
Güner, Yurdaer
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Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Standartlaştırma, madde, mamul, metod ve hizmetleri belirli şartlara ve esaslara dayanarak bir örnek hale koyma işlemidir. Standardlaştırma bilimsel, teknik ve deneysel araş tırmaların kesinleşmiş sonuçlarını esas alır, yalnız günümüzün şartlarını saptamakla yetinmez, aynı zamanda geleceğin gelişme ihtimallerini göz önünde bulundurur. Üretimi artırmak ve en kısa zamanda en çok ürünü, belli bir kaliteyi tutturabilecek şekilde yapmayı başarmak, ancak standardlaştırma uygulamakla sağlanabilir. Burada önemle temas edilmesi gereken diğer bir husus da standardlaştırma uygulanmasıyla işgücü, hammadde ve enerji gibi milli kaynakların yerinde israf edilmeden kullanılmalarının ülke ekooamisine getireceği olumlu katkıdır. Ekonomik ye sosyal yararları herkes tarafından kabul edilen standartlaştırmanın topluma mal edilmesi bireylerde bu bilincin uyandırılması zorunludur.
Standardization is a mark made so as to prevent problems. that can, arise because of individual actions and thus to establish order. Standardization consists of simplification unification and working towards flexibilty. A standard is a generally accepted concept.proce dure or object that is held as a sample for the alike Standards can be classified according to their structure, field of application and ways of application, Standardization has three subtitles; a)- The Subject of Standardization Standardization, in general, covers solid concepts like everykind of material and product. However, besides these terms, units, symbols, methods, limits, suitability and other solid concepts like these can be the subject of standardization. b)- Level of Standardization 1)- At the plant level: The preparation and application of standards have VI started at this level. From a plant's point of view the unlimited benefits and economy that standards have brought can be the most significant reason for giving so much importance. Large or small, a plant will benefit from standar dization by simply producing more. Mors production with less labor is one thing that can be achieved by standardization. At the plant level, standards are usually based on national or international standards. 2)- Standardization at the industry level Standards that are common to plants of the some sectors are called industry standards. In the indust rialized and industrializing countries, standards hold a very important place and have much use. 3)- Standardization at the national level: IMoncenf ormoty and insufficiency in standardization studies at plant and industry levels have led to standardization at the national level. Generally, standardization studies at the national level are carried out by standards Institutes that founded by the countries. Any standards organization should take into account the necessities and suitability of the standards to technology when preparing the standards. Standards can be determined by creating original standards and by adapting standards from other countries vıı Technologically developed countries prefer creating their original standards since they can allocate large amounts of money and time of this task. Dn the other hand, developing countries prefer adapting predetermined standards to the conditions of their countries. However, in doing this, they are faced with problems, because technology can never be considered as seperate from enviromental conditions. Developed countries with the help of their endless facilities can easily develop technology. A standard should cover all the phases of produc tion and be applicable. Standards should be determined in such a way that they define all the technical processes and make modi fication according to new technology possible. k)- Standardization at the regional level: Standardization studies that are carried together by two or more neighboring countries is called standar dization at the regional level. 5)- Standardization at the international level: The basic aim of standardization at the interna tional level is to overcome difficulties caused by conflicting national standards and to speed up the product an service flow between the countries. The authorized organization for international standardization is ISU. The past of standardization is as old as humanity Evidence shows that standardization has started some time B.C. But, modern standardization movement has vm come up after the Industrial Revolution. It is known that electrical engineers were the first ta recognize the need far international standardization. Documents prove that Turks, during the rise of the Ottoman Empire have carried out high level standardiza tion and quality control studies. Both the producer and the consumer and therefore the national economy benefit from standardization. The gains of the producers are as follows; * Standards make planning of production possible * They allow serial and mass production and high quality. * Standards reduce the losses * They increase productivity and output The gains of the consumers are as follows; * Standards ensure quality, reliability and flexibility. * Ordering, purchasing and sales processes are simplified * Prices are reduced. The some gains of the national economy are as follows ; * Standards improve national production by quality, amount and reliability of the products. * Standards help national demand and supply to reach to a balance. * Conflicts that arise during purchasing and selling processes are eliminated. IX * They lead the way to the foundation of industry with national characteristics. Standardization is closely related to quality and quality control. The act of checking if the product fits to the standards is called standard control. Standardization is also closely related uiith productivity. Application standards is a technique that helps directly to improvement of productivity. Standard production has a great share in the utilization of labor efficiently. The making of standards for every kind of material, product and service is the duty of Turkish Institute for Standards (TSE) in Turkey. TSE also gives certificates of approvement to those products and services that fit the standards.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1990
Anahtar kelimeler
İşletme, Kalite kontrol, Standartlaşma, Türk Standartları Enstitüsü, Verimlilik, Business Administration, Quality control, Standardization, Turkish Standards Institution, Productivity