Ethem Paşa Konağı Rekonstrüksiyon Projesi Ve İrdelenmesi
Ethem Paşa Konağı Rekonstrüksiyon Projesi Ve İrdelenmesi
Karahan, Arzu
Süreli Yayın başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Tanzimat Döneminde Batı etkisinde yapılmış geç dönem Osmanlı sivil mimarlık eserlerinin çoğunda olduğu gibi, cephesinde görülen Batı mimarisi eğilimi iç mekanda yerini geleneksel şemaların ışığında türetilmiş çözümlere bırakmış, gelenekseli hala içinde barındıran bir yapı olarak Ethem Paşa Konağı bu türde incelenen özel bir örnektir. Ancak batılılaşmanın yaşandığı ilk dönemin sosyal yapısını ve beğenilerini yansıtan ilk kagir konaklardan biri olarak varlığını günümüze kadar sürdürememiştir. Yoğun arsa spekülasyonu ve rant hırsı sonucunda koruma bilincine sahip olmayan mülk sahiplerinin isteği doğrultusunda 1967 yılında yıktırılmıştır. Günümüzde yürürlükteki imar planı ile rekonstrüksiyonu önerilen yapılar arasında yer alması nedeniyle tez konusu olarak seçilmiş, konağın hayata döndürülmesine yönelik yaklaşım irdelemiştir. Bunun yanı sıra üzerinde herhangi bir araştırma yapılmamış olan konak için belgeleme çalışmaları yapılarak özgün durumunu incelenmiştir. Bu kapsamda Ethem Paşa Konağı’nın restitüsyon çalışmalarına zemin oluşturacak mekan ve cephe kurgusuyla ilgili bütün belgeler değerlendirilmiş, aynı dönemde yapılan ve benzer yapım özelliklerini gösteren yapılar incelenmiştir. Elde edilen veriler görsel malzemeyle desteklenerek konağın ayrıntılı tanımı yapılmıştır. Rekonstrüksiyon kararına zemin teşkil etmek üzere koruma kuramı tarihi ve yaklaşımları, korumada etkili olacak uluslararası tüzükler, ilke kararları ve yasal araçlardan yararlanılmış; dünyadan ve ülkemizden rekonstrüksiyon uygulama örnekleri ışığında yapının özgünlüğü, mimari ve imaj değeri, çevre bütünlüğü ve toplumsal kaygılar bağlamında Ethem Paşa Konağı’nın rekonstrüksiyon gereklerinin oluşup oluşmadığı üzerine değerlendirmeler ortaya konmuştur.
In the period of Tanzimat, as in many late period Ottoman civil architectural works built under Western Civilisation, Western architectural trend seen in the outer sides was placed with the solutions developed under the light of traditional schema the in inner sides. Ethem Pasha House as a building living the tradition is a special sample observed in this context. However, it has not survived its existence as a one of the stonework houses reflecting the social structure and admiration of early westernisation period. It was destructed in 1967 as a result of land speculations and profit greed, and in the direction of the desire of property owners careless about the cultural preservation. The reason why this building was chosen as the subject of thesis was that Ethem Pasha Konak was placed among the proposed structures to be reconstructed with the existing municipal plan and also it was aimed to evaluate this approach regarding the reconstruction go of the Konak. Additionally, it was intended to assess the originality of the Konak, on which no research has been conducted so far, by making documents available. In this direction, all available documents related to inner and outer side theories to be base for restitution works of Ethem Pasha Konak were evaluated and other buildings constructed in the same period and showing similar structural characteristics were investigated. The study was based on a detail identification of the Konak was made supporting the obtained data with visual materials. History and approaches of preservation theory to make basis for reconstruction decision were touched upon; international charters, principle decisions and legal instruments to be effective in preservation were benefited. The necessity of Ethem Pasha Konak’s reconstruction were examined under the light of reconstruction works applied in our country and around the world and in the context of its originality, architectural and image value, environmental completeness and social anxious.
In the period of Tanzimat, as in many late period Ottoman civil architectural works built under Western Civilisation, Western architectural trend seen in the outer sides was placed with the solutions developed under the light of traditional schema the in inner sides. Ethem Pasha House as a building living the tradition is a special sample observed in this context. However, it has not survived its existence as a one of the stonework houses reflecting the social structure and admiration of early westernisation period. It was destructed in 1967 as a result of land speculations and profit greed, and in the direction of the desire of property owners careless about the cultural preservation. The reason why this building was chosen as the subject of thesis was that Ethem Pasha Konak was placed among the proposed structures to be reconstructed with the existing municipal plan and also it was aimed to evaluate this approach regarding the reconstruction go of the Konak. Additionally, it was intended to assess the originality of the Konak, on which no research has been conducted so far, by making documents available. In this direction, all available documents related to inner and outer side theories to be base for restitution works of Ethem Pasha Konak were evaluated and other buildings constructed in the same period and showing similar structural characteristics were investigated. The study was based on a detail identification of the Konak was made supporting the obtained data with visual materials. History and approaches of preservation theory to make basis for reconstruction decision were touched upon; international charters, principle decisions and legal instruments to be effective in preservation were benefited. The necessity of Ethem Pasha Konak’s reconstruction were examined under the light of reconstruction works applied in our country and around the world and in the context of its originality, architectural and image value, environmental completeness and social anxious.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2010
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2010
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2010
Anahtar kelimeler
Tanzimat Dönemi,
Ethem Paşa Konağı,
Tanzimat Period,
Ethem Pasha Konak,