Türk halk oyunları eğitimine yarışma ve kriterlerinin etkileri
Türk halk oyunları eğitimine yarışma ve kriterlerinin etkileri
Kızıltaş, Tayfun
Süreli Yayın başlığı
Süreli Yayın ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Institute of Social Sciences
Institute of Social Sciences
Günümüzde yoğun bir hız kazanan Türk Halk Oyunla rının en fazla yoğunluk kazandığı yer halk oyunları yarışmalarıdır. Geçmişten günümüze kadar birçok toplu luğun katılım gösterdiği yarışmalar belli kriterlere dayandırılarak gerçekleştirilmektedir. Söz konusu olan bu kriterlerin geçerlilik derecesi ve sağlıklı bir şekilde yapıldığı tartışılır bir konudur. Türk Halk Oyunları yarışma kriterleri sadece oyun üzerine hazırlanmamaktadır. Müzik giysi, oyun ve sahne kullanımı ile ilgili maddelerde bu kriterlerin içinde yer almaktadır. Bu tür yarışmalarda yarışanları değe rlendiren jüri üyeleri yarışmaya katılan grupları belli kriterler doğrultusunda değerlendirmektedirler. Yarış maları organize eden belli kurumlar veya kişiler jüri üyesi seçiminde nelere dikkat etmelidirler. Jüri üye leri ne gibi vasıflara sahip olmalıdırlar.
A competition is held in order to make people try hard to show of something like knowledge, talent, etc., better than each other. A folk dance group can be prepared for a competi tion firstly with a right election of people with vari ous methods and with a hard working which necessitate to be careful on every single detail. From now on a competition is a vague thing for a sportsman or a folk dance group who hope to achieve the score after years of training which pass with insuffi cient conditions and fatigue of long working days. And once in the competition you are not sure of the end. Neverthless one has to perform all his best despite the physical and psychological fatigue. Competitions effect the competitors psychlogically as well. We can study this on 3 phases. 1 ) Pre-Competitions While vaiting for something organizm takes various alterations according to importance and quality of the thing waited for. And the personality, qualification of the subject knowledge of the subject are also effective on the people. If competitors are away from the place of competi tion and resting these alterations will not be much effective but before the start point there will be apparent changes such as, blood pressure, and contrac tion power of heart advances, number of leucocyte and erythrocyte in the blood increase. Even if there is a relation between emtement and competition this mostly increases the mood of the com petitor. Most common effections of competitions are dryness in the mouth, palputation, increasment of the blood pressure and frequent urinating need. Sometimes these effect the competitor vastly and become an adverse influence to the performance of the competitor. 2) Competition Personality, durability and refusal of defeat and stubbornicy in a competitor can advence him/her to VI surprising great results. One of the surprizing factors is anxiety a worrying levels of the competitors are very important. In the forms of insufficient motivation the level of worry is very low. This causes a starting lazy- ness. Over sufficient motivation is a cause sturting- hurry. Investigations in this field show that bodily exercices makes the level of anxiety to fall. And the motivation of the coach which increases the level of worry will fall after competition begins. 3) Post-Competition The mistakes in competition, lost championship, medals, moral or material loses. Especcially the children and the youth who are not stabil psychologically could be effected very badly. So after competition the coach or tutor and the players should convene and discuss the things which cause ^them lost. They can even invite a psycholog to the conven tion. Turkish folk dance gaining more interest today gets its peak in the folk dance competitions the number of the competitors are increasing in all categories includ ing preliminary schools, secondary schools high VII schools, univercities, public education centers and social clubs dealing with folk dances. Winning desire which is a part of human beings compels the trainers of these competitiours to train the people according to some criterion. This makes the right ness of the training according to right ness of the criterion. Criterion; is the principal In order to have right from wrong, and evaluate accordingly. Neverthess the evaluation of T.F.D. Should be made technically and artistically. Technic, is every thing an art, a profession and science are about. Artistic, dominant feeling is art and esthetic, which makes people investigate all forms and chose most artistic and esthetic one. Consesuently, the artistic value of a folk dance group is mostly a mirror of the esthetic and artistic values of the tutor. Consequently the result of this study, the criteri on should be as below; VIII Costume 1) Technical points of costume (every costumes and accessories in the performance should belong to the environ othervise all costume points are cancelled.) A. Parts of the costumes khas faults by measure ments. B. THe colour and the material of the fabric is not appropriate. C. Missing accessories or misplacement of accesso ries. 2) Artistic points of costume (Fitting of the costumes, richness, etc..) Music 1) Tecnical points of music A. Technical quality of the musicians are foor B. Out of tune of instruments. C. Tune differences between the instruments. IX D. Mistakes of musicians. E. Wrong choose of the music pieces while passing from one to another. F. Wrong choice of instruments according to local music. 2) Artistic Music Points (Activity of the solo repformance, right choice of the arrengement of the music pieces etc... ) Dance 1) Technical dance points A. Untimingly performance of the dances. B. Technical differences of the performers. C. Individual mistakes. 2) Artistic Dancve Points (Usage of the body parts, choice of the reperto ry etc ) Now that this competition is a dancing competition, dancing points should be dominant 1.E dancing points should be more than music and costumes points. The surors should be chosen according to the titles of the criterion and they should evaluate only the area they are qualified for.
A competition is held in order to make people try hard to show of something like knowledge, talent, etc., better than each other. A folk dance group can be prepared for a competi tion firstly with a right election of people with vari ous methods and with a hard working which necessitate to be careful on every single detail. From now on a competition is a vague thing for a sportsman or a folk dance group who hope to achieve the score after years of training which pass with insuffi cient conditions and fatigue of long working days. And once in the competition you are not sure of the end. Neverthless one has to perform all his best despite the physical and psychological fatigue. Competitions effect the competitors psychlogically as well. We can study this on 3 phases. 1 ) Pre-Competitions While vaiting for something organizm takes various alterations according to importance and quality of the thing waited for. And the personality, qualification of the subject knowledge of the subject are also effective on the people. If competitors are away from the place of competi tion and resting these alterations will not be much effective but before the start point there will be apparent changes such as, blood pressure, and contrac tion power of heart advances, number of leucocyte and erythrocyte in the blood increase. Even if there is a relation between emtement and competition this mostly increases the mood of the com petitor. Most common effections of competitions are dryness in the mouth, palputation, increasment of the blood pressure and frequent urinating need. Sometimes these effect the competitor vastly and become an adverse influence to the performance of the competitor. 2) Competition Personality, durability and refusal of defeat and stubbornicy in a competitor can advence him/her to VI surprising great results. One of the surprizing factors is anxiety a worrying levels of the competitors are very important. In the forms of insufficient motivation the level of worry is very low. This causes a starting lazy- ness. Over sufficient motivation is a cause sturting- hurry. Investigations in this field show that bodily exercices makes the level of anxiety to fall. And the motivation of the coach which increases the level of worry will fall after competition begins. 3) Post-Competition The mistakes in competition, lost championship, medals, moral or material loses. Especcially the children and the youth who are not stabil psychologically could be effected very badly. So after competition the coach or tutor and the players should convene and discuss the things which cause ^them lost. They can even invite a psycholog to the conven tion. Turkish folk dance gaining more interest today gets its peak in the folk dance competitions the number of the competitors are increasing in all categories includ ing preliminary schools, secondary schools high VII schools, univercities, public education centers and social clubs dealing with folk dances. Winning desire which is a part of human beings compels the trainers of these competitiours to train the people according to some criterion. This makes the right ness of the training according to right ness of the criterion. Criterion; is the principal In order to have right from wrong, and evaluate accordingly. Neverthess the evaluation of T.F.D. Should be made technically and artistically. Technic, is every thing an art, a profession and science are about. Artistic, dominant feeling is art and esthetic, which makes people investigate all forms and chose most artistic and esthetic one. Consesuently, the artistic value of a folk dance group is mostly a mirror of the esthetic and artistic values of the tutor. Consequently the result of this study, the criteri on should be as below; VIII Costume 1) Technical points of costume (every costumes and accessories in the performance should belong to the environ othervise all costume points are cancelled.) A. Parts of the costumes khas faults by measure ments. B. THe colour and the material of the fabric is not appropriate. C. Missing accessories or misplacement of accesso ries. 2) Artistic points of costume (Fitting of the costumes, richness, etc..) Music 1) Tecnical points of music A. Technical quality of the musicians are foor B. Out of tune of instruments. C. Tune differences between the instruments. IX D. Mistakes of musicians. E. Wrong choose of the music pieces while passing from one to another. F. Wrong choice of instruments according to local music. 2) Artistic Music Points (Activity of the solo repformance, right choice of the arrengement of the music pieces etc... ) Dance 1) Technical dance points A. Untimingly performance of the dances. B. Technical differences of the performers. C. Individual mistakes. 2) Artistic Dancve Points (Usage of the body parts, choice of the reperto ry etc ) Now that this competition is a dancing competition, dancing points should be dominant 1.E dancing points should be more than music and costumes points. The surors should be chosen according to the titles of the criterion and they should evaluate only the area they are qualified for.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 1994
Thesis (M.A.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Social Sciences, 1994
Thesis (M.A.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Social Sciences, 1994
Anahtar kelimeler
Halk Bilimi (Folklor),
Halk oyunları,
Türk halk oyunları,
Folk dances,
Turkish folk dances,