Küresel Bir İletişim Platformu Olarak Fuar İç Mekânları Ve Uluslararası Fuarlar Üzerinden Bir İrdeleme
Küresel Bir İletişim Platformu Olarak Fuar İç Mekânları Ve Uluslararası Fuarlar Üzerinden Bir İrdeleme
Aksu, Elif
Süreli Yayın başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Institute of Social Sciences
Institute of Social Sciences
Günümüzde fuar iç mekânları, ticari pazarlama aracı mekânlar olmak ile birlikte hızla büyüyen bir küresel iletişim platformu haline gelmiştir. Özellikle uluslararası fuarlar, geniş kitlelere ulaşabilen iletişim mekânlarıdır. Bu araştırmada, küresel anlamda etkili bir iletişim yolu olarak karşımıza çıkan ve tüm dünyayı buluşturan uluslararası etkinliklerin, bu iletişimin aracı olarak da fuar iç mekanlarının araştırılması düşüncesiyle yola çıkılmıştır. Çalışmanın amacı sürekli değişen ve gelişen dünyada küreselleşmenin bir sonucu olarak uluslararası fuarların, sergilenen ürünlerin ve fuar iç mekânlarının genel tasarım prensiplerinin yanı sıra nasıl etkilendiğinin araştırılması ve konuyla ilgili güncel perspektif sunulmasıdır. Bu çalışma kapsamında fuarların küresel bir iletişim platformu olması durumu tartışılmakta ve aynı zamanda küreselleşme, tüketim kültürü ve iç mekân tasarımı ara kesitinde fuar standları ve fuarlar eleştirel yaklaşımla örnekler üzerinden araştırılmaktadır. Yöntem olarak öncelikle uluslararası fuar etkinlikleri, stand tasarımları, küreselleşme, tüketim, iletişim konuları ile ilgili literatür araştırması yapılmıştır. Türkiye ve yurt dışındaki uluslararası fuarlar ile ilgili örnek ve tarihçe araştırması yapılmıştır. İkinci aşama olarak Türkiye'de uluslararası fuarlar için stand tasarımı yapan ve çalışma kapsamında seçilen tasarım firmalarıyla birebir görüşmeler yapılmıştır. Alan çalışması olarak İTÜ Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri (BAP) biriminin desteğiyle Nisan 2016'da Milano'da yapılmış olan ve günümüzde önemli uluslararası fuarlar arasında yer alan Salone del Mobile'2016 Uluslararası Mobilya Fuarı'nda yerinde gözlem ve firma yetkilileriyle birebir görüşmeler yapılarak detaylı bir örnek analizi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmanın ilk bölümünde, araştırmanın amacı ifade edilmiş; konunun kapsamı ve yöntemler açıklanmıştır. İkinci bölümde, küreselleşme, tüketim ve iletişim kavramları, ve süreçleri ele alınmış, bu kavramlar bağlamında marka, iç mekân ve kurumsal kimlik ilişkisine yer verilmiştir. Küreselleşmenin farklı ölçeklerde mekânsal etkileri araştırılmış, örnekler üzerinden tartışılmıştır. Sergileme ve fuar etkinliklerinin tanımlanması, tarihsel süreçlerinin ve türlerinin incelenmesi üçüncü bölümü oluşturmaktadır. Bu bağlamda Dünya'da ve Türkiye'de yapılan uluslararası fuarlar ve uluslararası fuarlarda stand tasarımın önemi ve tasarım kriterleri araştırılmıştır. Fuarlar ve fuar standları, mekânın hedef alıcılara kurumsal kimlik ve mesajları ileten bir aracı olması durumunu tanımlamış ve mekânsal iletişim araçları olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Bu bağlamda fuar standı tasarımı ve tasarım kriterlerinin neye göre şekillendiği önem kazanmaktadır. Bu tartışmanın yapılabilmesi için çalışma kapsamında Türkiye'de uluslararası fuarlar için stand tasarımı yapan 2 tasarım firmasıyla birebir görüşmeler yapılmıştır. Dördüncü bölümde, küresel etkinlikler olarak uluslararası fuarların incelenmesini amaçlayan alan çalışması yer almaktadır. Alan çalışması kapsamında 2016'da, dünyaca ünlü bir etkinlik haline gelen Milano Uluslararası Mobilya Fuarı 'Salone del Mobile' ziyaret edilmiş, yerinde incelemeler ve gözlemler yapılmıştır. Milano tasarım haftası kapsamında yapılan fuarda, katılımcı firmalar ile bir anket çalışması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Yapılan anket çalışmasına göre, Salone del Mobile fuarına katılım sürekliliğinin değerlendirilmesi Sergi mekânlarının şekillenmesinde etken faktörlerin katılımcı firmalar açısından değerlendirilmesi Küresel ölçekte katılımcı firmaların birbirinden farklılıklarının ve birbirlerine benzerliklerinin sorgulanması Fuarın Milano Tasarım Haftası kapsamında değerlendirilmesi Katılımcı firma deneyimlerinin incelenmesi ile ilgili olarak sorular sorulmuştur. Bununla birlikte çalışma kapsamında ele alınan Salone del Mobile Fuarı'ndaki stand tasarımlarının detaylı analizi yapılmış ve küreselleşme ve iletişim kavramlarıyla ilişkilendirilerek anket çalışmasıyla elde edilen verilerle birlikte değerlendirilmişlerdir. Bu bağlamda hem katılımcı firmalarla hem de tasarım firmalarıyla anket sorularının yöneltildiği röportajlar gerçekleştirilmiştir. Yapılan röportajlar kapsamında, Katılımcı firmaların uluslarası firmalara katılma nedenleri ve beklentileri araştırılmış, Uluslarası fuarlarda temaların ürüne dolayısıyla stand tasarımına etkisi değerlendirilmiş, Farklı ülkelerde yapılan uluslarası fuarlarda kültürel veya diğer etkenlerin stand tasarımını nasıl etkilediği sorgulanmış, Ülke kimliğinin ve kurumsal kimliğin sergi mekanına nasıl yansıdığı incelenmiş, Stand tasarım firmalarıyla yapılan görüşmelerde, sürekli çalıştıkları firmaların katıldıkları fuarlara göre mekandaki benzerlikler/farklılıklar tartışılmış, Ulusal ve uluslarası fuarlarda stand tasarımına yansıyan benzerlikler/farklılıklar sorgulanarak küresel boyuttaki etkiler araştırılmıştır. Beşinci bölümde ise, örnek analizleri ve alan çalışmalarının sonuçlarını değerlendiren bir tartışma yapılmıştır. Elde edilen tüm veriler ile beraber küreselleşme, tüketim kültürü ve iç mekân tasarımı ara kesitinde fuar standları ve fuarların küresel bir iletişim platformu olması durumu tartışılmıştır. Araştırma ile birlikte küreselleşme ve iletişim bağlamında irdelenen örnek üzerinden konu alanında güncel bir perspektif sunmak hedeflenmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Küreselleşme, Tüketim, İletişim, Marka, Kimlik, Fuar, Stand
Today, fair interior spaces become rapidly growing global communication platforms along with being commercial marketing tool. Especially international trade fairs are places of communication which can be reached to the large masses. In this research, international activities, which have been encountered as an effective communication way in the global manner and brought the whole world together, came out with the search opinion of fair interior spaces as the tool of this communication. The aim of the study is to make research about how international fairs have been affected as a result of globalization in the ever-changing and developing world as well as general design principles of exhibited products and fair interior spaces, and present a current perspective about the subject. Within this study, it is discussed that the fair become a global communication platforms and also fair stands and fairs are analyzed with a critical approach within the intersection of globalization, consumption culture and interior design through samples. As a methodology, firstly literature research related to international fair activities, stand designs, globalization and consumption, and communication subjects was conducted. The sample and historical research on international fairs in Turkey and abroad were conducted. As the second stage, the one on one interviews were made with the design firms, which make stand design for international fairs and are selected within the scope of study in Turkey. As a case study, a detailed sample analysis has been carried out by making one on one interviews with the company executive and a suitable observation at the Salone del Mobile'2016 International Furniture Fair, which was held in Milan in April 2016 with the support of İTÜ Scientific Research Projects (BAP) unit as field work and ranks among the most important international furniture fairs today. In the first part of the study, the purpose of the research was expressed; scope and methods of the subject are explained. In the second part, the concepts of globalization, consumption and communication, and their processes are discussed. The relationship between brand, interior space and corporate identity has been handled within the context of these concepts. The spatial effects of globalization at different scales have been researched and discussed through examples. The identification of exhibitions and fair events, the examination of historical processes and types constitute the third part. In this context, the importance of stand design and design criteria were explored of international fairs and international fairs held in Turkey and in the world. The fairs and fair stands defined the situation, which is a mediator conveying the corporate identity and messages of the space to target receivers of place, and were evaluated as spatial communication tools. In this sense, it becomes important about that how the fair stand design and design criteria are shaped. In order to be able to make this discussion, face to face talks were held with two design companies which are designing stands for international fairs in Turkey in the scope of this study. In the fourth chapter, the field study, which aims to examine international fairs as global events, are included. In the scope of the field study, Milan International Furniture Fair 'Salone del Mobile', which became a famous event in the world in 2016, was visited and suitable examinations and observations were made. A survey was conducted with the participant companies in the fair, which was held during the Milan Design Week. According to survey study, the questions were asked about; Evaluation of participation continiuty in Salone del Mobile Fair Evaluation of common factors in terms of participant companies in shaping exhibition spaces Questioning of the differences and similarities among participant companies on a global scale Evaluation of the fair within the Milan Design Week Review of participant company experiences In addition to this, a detailed analysis of the stand designs in the Salone del Mobile Fair, which was discussed in the scope of the study, was made and evaluated together with the data obtained by the survey study in relation to the concepts of globalization and communication. In this context, the interviews which the survey questions were directed to were conducted with both participant companies and design firms. As part of the interviews; The participating reasons and expectations of participant companies to the international companies were reseached In the international fairs, the effects of the themes on the product, hence the stand design was evaluated In the international fairs held in different countries, it has been questioned about how the cultural or other factors affect the stand design It has been examined about that how country identity and corporate identity are reflected to the exhibition space. In the interviews made with the stand design companies, the similarities /differences have been discussed according to the fairs that the companies continuously worked together participated The effects on the global dimension were analyzed by questioning the similarities / differences reflected to the stand design at national and international fairs. In the fifth section, a discussion, which evaluates the results of sample analyzes and field studies, was held. It has been argued that there are fair stands and a global communication platform of the fairs in the cross section of globalization, consumption culture and interior design together with all the data obtained. It is aimed to present a current perspective in the subject area through the sample which is examined in the context of globalization and communication with this research. Key Words : Globalization, Consumption, Communication, Brand, Identity, Fair, Stand.
Today, fair interior spaces become rapidly growing global communication platforms along with being commercial marketing tool. Especially international trade fairs are places of communication which can be reached to the large masses. In this research, international activities, which have been encountered as an effective communication way in the global manner and brought the whole world together, came out with the search opinion of fair interior spaces as the tool of this communication. The aim of the study is to make research about how international fairs have been affected as a result of globalization in the ever-changing and developing world as well as general design principles of exhibited products and fair interior spaces, and present a current perspective about the subject. Within this study, it is discussed that the fair become a global communication platforms and also fair stands and fairs are analyzed with a critical approach within the intersection of globalization, consumption culture and interior design through samples. As a methodology, firstly literature research related to international fair activities, stand designs, globalization and consumption, and communication subjects was conducted. The sample and historical research on international fairs in Turkey and abroad were conducted. As the second stage, the one on one interviews were made with the design firms, which make stand design for international fairs and are selected within the scope of study in Turkey. As a case study, a detailed sample analysis has been carried out by making one on one interviews with the company executive and a suitable observation at the Salone del Mobile'2016 International Furniture Fair, which was held in Milan in April 2016 with the support of İTÜ Scientific Research Projects (BAP) unit as field work and ranks among the most important international furniture fairs today. In the first part of the study, the purpose of the research was expressed; scope and methods of the subject are explained. In the second part, the concepts of globalization, consumption and communication, and their processes are discussed. The relationship between brand, interior space and corporate identity has been handled within the context of these concepts. The spatial effects of globalization at different scales have been researched and discussed through examples. The identification of exhibitions and fair events, the examination of historical processes and types constitute the third part. In this context, the importance of stand design and design criteria were explored of international fairs and international fairs held in Turkey and in the world. The fairs and fair stands defined the situation, which is a mediator conveying the corporate identity and messages of the space to target receivers of place, and were evaluated as spatial communication tools. In this sense, it becomes important about that how the fair stand design and design criteria are shaped. In order to be able to make this discussion, face to face talks were held with two design companies which are designing stands for international fairs in Turkey in the scope of this study. In the fourth chapter, the field study, which aims to examine international fairs as global events, are included. In the scope of the field study, Milan International Furniture Fair 'Salone del Mobile', which became a famous event in the world in 2016, was visited and suitable examinations and observations were made. A survey was conducted with the participant companies in the fair, which was held during the Milan Design Week. According to survey study, the questions were asked about; Evaluation of participation continiuty in Salone del Mobile Fair Evaluation of common factors in terms of participant companies in shaping exhibition spaces Questioning of the differences and similarities among participant companies on a global scale Evaluation of the fair within the Milan Design Week Review of participant company experiences In addition to this, a detailed analysis of the stand designs in the Salone del Mobile Fair, which was discussed in the scope of the study, was made and evaluated together with the data obtained by the survey study in relation to the concepts of globalization and communication. In this context, the interviews which the survey questions were directed to were conducted with both participant companies and design firms. As part of the interviews; The participating reasons and expectations of participant companies to the international companies were reseached In the international fairs, the effects of the themes on the product, hence the stand design was evaluated In the international fairs held in different countries, it has been questioned about how the cultural or other factors affect the stand design It has been examined about that how country identity and corporate identity are reflected to the exhibition space. In the interviews made with the stand design companies, the similarities /differences have been discussed according to the fairs that the companies continuously worked together participated The effects on the global dimension were analyzed by questioning the similarities / differences reflected to the stand design at national and international fairs. In the fifth section, a discussion, which evaluates the results of sample analyzes and field studies, was held. It has been argued that there are fair stands and a global communication platform of the fairs in the cross section of globalization, consumption culture and interior design together with all the data obtained. It is aimed to present a current perspective in the subject area through the sample which is examined in the context of globalization and communication with this research. Key Words : Globalization, Consumption, Communication, Brand, Identity, Fair, Stand.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2016
Thesis (M.A.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2016
Thesis (M.A.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2016
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