oranlan incelendi. Her katkının kullanım oranı, kendi serileri içinde sabit tutuldu. Agrega granülometrisi ve hacimsel kanşım oranlan her beton için sabittir. Elde edilen deneysel veriler, çeşitli kombinasyonlarda, matematiksel hesaplamalarla incelendi. Linyosülfonat, melamin ve polikarboksilik eter polimeri esaslı katkılann, betonun incelenen mekanik özellikleri üzerinde, olumlu etkisi olduğu görüldü ancak, kanşımdaki çimentonun hidratasyonu üzerinde etkili olmadığı sonucuna vanldı. Katkılann taze betonda terlemeyi azalttığı, hesaplarla tespit edildi. Betonun ağırlık kaybı üzerinde, kullanılan katkı maddelerinin belirgin bir etkisi olmadığı görüldü. Betonların kuruma hızlarının yaklaşık aynı olduğu görüldü. Linyosülfonat esaslı akışkanlaştıncı katkı maddesinin, betonun rötresini arttıncı etkisi hem ölçümlerde, hem de matematiksel hesaplamaların sonuçlannda belirgindi. İlk günlerdeki rötre artışının, katkısızlara göre yüksek olduğu belirlendi. Melamin esaslı süper akışkanlaştıncı katkının, ilk günlerdeki rötre artışı hızlı olmasma rağmen ileri yaşlarda, betonun rötresine etkisi görülmemiştir. Ancak, birim su kaybı oranına karşılık gelen rötre değeri, birim rötresi, katkısız betonlardan yüksek olduğu için, arttıncı yönde riskli olduğu söylenebilir. ix Karboksilik eter polimeri esaslı, hiper akışkanlaştıncı olarak da adlandınlan katkının, yapılan ölçümlerde, özellikle çimento dozajı yüksek betonlarda, rötreyi azaltıcı etkisi olduğu görülmüştür. Ancak, birim rötresi katkısız betonlara çok yakın olduğundan, azaltıcı etkisinin doğruluğu, ileride yapılacak çalışmalarda incelenmelidir.
The plasticizing admixtures having different types of chemical bases are widely used in concrete technology but the experimental conclusions about the effects of these admixtures on the shrinkage of concrete are not exact and clear. As they have different chemical compositions, their effects on the properties of concrete differ from one to another. The shrinkage mechanism of concrete has long term effects on mechanical properties and durability, so the short-term tests results in laboratory conditions are insufficient to indicate the characteristics of this mechanism. According to that, some mathematical models are evaluated to predict the development of shrinkage in long-terms. In this study, three types of plasticizing admixture, one of them ise normal, the others are superplasticizers, were investigated. Shrinkage tests were performed for 90 days in 20oC and 65-70% RH controlled laboratory conditions. Shrinkage data, mathematical model used, and the estimation of degree of hydration, and the bleeding rate using loss of mass data were mentioned. In addition, the effects of these admixtures on some mechanical properties were investigated. In this study, lignosulphonate based water-reducer, melamine and polymerized carboxilic ether based superplasticizers were used. For a given workability, four different cement dosages varied from 300 kg/m3 to 450 kg/m3. The dosage of admixtures were constant in each concrete series. Type of cement and aggregate, as well as grading and the mix proportions were kept same. Lignosulfonated plasticizer, melamine and polymerized superplasticizers improved the compressive and bending strength, and the modulus of elasticity of concrete in all cases. According to the calculations about degree of hydration, and the strength~w/c ratio relation, improvement in compressive strength depended on the reduction of water content of the mix. Admixtures showed no effect on the hydration of cement of the concretes. Also, the calculations indicated that the bleeding rate of the fresh concrete were reduced with the use of admixture. Loss of mass rates were not affected by the admixtures. Lignosulphonated based pasticizer increased the 90 days shrinkage of the concrete and the calculations verified this increasing trend with the ultimate shrinkage value. In early days, shrinkage of concrete with plasticizer was faster than plain concrete. As, in early days, shrinkage of concrete with melamine based superplasticizer was faster than plain concrete, later, the shrinkage values of the superplasticized and the xi plain concretes were nearly equal, but calculated value of shrinkage per unit loss of water was higher than the plain concrete, so it is clear that, the potential of shrinkage with the use of melamin based superplasticizer is at least equal to plain concrete. Polymerized carboxilic ether based, also called hyper-plasticizer, decreased the 90 days shrinkage value of concrete. This was so clear in the concrete with 450 kg/m3 cement content but calculated value of shrinkage per unit loss of water was equal to plain concrete, so the shrinkage decreasing capacity is uncertain.
The plasticizing admixtures having different types of chemical bases are widely used in concrete technology but the experimental conclusions about the effects of these admixtures on the shrinkage of concrete are not exact and clear. As they have different chemical compositions, their effects on the properties of concrete differ from one to another. The shrinkage mechanism of concrete has long term effects on mechanical properties and durability, so the short-term tests results in laboratory conditions are insufficient to indicate the characteristics of this mechanism. According to that, some mathematical models are evaluated to predict the development of shrinkage in long-terms. In this study, three types of plasticizing admixture, one of them ise normal, the others are superplasticizers, were investigated. Shrinkage tests were performed for 90 days in 20oC and 65-70% RH controlled laboratory conditions. Shrinkage data, mathematical model used, and the estimation of degree of hydration, and the bleeding rate using loss of mass data were mentioned. In addition, the effects of these admixtures on some mechanical properties were investigated. In this study, lignosulphonate based water-reducer, melamine and polymerized carboxilic ether based superplasticizers were used. For a given workability, four different cement dosages varied from 300 kg/m3 to 450 kg/m3. The dosage of admixtures were constant in each concrete series. Type of cement and aggregate, as well as grading and the mix proportions were kept same. Lignosulfonated plasticizer, melamine and polymerized superplasticizers improved the compressive and bending strength, and the modulus of elasticity of concrete in all cases. According to the calculations about degree of hydration, and the strength~w/c ratio relation, improvement in compressive strength depended on the reduction of water content of the mix. Admixtures showed no effect on the hydration of cement of the concretes. Also, the calculations indicated that the bleeding rate of the fresh concrete were reduced with the use of admixture. Loss of mass rates were not affected by the admixtures. Lignosulphonated based pasticizer increased the 90 days shrinkage of the concrete and the calculations verified this increasing trend with the ultimate shrinkage value. In early days, shrinkage of concrete with plasticizer was faster than plain concrete. As, in early days, shrinkage of concrete with melamine based superplasticizer was faster than plain concrete, later, the shrinkage values of the superplasticized and the xi plain concretes were nearly equal, but calculated value of shrinkage per unit loss of water was higher than the plain concrete, so it is clear that, the potential of shrinkage with the use of melamin based superplasticizer is at least equal to plain concrete. Polymerized carboxilic ether based, also called hyper-plasticizer, decreased the 90 days shrinkage value of concrete. This was so clear in the concrete with 450 kg/m3 cement content but calculated value of shrinkage per unit loss of water was equal to plain concrete, so the shrinkage decreasing capacity is uncertain.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2001
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