Marmara Denizi Trafik Akışı Ve Trafik Düzeninin Analizi
Marmara Denizi Trafik Akışı Ve Trafik Düzeninin Analizi
Altan, Tunç
Süreli Yayın başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Türk Boğazları suyolu, geçmişten günümüze önemini koruyan ve artan deniz ticareti ile bu paraleldeki stratejik konumu dolayısıyla her geçen gün daha da önem kazanan bir bölgedir. Türk Boğazları’nın bir parçası olan Marmara Denizi ise 11.500 km2’lik yüzey alanı ve 3378 km3 toplam hacmi ile İstanbul ve Çanakkale Boğazları yoluyla Karadeniz i Ege Denizi ve Akdeniz e bağlayan yarı kapalı, küçük bir iç deniz konumunda ve dünyada etrafı bir devlet tarafından çevrili tek deniz olma özelliğini taşımaktadır. Marmara Denizi, içerisinde barındırdığı 14 adet liman başkanlığı, bu limanlara bağlı 100’ün üzerinde uluslararası terminal, 70 tersane, yıllık uğrak yapan toplam 309.312.885 grt’luk 35.000 gemi ile Türk Boğazları suyolunun en büyük parçasıdır. Marmara limanlarına giren-çıkan gemiler, Boğazlardan uğraklı-uğraksız geçiş yapan gemiler, Marmara Denizi içerisinde düzenli sefer yapan yolcu gemileri, feribotlar, savaş gemileri, gezinti tekneleri ve balıkçı trafiği gibi diğer unsurlar da gözönüne alındığında Marmara Denizi içerisindeki toplam yıllık gemi trafiği 125.000’in üzerindedir. Bu değerlendirmeler ışığında dünya üzerindeki benzer suyolları ile karşılaştırıldığında çok yoğun bölgeler arasındaki yerini almaktadır. Dünyadaki ekonomik krize rağmen, ülkemizin ekonomik gelişimi ve artan ithalat-ihracat oranları ile bölgesel deniz trafiğinde gözlenen hareketlilik özellikle İzmit Körfezi girişi ve İstanbul Demir bölgesinde, ayrıca diğer Marmara Limanlarında önemli boyutlara ulaşmıştır. İkmal, personel değişimi, boğaz geçiş sırası, yük bekleme gibi nedenlerle İstanbul Demir bölgesine gelen gemiler, kaldırılabilir derecenin üzerindedir. Yoğunluktan dolayı emniyetli mesafeden daha kısa salma payı ile demirlemeler bölgede kaza yoğunluğunu da arttırmıştır. Kıyı Emniyeti Genel Müdürlüğü istatistik bilgilerine göre 2004-2012 yılları arasında İstanbul Ahırkapı bölgesinde kayda geçen sadece çatma türünde 108 kaza meydana gelmiştir. Aynı yıllar arasında çatma, çatışma, karaya oturma, yangın ve batma türünden kazalar incelendiğinde raporlu toplam 191 adet kaza görülmektedir. Yapılan literatür taramalarında, Marmara Denizi ve İzmit Körfezi içerisindeki yatırımlarla birlikte gelişen ve deniz trafiği artmaya devam eden bir suyolu olan Marmara Denizi için, deniz trafik akışını inceleyen bir çalışma bulunamamıştır. Yapılan akademik çalışmalar çoğunlukla İstanbul Boğazı üzerinde yoğunlaşmıştır. Buradan yola çıkarak yapılan çalışmamızda Marmara Denizi içerisindeki deniz trafik akışı başlangıç-varış noktası (origin-destination) analizi şeklinde çıkartılmış, Marmara Denizi içerisindeki Liman Başkanlıkları ve bu limanlara bağlı terminal ve tersaneler listelenmiş, Marmara içerisindeki limanların yıllık gemi ve yük istatistikleri incelenmiş, İstanbul ve Çanakkale Boğazları’ndan yıllık gemi geçiş istatistikleri çıkartılmış, Marmara Denizi ile benzer suyolları hakkında bilgiler verilmiş ve Marmara Denizi ile karşılaştırmaları yapılmıştır. Marmara Denizi içerisindeki deniz trafiğine etki eden coğrafi ve meteorolojik etkenler incelenmiş, bölgedeki deniz kazaları araştırılmış ve Marmara Denizi içerisindeki 2004-2012 yılları arasındaki deniz kazaları yaşandığı bölgeler ve kaza türlerine (çatma, çatışma, yangın, oturma, batma) göre kategorize edilmiş, etkisi büyük çaplı yaşanan deniz kazaları sonuçları ile birlikte verilmiştir. Marmara Denizi’nin hukuki statüsü ve hakkında imzalanan antlaşmalar, yerel kurallar, deniz trafik kontrolü ve hizmetleri hakkında bilgiler verilmiştir. Denizcilik Otoritesi’nden Marmara Denizi’ne ait 1 aylık Ais dataları alınmış, bu verilerdeki gemiler oluşturulan bir arayüz vasıtası ile tiplerine göre (dökme yük, general cargo, konteyner, passenger ferry, Ro-Ro, tanker, lpg carrier, balıkçı gemileri) ayrılmış ve izleri google earth vasıtası ile haritaya aktarılarak Marmara Denizi gemi trafik izleri ve yoğunluk haritaları çıkartılmıştır. Ayrıca yapılan çalışmanın numerikleştirilmesi amacı ile Çevresel Gerilim (ES-Environmental Stress Model) kullanılmıştır. GTH Sektör bölgeleri esas alınarak bölge 4 kısma ayrılmış ve alınan ais verileri kullanılarak risk değerleri sayısallaştırılmıştır. Marmara Denizi trafiği için riskli bölgeler (trafiğin yoğunlaştığı ve daralma gösterdiği, gemi kullanıcısı üzerinde olumsuz etki yarattığı bölgeler) tespit edilmiş, böylece Marmara Denizi’nde yaşanan tehlikeler sayısal olarak da ifade edilmiştir. Çalışmanın sonucunda Marmara Denizi içerisinde trafik akışının genel itibariyle trafik ayrım düzeni içerisinde seyrettiği, İstanbul-Bandırma ve Tekirdağ-Marmara Adaları başta olmak üzere trafik ayrım düzeni dikine çalışan ferryboat seferlerinin olduğu, mevsimsel olarak Erdek Körfezi, İstanbul A demir bölgesi ve Ahırkapı sığlık şamandırası bölgelerinde balıkçı yoğunluklarının olduğu gözlemlenmiş ve bölgelerin tarfik haritaları çıkartılmıştır. En yoğun bölge olarak Bölge A, yani İstanbul Demir (B ve C öncelikli olmak üzere) bölgeleri, İstanbul Boğazı güney seperasyon, İstanbul adaların güneyi drift bölgesi, İzmit Körfez giriş bölgelerini içeren alanlarda deniz trafiğinde daralma ve yoğunlaşma belirlenmiş, deniz trafiğinin kaotik bir görünüm aldığı görülmüştür. Yapılan kaza istatistiklerinde de özellikle İstanbul demir bölgesine temas/çatma türünde kazaların sayıca fazla olması, gemilerin yoğunluktan dolayı birbirlerine yakın (emniyetli mesafe olmadan) demirlemek zorunda kalmalarının sonucudur. Bu da özellikle İstanbul demir bölgeleri ve trafik düzeninde revizyona ihtiyaç olduğunu, ayrıca trafik kontrol hizmetlerinin uyarılarının ve yakın takibinin önemini göstermektedir. Yapılan analiz sonuçlarında Bölge A’dan sonra sırasıyla Bölge C (Çanakkale Boğazı kuzey girişi bölgesi), Bölge D (Çanakkale Boğazı) and Bölge B (Marmara Denizi) gelmektedir.
Turkish Straits is a critical and strategical waterway that keeping its importance together with the increasing amount of the marine trade and investments of Turkey in this area. Sea of Marmara, part of the Turkish Straits waterway, has 11.500 km2 surface area and 3378 km3 total volume. It is in a position of semi-closed interior sea that is combining Blacksea to Aegean Sea and Mediterranean via Çanakkale and Istanbul Straits. Also it’s the only one Sea in the world that is surrounded by –only one State control-. Marmara Sea, including 14 harbour masters, more than 100 international piers and 70 shipyards connected to this harbour masters, annual 35.000 ship calls with 309.312.885 grt, is the major part of the Turkish Straits waterway. Together with the vessels in/out from the Marmara harbours and shipyards, non-stop over passage vessels from the Straits, liner ferryboats in Marmara Sea, yatches and fishing vessels, navy and coastguard vessels ext. annual ship movement in Marmara Sea considered more than 125.000 passages. Comparing with other similar passages in the world, these statistics shows that Marmara Sea has the place of high dense marine traffic areas in the world. Despite the global economical crisis, parallel to Turkey’s development and investments to the area, marine traffic in the Marmara Sea especially entrance of İzmit Bay, İstanbul Anchorage and fairway, also in the other port entrances has increased to a considerable amount. Ships prefer Istanbul Anchorage for crew change and supply operations. Vessels are waiting in drifting or anchorage for the reasons of Strait passage schedule, weather conditions, owner instructions ext. For all these reasons, total amount of the vessels waiting in this area are calculated more than reasonable values. Due to high dense of the traffic, ships are anchoring closer than safe distances and this causes so many contact type marine accidents. As per statistical informations of General Directorate of Coastal Safey, only in İstanbul Ahirkapı anchorage area has 108 contact type marine accident recorded between years 2004-2012. Total reported number of marine accidents that type of contact, collision, grounding, fire and sink in the Marmara Sea are 191 pcs. Even its so developing, high densed traffic and strategical area, there is no any academic study has found that is focused on maritime traffic flow in Marmara Sea. Most of the studies in this area are delaed with İstanbul Strait and a few Çanakkale Strait. Also studies about Marmara Sea are mostly related with sysmic and oceanographic investigations that is not close to our topic marine traffic analysis of the area. In this study an attempt is made to investigate and analyse maritime traffic. Together with this point, for investigating and analysing maritine traffic flow in Marmara Sea: Origin-destination work has carried out. In this work, local traffic (including fishing boats, naval vessels, local ferry lines, their routes and schedules) has investigated. Their routes and time tables/schedules has printed. Also international liner ferries working in Marmara Sea ports, vessels passing from Turkish Straits, all marine traffic departure and destination routes and annual numbers has investigated and origin-destination work has done. Total dense of Marmara Sea traffic analysed by this way and found 125.000 ship movement which is daily about 350 ship movement that is so close to Dover Strait one of the most high dense marine traffic areas with 400 ship movements daily. Similar waterways in the world like Dover Strait, Gibraltar Strait, Panama Canal, Suez Canal, Azov Sea, Korea Strait, Malacca Strait, Hurmuz Passage has described and compared with Marmara Sea. Geographical and meteorological factors like wind, fog, mist, rain, current conditions that effects safe navigation in Marmara Sea has researched and explained in the thesis. Marine accidents in this area has analysed, huge affected marine accidents has described with the reasons, occured places, consequences because of accidents give us a clue for the result of possible disasters. Treaties regarding Marmara Sea, local regulations, Vessel Traffic Services has explained. Turkish Straits has put in order with Montreux Treaty in 1936. As per Montreux Treaty, Turkish Government is solely authorised. Than Maritime Traffic Regulations for the Turkish Straits come into force in 1998 with the approval of IMO. Turkish VTS commenced working in 2004 with VHF Sectors Kumkale, Nara, Gelibolu, Marmara, Kadıköy, Kandilli and Türkeli. SP1 and SP2 reports now compulsory for the passages. SP1 and SP2 reports, sector details has explained in the thesis. Monthly ship traffic AIS data statistics of Marmara Sea has obtained from the Maritime Authority. With the help of an interface program ships has separated by their types (like general cargo, bulk carrier, container, passenger ferry, Ro-Ro, tanker, LPG carrier, naval vessels, fishing vessles and yatches), their tracks put on google earth map and vessel tracks has found. By this way, high dence and congested traffic areas has observed. Also for obtaining quantitative conclusions, ES (Environmental Stress) Model has applied to the datas of Marmara Sea for determining the risky areas. Marmara Sea has divided into 4 zone parallel with the VTS Sector zones. By this way risky areas, traffic analyse and flow has investigated. Zone A is parallel with Sector Kadıköy, Zone B parallel with Sector Marmara, Zone C with Sector Gelibolu and Zone D similar with Sector Nara. As per the ES Model calculations, Zone A southern entrance of the Istanbul Strait including anchorage and drifting areas, İzmit Bay entrance and İstanbul fairway, is determined as the most dangerous area. Zone A is followed by Zone C (exit of Canakkale Strait while proceeding north bound), Zone D (Canakkale Strait) and Zone B (main part of Marmara Sea) respectively. As a conclusion, according to traffic flow pattern, TSS is well followed only in the Zone B. There is crossing ferry traffic in Marmara Sea, seasonal fishing vessels specially in the Bay of Erdek and İstanbul A anchorage area. Particularly in the Zone A (southern entrance of Istanbul Strait and Anchorage Area) maritime traffic does not have a regular pattern which means that there is need of revision on TSS. Also it has very high risk area. Due to short distance between vessels, risk of accident observed very high level. Results of this study highlight that anchore area and the southern entrance of Istanbul Strait and İzmit Bay should be well regulated and distance between vessels should be supervised/observed by maritime authority very closely. In the future studies, analyses of anchorage area can be conducted more deeply and an optimization of anchorage can be proposed.
Turkish Straits is a critical and strategical waterway that keeping its importance together with the increasing amount of the marine trade and investments of Turkey in this area. Sea of Marmara, part of the Turkish Straits waterway, has 11.500 km2 surface area and 3378 km3 total volume. It is in a position of semi-closed interior sea that is combining Blacksea to Aegean Sea and Mediterranean via Çanakkale and Istanbul Straits. Also it’s the only one Sea in the world that is surrounded by –only one State control-. Marmara Sea, including 14 harbour masters, more than 100 international piers and 70 shipyards connected to this harbour masters, annual 35.000 ship calls with 309.312.885 grt, is the major part of the Turkish Straits waterway. Together with the vessels in/out from the Marmara harbours and shipyards, non-stop over passage vessels from the Straits, liner ferryboats in Marmara Sea, yatches and fishing vessels, navy and coastguard vessels ext. annual ship movement in Marmara Sea considered more than 125.000 passages. Comparing with other similar passages in the world, these statistics shows that Marmara Sea has the place of high dense marine traffic areas in the world. Despite the global economical crisis, parallel to Turkey’s development and investments to the area, marine traffic in the Marmara Sea especially entrance of İzmit Bay, İstanbul Anchorage and fairway, also in the other port entrances has increased to a considerable amount. Ships prefer Istanbul Anchorage for crew change and supply operations. Vessels are waiting in drifting or anchorage for the reasons of Strait passage schedule, weather conditions, owner instructions ext. For all these reasons, total amount of the vessels waiting in this area are calculated more than reasonable values. Due to high dense of the traffic, ships are anchoring closer than safe distances and this causes so many contact type marine accidents. As per statistical informations of General Directorate of Coastal Safey, only in İstanbul Ahirkapı anchorage area has 108 contact type marine accident recorded between years 2004-2012. Total reported number of marine accidents that type of contact, collision, grounding, fire and sink in the Marmara Sea are 191 pcs. Even its so developing, high densed traffic and strategical area, there is no any academic study has found that is focused on maritime traffic flow in Marmara Sea. Most of the studies in this area are delaed with İstanbul Strait and a few Çanakkale Strait. Also studies about Marmara Sea are mostly related with sysmic and oceanographic investigations that is not close to our topic marine traffic analysis of the area. In this study an attempt is made to investigate and analyse maritime traffic. Together with this point, for investigating and analysing maritine traffic flow in Marmara Sea: Origin-destination work has carried out. In this work, local traffic (including fishing boats, naval vessels, local ferry lines, their routes and schedules) has investigated. Their routes and time tables/schedules has printed. Also international liner ferries working in Marmara Sea ports, vessels passing from Turkish Straits, all marine traffic departure and destination routes and annual numbers has investigated and origin-destination work has done. Total dense of Marmara Sea traffic analysed by this way and found 125.000 ship movement which is daily about 350 ship movement that is so close to Dover Strait one of the most high dense marine traffic areas with 400 ship movements daily. Similar waterways in the world like Dover Strait, Gibraltar Strait, Panama Canal, Suez Canal, Azov Sea, Korea Strait, Malacca Strait, Hurmuz Passage has described and compared with Marmara Sea. Geographical and meteorological factors like wind, fog, mist, rain, current conditions that effects safe navigation in Marmara Sea has researched and explained in the thesis. Marine accidents in this area has analysed, huge affected marine accidents has described with the reasons, occured places, consequences because of accidents give us a clue for the result of possible disasters. Treaties regarding Marmara Sea, local regulations, Vessel Traffic Services has explained. Turkish Straits has put in order with Montreux Treaty in 1936. As per Montreux Treaty, Turkish Government is solely authorised. Than Maritime Traffic Regulations for the Turkish Straits come into force in 1998 with the approval of IMO. Turkish VTS commenced working in 2004 with VHF Sectors Kumkale, Nara, Gelibolu, Marmara, Kadıköy, Kandilli and Türkeli. SP1 and SP2 reports now compulsory for the passages. SP1 and SP2 reports, sector details has explained in the thesis. Monthly ship traffic AIS data statistics of Marmara Sea has obtained from the Maritime Authority. With the help of an interface program ships has separated by their types (like general cargo, bulk carrier, container, passenger ferry, Ro-Ro, tanker, LPG carrier, naval vessels, fishing vessles and yatches), their tracks put on google earth map and vessel tracks has found. By this way, high dence and congested traffic areas has observed. Also for obtaining quantitative conclusions, ES (Environmental Stress) Model has applied to the datas of Marmara Sea for determining the risky areas. Marmara Sea has divided into 4 zone parallel with the VTS Sector zones. By this way risky areas, traffic analyse and flow has investigated. Zone A is parallel with Sector Kadıköy, Zone B parallel with Sector Marmara, Zone C with Sector Gelibolu and Zone D similar with Sector Nara. As per the ES Model calculations, Zone A southern entrance of the Istanbul Strait including anchorage and drifting areas, İzmit Bay entrance and İstanbul fairway, is determined as the most dangerous area. Zone A is followed by Zone C (exit of Canakkale Strait while proceeding north bound), Zone D (Canakkale Strait) and Zone B (main part of Marmara Sea) respectively. As a conclusion, according to traffic flow pattern, TSS is well followed only in the Zone B. There is crossing ferry traffic in Marmara Sea, seasonal fishing vessels specially in the Bay of Erdek and İstanbul A anchorage area. Particularly in the Zone A (southern entrance of Istanbul Strait and Anchorage Area) maritime traffic does not have a regular pattern which means that there is need of revision on TSS. Also it has very high risk area. Due to short distance between vessels, risk of accident observed very high level. Results of this study highlight that anchore area and the southern entrance of Istanbul Strait and İzmit Bay should be well regulated and distance between vessels should be supervised/observed by maritime authority very closely. In the future studies, analyses of anchorage area can be conducted more deeply and an optimization of anchorage can be proposed.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2014
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2014
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2014
Anahtar kelimeler
Marmara Denizi,
Deniz kazaları,
Deniz trafik düzeni analizi,
Marmara Sea,
Maritime accidents,
Marine traffic analysis