Yeni Kumarin – Crown Eterlerin Sentez Yöntemleri
Yeni Kumarin – Crown Eterlerin Sentez Yöntemleri
Tiftikçi, Esra
Süreli Yayın başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Instıtute of Science and Technology
Instıtute of Science and Technology
Tanko bean gibi bazı bitkilerden ilk çıkartılmalarından bu yana Benzopiran Kumarinleri bilinmektedir. Daha önce kullanılan isimlendirme yöntemlerinde fonksiyonel grupların karbon numaraları belirtilerek 2H-benzo[]piran-2-on deki gibi adlandırılmaktaydı. bunun gibi moleküllerin sentezi Perkin ve Pechmann tarafından geliştirildi ve bu tür ürünler kumarin kimyasının ilgi alanına girmiştir. bu moleküllerin kromotografik özellikleri boyar kimyasında yeni bir kullanım alanı açmıştır. Moelküllerin * geçişleri, elektron transferi sırasında tüm molekülleri etkileyen kromo-florofabik davranışlarına yol açar. Bizim çalışmamızda makrohalkalı crown eterlerin sentezi ve katyon bağlama özellikleri üzerinedir. Biz özellikle, kumarin crown etelerinin iyon bağlama kuralları florosans spekroskopisi gibi optik spektroskopik metotlar kullanılarak incelenen kromoiyonofobik makrohalkalı yapıların sentezi üzerine çalışıyoruz. 7,8-dihidroksi yada 6,7-dihidroksi-4-npropil veya 3-etil,4-metil sübstitüe kumarinlerin sentezleri ve bunların makrohalkalı eter türevleri üzerine çalışma yapmaktayız. İlk önce Claisen Kondenzasyonu yöntemiyle elde edilen -keto-esterler, poli-hidroksibenzenler kullanılarak Pechmann yöntemi ile kumarinler elde edilmiştir. -keto-esteler trifoloro asetik asit içinde fenoller ile reaksiyonları sonucunda iyi bir verim ile 6,7-dihidroksi- ve 7,8-dihidroksi kumarinleri oluştururlar. Dihidroksi kumarinler,DMF ve Na2CO3 varlığında bis-diklor ve bis-ditosilat ile sonlanan polietilen gilikoller ille reaksiyona girerek 12-crown-4, 15-crown-5 ve 18-crown-6’nın makrosiklik eterlerini oluştururlar. Kromofor moleküller, UV-VIS ve floresans spektrum gibi optik spektroskoplarla analiz edildiler. Yüksek çözünürlüklü 1H NMR spektroskopisi ve mass spektroskopisinde yapıla incelendi. Sentezlenen maddeler aşağıdaki şekilde açıklanmaktadır.
The coumarines of benzopyranones have been known so far known since they were first isolated from some plants, like tonquin beans. The earlier names were to assign the ring like wise 2H-benzo[b]pyran-2-ones as depicted below where the numbers are used for naming the derivatives. The synthesis of the precursors of the such molecule have been so far developed by Perkin and by Pechmann, and the use of such products have opened really interesting field of coumarin chemistry. Nothing then the chromophoric properties of such molecules opened an application field of the colour chemistry. The structural performance of the   * transitions causes the strong chrormo-fluorophobic behaviours which influences the entire molecule through out the electron circulation. The present work deals with the synthesis of 7,8-dihydroxy- or 6,7-dihdroxy-4-alkyl and 3,4-dialkyl substituted coumarins as well as their macrocyclic ether derivatives. We primarily synthesised the -keto esters to condense the poly-hydroxybenzenes via Pechmann method. The keto esters reacted with phenols in trifluoro acetic acid gave the good yield of the products of 6,7-dihydroxy- and 7,8-dihydroxy coumarins. Dihydroxy coumarins were allowed to react with bis-dichloro and bis-ditosylate ended polyethylene glycols in the presence of DMF and Na2CO3 yielded the coumarin derivatives of the macrocyclic ethers of [12]crown-4, [15]crown-5 and [18]crown-6 derivatives as illustrated in the following Scheme. The chromophore molecules were analysed with optical spectroscopy methods of infrared, UV-VIS and fluorescence spectroscopy. Molecular structures were identified with high resolution 1H NMR spectroscopy as well as the mass spectroscopy.
The coumarines of benzopyranones have been known so far known since they were first isolated from some plants, like tonquin beans. The earlier names were to assign the ring like wise 2H-benzo[b]pyran-2-ones as depicted below where the numbers are used for naming the derivatives. The synthesis of the precursors of the such molecule have been so far developed by Perkin and by Pechmann, and the use of such products have opened really interesting field of coumarin chemistry. Nothing then the chromophoric properties of such molecules opened an application field of the colour chemistry. The structural performance of the   * transitions causes the strong chrormo-fluorophobic behaviours which influences the entire molecule through out the electron circulation. The present work deals with the synthesis of 7,8-dihydroxy- or 6,7-dihdroxy-4-alkyl and 3,4-dialkyl substituted coumarins as well as their macrocyclic ether derivatives. We primarily synthesised the -keto esters to condense the poly-hydroxybenzenes via Pechmann method. The keto esters reacted with phenols in trifluoro acetic acid gave the good yield of the products of 6,7-dihydroxy- and 7,8-dihydroxy coumarins. Dihydroxy coumarins were allowed to react with bis-dichloro and bis-ditosylate ended polyethylene glycols in the presence of DMF and Na2CO3 yielded the coumarin derivatives of the macrocyclic ethers of [12]crown-4, [15]crown-5 and [18]crown-6 derivatives as illustrated in the following Scheme. The chromophore molecules were analysed with optical spectroscopy methods of infrared, UV-VIS and fluorescence spectroscopy. Molecular structures were identified with high resolution 1H NMR spectroscopy as well as the mass spectroscopy.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2002
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2002
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2002
Anahtar kelimeler
-keto ester,
crown ethers,
-keto esters