Zeynep Kamil Hastahanesi Restorasyon Projesi
Zeynep Kamil Hastahanesi Restorasyon Projesi
Demirhan, Bahar
Süreli Yayın başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
İstanbul’un Üsküdar ilçesinde bulunan Zeynep Kâmil Hastahanesi (1875-1882); Arakiyeci Hacı Mehmet Mahallesi’nin Nuh Kuyusu Caddesi, Toptaşı Caddesi ve Salı Sokağı ile sınırlandırılmış üçgen biçimli bir adasının, Mısır Valisi Kavalalı Mehmed Ali Paşa’nın en küçük kızı Prenses Zeynep Hanım ile eşi Sadrazam Yusuf Kâmil Paşa tarafından satın alınmış 6250 m²’lik bir bölümü üzerinde inşa edilmiştir. Geniş bir iç avluyu çevrelemekte olan bina “U” biçimindeki planimetrisiyle tanımlıdır ve kagir yapım sistemiyle inşa edilmiştir. Yapı günümüzde, güneydoğusunda yer alan Çocuk Enfeksiyon ve Ortopedi Kliniği (1955-1958); röntgen ve ameliyathane bölümleriyle Kadın Hastalıkları Pavyonu’nu da kapsayan, güneybatısındaki Merkez Bina (1953-1958); Doğum-Acil Servisi ve Sağlık Meslek Lisesi’nden (1958-1961) meydana gelen Zeynep Kâmil Kadın ve Çocuk Hastalıkları Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastahanesi kompleksinin bir bileşenidir. Hastahanenin zemin katında Bilgi İşlem ve İdari Birimler’in yanısıra Diş Polikliniği, Patoloji ve Sitoloji Laboratuarları; birinci katında ise Döner Sermaye ve Aile Planlama bölümleri yer almaktadır. Bu tez çalışması öncelikle; yukarıda adıgeçen, farklı işlevlerdeki pek çok birimi ağırladığı üzere bugün halen daha çok yoğun bir kullanıma sahip olduğu tespit edilen hastahane binası için rasyonel düzenleme önerileri getirmeyi amaç edinmektedir. Artan mekan gereksinimi dolayısıyla plan şemasıyla örtüşmeyen vasıfsız eklerle genişletilen; Merkez Bina ve Çocuk Polikliniği’ne mimari ve strüktürel kaygılardan tümüyle muaf, iptidai koridorlarla eklemlendirilmeye çalışılsa da plan ve cephe karakterini büyük ölçüde koruyabilmiş olan bu 19. yüzyıl yapısının özgün niteliklerinin araştırılması ve geleceğe taşınmasına yönelik bilimsel çözüm önerileri geliştirilmesi tez çalışmasının amaç ve içeriğini oluşturmaktadır.
Zeynep Kâmil Hospital (1875-1882) which is situated in Üsküdar county of İstanbul was built on a 6250 m²-wided portion, which was bought by the youngest daughter of Egypt Governer Kavalalı Mehmed Ali Paşa Princess Zeynep and her husband Sadrazam Yusuf Kâmil Paşa in the year of 1875, of the triangle shaped plot of land which is limited with Nuh Kuyusu Avenue of Arakiyeci Hacı Mehmet District, Toptaşı Avenue and Salı Street. The building is presently a component of Zeynep Kâmil Gynaecology and Pediatrics Training and Research Hospital complex which is formed by Maternity-Emergency Room and Medical High School (1958-1961); the Central Building in its southwest (1953-1958) which includes not only X-ray and operating room departments but also Gynaecological Diseases Pavilion; Pediatric Infection and Orthopaedics Clinic (1955-1958) which is situated in its southeast. Surrounding the large interior garden which was situated to its center, the building is defined by its “U”-shaped planimeter and was built with the masonry construction system. On the ground floor; Data-Processing and Administrative Units and also Dentistry Policlinic, Pathology and Sithology Laboratories, as for the first floor; Revolving Fund and Family Planning Departments are situated. This thesis study aims to present rational arrangement suggestions for the hospital building which is fixed that it contains plenty of units with different functions mentioned above and has still excessive use today. Developing scientific solution suggestions so as to research original qualities of that 19th century structure which has been able to preserve its plan and front characteristics mostly despite having been connected to the Central Building and Pediatrics Policlinic with primitive corridors which do not have any architectural and structural adaptations and having been widened with unqualified additions which do not harmonize with the plan scheme at all because of the increasing need for site, and to keep these suggestions for the future constitute content of the thesis.
Zeynep Kâmil Hospital (1875-1882) which is situated in Üsküdar county of İstanbul was built on a 6250 m²-wided portion, which was bought by the youngest daughter of Egypt Governer Kavalalı Mehmed Ali Paşa Princess Zeynep and her husband Sadrazam Yusuf Kâmil Paşa in the year of 1875, of the triangle shaped plot of land which is limited with Nuh Kuyusu Avenue of Arakiyeci Hacı Mehmet District, Toptaşı Avenue and Salı Street. The building is presently a component of Zeynep Kâmil Gynaecology and Pediatrics Training and Research Hospital complex which is formed by Maternity-Emergency Room and Medical High School (1958-1961); the Central Building in its southwest (1953-1958) which includes not only X-ray and operating room departments but also Gynaecological Diseases Pavilion; Pediatric Infection and Orthopaedics Clinic (1955-1958) which is situated in its southeast. Surrounding the large interior garden which was situated to its center, the building is defined by its “U”-shaped planimeter and was built with the masonry construction system. On the ground floor; Data-Processing and Administrative Units and also Dentistry Policlinic, Pathology and Sithology Laboratories, as for the first floor; Revolving Fund and Family Planning Departments are situated. This thesis study aims to present rational arrangement suggestions for the hospital building which is fixed that it contains plenty of units with different functions mentioned above and has still excessive use today. Developing scientific solution suggestions so as to research original qualities of that 19th century structure which has been able to preserve its plan and front characteristics mostly despite having been connected to the Central Building and Pediatrics Policlinic with primitive corridors which do not have any architectural and structural adaptations and having been widened with unqualified additions which do not harmonize with the plan scheme at all because of the increasing need for site, and to keep these suggestions for the future constitute content of the thesis.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2005
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2005
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2005
Anahtar kelimeler
Sağlık Yapıları,
Zeynep Kâmil,
Medical Buildings,
Zeynep Kâmil