Yüksek öğretimde toplam kalite yönetimi, abet kriterleri ve makina mühendisliğinde uygulanması
Yüksek öğretimde toplam kalite yönetimi, abet kriterleri ve makina mühendisliğinde uygulanması
Ata, Alper
Süreli Yayın başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Günümüzde iş dünyasının sınırlan yok olmuştur. Bölgesel pazarların birçok girişimci tararından paylaşılmak zorunda olması rekabet ortamını hazırlamış, iletişimin gelişmesi ile birlikte uluslararası ticaret gelişmiş ve pazarlar dünya çapmda düşünülmeye başlanmıştır. Bu durum, rekabetin tüm dünyaya yayılmasına ve daha da acımasızlaşmasına sebep olmuştur. Değişen dünya düzeninin etkisiyle, yönetim sistemleri de değişmeye başlamıştır. Bununla birlikte her alanda müşteri bilinci gelişmektedir, iş dünyasındaki anlayışların ve ihtiyaçların değişmesi nedeniyle, insanları iş dünyasına hazırlayan yüksek öğretim kurumlannda da değişiklik ihtiyacı ortaya çıkmıştır. Yüksek öğretim kurumlan rekabet ortamından uzak değildir. Özel üniversiteler yapılan sebebiyle her zaman rekabet ortamında yaşayacaklardır. Devlet üniversitelerinin ise, rekabet ortamından uzak görülmelerine karşın, artan sayılan nedeniyle zaten kaçınılmaz olan rekabete şimdiden çeşili alanlarda girdikleri görülmektedir. Birkaç on yıldır özel sektörde uygulanan ve kurumlara yüksek rekabet gücü sağlayan Toplam Kalite Yönetimi, yüksek öğretim kurumlannda da uygulanmaya başlanmıştır. Kalite güvence sağlamak amacıyla akreditasyon çalışmalan hız kazanırken, ileride bu girişimlerin toplam kalite yönetimine döneceği öngörülmek tedir. Bu çalışmada yüksek öğretim sistemlerinde toplam kalite yönetiminin uygulama şekli ve akreditasyon sistemi incelenmiştir. Uygulama odağı olarak İTÜ Makina Fakültesi, Makina Bölümü seçilmiştir. İTÜ Makina Fakültesi 'nin seçilmesinin nedeni, akreditasyon çalışmalanna yeni başlamış olması ve yapısı itibariyle iyi bir örnek oluşturmasıdır. Toplam kalite ilkelerinin, eğitime olan uygulama şeklinin ve yüksek öğretimde kalite değerlendirmesinin incelenmesinin ardından akreditasyon ve ABET (Accreditation Xll Board for Engineering and Technology) akreditasyonu ve kriterleri hakkında bilgi verilmiştir. Çalışmanın uygulama kısmım ÎTÜ Makina Fakültesi, Makina Bölümü öğrencileri, öğretim üyeleri ve potansiyel işverenler arasında yapılan bir anket çalışması oluşturmaktadır. Anketin genel amacı, toplam kalite ilkeleri doğrultusunda ABET mühendis kriterlerinin kurum öğrencilerinin isteklerine ve günümüz iş koşullarına uygunluğunun incelenmesi, Makina Bölümü yapısı ve öğrencilerinin belirlenen kriterler çerçevesinde değerlendirmesi, öğrencilerin istek ve beklentilerinin belirlenmesidir. Anket çalışmasında müşteri odaklılık ilkesi esas alınmıştır. Müşteriler olarak kabul edilen öğrencilerin ve işverenlerin ihtiyaçları ve bölüm öğretim üyelerinin görüşleri ile ABET kriterlerinin öngördüğü mühendis nitelikleri karşılaştırılmaktadır. Her hedef grubu için farklı sorular hazırlanmış ve tamamen tesadüfi olarak belirlenen deneklere uygulanmıştır. Yüksek öğretim kurumlarında verilen eğitimin kalitesinin sağlanabilmesi, sadece eğitim proseslerinin değil, toplam kalite ilkeleri çerçevesinde kurumdaki tüm proseslerin iyileştirilmesini gerektirmektedir. Bu balamdan çalışanların ve öğrencilerin bu konudaki eğitimi ve üst yönetimin liderliği hayati önem taşımaktadır. Akreditasyon prosesleri, uzun vadede sağlanabilecek olan toplam kalite ilkelerine başlangıç teşkil etmesi bakımından yararlı bir sistem oluşturmaktadır. Mevcut gerçekliğin bilinmesi, geliştirmeye açık alanların belirlenmesi açısından çok önemlidir. Bu nedenle faaliyetlerin iyileştirmeye yönelik değerlendirmeleri yapılmalıdır. Akreditasyon kuruluşu olarak ABET en uygun kuruluş olarak görülmektedir. ABET' in ortaya koyduğu ilkeler öğrenciler, işverenler ve öğretim üyeleri tararından farklı oranlarda olsa da desteklenmektedir. ABET kriterlerinin sağlanması eşdeğerlilik için yeterli olsa da ihtiyaç duyulan diğer niteliklerin de öğrencilere kazandırılması gerektiği ortaya çıkmıştır. İş hayatında başarının elde edilebilmesi için gerekli olan mühendis niteliklerinin sürekli olarak yenilenmesi ve bu niteliklerin öğrencilere kazandırılması gerekmektedir. Bu yaklaşımın gereği olarak, yüksek öğretim kurumlarında toplam kalite araç ve ilkelerinin uygulanması gereği ortaya çıkmıştır.
In today's businessworld there are no boundaries. There is a great deal of competition because an enormous number of entrepreneurs share local markets. International markets have expanded with the improvement of communication and the markets have been globalised. Under these circumstances, competition has become tougher and more ruthless in all regions of the world. Management systems have begun to change in accordance with the changes in the world of globalisation. However, in all branches of trade and technology, consumer behaviour and demands have improved. The changes in needs of customers and in concepts of the businessworld, brought up the need for change in universites too. Universities and other higher education units are not excluded from the area of competition. Private universities are in competition given their managerial structures. Although the public opinion is controversial, state universities are also in competition as their number increases day by day. Total quality management, that has been used by enterprises for many decades, has also become popular in the institutes of higher education. In order to gain quality assurance, accreditation activities have been accelerated in the areas of education and these activities are assumed to become total quality management techniques gradually. In this study, application of total quality management and accreditation systems in the institutes of higher education have been investigated. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Istanbul Technical University Department of Mechanical Engineering has been chosen as an application unit. The reason for choosing ITU Mechanical Engineering Faculty for this investigation is that the accreditation works have started recently and the structure of this university is an excellent example. Principles of total quality and it's applications on the higher education have been studied, and then accreditation in general and ABET (Accreditation Board for xiv Engineering and Technology) togather with it's criteria have been described. During the application of this investigation, three different questionnaires have been prepared for the students, the academic staff of the Mechanical Engineering Department and the potential employers in the area of mechanical engineering. The main purpose of the questionnaires was to investigate the ABET engineering criteria and the suitability of these criteria for the industrial applications, demands and expectations of the students of mechanical engineering and the structure of the Mechanical Engineering Department of ITU. During the questionnary studies the principle of customer focus has mainly been considered. The students, the academic staff and employers were supposed to be comsumers and their comments have been compared with the principles of ABET criteria for the features of mechanical engineering. Different questions were asked to every potential groups which were randomly sampled. In order to train well educated and qualified engineers, the principles of total quality management should be applied not only to the teaching process but also to all processes of the institutes of higher education. From this point of view, the teaching process for students and staff and also the leadership of upper administration have great importance. As an initial total quality principle, accreditation processes are very useful systems in long-term applications. Defining the present situation is very important for determining the progressing areas. For this reason all activities of institutions should be evaluated in order to be improved. ABET seems to be the most proper organizaton for accreditation. Principles of ABET have been mostly accepted by the students, academic staff and employers. It has become obvious that the applications of ABETs criteria fulfils the equivalence but the students also have to be trained for being competitive and highly qualified. In addition to that all students should have the qualifications necessary to succeed in business life. As a result, it is a great need that the applications and the principle of total quality should be used in the institutes of higher education.
In today's businessworld there are no boundaries. There is a great deal of competition because an enormous number of entrepreneurs share local markets. International markets have expanded with the improvement of communication and the markets have been globalised. Under these circumstances, competition has become tougher and more ruthless in all regions of the world. Management systems have begun to change in accordance with the changes in the world of globalisation. However, in all branches of trade and technology, consumer behaviour and demands have improved. The changes in needs of customers and in concepts of the businessworld, brought up the need for change in universites too. Universities and other higher education units are not excluded from the area of competition. Private universities are in competition given their managerial structures. Although the public opinion is controversial, state universities are also in competition as their number increases day by day. Total quality management, that has been used by enterprises for many decades, has also become popular in the institutes of higher education. In order to gain quality assurance, accreditation activities have been accelerated in the areas of education and these activities are assumed to become total quality management techniques gradually. In this study, application of total quality management and accreditation systems in the institutes of higher education have been investigated. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Istanbul Technical University Department of Mechanical Engineering has been chosen as an application unit. The reason for choosing ITU Mechanical Engineering Faculty for this investigation is that the accreditation works have started recently and the structure of this university is an excellent example. Principles of total quality and it's applications on the higher education have been studied, and then accreditation in general and ABET (Accreditation Board for xiv Engineering and Technology) togather with it's criteria have been described. During the application of this investigation, three different questionnaires have been prepared for the students, the academic staff of the Mechanical Engineering Department and the potential employers in the area of mechanical engineering. The main purpose of the questionnaires was to investigate the ABET engineering criteria and the suitability of these criteria for the industrial applications, demands and expectations of the students of mechanical engineering and the structure of the Mechanical Engineering Department of ITU. During the questionnary studies the principle of customer focus has mainly been considered. The students, the academic staff and employers were supposed to be comsumers and their comments have been compared with the principles of ABET criteria for the features of mechanical engineering. Different questions were asked to every potential groups which were randomly sampled. In order to train well educated and qualified engineers, the principles of total quality management should be applied not only to the teaching process but also to all processes of the institutes of higher education. From this point of view, the teaching process for students and staff and also the leadership of upper administration have great importance. As an initial total quality principle, accreditation processes are very useful systems in long-term applications. Defining the present situation is very important for determining the progressing areas. For this reason all activities of institutions should be evaluated in order to be improved. ABET seems to be the most proper organizaton for accreditation. Principles of ABET have been mostly accepted by the students, academic staff and employers. It has become obvious that the applications of ABETs criteria fulfils the equivalence but the students also have to be trained for being competitive and highly qualified. In addition to that all students should have the qualifications necessary to succeed in business life. As a result, it is a great need that the applications and the principle of total quality should be used in the institutes of higher education.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2000
Anahtar kelimeler
Makine mühendisliği,
Toplam kalite yönetimi,
Mechanical engineering,
Total quality management,
Higher education