Türkiye kömür ithalatının incelenmesi

Yüksel, Erhan
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Türkiye'nin, son yxllarda, endüstriyel alanda göster miş olduğu hızlı gelişime bağlı olarak, hammaddelere olan gereksinimleri de artmıştır. Endüstriyel alanda yaygın o- larak kullanılan hammaddelerden biri kömürdür. Sanayinin artan gereksinimlerini karşılamak üzere kömür ithalatları yapılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, 1988-1992 yılları arasında ithalatı gerçekleştirilen kömürler, tonaj ları, fiyatları ve özellikleri bakımından elde edilen bil giler derlenmiştir. Demir Çelik Endüstrisi tarafından gerçekleştirilen koklaşabilir taşkömürü dışalımları genel ithalat içerisin de en büyük paya sahiptir. Bu nedenle demir çelik fabrika ları tarafından gerçekleştirilen ithalatlar detaylı bir şekilde incelenmiştir. Belediyelerin hava kirliliğine çözüm amacıyla gerçek leştirdiği dışalımlar üçüncü bölümde ayrıntıları ile ele alınmıştır. Çimento ve şeker fabrikalarının ithalatları ise, dör düncü bölümde derlenmiştir. Sonuç ve öneriler bölümü ile tez çalışması tamamlanmıştır.
Use of ram materials in Turkey is getting higher and higher from year to year, depending an rapid developments in various. industries. Coal is one of the most commonly used raw materials in Turkey, used by iron and steel factories, thermal pouier stations, cement works, suger works, soda works and by some other metallurgical factories and work shops. At the same time coal at house use also takes a substantial share at total consumption. Although, Turkey has big coal areas and mines both underground and open cast, she can not meet all demands from local production and has to import substantial amount of coal from other countries. This study will give you detailed information about importation of coal you will find here imported countries, yearly demands, coal types, various coal specifications, prices, tender conditions and about other related subjects. Naturally, different types of coal have been used at different areas. Coal can be classified namely as coking coal, steam coal, fuel coal, petrocoke, coke, metalurgical coke. Coking coal mainly purchased Iron and Steel Plants to make coke and then use it at their blast furnaces to melt ores and have steel. vxn There are two big iron and steel organizations. One is government organization, Turkish Iron and Steel lılorke (TDÇİ) and the other is semi-private, Ereğli Iron and Steel works (Erdemir). They're both importing coking coal every year mainly from America, Australia and some from russia and Canada. Steam coal is being used mainly by cement works, sugar works and thermal power station. Turkish coal organization (TKİ) supplying coal to these industries but the demand again can not be met by domestic production and also imparted from other countries specially from South Africa and Australia. In recent years, arising from environmental protection and to prevent the air pollution in big cities, Turkey started to import high calorie, Law sulphur and volatile fuel coal for house use. These, generally, imparted from South Africa and Russia. In last years, petrocake was started to use instead of steam coal by suger works and cement works. Infact, petrocoke has high calorific volue but also has high sulphur and high volatile matter. Imported coals have been purchased by means of international tenders. Each organization firstly, prepare their specification and announce international biddings for procurement. Tender documentation consist of administrative and technical specification. An administrative specification contains tende closing date, bid band and performance bond rate, legal conditions, delivery, payment terms, option and special term. A technical specification on the other hand consist of coal specification, rejected limits, premiums and penalties, orijines and other technical terms. IX Interested parties by tender specifications and open necessary bid bond for participation to bidding. Firm should submit their offer untill bid closing date with signed tender documents to relevant organization. After collectione of offers, tender evaluation have been starded to compare offers, find the cheapest offer. The cheapest offer has been detemined as a basis price and all bidders have been informed about this basis price. According to final evaluation, tender has been concluded with basis price and contracts have been signed with firms wihch reduced their offer to basis price. Tonnage have been detemined in final evaluation uith each firm. Coking coal has got the biggest share in total imparted coal in Turkey. Turkish Iron and Steel Works (TDÇİ) have been importing coking coal to meet her Karabük and İskenderun İran and steel plants. Imported coking coal tonnage was approximately 2.000.000 tons realized by Turkish Iron and Steel works (DTÇİ). Half of total tonnage was medium volatile coal of American origin and remaining tonnage was high and low volatile coal of Australian and other countries origines. EreQli Iron and Steel Works (Erdemir) has also been importing coking coal every year. Imported coking coal tonnage was approximately 1.000.000 tons, realized by Erdemir. The most of total tonnage was high and low volatile coal of American and Australian origins. Technical properties of coking coal used in steel plants are given as the follow: ASTM Standard Total morsture (As received) Volatile matter (Dry Basis) Ash (Dry Basis) Carbon (Dry Basis) Sulphur (Dry Basis) Phosphor FSI Size % 6 max % 22-24- % B max 65 min % 0.6 max % 0.060max 7-9 0-100 mm. Lump fuel coal has been imported by municipalities, preventing the air pollution in big cities. Belko Administration of the metropolitan municipality of Ankara has got the biggest share in total imported lump fuel coal that has low sluphur and low volatile. According to Supreme Planning Board (YPK) derides and the Treasury and Foreign Trade Undersecretariat pefmist, municipalities have been signed contracts with firms. Technical properties of lump fuel coal imported by Belko are given as the follow: ASTM Standard Total moisture (As received) Volatile matter (Dry Basis) Sulphur (Dry Basis) Ash (Dry Basis) FSI Ash F.Temp Gross Calorific Value Size (-1D mm) (10-20 mm) % 6 max % 13-1B % 1.0 % 19 0-2.5 125DDC 6500DC Kcal/kg, % 10 max % 10 max Steam coal, petrocoke and metallurgical coke have also been importing to meet demands of cement and sugar works. Technical properties of steam coal imported by ÇİT0SAN are given as the follow: ASTM Standard Total moisture (As received) Volatile matter (Dry Basis) Sulphur (Dry Basis) Ash (Dry Basis) HGI Cl.or Net Calorific Value Size % 9 max % 23 max % 1.5 max % 16 min 50 min % 0.15 max 6000 Kcal/kg 0+50 mm XI Technical properties of petrocoke imported by cement factories are given as the follow: ASTM Standart Total moisture (As received) Uolotile matter Sulphur (Dry Basis) Ash (Dry Basis) HGI Net Calorific Value Size % B max % B min % 5 max % 1 50 min 7.500 Kcal/kg 0+50 mm. Coking coals have been imported by Turkish iron and Steel Works (TDÇİ) and Ereğli Iron and Steel Works (Erdemir), from 1 980 to 1992, Illustrated on Table 1. TABLE: 1. Imported Coking Coal From 19BB to 1992 by ERDEMIR and TDÇİ. Lump Fuel Coals have been imported by BELK0 from 19BB to 1992, illuatrated on Table 2. TABLE: 2. Imported Lump Fuel Coals From 1 9BB to 1992 by BELK0 LTD. Xll As a result, Turkey has been imparting coal to meet her demands depending on developments in industries, In the future, imported coal rate in total consumption taill be getting higher than today's.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1993
Anahtar kelimeler
Maden Mühendisliği, Ereğli Demir Çelik İşletmeleri, Kok, Kömür, Taş kömürü, İthalat, Mining Engineering, Ereğli Iron and Steel Enterprises, Coke, Coal, Anthracite, Import