Lif İçeriği Ve Su/çimento Oranının Fibrobetonun Mekanik Davranışına Etkileri
Lif İçeriği Ve Su/çimento Oranının Fibrobetonun Mekanik Davranışına Etkileri
Kurt, Gözde
Süreli Yayın başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Son yıllarda beton teknolojisinde inanılması güç gelişmeler kaydedildi. Sadece 30 yıl önce inşaatta kullanılan betonun basınç dayanımları en fazla 40 MPa iken, günümüzde yapılarda kullanılan betonların basınç dayanımı geçmiş yıllara göre yaklaşık üç kat artmıştır. Özel koşullar altında daha yüksek dayanımlara da ulaşılabilmektedir. Yüksek dayanım; betondaki ve arayüzey bölgesindeki homojenliğin artırılması, boşluk oranının ve mikro çatlakların azaltılması ile olasıdır. Bu da süperakışkanlaştırıcılarla birlikte uçucu kül, silis dumanı, granüle yüksek fırın cürufu, doğal puzolan gibi puzolanik özellikleri de olan ultra incelikteki taneli malzemelerin betona eklenmesi ile sağlanabilir. Günümüzde yüksek performanslı beton (YPB); yüksek binalar, köprüler, deniz yapıları, sığınaklar, nükleer reaktörler gibi çeşitli inşaat projelerinde kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. Ancak yüksek dayanım ve dayanıklılık gösteren yüksek performanslı betonlarda ortaya çıkan en önemli sakınca; betonun gevrek bir davranış göstermesidir. Gevreklik nedeniyle betonun enerji yutma yeteneği azalmaktadır. Ayrıca, YPB’ ların geçirimsiz bir yapıya sahip olmaları nedeniyle yangına karşı dayanıksızlığı bilinmektedir. Yüksek performanslı betonların bu olumsuz özelliklerini yok etmek için betona çeşitli tip ve oranlarda lif katılması yoluna gidilmiştir. Farklı özelikte ve miktarda liflerin betona katılması ile bu sorun ortadan kaldırılabilir. Liflerin aynı zamanda YPB’ nun basınç ve çekme dayanımını da olumlu yönde etkilemektedir. Yüksek performanslı beton üretiminde başta çelik lifler olmak üzere, polipropilen lifler, bazı polimer esaslı lifler ve cam lifleri de kullanılmaktadır. Lif eklenmesi, harç ve betonun mekanik özelliklerinin önemli ölçüde artmasını sağlamıştır. Lifli betonda, lifsiz betona göre oluşan en önemli performans artışı, kırılma sırasında enerji yutma kapasitesinin artmasından ileri gelmektedir. Bu çalışmada, cam lifi içeriği ve su/çimento oranı değiştirilerek sekiz farklı Cam Lifi Takviyeli Beton (Glass Fibre Reinforced Concrete – GFRC) karışımı üretildi. Bütün karışımlar için elastisite modülü ve standart basınç deneyleri için 100 mm çapında ve 200 mm yüksekliğinde silindirler hazırlandı. Yarmada çekme deneyleri için 150 mm çapında ve 60 mm yüksekliğinde disk numuneler ve kırılma enerjisi deneyleri için de 280 mm uzunluğunda 50 mm x10 mm kesitinde kirişler hazırlandı. Değişik oranlarda cam lifi içeren ve farklı su/çimento oranına sahip betonların basınç dayanımları, elastisite modülleri, yarmada çekme dayanımları, kırılma enerjileri, karakteristik boylarının birbiriyle ve cam lifi içermeyen betonlarla karşılaştırılarak mekanik davranış ve özelikler değerlendirildi. Su/çimento oranı 0,34 olan yalın betonun (matris) kırılma enerjisi, cam liflerinin eklenmesiyle 109 katına kadar ulaştı. Su/çimento oranı 0,36 olan fibrobetonda ise matrise kıyasla kırılma enerjisi 66 kat arttı. Böylece, cam lifi takviyeli kompozitler yalın olanlara kıyasla daha tok ve sünek davranış sergilemektedir.
In the recent years, incredible advances in concrete technology have been recorded. Only 30 years ago, the maximum compressive strength at the construction site was about 40 MPa. Nowadays, the strength of the concrete used in structures, increased approximately three times and even higher strengths can be achieved under special conditions. High strength concrete can be obtained by reducing porosity, heterogeneity and microcracks in concrete and the transition zone. This can be achieved by using superplasticizers and ultra fine pozzolanic materials such as fly ash, silica fume, granulated blast furnace slag, and natural puzzolan. High performance concretes (HPC), have started to be used in different construction projects such as tall buildings, bridges, marine and sea structures, shelters and nuclear reactors. On the other hand, high performance concretes which have high strength and durability have also some disadvantages. Brittleness is the most important disadvantage of HPC, because energy absorption capacity is reduced by the brittle behavior. Furthermore, fire resistance of HPC decreases because of its tough microstructure. This disadvantage can be eliminated by mixing different types and quantities of fibres added to concrete. At the same time, fibres do positive effect on both compressive and tensile strength. The most common used fibres are steel fibres, polypropylene and glass fibres. The addition of fibres significantly improves many of the mechanical properties of mortar and concrete, notably impact strength and toughness. The enhance performance of fibre-reinforced concrete compared to its unreinforced counterpart comes from its improved capacity to absorb energy during fracture. Beside steel fibres, some polymeric fibres, especially polypropylene, are also started to use in reinforced concretes. In this research, eight different concrete mixtures with various volume fractions of glass fibres and different water/cement ratio were produced. For both the modulus of elastisity and the standard compressive tests cylinders of 100 mm in diameter and 200 mm height were prepared for all mixtures. Disc specimens were used for the splitting tensile test. Discs of 150 mm in diameter and 60 mm in height were prepared and the beams prepared for the fracture energy tests were 280 mm in length and 50mm x 10 mm in reduce cross section. The main objective of the present work is to investigate the meachanical behavior of concretes cotaining glass fibre with different volume fraction and two different water/cement ratio. Specifically, compressive strength, modulus of elasticity, splitting tensile strength, fracture energy, net bending strength, and characteristic length of concretes with glass fibres are compared to without glass fibres. Fracture energy of plain concrete (matrix) with the water/cement ratio of 0,34 increased up to 109 times owing to the addition of glass fibres; while in GFRC with the water/cement ratio of 0,36 the increase in fracture energy was 66 times. Thus, the GFRC shows a behavior of enhanced toughness and ductility when compared to the matrix.
In the recent years, incredible advances in concrete technology have been recorded. Only 30 years ago, the maximum compressive strength at the construction site was about 40 MPa. Nowadays, the strength of the concrete used in structures, increased approximately three times and even higher strengths can be achieved under special conditions. High strength concrete can be obtained by reducing porosity, heterogeneity and microcracks in concrete and the transition zone. This can be achieved by using superplasticizers and ultra fine pozzolanic materials such as fly ash, silica fume, granulated blast furnace slag, and natural puzzolan. High performance concretes (HPC), have started to be used in different construction projects such as tall buildings, bridges, marine and sea structures, shelters and nuclear reactors. On the other hand, high performance concretes which have high strength and durability have also some disadvantages. Brittleness is the most important disadvantage of HPC, because energy absorption capacity is reduced by the brittle behavior. Furthermore, fire resistance of HPC decreases because of its tough microstructure. This disadvantage can be eliminated by mixing different types and quantities of fibres added to concrete. At the same time, fibres do positive effect on both compressive and tensile strength. The most common used fibres are steel fibres, polypropylene and glass fibres. The addition of fibres significantly improves many of the mechanical properties of mortar and concrete, notably impact strength and toughness. The enhance performance of fibre-reinforced concrete compared to its unreinforced counterpart comes from its improved capacity to absorb energy during fracture. Beside steel fibres, some polymeric fibres, especially polypropylene, are also started to use in reinforced concretes. In this research, eight different concrete mixtures with various volume fractions of glass fibres and different water/cement ratio were produced. For both the modulus of elastisity and the standard compressive tests cylinders of 100 mm in diameter and 200 mm height were prepared for all mixtures. Disc specimens were used for the splitting tensile test. Discs of 150 mm in diameter and 60 mm in height were prepared and the beams prepared for the fracture energy tests were 280 mm in length and 50mm x 10 mm in reduce cross section. The main objective of the present work is to investigate the meachanical behavior of concretes cotaining glass fibre with different volume fraction and two different water/cement ratio. Specifically, compressive strength, modulus of elasticity, splitting tensile strength, fracture energy, net bending strength, and characteristic length of concretes with glass fibres are compared to without glass fibres. Fracture energy of plain concrete (matrix) with the water/cement ratio of 0,34 increased up to 109 times owing to the addition of glass fibres; while in GFRC with the water/cement ratio of 0,36 the increase in fracture energy was 66 times. Thus, the GFRC shows a behavior of enhanced toughness and ductility when compared to the matrix.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2006
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2006
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2006
Anahtar kelimeler
lifli beton,
effects of fibre content,
cam lifli beton,
cam lifli betonun kırılma enerjisi,
high strength concrete,
glass fibre reinforced concrete