Stratejik yönetimde sayısal araştırmalar

dc.contributor.advisor Erkut, Haluk Yenen, Vedat Zeki
dc.contributor.authorID 39850
dc.contributor.department Endüstri Mühendisliği 2023-03-16T05:50:27Z 2023-03-16T05:50:27Z 1993
dc.description Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1993
dc.description.abstract Gelişen çevrede firmaların sayısı artmakta ve firmaların hayatta kalabilmeleri ve yaşamlarını sürdürebilmeleri gün geçtikçe zorlaşmaktadır. Ancak bazı firmalarda gelişertek ve güçlenerek yaşamlarına devam edebilmektedirler. Yaşamlarına devam edemeyen firmalar genelde dinamik bir yapıya sahip olan çevreyi ve kendi bünyelerini iyi analiz edememekteler. yada geleceğe yönelik analiz yapamadıkları için gerekli değişimleri yapamamaktadırlar. Geleceğe yönelik analizin en önemli aşaması stratejik yöne timden geçmektedir. isletmelerinde stratejik yönetimi uygulamayan bir isletmenin başarılı olması bugünkü koşullarda pek olası değildir. Ancak şunuda belirtmekte fayda vardırki her stratejik yönetimi uygulayan firma başarılı olacaktır diye bir kural yoktur. Başarılı olabilmenin ikinci kuralı isletmelerin kendi bünyelerini tanımaları, hangilerinde başarısızlar ?. ortaya konulması ile mümkün çevrelerini, yani kendilerini etkileyen unsurları analiz rakiplerini, rekabet unsurlarını ve Endüstriyi analiz ederek olmaktadır. hangi alanlarda başarılılar ?, Niçin başarısızlar ? Bunların olacaktır. Diğer bir yolda direkt yada dolaylı olarak etmeleridir. Bunun içinde içinde bulundukları Hazırlanan bu ödevin ilk bölümü. Stratejik Yönetimi tanımlamakta ve karıştırılan kavramlarla arasındaki farkı belirtmekte ve Türkiyedeki gelişimi anlatmaktadır. İkinci Bölüm ise Stratejik Planlama 'yi özelliklerini bize anlatmaktadır. ve onun üçüncü Bölüm ise ürün analizlerinde kullanılan teknikleri belirtmekte ve ürün/Portföy Analizi ile Endüstri Çekiciliği - Birim Güçlülüğünü bize tanıtmaktadır. Konunun sayısallaştırılması ise bu bölümde ayrıntılı olarak anlatıl maktadır. tr_TR
dc.description.abstract Not all companies use formal planning or use it well. Yet formal planning offers several benefits, inclu ding systematic thinking, better coordination of company efforts, sharper objectives, and improved performance mea surement, all of which can lead to improved sales and pro fits. Planning in companies seems to move through several stages, including the unplanned stage, the budgeting sys tem stage, the annual planning stage, the long-range plan ning stage, and the strategic planning stage Strategic planning sets the stage for the rest of company planning. The strategic planning process con sists of developing the company's mission, objectives and goals, business portfolio, and functional plans. Developing a sound mission statement is a chal lenging undertaking. The mission statement should be mar- ketoriented, feasible, motivating, and specific if it is to direct the firm to its best opportunities. The mission statement then leads to supporting objectives and goals, in a system known as management by objectives From here, strategic planning calls for analyz ing the company's business portfolio and deciding which business should receive more or less emphasis and re sources. The company might use a formula-matrix method such as the BCG growth-share matrix or GE strategic bu-si- ness grid. But most companies are now designing more cus tomized portfolio planing approaches that better suit their unique situations. To achieve company growth, strategic planning calls for identifying market opportunities where the com pany would enjoy a differential advantage over competi tors. -vffi- The company can identify relevant opportunities by considering intensive growth opportunities within its present product/market scope ( Market penetration, market development, and product development ). integrative growth opportunities within its industry ( backward, forward, and horizontal integration ). and diversification growth op portunities outside its industry ( concentric, horizontal, and conglomerate diversification ). Each of the company's functional departments provides inputs for strategic planning. Once strategic objectives have been defined, management within each busi ness must prepare a set of functional plans that coordi nates the activities of the marketing, finance, manufac turing, and other departments. Each department has a dif ferent idea about which objectives and activities are most important. The marketing department stresses the consumer's point of view. Other functions stress different things, and this generates interdepartmental conflict. Marketing managers must understand the points of view of the other functions and work with other functional managers to deve lop a system of plans that will best accomplish the firm's overall strategic objectives. Each business has to prepare marketing plans for its products, brands, and markets. The main components of a marketing plan are : executive summary, current market ing situation, threats and opportunities, objectives and issues, marketing strategies, action programs, budgets, and controls. The marketing budget section of the plan can be developed either by setting a target profit goal or by using sales-response functions to identify the profit- optimizing marketing plan. The allocation of resources among a diverse portfolio of product is a difficult, complex task involv ing the weighing of large amounts of internal and competi tive information. The portfolio approach deals with this problem through analyzing the growth-share and growth-gain matrices for the firm and its competition, other data, and pro forma cash projections. The underlying basis of the analysis is maximiz ing benefits of the experience and scale effect to achieve a strong portfolio of high market-share products, while achieving cash balance. Rapid growth takes considerable cash input, whereas products with high share, in slowly growing markets-"cash cows"- generate cash due to their favorable cash position. The object is to use cash to -fx- run a few wel 1 -selected "question marks" into "stars". These will ultimately become "cash cows" that, generate cash to support other "stars" and future "question marks". "Dogs" and other "question marks" are harvested, divested, focused, or maintained on a no-cash-input basis. Doing portfolio analysis is a "cut and try" process involving: 1. Checking the status of the current portfolio, 2. Studying trends. 3. Analyzing competition. 4. Considering information not included in port- fol io displays. 5. Determining "target" portfolios. 6. Achieving cash balance. This process frequently requires returning to earlier steps to ask new question raised as a result of analysis in later steps. It is simplified and greatly im proved by using growth-share and growth-gain matrices as a guide- not substitute - for strategic thinking The analysis described in my thesis are based on separate assessments of market attractiveness and business position ( strength ) and the display of the results on a two-d irnens i ona 1 p 1 ot. The analysis of investment potential proceeds in three distinct stages. First, assessments of current mar ket attractiveness and business position are made. Se cond, the analysis is repeated to portray the new position of a business as market conditions change with no corres ponding change in strategy. Third, alternative strategic adaptions to a changed market environment are explored. Market attractiveness-business position asses sment focuses on the ROI potential of alternative strateg ic missions for a business. In this sense it complements portfolio analysis which is primarily concer-ned with the cash flow implications of strategy, and overall cash ba lances between various units in a division or company port fol io. Also, the company must start with the marketing environment in searching for opportunities and monitoring threats. The marketing environment consist of all the ac tors and forces that affect the company's ability to transact effectively with the market. The company's marketing environment can be divided into the microenvi- ronment and the macroenvironment. The microenvironment consist of five components. The first is the company's internal environment as it af fects marketing management's decision making. The second component consist of the marketing channel firms that cooperate to create value: the suppli ers and marketing intermediaries. The third component consist of the five types of markets in which the company sell: the consumer producer, reseller, government, and international markets. The fourth component consist of the basic types of competitors facing any company offer: desire competi tors, and brand competitors. The fifth component consist of all the publics that have an actual or potential interest in or impact on the organization's ability to achieve its objectives: fin ancial, media, government, citizen action, and local, ge neral, and internal publics. The company's macroenvirenment consist of major forces that shape opportunities and pose threats to the company: demographic, economic, natural, technological and political, and cultural. The demographic environment shows a changing age structure in the Turkey population, a changing Turkish fa mily, a rise in nonfamily households, geographic popula tion shifts, and a better-educated population. The economic environment shows changing real in come growth, changing savings and debt patterns, and changing consumer expenditure patterns. The natural environment shows impending shortage of certain raw materials, increased energy cost, increased pollution levels, and increasing government intervention in natural resource management. The technological environment shows accelerating technological change, unlimited innovational opportunities high R&D budgets, concentration on minor improvements -xi-- rather than major discoveries, and increased regulation of technological change. The political environment shows substantial bus iness regulation, strong government agency enforcement, and the growth of public interest group. The cultural environment shows long-run trends toward other-centeredness, immediate gratification, the easy life, informal relationships, and a more secular orientation. en_US Yüksek Lisans
dc.language.iso tr
dc.publisher Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
dc.rights Kurumsal arşive yüklenen tüm eserler telif hakkı ile korunmaktadır. Bunlar, bu kaynak üzerinden herhangi bir amaçla görüntülenebilir, ancak yazılı izin alınmadan herhangi bir biçimde yeniden oluşturulması veya dağıtılması yasaklanmıştır. tr_TR
dc.rights All works uploaded to the institutional repository are protected by copyright. They may be viewed from this source for any purpose, but reproduction or distribution in any format is prohibited without written permission. en_US
dc.subject Portföy analizi tr_TR
dc.subject Stratejik planlama tr_TR
dc.subject Stratejik yönetim tr_TR
dc.subject Portfolio analysis en_US
dc.subject Strategic planning en_US
dc.subject Strategic management en_US
dc.title Stratejik yönetimde sayısal araştırmalar
dc.title.alternative Numerical research in strategic management
dc.type Tez
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