Bir Yolcu Otobüsünün Farklı Yol Kategorilerine Göre Ömrünün Hesaplanması
Bir Yolcu Otobüsünün Farklı Yol Kategorilerine Göre Ömrünün Hesaplanması
Yolaç, Deniz
Süreli Yayın başlığı
Süreli Yayın ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Otomotiv sektörünü ele aldığımızda, firmalar yeni bir ürün tasarımında veya mevcut ürünlerdeki modifikasyonlarda ilk olarak ürünün sanal modelini oluşturup, bilgisayar ortamında analizini yapmaktadırlar. Ancak, bilgisayar ortamlarında hesaplanan bu analizlerin daha sonra gerçek model üzerinde yapılacak testler ile verifikasyon çalışmasının yapılması gerekmektedir. Test maliyetlerinin ve sürelerinin ise rekabeti oldukça fazla olan bu sektörde önemi çok fazladır. Bu tez içerisinde yapılan çalışmada ise yukarıda bahsedilen bu verifikasyon çalışması kapsamında Brezilya’da Mercedes Benz marka 52 kişilik bir yolcu otobüsünün şasisindeki kritik bölgelerin tespiti amacıyla, belirli yükleme koşulları altında FEM analizleri yapılmış ve akabinde belirlenen kritik bölgelere strain-gaugeler monte edilerek farklı iki yol kategorisinde otobüs kullanılarak ölçümler alınmıştır. Bu ölçümlerden elde edilen gerilme sinyallerinin işlenmesi suretiyle yorulma, dolayısı ile hasar ve ömür hesaplamaları yapılmıştır. Sonuç olarak, FEM analiz sonuçları ile gerçek model üzerinden toplanan veriler karşılaştırılmış ve otobüs üzerindeki hasar açısından kritik bölgelerde optimizasyon yapılarak, şasinin yorulma ve dayanım açısından iyileştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır.
When we think about the automotive sector, companies create first the virtual models in case of a new product design or a modification for an existing product; and they do the first analysises always in the computer environment. However, these analysis carried out in the computer environment should be verified with some tests using the real models of the designs. Costs and durations of the tests carried out during this period is very important because there is a big competition in this sector. In this thesis, within the scope of above mentioned verification process, a Mercedes Benz brand 52 person-bus chasis, which is produced in Brasil, was examined. To determine critical areas on the chasis, FEM analyzes were carried out under certain loading conditions, and subsequently strain-gauge mounted measurements were taken driving the bus on two different road typs. The stress signals obtained from these measurements were processed and subsequently damage and fatigue was calculated. As a result, the data collected through the real model was compared with the results of FEM analysis and an optimization for critical areas in terms of damage was carried out for the bus chassis. The aim of the study was to improve the chassis is in terms of fatigue.
When we think about the automotive sector, companies create first the virtual models in case of a new product design or a modification for an existing product; and they do the first analysises always in the computer environment. However, these analysis carried out in the computer environment should be verified with some tests using the real models of the designs. Costs and durations of the tests carried out during this period is very important because there is a big competition in this sector. In this thesis, within the scope of above mentioned verification process, a Mercedes Benz brand 52 person-bus chasis, which is produced in Brasil, was examined. To determine critical areas on the chasis, FEM analyzes were carried out under certain loading conditions, and subsequently strain-gauge mounted measurements were taken driving the bus on two different road typs. The stress signals obtained from these measurements were processed and subsequently damage and fatigue was calculated. As a result, the data collected through the real model was compared with the results of FEM analysis and an optimization for critical areas in terms of damage was carried out for the bus chassis. The aim of the study was to improve the chassis is in terms of fatigue.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2012
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2012
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2012
Anahtar kelimeler
Sonlu Elemanlar Yöntemi,
Strain Gage,
Finete Element Method,
Strain Gauge