Denizyolu ile otomotiv taşımacılığı ve Türkiye ile Dünyada otomotiv terminali planlama unsurlarının karşılaştırılması
Denizyolu ile otomotiv taşımacılığı ve Türkiye ile Dünyada otomotiv terminali planlama unsurlarının karşılaştırılması
Beykal, Murat Kemal
Süreli Yayın başlığı
Süreli Yayın ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Denizyolu ile otomotiv taşımacılığı 1925'de yapılan ilk düzenli Ro-Ro yüklemelerinden beri oldukça değişti. Limanlar ve gemiler de yükleyicilerin taleplerine göre yeniden tasarlandılar. Denizyolu otomotiv dağıtım lojistiğinde ucuz ve güvenli bir seçenek olduğu için en çok tercih edilen ulaştırma biçimidir. Otomotiv endüstrisi ortaya koyduğu çok sayıda fayda ile devletler için en önemli üretim dallarından biridir. Bir araba 5000 adet parçadan oluşur ve üretim bandından çıkan her araba için yaklaşık 3 ton parça taşınmak zorundadır. Dolayısıyla otomotiv endüstrisi denizcilik açısından da önemini korumaktadır. 1908 yılında Amerika'da Ford, Model T arabaları ile kütlesel üretime başlamıştır. 1920'li yıllarda Copenhagen'de açılan üretim tesisi ile araçların Malmö Oslo, Helsinki ve diğer İskandinav limanlarına taşınması ihtiyacı doğdu. 1925 yılında rampalar eski bir buharlı savaş gemisi olan ODIN ile bu Umanlar arasında 18.000 adet Ford Model T otomobili taşımıştır. Bu geminin Alman işletmecisi olan Arnold Bernstein, Ro-Ro taşımacılığının öncüsü olarak kabul edilmektedir. Bernstein'nın işlerinin bozulmasına yol açan 1930'lann ortasındaki ekonomik krizden sonra 1963 yılma kadar otomobiller rampaları olan gemiler ile hizmet alma şansı bulamamışlardır. 1960'lı yıllar Japonya'nın yeni üretim teknikleri ile sahneye çıktığı yıllardır. Japon üreticilerin üstün gayretleri ile Japonya otomotiv ihracatında en üst sıraya yükselmiştir ve 2004 Japonya'nın üretimi 10,5 milyona ulaşmıştır. 1963 yılma kadar otomobiller konvansiyonel gemilerde kaldırılıp yüklenerek hatta bazen de paketlenmek suretiyle taşınmışlardır. Bu gemilerde otomobiller dar ambar ağızlarından geçtikten sonra son yükleme pozisyonu ulaşana kadar çok fazla kas gücü kullanılması gerekliydi. Ayrıca otomobillerin sık hasar görmesi üreticileri otomotiv yüklemeleri için özelleşmiş gemi tipleri kullanılmaya itmiştir. 1963 yılında baş kısmında rampası bulunan ve 5 güverte üzerinde 350 araç taşıma kapasitesine sahip Aniara isimli gemi Olof Wallenius tarafından hizmete sokulmuştur. 1975'de ise 12 güverte üzerinde 4200 araç taşıma kapasitesine sahip tarihteki ilk PCC gemi olan MS Don Juan Wallenius firması tarafından hizmete sokulmuştur. 1980'li yıllar Güney Kore'nin Uzakdoğu önemli bir üretici olmaya başladığı dönemdir. 1981 yılında günümüz PCTC gemilerinin ilk versiyonu olan MS Madame Butterfly isimli gemi Wallenius firması tarafından hizmete sokulmuştur. Bu gemi 5230 otomobil veya 2380 otomobil ile 520 kamyon taşıma kapasitesine sahiptir. Günümüz PCTC xiigemileri 200 metre uzunluğu 12 güverte üzerimde 6400 ceu taşıma kapasitesine ulaşmıştır. 2008 yılında teslim edilmesi planlanan 8000 ceu kapasiteli gemilerin siparişi verilmiştir. PCTC gemilerin operasyonel esnekliği sahip oldukları kıç omuzluk rampaları, yan rampalar güverte rampaları ve rampa kapaklan gibi yapısal unsurlara borçludurlar. Bu gemilerde her yük tipi için farklı sabitleme ekipmanları bulunur. Her model otomobil için kullanılması gereken sabitleme ekipmanı sayısı ve sabitleme biçimi üreticiler tarafından tespit edilir ve birbirinden farklıdır. En uygun istif planı her model için farklıdır ve araçların sağdan veya soldan direksyonlu olmasına göre değişir. Kabul edilebilir hasar oranı %1 olduğundan liman operasyonu katı kurallara sahiptir. Denizyolu ile otomotiv taşımacılığı sektörünün diğer önemli bir özelliği kapalı bir pazar olması ve yeni oyunculara yer olmamasıdır. Üreticiler ile taşıyıcılar arasında yakın ticari ilişkiler mevcuttur ve üreticiler ihtiyaç duymayı bekledikleri tonajı taşıyıcılara açmamaktadırlar. 2004 yılı itibari ile 64 milyon araç üretilmiştir ve bunu 9,7 milyonu denizyolu ile taşınmışta. Otomotiv endüstrisi 3 önemli merkezden oluşur, Amerika, Avrupa ve Uzakdoğu. En önemli ihracat merkezi Uzakdoğu'dur (Japonya ve Güney Kore). Dünyada denizyolu ile otomotiv taşımacılığında en büyük ticaret rotası Japonya ve Kuzey Amerika arasındadır. 2009 yılında dünya üretiminin yaklaşık 74 milyon ve denizyolu ile taşınan araç sayısının ise 10,5 milyon olması beklenmektedir. Bu muazzam ticaret hacmi içinde limanlan önemi de büyük olacaktır. Limanlarda otomotiv terminalleri basit park alanları değillerdir ve en az manevra ile sıfır hasar seviyesi için planlanırlar. En uygun terminal planlaması pek çok faktör göz önüne alınarak yapılabilir. Saha ve rıhtım planlaması için geçmiş ve beklenen elleçleme kapasitesi, uğrak yapan gemi sayısı ve gemilerin özellikleri ile elleçlenecek araçların Özellikleri göz önüne alınmalıdır. Standartları liman kullanıcıları tarafından belirlendiğinden yeni yatırım yapılırken liman kullanıcıları ile temas halinde olunmalıdır. Bu akademik çalışmada katı bir disipline sahip olan bu denizcilik pazarının özelliklerini ve genel terminal planlama unsurlarını ve Türkiye limanlarının durumu ile gelecekteki olası ihtiyaçları tespit etmek amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla dünyanın önde gelen terminallerine anket uygulaması ve Türkiye'de 4 liman ziyareti yapılmıştır. Hem otomotiv üreticilerinin çoğunun yer aldığı hem de önemli otomotiv ithalat merkezi olan Marmara Bölgesi gemi işletme firmaları açısından oldukça şanslı bir bölgedir. Bu bölgede gelecekte yapılacak olan otomotiv terminali yatırımının da bu durumdan oldukça fayda sağlayacağı tahmin edilmektedir. Toplam 420.000 ithalat içinde %80'nin AB ve EFTA'dan yapılıyor olması Türkiye'de denizyolu ile otomotiv taşımacılığında kısa deniz taşımacılığı daha yoğun yapılmaktadır. Türk limanlarında kaliteli elleçleme hizmeti verilebilmektedir. Ford Yeniköy terminali ve Evyap Limanı'ndaki Gefco terminali Türk limanlan içkide en iyi kalitede servis ve altyapı hizmetinin verildiği limanlardır. Marmara Bölgesi'ndeki devlet limanlarında ise alt yapı iyileştirilmeli ve yaşanan yer probleminden dolayı yeni alternatifler düşünülmelidir.
Automotive shipping has changed a lot since 1925 when the world had experienced first regular Roll on Roll off shipments. Also ports and vessels are designed according to the new logistics trend raised by demanding customers. Sea transport is the major transport mode for vehicle distribution since it is the cheapest and safest one. The automotive industry is one of the vital manufacturing trades for governments due to wide range of benefits. A single car is consisting approximately 5000 pieces and 3 tons of cargo must be shipped for one vehicle which comes out of the assembly line. So this importance is valid for seaborne vehicle trade. Ford started Mass production in 1908 in USA. When Ford opened a branch factory in Copenhagen during 1920's, the cars have to be transported to Malmö, Oslo, Helsinki and other Scandinavian ports by ships. In year 1925 a former warship steamer ODIN which was equipped with a ramp had carried approximately 18.000 Ford Model T cars between these ports. She run by German ship owner Arnold Bernstein who is regarded as the pioneer of today's Ro-Ro transport. After the economic crisis in the mid nineteen thirties which spoiled Bernstein's business, cars did not have chance to be served by ships with ramps until 1963. During I960' s Japan appeared on the scene with the new production techniques. The great efforts of Japanese producers brought them on top of the automotive export and as of 2004 Japan's production reached to 10,5 million. Until year 1963 cars are transported by conventional ships using lifting gear even sometimes they are obliged to be packed and unpacked. A lot of muscle power was required when cars were moved to their final position after having passed through the narrow hatches. Also frequent damages on vehicles pushed producers to use a special vessel for vehicle shipments. In year 1963 Aniara of Olof Wallenius came into service with a bow door and with a capacity of 350 cars carried on 5 decks. Wallenius Lines started operating the world's first PCC MS Don Juan delivered in 1975. She was capable of carrying 4200 cars on 12 decks. 1980's was the period when South Korea became another important exporter in Far East In 1981 PCTC MS Madame Butterfly which is first version of today's PCTC ships came into service with a capacity of 5230 cars or 2380 cars and 520 trucks. Today's PCTC ships which have capacity over 6000 cars with 12 decks has a length of 200 meters. Ships with 8000 ceu is planned to be delivered in year 2008. PCTC vessels owe their operational flexibility to constructional elements such as quarter ramps, side ramps, deck ramps, hoistable decks and ramp covers. There are different types of lashing equipments in PCTC ships used for each cargo type. The xivnumber of lashings and lashing system is different for each car model and it is determined by producers. The optimum stowage plan differs for each type of cars also it depends on right hand drive or left hand drive. Port operation has very strict rules since the acceptable damage is level for this business is %1. Another important feature of seaborne vehicle trade is its niche market handled by well known major players so there is no place for outsiders. There are close relationships between carriers and producers even they declare the expected required tonnage to operators. In year 2004 approximately 64 million vehicles produced and approximately 9,7 million vehicles transported by sea. There are 3 main centers automotive industry Americas, Europe and Far East. Most important export origin is Far East (Japan and South Korea). The biggest trade is Japan-North America in worldwide seaborne vehicle shipments. In year 2009 world production is expected to be around 74 million and 10,5 million vehicles are expected to be carried by sea. It is obvious that the ports will have great importance in this huge trade. Automotive Terminals are not just simple car parks and designed for fewer moves and for zero damage. Various facts must be considered for optimum terminal planning. Baseline and optimistic projections, the number of calling vessels, the technical properties of calling vessels and properties of vehicles supposed to be handled in terminal must be available. Ports users must be involved in planning process since the designing standards are determined by producers. This academic study intends to determine the features of this disciplined shipping market, terminal planning facts and future opportunities with the status of Turkish ports. We have sent out a questionnaire to worlds leading automotive terminals and observations done by visiting 4 Turkish ports. Marmara Region can be considered lucky zone from a shipping company point of view since production plants are located in this region where significant amount of imports are done. Any future vehicle terminal establishment in this region is highly forecasted to benefit from this situation in case it is nominated by manufacturers and distributors for their finished vehicle seaborne trade. Considering total 420.000 imports we can determine that %80 of Turkish imported finished vehicle seaborne trade is done with EU+EFTA countries which means that short sea shipping is dominant in sea borne vehicle trade in Turkey. Qualified stevedoring service for finished vehicles is available in Turkish ports. Ford Yeniköy Terminal and Gefco Terminal in Evyap Port are regarded as terminals where best service and best infrastructure are available. Infrastructure should be upgraded and it can be stated that due to space problem of current ports in Marmara Region necessity of a multi user port is obvious.
Automotive shipping has changed a lot since 1925 when the world had experienced first regular Roll on Roll off shipments. Also ports and vessels are designed according to the new logistics trend raised by demanding customers. Sea transport is the major transport mode for vehicle distribution since it is the cheapest and safest one. The automotive industry is one of the vital manufacturing trades for governments due to wide range of benefits. A single car is consisting approximately 5000 pieces and 3 tons of cargo must be shipped for one vehicle which comes out of the assembly line. So this importance is valid for seaborne vehicle trade. Ford started Mass production in 1908 in USA. When Ford opened a branch factory in Copenhagen during 1920's, the cars have to be transported to Malmö, Oslo, Helsinki and other Scandinavian ports by ships. In year 1925 a former warship steamer ODIN which was equipped with a ramp had carried approximately 18.000 Ford Model T cars between these ports. She run by German ship owner Arnold Bernstein who is regarded as the pioneer of today's Ro-Ro transport. After the economic crisis in the mid nineteen thirties which spoiled Bernstein's business, cars did not have chance to be served by ships with ramps until 1963. During I960' s Japan appeared on the scene with the new production techniques. The great efforts of Japanese producers brought them on top of the automotive export and as of 2004 Japan's production reached to 10,5 million. Until year 1963 cars are transported by conventional ships using lifting gear even sometimes they are obliged to be packed and unpacked. A lot of muscle power was required when cars were moved to their final position after having passed through the narrow hatches. Also frequent damages on vehicles pushed producers to use a special vessel for vehicle shipments. In year 1963 Aniara of Olof Wallenius came into service with a bow door and with a capacity of 350 cars carried on 5 decks. Wallenius Lines started operating the world's first PCC MS Don Juan delivered in 1975. She was capable of carrying 4200 cars on 12 decks. 1980's was the period when South Korea became another important exporter in Far East In 1981 PCTC MS Madame Butterfly which is first version of today's PCTC ships came into service with a capacity of 5230 cars or 2380 cars and 520 trucks. Today's PCTC ships which have capacity over 6000 cars with 12 decks has a length of 200 meters. Ships with 8000 ceu is planned to be delivered in year 2008. PCTC vessels owe their operational flexibility to constructional elements such as quarter ramps, side ramps, deck ramps, hoistable decks and ramp covers. There are different types of lashing equipments in PCTC ships used for each cargo type. The xivnumber of lashings and lashing system is different for each car model and it is determined by producers. The optimum stowage plan differs for each type of cars also it depends on right hand drive or left hand drive. Port operation has very strict rules since the acceptable damage is level for this business is %1. Another important feature of seaborne vehicle trade is its niche market handled by well known major players so there is no place for outsiders. There are close relationships between carriers and producers even they declare the expected required tonnage to operators. In year 2004 approximately 64 million vehicles produced and approximately 9,7 million vehicles transported by sea. There are 3 main centers automotive industry Americas, Europe and Far East. Most important export origin is Far East (Japan and South Korea). The biggest trade is Japan-North America in worldwide seaborne vehicle shipments. In year 2009 world production is expected to be around 74 million and 10,5 million vehicles are expected to be carried by sea. It is obvious that the ports will have great importance in this huge trade. Automotive Terminals are not just simple car parks and designed for fewer moves and for zero damage. Various facts must be considered for optimum terminal planning. Baseline and optimistic projections, the number of calling vessels, the technical properties of calling vessels and properties of vehicles supposed to be handled in terminal must be available. Ports users must be involved in planning process since the designing standards are determined by producers. This academic study intends to determine the features of this disciplined shipping market, terminal planning facts and future opportunities with the status of Turkish ports. We have sent out a questionnaire to worlds leading automotive terminals and observations done by visiting 4 Turkish ports. Marmara Region can be considered lucky zone from a shipping company point of view since production plants are located in this region where significant amount of imports are done. Any future vehicle terminal establishment in this region is highly forecasted to benefit from this situation in case it is nominated by manufacturers and distributors for their finished vehicle seaborne trade. Considering total 420.000 imports we can determine that %80 of Turkish imported finished vehicle seaborne trade is done with EU+EFTA countries which means that short sea shipping is dominant in sea borne vehicle trade in Turkey. Qualified stevedoring service for finished vehicles is available in Turkish ports. Ford Yeniköy Terminal and Gefco Terminal in Evyap Port are regarded as terminals where best service and best infrastructure are available. Infrastructure should be upgraded and it can be stated that due to space problem of current ports in Marmara Region necessity of a multi user port is obvious.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2005
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2005
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2005
Anahtar kelimeler
Otomobil endüstrisi ve ticareti,
Automobile industry and trade,