Betonarme Yapılarda Taşıyıcı Sistem Ve Donatı Düzenleme İlkeleri
Betonarme Yapılarda Taşıyıcı Sistem Ve Donatı Düzenleme İlkeleri
Yılmaz, Tuncay
Süreli Yayın başlığı
Süreli Yayın ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Ülkemizde en son meydana gelen depremler sonucu görülen hasarlar, betonarme yapılardaki yanlışları gözler önüne sermiştir. Hataların daha çok taşıyıcı sistem seçiminde ve donatı yerleşimlerinde yapılması, taşıyıcı sistem ve donatı düzenlemelerinin önemini ortaya koymaktadır. Bu tez kapsamında yapısal düzensizlikler ele alınmış ve bu tip yapılarda yapılması gerekenlerden yola çıkılarak taşıyıcı sistem, betonarme davranış özellikleri ve deformasyonlardan yola çıkılarak da donatı düzenlemeleri belirtilmiştir. Bu çalışmada genel olarak, TS 500 ve A.B.Y.Y.H.Y. kapsamında hareket edilmiştir. Betonarme taşıyıcı sistemlerin tanıtılması, depreme dayanıklı yapı tasarımı ve taşıyıcı sistem düzenleme ilkeleri ele alınmıştır. Donatı düzenlemeleri ise kolonlar, perdeler, kirişler, döşemeler, temeller, merdivenler gibi elemanlarda ve istinat duvarları, depolar ve silolar gibi sistemlerde incelenmiştir. Çalışmada bahsedilen taşıyıcı sistem ve donatı düzenlemelerine uyulmadığı zaman, depremlerde karşılaşılan hasarlardan da yola çıkılarak elde edilen sonuç ve öneriler son bölümde maddeler halinde verilmiştir.
The mistakes that are made in the reinforced concrete structures have been displayed for the last years by earthquake damages. Structural systems and reinforcement detailing have discovered to be important, because a lot of mistakes have been made on structural system choice and reinforcement placement. In this study, layout of structural systems are given using precaution of the structure having irregularities of structural and principles of reinforcement detailing are given using properties of reinforced behavior and deformations. In general the thesis study conforms to TS 500 and the Specification for Structures to be Built in Disaster Areas. Description of reinforced concrete structures and earthquake resistant building design and principles of structural system are given. Structure members as columns, shear walls, beams, slabs, foundations, staircases and systems as retaining walls, storages and silos are investigated about reinforcement detailing. The results and suggestion are given item by item using damages tips which can be met at earthquake when it is not conformed to layout of structural systems and principles of reinforcement detailing which are mentioned in the thesis.
The mistakes that are made in the reinforced concrete structures have been displayed for the last years by earthquake damages. Structural systems and reinforcement detailing have discovered to be important, because a lot of mistakes have been made on structural system choice and reinforcement placement. In this study, layout of structural systems are given using precaution of the structure having irregularities of structural and principles of reinforcement detailing are given using properties of reinforced behavior and deformations. In general the thesis study conforms to TS 500 and the Specification for Structures to be Built in Disaster Areas. Description of reinforced concrete structures and earthquake resistant building design and principles of structural system are given. Structure members as columns, shear walls, beams, slabs, foundations, staircases and systems as retaining walls, storages and silos are investigated about reinforcement detailing. The results and suggestion are given item by item using damages tips which can be met at earthquake when it is not conformed to layout of structural systems and principles of reinforcement detailing which are mentioned in the thesis.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2006
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2006
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2006
Anahtar kelimeler
Donatı düzenlemeleri,
Taşıyıcı sistemler,
Deprem hasarları,
Reinforcement detailing,
Structural System,
Earthquake damages