Yeşil Sertifikalı Binaların Bina Performansı: Yeşil Bina Sertifikalarını Değerlendirmek İçin Türkiye’de Ve Hollanda’da Örnek Bina İncelemesi
Yeşil Sertifikalı Binaların Bina Performansı: Yeşil Bina Sertifikalarını Değerlendirmek İçin Türkiye’de Ve Hollanda’da Örnek Bina İncelemesi
Demır, Özden
Süreli Yayın başlığı
Süreli Yayın ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Günümüzde cevre dostu ve enerji etkin yaklasimin insaat piyasasinda kendini göstermesiyle yesil bina ve yesil sertifikali bina kavramlari arasinda karisikliklar olusmaya basladi. Yesil binalar, kendilerinin cevreye olan zararli etkilerini en aza indirmeye calisirken, bir yandan da kullanici konforunu artirmayi hedefler. Yesil sertifikali binalar ise “yesil”performanslari belirli kurallar cercevesinde degerlendirilmis ve tasdik edilmis binalardir. Ayni zamanda bun sistemler daha yesil binalara ulasmak icin birer yönlendirici rolundedir. Arastirmanin temel amaci sektördeki yesil bina ve yesil sertifikali bina kavramlarini analiz etmek ve yasanan karisikliga aciklik getirmektir. Bu amacla sektörde yesil sertifikali bina ve yesil bina sertifikalarina iliskin yasanan problem belirlenmis ve uygun cözümler üretilmeye calisilmistir. Yapilan anket ve röportajlar sektördeki bu konuya yönelik bakis acisi hakkinda fikir sahibi olmak icindir. Arastirmada yesil sertifikali bir bina üzerinde analizler yapmak amaciyla bir örnek bina belirlenmistir. Bu bina, bina performansi simulasyon araclariyla Türkiye’de ve Hollanda’da incelenmistir. Bunun yaninda, binanin yesil bina sertifikasindan elde ettigi puanlar elestirel bir bakis acisiyla incelenmis ve yeniden degerlendirilmistir.
Today there is a conflict between the terms “green building” and “green certified building”. Green buildings minimize the influence of buildings to environment and provide better working and living spaces. Green building certification systems appraise a building s green performance and affirm its green building status through frameworks and targets to achieve a green building. The main purpose of the research is to analyze and clarify the green building and the green building certifications issues in the building market. Specifying the main problems in the market regarding to these issues and trying to produce proper solutions to the problems is one of the main purposes of the research. In the research a case study building is used in analyzes with building performance simulation tools and also assessed in the Netherlands’ building market as well as in the Turkish one. The green building certification score and credits are reviewed critically. Besides interviews and questionnaires are made with the stakeholders and their opinions regarding to the green building certifications are considered.
Today there is a conflict between the terms “green building” and “green certified building”. Green buildings minimize the influence of buildings to environment and provide better working and living spaces. Green building certification systems appraise a building s green performance and affirm its green building status through frameworks and targets to achieve a green building. The main purpose of the research is to analyze and clarify the green building and the green building certifications issues in the building market. Specifying the main problems in the market regarding to these issues and trying to produce proper solutions to the problems is one of the main purposes of the research. In the research a case study building is used in analyzes with building performance simulation tools and also assessed in the Netherlands’ building market as well as in the Turkish one. The green building certification score and credits are reviewed critically. Besides interviews and questionnaires are made with the stakeholders and their opinions regarding to the green building certifications are considered.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2013
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2013
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2013
Anahtar kelimeler
Yesil sertifikali bina,
yesil bina,
Green certified building,
green building,