Öngerilmeli prefabrike kirişli çok açıklı bir viyadük projesi
Öngerilmeli prefabrike kirişli çok açıklı bir viyadük projesi
Deveci, Bülent
Süreli Yayın başlığı
Süreli Yayın ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Yüksek lisans tezi olarak, Prof. Dr. Metin AYDOĞAN yönetiminde hazırladığım bu çalışmamda, 4 x 25m açıklıklı öngerilmeli prefabrike kirişli ve her bir ayağı farklı kotlarda temellere oturan bir viyadük, düşey yükler, trafik yükleri ve deprem yükleri altında çözülerek boyutlandınlmış ve gerekli kesit hesaplan yapılarak projelendirilmiştir. Projelendirilen viyadük, her iki ucunda -6.00 kotuna kadar inen istinat duvarlarına ve sırasıyla -10.00, -14.00, -11.00 kotlarında temellere oturan orta ayaklara sahiptir. Bu ayaklar, 3.00 m' si yaya kaldırımı olmak üzere toplam üç trafik şeridi bulunan 13.50 m genişliğinde bir tahliyeyi taşımaktadırlar. Her açıklıkta, tahliyeyi ve üzerindeki trafik yükünü taşıyan 6 adet öngerilmeli prefabrike kiriş mevcuttur. Bu kirişler, başlık kirişi üzerinde bulunan neoprenlere oturtulmuş olup basit kiriş olarak çalışmaktadırlar. Öngerilmeli prefabrike kirişlerin boyu, ayaklara ait ön boyutların belirlenmesinden sonra 23.6 m olarak seçilmiştir. Hareketli yük olarak, Karayolları Teknik Şartnamesinin verdiği H30-S24 katar yükü ile bu yükün eşdeğeri olan düzgün yayılı şerit yükü + tekil yük esas alınmıştır. Malzeme olarak; beton cinsi BS40, ongenime donatısı 270K düşük gevşemeli demet ve betonarme çeliği BÇIIIa, yerinde dökme kısımlarda ( kazıklar, kazık başlıklan, kolonlar ve başlık kirişleri ); BS25 / BÇDla kullanılmıştır. Katar yüklerinin oluşturduğu iç kuvvetlerin hesabında, SAP90 programının " BRIDGE.EXE " modülü kullanılmıştır. Program, birim yüke ait tesir çizgisini elde ettikten sonra, verilen belli bir katan kiriş boyunca hareket ettirerek istenen noktalardaki kesit tesirlerini vermektedir. Katar, isteğe göre, sadece bir doğrultuda veya her iki doğrultuda hareket ettirilebilir. Katar yüklerine ait iç kuvvetlerin bulunmasından sonra, öngerilme hesaplan AASHTO' ya göre yapılmış ve kirişlerin bu yükleri emniyetli bir şekilde taşıdığı gösterilmiştir. Viyadüğün uzunlğu dikkate alınarak, orta ayağa bir genleşme derzinin düzenlenmesi uygun görülmüştür. Bu şekilde, tabiiye betonunda rötre sonucu oluşacak gerilmelerin öngerilmeli prefabrik kirişlere etkisi en aza indirilmiştir. XIV Deprem hesabında I. aşama olarak, kolonlar zemine ankastre kabul edilmiş ve sistemin üç boyutlu bilgisayar modeli oluşturulmuştur. Deprem hesabında, AASHTO' nun önerdiği tasarım sektrumu kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlarla zemin gerilmeleri kontrol edilmiş ve kazıksız bir temel sisteminin yetersizliği gösterilmiştir. II. aşamada, gözönüne alman kazıklar da bilgisayar modeline dahil edilmiş ve hesap tekrarlanmıştır. Buradan elde edilen iç kuvvet ve yerdeğiştirmeler nihai boyutların belirlenmesinde kullanılmıştır. Yerinde dökme betonarme kazıklar ( fore kazıklar ), 0.8m çapında uç kazığı olarak düşünülmüş ve modelleme bu şekilde yapılmıştır. Zemin emniyet gerilmesi 150 KPa ve yanal yatak katsayısı 15000 kN / m3 olarak verilmiştir. Yanal yatak katsayısının derinlik boyunca değişimi K = Kox(z/L)1/2 bağıntısına göre belirlenmiştir. Burada; Ko : Yatak katsayısı L : Kazık boyu z : Yüzeyden mesafe Son olarak, El Centro depremine ait boyutsuz ivme kaydı sisteme uygulanmış, böylece iç kuvvet ve yerdeğiştirme bileşenlerinin zamanla değişimi elde edilmiştir. Sonuçlar spektrum analizi ile elde edilen sonuçlarla da karşılaştınlmıştır.
In this study, a comprehensive calculation of a multi-span viaduct has been carried out. The viaduct has four span each of which is 25 m long. There are three interior bents and two exterior abutments which act as a retaining wall. The first bent has an altitude of 10 m. the second 14 m. and the third 11m. The altitude of the exterior abutments is 6 m. Each bent consists of two circular columns which are 1.8 meter in diameter and a cap beam having a form as a inverted Tee beam. This cap beam not only connect the columns to each other but also carry the total deck loads and live loads. There are six simply supported prestressed concrete girder at each span having a form like AASHTO IV type precast girder. Connections between these girders and cap beam are obtained by means of elastomeric bearings located at the top of the interior face of the flange of the inverted Tee beam. The deck of the viaduct has a width of 13.5 m including three traffic lanes and pavements having a total width of 3 m. on both sides. It has been formed an expansion joint at the middle bent to minimize the effects of shrinkage. There are also formed expansion joints on both sides of the viaduct to separate it from the surroundings thus prevent it from different settlements and ground motions. The viaduct consists of two different structural parts. The first is the cast-in-place parts, including abutments, piles, pile caps, columns, cap beams, deck and the pavements. The second is the prestressed members including the precast beams only. The quality of concrete used is C25 for cast-in-place parts and C40 for prestressed members. The former concrete has a cylindrical compressive strength of 25 MPa and a tensile strength of 1.8 MPa while the latter has a cylindrical compressive strength of 40 MPa and a tensile strength of 2.2 MPa. The quality of steel used is S420 for both cast-in-place and prestressed members and 270K low-relaxation strands for prestressed members only. The tensile strength for S420 is 420 MPa. while it is 1860 MPa for 270K low-relaxation strand. XVI Live loads used for design of the structure are taken from the Turkish Standarts of Transportation. One of the suggested loading for such a viaduct, is the truck H30-S24 loading having a total weight of 540 kN and an equivalent uniform load [ p ] having a value of 15 kN / m + concentrated load [ P ]. The concentrated load has a value of 135 kN for bending moment and 195 kN for shear design. Four steps have been followed in performing the analysis of the viaduct. Firstly, the prestressed concrete girders have been analysed as a part of the superstructure. Secondly, the whole structure has been modelled and analysed with a computer program ( SAP90 ) under seismic forces. According to the results obtained, soil stresses has been calculated and checked for a selected mad foundation. It has been decided to design piles after evaluating the calculated soil stresses obtained above. In the third step, a foil modelling of the viaduct, including piles, pile caps, bents, deck, expansion joints and even elastomeric bearings has been done and solved with SAP90 under sismic forces. Finally, calculation of reinforcement, detailing of connections and drawings have been done. All calculations are based on AASHTO. ( But truck loads are take from Turkish Standarts ). Calculating the internal forces due to the truck load have been done by means of SAP90 program. It must be noted that using the bridge module of SAP90 to calculate the moving load cases has decreased the effort significantly instead of calculating it manually. The soil on which the viaduct will be constructed has a bearing capacity of 375 KPa and a safety factor of 2.5. The subgrade coefficient have been taken as 15000 kN / m3. The variation of the subgrade coefficient along the depth ( z ) has been defined as; K = Kox(z/L)1/2 where, Ko : subgrade coefficient L: Length of pile z : distance from surface Finaly, the input history of El Centra earthquake have been applied to the viaduct. The results obtained from time-history analysis have been compared with those obtained from spectral analysis.
In this study, a comprehensive calculation of a multi-span viaduct has been carried out. The viaduct has four span each of which is 25 m long. There are three interior bents and two exterior abutments which act as a retaining wall. The first bent has an altitude of 10 m. the second 14 m. and the third 11m. The altitude of the exterior abutments is 6 m. Each bent consists of two circular columns which are 1.8 meter in diameter and a cap beam having a form as a inverted Tee beam. This cap beam not only connect the columns to each other but also carry the total deck loads and live loads. There are six simply supported prestressed concrete girder at each span having a form like AASHTO IV type precast girder. Connections between these girders and cap beam are obtained by means of elastomeric bearings located at the top of the interior face of the flange of the inverted Tee beam. The deck of the viaduct has a width of 13.5 m including three traffic lanes and pavements having a total width of 3 m. on both sides. It has been formed an expansion joint at the middle bent to minimize the effects of shrinkage. There are also formed expansion joints on both sides of the viaduct to separate it from the surroundings thus prevent it from different settlements and ground motions. The viaduct consists of two different structural parts. The first is the cast-in-place parts, including abutments, piles, pile caps, columns, cap beams, deck and the pavements. The second is the prestressed members including the precast beams only. The quality of concrete used is C25 for cast-in-place parts and C40 for prestressed members. The former concrete has a cylindrical compressive strength of 25 MPa and a tensile strength of 1.8 MPa while the latter has a cylindrical compressive strength of 40 MPa and a tensile strength of 2.2 MPa. The quality of steel used is S420 for both cast-in-place and prestressed members and 270K low-relaxation strands for prestressed members only. The tensile strength for S420 is 420 MPa. while it is 1860 MPa for 270K low-relaxation strand. XVI Live loads used for design of the structure are taken from the Turkish Standarts of Transportation. One of the suggested loading for such a viaduct, is the truck H30-S24 loading having a total weight of 540 kN and an equivalent uniform load [ p ] having a value of 15 kN / m + concentrated load [ P ]. The concentrated load has a value of 135 kN for bending moment and 195 kN for shear design. Four steps have been followed in performing the analysis of the viaduct. Firstly, the prestressed concrete girders have been analysed as a part of the superstructure. Secondly, the whole structure has been modelled and analysed with a computer program ( SAP90 ) under seismic forces. According to the results obtained, soil stresses has been calculated and checked for a selected mad foundation. It has been decided to design piles after evaluating the calculated soil stresses obtained above. In the third step, a foil modelling of the viaduct, including piles, pile caps, bents, deck, expansion joints and even elastomeric bearings has been done and solved with SAP90 under sismic forces. Finally, calculation of reinforcement, detailing of connections and drawings have been done. All calculations are based on AASHTO. ( But truck loads are take from Turkish Standarts ). Calculating the internal forces due to the truck load have been done by means of SAP90 program. It must be noted that using the bridge module of SAP90 to calculate the moving load cases has decreased the effort significantly instead of calculating it manually. The soil on which the viaduct will be constructed has a bearing capacity of 375 KPa and a safety factor of 2.5. The subgrade coefficient have been taken as 15000 kN / m3. The variation of the subgrade coefficient along the depth ( z ) has been defined as; K = Kox(z/L)1/2 where, Ko : subgrade coefficient L: Length of pile z : distance from surface Finaly, the input history of El Centra earthquake have been applied to the viaduct. The results obtained from time-history analysis have been compared with those obtained from spectral analysis.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1999
Anahtar kelimeler
İnşaat Mühendisliği,
Öngerilmeli kirişler,
Civil Engineering,
Prestressed beams